Prior to the 2018 Midterm Election, Harris County for the most part was devoid of Black members of the judiciary. That being said, it is disheartening to see how mean, nasty, and arrogant, some of the Black judges like Judge LaShawn A Williams (left), and Judge Angela Graves Harrington (second from left), have been since being elected to the bench. These two Black judges are so filled with ego, that they aren't any earthly good in some respects. And if they don't change their attitudes, they are going to make it that much harder for future generations of Black women to realize their dream of becoming a judge. BLACK ROBE SYNDROME OR DISEASE? The term 'black robe disease' is used to describe judges who let their own self-importance cloud their good judgment. As for Judge Shannon Baldwin (center), Judge Tonya Jones (second from the right), and Judge Toria J. Finch (right), I'm proud of how they've performed since being elected to the bench back in 2018, and reelected back on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in the Midterm Election.

Judge Sandra J. Peake, is a great standard bearer, who belongs on the bench. Judge Peake is the presiding judge for the 257th Family District Court in Harris County, Texas. And above evolving into an awesome judge, she's also a picture-perfect example of why people should never give up on their dreams. Judge Peake ran for office several times and lost, before finally achieving her lifelong dream in the 2018 Midterm Election. That being said, it is going to become increasingly difficult for people like Judge Sandra Peake to become judges, in the future if we continue to allow corrupt Blacks like Carroll G. Robinson and his minions to continue to hide behind the Harris County Democratic Party shield.

Former Judge Nile Copeland had his dream of becoming a judge severely impacted on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, when the votes of thousands of Republicans were suppressed on Election Day. In the photo above, Nile Copeland, a conservative took time out of his schedule to talk to the police when they were called out to the "WEST GRAY EARLY VOTING LOCATION" to harass Black protesters. Having former Judge Nile Copeland on hand played a crucial role in making sure that the first amendment rights of "THE ENOUGH IS ENOUGH CREW" were not infringed upon.

Nile Copeland’s lawsuit against Judge Latosha Lewis Payne was filed on Friday, January 6, 2023, at 12:40 a.m., by Elizabeth D. Alvarez (Texas Bar No. 24071942), with Guest & Gray, P.C. out of Forney, Texas. You can “CLICK HERE” to view Nile Copeland’s lawsuit.

Gerry Wayne Monroe (The 5-Star General), is one of the greatest community activists on the face of the planet. After Democrats (whom I shall not name at this time) called the police out to harass Black protesters several times, Gerry Wayne Monroe was asked to come out and make sure that "THE ENOUGH IS ENOUGH CREW" were not intimidated, or harassed by the police.

"The First Amendment (1791) prohibits Congress from obstructing the exercise of certain individual freedoms: freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and right to petition. Its Free Exercise Clause guarantees a person's right to hold whatever religious beliefs they want, and to freely exercise that belief, and its Establishment Clause prevents the federal government from creating an official national church or favoring one set of religious beliefs over another. The amendment guarantees an individual's right to express and to be exposed to a wide range of opinions and views. It was intended to ensure a free exchange of ideas, even unpopular ones. It also guarantees an individual's right to physically gather or associate with others in groups for economic, political, or religious purposes. Additionally, it guarantees an individual's right to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
Under no circumstances should any local government official be allowed to use the Houston Police Department (HPD), and Harris County Precinct One Constables to intimidate American citizens from exercising their "FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS" to peacefully protest.

Judges, DAs, and Law Enforcement Agencies Should Never be Used to Settle Political Scores; Courtrooms Are Not Political Playgrounds
There's a passage of scripture in the holy bible in the book of Luke in the 18th Chapter that talks about an unjust judge who finally listens to a woman's request and grants her justice. Now, if the Holy Bible has made reference to a judge being unjust, then I can tell you with full assurance that we've got more than a few sitting on local Harris County, Texas benches. But the good news is that we've also got a few very good judges like Judge Mike Englelhart, Judge Sandra Peake, Judge Kyle Carter, Judge Sonia Heath, Judge Israel Garcia, Judge Robert Johnson, Judge Elaine Hubbard Palmer, Judge Jeralynn Manor, Judge Nikita Harmon, Judge Paula Goodhart, Judge Leslie Johnson, Judge Jim Kovach, Judge Donna Roth, Judge Lucia Bates, Judge Wanda Adams, Judge Kelli Johnson, Judge Kristin Guiney, Judge Katherine Thomas, Judge Andrea Beall, Judge Beverly Armstrong, Judge Te'iva Bell, Judge Brock Thomas, Judge Raul Rodriguez, Judge Jessica N. Padilla, and Judge Michelle Moore.
I knew that something was wrong in Harris County, Texas back during the 2022 Midterm Election when local law enforcement kept getting called on the Black protestors who were exercising their first amendment rights at the Metropolitan Multi-Service Center during Early Voting.
Were Democrats trying to hide something? Didn't they understand that "THE ENOUGH IS ENOUGH CREW" had a Constitutionally protected right to march back and forth on the public sidewalk in front of the Metropolitan Multi-Service Center?
For everyone who doesn't know, "The First Amendment (1791) prohibits Congress from obstructing the exercise of certain individual freedoms: freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and right to petition. Its Free Exercise Clause guarantees a person's right to hold whatever religious beliefs they want, and to freely exercise that belief, and its Establishment Clause prevents the federal government from creating an official national church or favoring one set of religious beliefs over another. The amendment guarantees an individual's right to express and to be exposed to a wide range of opinions and views. It was intended to ensure a free exchange of ideas, even unpopular ones. It also guarantees an individual's right to physically gather or associate with others in groups for economic, political, or religious purposes. Additionally, it guarantees an individual's right to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
As the 2023 City of Houston Mayoral Election draws nearer, please be informed that all of the corruption at Houston City Hall must be exposed. And as the upcoming 2024 Harris County Democratic Party Primary, and 2024 Harris County Republican Party Primary creeps closer, we must endeavor to only vote people into office who love our "UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION" and are committed to honoring their oath of office.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

Harris County, Texas has become almost as bad as Washington D.C., in many regards. Enough is Enough!!! If Washington D.C. is "A SWAMP" that needs to be drained, Harris County, Texas has become "A BIG SEPTIC TANK" that must be cleaned out on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, in the upcoming City of Houston Mayoral Election, and then scheduled for another cleaning on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in the Presidential Election.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033