Harris County Attorney -- The TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6TH, 2012
race for Harris County Attorney features Republican Robert Talton and
Democratic incumbent Harris County Attorney Vince Ryan on the
November ballot. The race for Harris County
Attorney is a countywide race and will be decided by voters from across Harris

Please Consider These Candidates Who Want Your Vote In The 2012 General Election!
The Early Voting Period is: Monday, Oct. 22nd - Friday, Nov. 2nd, 2012
- Click Here If You Need To Find Your 2012 Polling Place!
- Click Here For A Refresher on how to use the Voting Machine!
- Click Here If You're Unsure About Identification Requirements!
THE 2012 CANDIDATES WHO WANT YOUR VOTE: Publishing of this voting information by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications would not have been possible without the contributions in one way or another from these candidates: (R)-Ted Cruz, (D)-Paul Sadler, (D)-James Cargas, (R)-Congressman Kevin Brady, (D)-Neil Burns, (R)-Steve Mueller, (D)-Tawana Cadien, (D)-Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, (R)-Sean Seibert, (D)-Dale Henry, (R)-Justice Don Willett,(R)-Donna Bahorich, (R)-R.W. Bray, (D)-Sam "Tejas" Texas, (D)- Cody Pogue, (R)-M.J. Khan, (D)-State Rep. Senfronia Thompson, (D)-Ron Lovett, (D)-Natalia Cokinos Oakes, (R)- Michael Massengale, (R)-Justice Brett Busby, (R)-John Devine, (R)-Jeff Hastings, (D)-Judge Kyle Carter, (R)-Michael Landrum, (R)-Don Self, (R)-Robert Summerlin, (R)-Roger Bridgwater, (R)-Louis Guthrie, (D)-Alan Rosen, (D)-Diane Trautman, (R)-Juluette Bartlett-Pack, and (D)-Erica S. Lee. Please peruse our newspaper and blog to research and identify the candidates who want your support in the 2012 General Election if you live in Harris County Texas. Vote Early!!!

The Candidates You Find On This Blog With Banners Below Are Asking You For Your Support In This Election!
"KEEP CONGRESSMAN BRADY FIGHTING FOR US! Do you believe the country is headed in the wrong direction? Are you worried that your children and grandchildren won't have the same freedom and opportunities that you enjoy? …Congressman Kevin Brady is a pro-family, pro-small business conservative. He's fighting for free enterprise, limited government, a balanced budget, secure border, more American-made energy and an innovation economy that leads the world. …Kevin is known for staying in touch with those he represents. Unlike many, he never moved to Washington and commutes to work each week from Texas. To make sure he is accountable to his constituents, Kevin holds more than 50 town hall meetings a year."
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"Ron Lovett is Board Certified in Personal Injury Trial Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization; AV Preeminent Rated; A member of the Texas Trial Lawyers Association; A member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum; and a member of the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum. And He's ready to be Justice of the 1st Court of Appeals, for Place 2 with your support. Vote early for Ron Lovett!"
DALE HENRY: “The Texas Railroad Commission supervises and regulates the oil and gas well drilling in the State of Texas. I have 57 years of energy TECHNOLOGY, EXPERIENCE, and KNOW-HOW, plus the most important - the ability to use the ART of assembling these three major basics of the oil and gas industry to solve problems quickly and efficiently. My areas of research and study have always promoted environmental protection by reducing contamination of our water supplies focused on oil/gas well casing, cementing, and oil/gas well fracturing - period of over 57 years. Vote early for Dale Henry.”
ROBERT SUMMERLIN: “My extensive experience in the courtroom makes me uniquely qualified to be your next Criminal Court Judge. I possess the right balance of fairness and toughness, so that I can offer justice that is unparalleled.”
"Judge Kyle Carter has presided over more than 5,000 cases to disposition, including over 130 full jury or bench trials, all while going the extra mile to save Harris County’s hard-earned taxpayer dollars. Judge Carter also started a judicial outreach program called “Judges at Work in Schools”, designed to take the Courthouse to the Classroom and educate our youth about the judicial branch. Vote for Judge Carter on Tuesday, November 6th, 2012."
JUSTICE BRETT BUSBY: "I have the most relevant experience for this position: I have specialized in appeals for fourteen years, and I am Board Certified in Civil Appellate Law. I began my legal career as a law clerk at the U.S. Supreme Court, and I was a partner at Bracewell & Giuliani LLP before taking the bench. The attorneys in my district chose me as the best candidate for this position in three anonymous polls. I won the State Bar of Texas Judicial Poll and the Houston Bar Association Preference Poll, and I was overwhelmingly rated the most "well qualified" candidate in this race in the Houston Bar Association Qualification Poll.* Those who protect our neighborhoods have chosen me. I’m now endorsed by the Houston Police Officers’ Union, The Houston Professional Fire Fighters Association, and The Harris County Deputies Organization."
TAWANA CADIEN: "Let's face reality. Right here in Texas, hospitals are closing, costs are going up, and 25% of Texans are currently uninsured. A major reason for that is when people are treated who have no insurance, someone has to pay. The Affordable Care Act addresses that. It is a CONSTITUTIONAL law that provides coverage to many that does not currently exist."
"Don Self the Republican running for Judge of the 152nd District Court in Harris County has a true understanding of what it takes to be successful in law, business and the military. As a leader in the community, he has what it takes to become the Judge of the 152nd District Court. Self has 16 years of private practice experience. A United States Navy Veteran, Self earned two Citations and a Commendation while serving our country. He was also honorably discharged." |
"Democrat Erica S. Lee is running for this office to serve Precinct 1 on the Harris County Board of Education because she believes that all children deserve a quality education. And, as a certified teacher and lifelong advocate for educational access and quality, Erica strongly believes that Precinct 1’s children deserve representation they can count on. She will use her experiences from local, state, and federal levels of government to ensure that the The Harris County Department of Education meets the needs of students, educators, parents and residents in Harris County. Erica S. Lee is asking for your vote and support on Election Day - Tuesday, November 6th!"
M.J. KHAN: "It is my record of proven performance as a public servant that I hope to bring to the Texas House of Representatives. With your help and your vote we can take our values to Austin. Vote for me on Tues., November. 6th in the General Election!"
R.W. BRAY: “I Believe…It’s Time for Growth In Texas! It’s time Texas has authentic representation, built on constitutional ideologies, grounded in morals, motivated by individualism and fueled by true patriotism. Let's grow together!” |
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