Attorney Allie Rychaan Renee “Allie” Booker (left), and her cohort, Attorney Jimmie Lee J. Brown Jr. (center) are both graduates of the Thurgood Marshall School of Law. Attorney Brown’s Bar Card Number is (03141210) and he was licensed to practice law on November 2, 1984, so he should be very familiar with cyber-bullying laws, and revenge porn laws in the State of Texas. As for Attorney Allie Booker, her Bar Card Number is (24071071) and she received her law degree on December 10, 2009. Now, Candice Matthews (center) does not have a Doctorate, Master's, or Undergraduate degree from an accredited university, and appears to have hired these two black attorneys to harass, troll, and bully, anyone who tries to expose their client. You can "CLICK HERE" to get a better understanding of why this report about Candice Matthews is being published in the spirit of public concern.

Why was the educational background fabricated by Candice Denise Ward Enecio? Well, to become a Licensed Child-Care or Licensed Child Placing Administrator in the State of Texas you must submit evidence that you have a Master's Degree, Doctoral Degree, or Bachelor’s Degree with at least two years of full-time child care or related work experience. That being said, on Candice Matthews's website, she doesn't even mention her fraudulent Doctorate, which she claimed to receive from the University of Southern California (USC), or the Master's or Bachelor's degrees she claimed to have from the prestigious Temple University. You can "CLICK HERE" to view her website for yourself.

Texas Penal Code - PENAL § 42.07 is clear: Cyberbullying behavior, like what Gerry Wayne Monroe has experienced over the last few days, at the hands of attorney Allie Booker (Bar Card Number: 24071071), after either being hired, compelled, or recruited by Candice Matthews has should be denounced by every public official in the state of Texas. In case you don’t know, it is a crime if someone: sends repeated electronic communications in a manner reasonably likely to harass, annoy, alarm, abuse, torment, embarrass, or offend another; or publishes on an Internet website, including a social media platform, repeated electronic communications in a manner reasonably likely to cause emotional distress, abuse, or torment to another person (unless the communications are made in connection with a matter of public concern). You can "CLICK HERE" here to learn more about this law.

Two TSU Law School Graduates Appear to Be Working to
Cover for Candice Matthews in her Efforts to Defraud the State
The gig is up on Candice Matthews, “THE FAKE DOCTOR” who is
in the fight of her life against Gerry Wayne Monroe, better known as the 5-Star
General. And from what I can see, from the outside looking in, “THE FAKE DOCTOR”
is pulling out all of the stops this time around. Why am I saying this time
around? Well, many months ago, “THE FAKE DOCTOR” brought a lawsuit against me,
and my company Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, which she eventually dropped
with prejudice.
When a person drops a lawsuit with “prejudice” it means that
the person cannot refile the same claim again in court. So, what Candice
Matthews did, after she dropped her lawsuit against me “with prejudice” in the
113th Civil District Court, that’s presided over by a great “DEMOCRAT
JUDGE” by the name of Rabeea Sultan Collier, was set forward on a mission to “defraud”
the court and play the general public for fools, by making “the public” believe
that she had won her lawsuit and that I had dropped the lawsuit.
How can I drop a lawsuit that I did not file?
Anyways, after Candice Matthews dropped her lawsuit against
me, she and her attorney by the name of Jimmie L. Brown Jr., (Bar Card
Number: 03141210) immediately began to use bullying tactics against "THE ENECIO FAMILY" because they were fully aware that the Enecios didn’t have the
financial means (at the time) to fight back.
At the time that attorney Brown, and “THE FAKE DOCTOR” dropped
their lawsuit against Beverly Enecio was expecting a child, and was under
serious duress. And sadly, she eventually suffered a miscarriage due to the emotional
distress, anguish, and mental turmoil that she and her family were forced to
endure, at the hands of Candice Matthews.
Candice Matthew, bullied, harassed, and wreaked havoc on James
and Beverly Enecio, but that’s a story for another day.
As a result of the pressure tactics used by Candice Matthews
and her attorney Jimmie L. Brown, Jr. a “FAKE APOLOGY LETTER” was placed in the court
record. Why is it fake? Well, the letter in question was never signed by Beverly
Enecio, from what she told me. After she discovered that there was a so-called “APOLOGY
LETTER” defaming me, and my reporting, she called me crying, and asked, “How could
this happen?”
Anyone looking at this so-called “APOLOGY LETTER” should be
able to quickly see, that it’s a fake. Why is it a fake? Well, the bulk of the information
I published on my blog about Candice Matthews came from court records and other
supportive material.
