Attorney Tony Buzbee should enter the 2023 City of Houston Mayoral Election race soon if he's going to run. With Chris Hollins abandoning his bid (yesterday) to run for City Controller, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, is now pretty much assured a clear path to a December runoff. However, when attorney Tony Buzbee enters the race, should he decide to do so, his entry will cause a paradigm shift of sorts, and cause a reshuffling of the field. OTHER HAPPENINGS...Several local leaders have expressed concern that Gilbert Garcia didn't do anything for African Americans while he was the chairman of METRO, and that he and his campaign manager Tania Gonzalez Ingram could possibly have plans to push a "HISPANIC PREFERENTIAL AGENDA" at City Hall, similar to what Dr. Cesar Maldonada tried to push at Houston Community College, before getting hit with a $100 million racial discrimination lawsuit.

Gilbert Garcia could be heading down the wrong path with his campaign. And Garcia's choice of a campaign manager has raised some serious questions. Tania Gonzalez Ingram has somehow managed to earn Gilbert Garcia's unrelenting trust and loyalty. However, this Hispanic female has already demonstrated that she (and her friends) have a bias against Black in favor of Hispanic campaign canvassers dating back to the 2022 Midterm Election in Harris County, Texas. So, if given any more territory than these two have already claimed, Gilbert Garcia and Tania Gonzalez Ingram could have a dramatic impact on race relations at Houston City Hall, if he were to become mayor of one of the most diverse cities in America.

Gerald Womack has perfected the art of helping Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee win political races by hook or crook by whatever means necessary. Any candidate hoping to defeat Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee had better be willing to deal with her "ABSENTEE BALLOT HARVESTERS" who always find a way to help her win, even if it requires stealing the identities of "DEAD BLACK VOTERS" and requesting "ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS" in their names. You can "CLICK HERE" to learn more about Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's ballot harvesting crew.