What is “THE FAKE DOCTOR” trying to hide? Well, back on January
10, 2014, a woman by the name of Candice Denise Ward Enecio, (Dr. Candice
Matthews) submitted an “Application for Child Care Administrator License or
Child-Placing Agency Administrator License” with the Texas Department of Family
and Protective Services.
Now, on “PAGE ONE” of the application, Candice Denise Ward Enecio
(Dr. Candice Matthews) stated that she had obtained a Doctor of (Ph.D.), from
the University of Southern California. She also claimed that she had attended
this prestigious university from January 2002 through June 2005 and majored in
Educational Leadership – which is a lie.
Candice Matthews also claimed to have received her Master of
Education degree, and Bachelor’s degree from the prestigious Temple University,
which is located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She claims to have earned her Master’s
Degree from Temple University in one year, from December 2020 through December
2001, and claims to have earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology from Temple
University from August 1996 through January 2000 – which is a complete
How do I know that Candice Matthews, “THE FAKE DOCTOR” is
defrauding the State of Texas, right now? Well, as part of my ongoing investigation
into the illegal activities of Candice Matthews, I reached out to the
University of Southern California (USC) and received confirmation that “THE
TRANSCRIPT” that was submitted inside “THE APPLICATION” submitted to the Texas
Department of Family and Protective Services by Candice Denise Ward Enecio is a
complete fake – she never attended USC.
To verify my claim, that the (Ph.D.)., that Candice Matthews
claims to have obtained from the University of Southern California is fake,
call (213)740-8500, or send a fax to, (213)821-3724, directed to Stephanie Murguia,
the Associate Registrar of Academic Records.
An email can be forwarded to smuguia@usc.edu,
to confirm that “THE TRANSCRIPT” submitted in “THE APPLICATION” to the State of
Texas by Candice Matthews is a fake.
Why was the educational background fabricated by Candice
Denise Ward Enecio? Well, because to become a Licensed Child-Care or Licensed
Child Placing Administrator in the State of Texas you must submit evidence that
you have a Master's Degree, Doctoral Degree, or a Bachelor’s Degree with at
least two years of full-time child care or related work experience.
Where Candice Denise Ward Enecio, committed a criminal act
is she fabricated “THE TRANSCRIPT” from the University of Southern California,
and her Attorney Jimmie Brown (Bar Card Number: 03141210) has tried to bully,
and threatening Gerry Wayne Monroe into not exposing his client Candice
Matthews, and her criminal acts. What criminal acts am I talking about?
The “FAKE DOCTOR” was supposed to submit an original
transcript or original letter of verification from the appropriate educational
institution to verify her education. However, according to Stephanie Murguia,
the Associate Registrar of Academic Records, at the University of Southern
California, Candice Denise Ward Enecio Matthews never attended their
Candice Matthews has supposedly hired attorney Allie Booker
(Bar Card Number: 24071071) to represent her. And well on Tuesday, April 11,
2023, attorney Allie Booker went on to Gerry Wayne Monroe’s, live broadcast (THE
WAR ZONE), and stated, “That was your penis in those pics and now I know you
did it because your verbiage right now…you’re sick as fuck.”
Well, what attorney Allie Booker is talking about is a video
and photo that is being shared by her client Candice Matthews, which were given
to her by a former lover of Gerry Wayne Monroe’s by the name of Corliss
Mitchell, who is in violation of Texas Penal Code - PENAL § 21.16. Unlawful
Disclosure or Promotion of Intimate Visual Material, which is a violation of
state law.
Now, I have several sources who can testify that Candice
Matthews is the person behind the mass distribution of the “REVENGE PORN” that
was released to her by Gerry Wayne Monroe's former jilted lover, and
alluded to by Candice Matthews’s own attorney Allie Booker (Bar Card Number: 24071071), on Gerry
Wayne Monroe’s live broadcast of (THE WAR ZONE), on the night of Tuesday, April
11, 2023.
So, Candice Matthews, Corliss Mitchell, and attorney Allie
Booker may need to hire a very good attorney for themselves. Why? Well, TexasPenal Code - PENAL § 21.16 is clear:
(a) In this section:
(1) “Intimate parts” means the naked genitals, pubic area,
anus, buttocks, or female nipple of a person.
(2) “Promote” means to procure, manufacture, issue, sell,
give, provide, lend, mail, deliver, transfer, transmit, publish, distribute,
circulate, disseminate, present, exhibit, or advertise or to offer or agree to
do any of the above.
(3) “Sexual conduct” means sexual contact, actual or
simulated sexual intercourse, deviate sexual intercourse, sexual bestiality,
masturbation, or sadomasochistic abuse.