Attorney Tony Buzbee could be the last hope to stop Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee from winning the race for Mayor of Houston without a runoff. Buzbee isn't afraid of Mayor Sylvester Turner, Commissioner Rodney Ellis, State Senator Borris Miles, or any of their minions. And on top of that, he's learned some things since he got taken for a ride back during the Tuesday, November 5, 2019, General Election. However, what you have to remember is that only 244,979 of the 1,085,813, registered voters living within the City of Houston turned out to vote back in 2019, in the Mayoral Election. And when it came around to the Saturday, December 14, 2019, runoff election only 203,334 of the 1,085,813 registered voters turned out to cast ballots. That being said, only 22.56% of the people who were registered to vote turned out for the general election, and 18.73% of the people turned out for the runoff.
To beat Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, it's going to take someone like businessman Tony Buzbee who isn't afraid to be called a "CONSPIRACY THEORISTS" or "ELECTION DENIER" by Jackson Lee's regime that's comprised of her corrupt criminal-minded buddies, and their minions. Buzbee has already shown that he has the money, influence, and "KAHUNAS" it takes to go against the grain and fight inside the courtroom boardroom, and in the streets as well. Tony Buzbee is a fighter who can clean things up and wouldn't be afraid to open investigations into the bid-rigging scandal that just unfolded with the $475 million Hobby Airport contract being snatched away from Chris Pappas and his family. He's also shown that he's not afraid to expose Mayor Sylvester Turner and shed light on the deep dark secrets Turner has been fighting to keep from the general public for decades.
Tony Buzbee must make fighting crime, corruption, and cronyism at Houston City Hall his top priority this time around. And he must not give up too much ground to Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee when it comes to making an appeal to Black voters -- especially Black males. For the record, African American males are a huge voting bloc that has been neglected by both sides of the political aisle. But since President Barack Obama was elected back in 2008, Black males have been leaving the Democratic Party in groves, and are looking for a home. With the right strategy, a moderate like attorney Tony Buzbee could build a strong alliance of Black males, with the right messaging in a nonpartisan general election.
Attorney Tony Buzbee is the kind of candidate who can appeal to African American males and get them to care about politics again. Since 2008, Black males are shifting further and further away from the Democratic Party, and are now in limbo. And with the right strategy and messaging, the Black male voting bloc could push Tony Buzbee past Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee if he found himself facing off against either her in a December runoff in the race to become Mayor of Houston, Texas. You can "CLICK HERE" to learn more about the shift that's occurring with Black men in American politics.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "We must make it our business to start "PUTTING PEOPLE OVER POLITICS" going forward into the 2023 City of Houston Mayoral Election, the 2024 Democratic Party Primary, and 2024 Republican Party Primary. Our nation is at a serious crossroads, and a serious course correction is desperately needed in America."
Sheila’s the Front-Runner With Hollins Out; Tony Buzbee Will Bolt Into the Second When He Announces His Mayoral Bid
Unless someone like attorney Tony Buzbee enters the field of 2023 City of Houston Mayoral contenders, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (SJL), and her “POLITICAL MACHINE” could win the Mayoral Election on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, without even having a runoff election. Remember, a runoff is only needed in a Mayoral race when no candidate wins a majority of the votes on Election Day.
As it stands right now, with former Harris County Clerk Chris Hollins dropping out of the race yesterday, a clear path to a Sheila Jackson Lee for Mayor, is beginning to open up. And as members of Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s regime continues to apply pressure on former At-Large Position #4 Houston City Councilwoman Amanda Edwards, SJL is beginning to look like the odds-on-favorite to succeed Mayor Sylvester Turner, if someone like Tony Buzbee doesn’t enter the race.
I’ve been watching the social media pages of state Senator John Whitmire, and former METRO Chairman Gilbert Garcia throughout the last month or so. And if you ask me, neither Whitmire nor Garcia has developed any type of measurable momentum, from what I can see.
Now, I had high hopes that Gilbert Garcia’s Mayor Campaign would pick up steam, but Garcia is floundering on the beach like a fish out of water. And on top of that, Garcia doesn’t even understand how to build the coalition that he would need to become a viable candidate.
People waited a long time to see Gilbert Garcia enter the race for Mayor, but since his much-anticipated entry, he’s not shown anything that makes me believe that he’s ready for the big leagues.
Do me a favor and write down the name Tania Gonzalez Ingram. Why? Well, I’ve been watching her closely for several months. And I reached out to Gilbert Garcia several times to make him aware of the fact, that this Tania Gonzalez Ingram woman appears to have some sort of “HISPANIC PREFERENTIAL AGENDA” that she’s pushing.
Remember, how Dr. Cesar Maldonado, entered into his position as the HCC Chancellor with his “HISPANIC PREFERENTIAL AGENDA” back in 2014 when he started mistreating longtime Black employees? Well, if you ask me, some of the members of Gilbert Garcia’s inner circle appear to be cut from the same cloth as Dr. Cesar Maldonado.
To refresh your memory, a $100 million racial discrimination lawsuit was filed in Houston, Texas by attorney Benjamin Hall, III on behalf of hundreds of Black former and present employees of Houston Community College (“HCC”).
The $100 million racial discrimination lawsuit I’m referencing was filed back on Friday, June 19, 2020 – Juneteenth — the anniversary date that Black slaves in Texas learned they had been freed from slavery two years earlier by President Abraham Lincoln.
The aforementioned lawsuit detailed a damning list of allegations about what was going on at Houston Community College under the leadership of Chancellor Cesar Maldonado and the Human Resources Director, Ms. Janet May. According to the lawsuit, Dr. Cesar Maldonado accepted his position in 2014 with a Hispanic “preferential treatment” agenda. The suit contains an actual email chain created shortly after Maldonado’s appointment stating “Now we [Hispanics] are going to receive preferential treatment.” The suit alleges that since Maldonado’s arrival 90% of the long-time Black professionals at HCC have either been terminated or demoted, while there has been a 50% increase in Hispanic hires and promotions. Shockingly, the suit claims, that while 90% of tenured and experienced Black employees have been displaced only 10% of similarly tenured Whites have been displaced.
If you look at how Dr. Cesar Maldonado, carried out his racist agenda at HCC, by displacing African Americans, in favor of Hispanics, it’s only fair to wonder what Gilbert Garcia and Tania Gonzalez Ingram have up their sleeves if Garcia is elected to serve as the CEO of the City of Houston on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, in the race for Mayor.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

If you take a moment and review Gilbert Garcia's FACEBOOK PAGE you will clearly see that none of his friends are even paying attention to him, or his campaign to become Houston's next mayor. You can "CLICK HERE" to check out his social media presence for yourself.

If you take a moment and review state Senator John Whitmire's FACEBOOK PAGE you will clearly see that none of his friends are even paying attention to him, or his campaign to become Houston's next mayor. You can "CLICK HERE" to check out his social media presence for yourself.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033