(4) “Simulated” means the explicit depiction of sexual
conduct that creates the appearance of actual sexual conduct and during which a
person engaging in the conduct exhibits any uncovered portion of the breasts,
genitals, or buttocks.
(5) “Visual material” means:
(A) any film, photograph, videotape, negative, or slide or
any photographic reproduction that contains or incorporates in any manner any
film, photograph, videotape, negative, or slide; or
(B) any disk, diskette, or other physical medium that allows
an image to be displayed on a computer or other video screen and any image
transmitted to a computer or other video screen by telephone line, cable,
satellite transmission, or other method.
(b) A person commits an offense if:
(1) without the effective consent of the depicted
person and with the intent to harm that person, the person discloses
visual material depicting another person with the person's intimate parts
exposed or engaged in sexual conduct;
(2) at the time of the disclosure, the person knows or has
reason to believe that the visual material was obtained by the person or
created under circumstances in which the depicted person had a reasonable
expectation that the visual material would remain private;
(3) the disclosure of the visual material causes harm to the
depicted person; and
(4) the disclosure of the visual material reveals the
identity of the depicted person in any manner, including through:
(A) any accompanying or subsequent information or material
related to the visual material; or
(B) information or material provided by a third party in
response to the disclosure of the visual material.
(c) A person commits an offense if the person intentionally
threatens to disclose, without the consent of the depicted person, visual
material depicting another person with the person's intimate parts exposed or
engaged in sexual conduct and the actor makes the threat to obtain a benefit:
(1) in return for not making the disclosure; or
(2) in connection with the threatened disclosure.
(d) A person commits an offense if, knowing the character
and content of the visual material, the person promotes visual material
described by Subsection (b) on an Internet website or other forum for
publication that is owned or operated by the person.
(e) It is not a defense to prosecution under this section
that the depicted person:
(1) created or consented to the creation of the visual
material; or
(2) voluntarily transmitted the visual material to the
(f) It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under
Subsection (b) or (d) that:
(1) the disclosure or promotion is made in the course of:
(A) lawful and common practices of law enforcement or
medical treatment;
(B) reporting unlawful activity; or
(C) a legal proceeding, if the disclosure or promotion is
permitted or required by law;
(2) the disclosure or promotion consists of visual material
depicting in a public or commercial setting only a person's voluntary exposure
(A) the person's intimate parts; or
(B) the person engaging in sexual conduct; or
(3) the actor is an interactive computer service, as defined
by 47 U.S.C. Section 230, and
the disclosure or promotion consists of visual material provided by another
(g) An offense under this section is a state jail felony.
(h) If conduct that constitutes an offense under this
section also constitutes an offense under another law, the actor may be
prosecuted under this section, the other law, or both.
Candice Matthews appears to have either hired, compelled, and or
recruited attorney Allie Booker (Bar Card Number: 24071071) to stalk, harass,
and bully Gerry Wayne Monroe while he conducted his live broadcast of (THE
WAR ZONE), on several different social media platforms.
Well, cyberbullying behavior, like what myself and many other followers of Gerry Wayne Monroe have experienced over the last few days, at the hands of attorney Allie Booker (Bar Card Number: 24071071), after either being hired, compelled, or recruited by Candice Matthews could be a violation of Texas’s Criminal harassment statute, Texas Penal Code 42.07.
For the record, in the state of Texas, it is a crime for attorney Allie
Booker (Bar Card Number: 24071071), to continue to come onto Gerry Wayne Monroe’s
live broadcast with the intent to harass, annoy, alarm, abuse, torment, and try
to embarrass him into not exposing Candice Matthews’s criminal acts, such as
defrauding the State of Texas to obtain a State License to operate as Child
Placement Care Facility.
Allie Booker (Bar Card Number: 24071071), may have already violated
Texas Penal Code 42.07, by repeatedly harassing and bullying Gerry Wayne Monroe,
night after night.
In case you don’t know, it is a crime if someone: sends
repeated electronic communications in a manner reasonably likely to harass,
annoy, alarm, abuse, torment, embarrass, or offend another; or publishes
on an Internet website, including a social media platform, repeated electronic
communications in a manner reasonably likely to cause emotional distress,
abuse, or torment to another person (unless the communications are made in
connection with a matter of public concern).
What does a matter of public concern mean? Well, in case you
don’t know, the United States Supreme Court decided that speech addresses a
matter of public concern if it is “relating to any matter of political, social,
or other concern to the community" or “is a subject of legitimate news
interest; that is, a subject of general interest and of value and concern to
the public.”
So, the fact that Candice Matthews fraudulently obtained the license to operate a Child Care Placement Agency, by providing “FAKE” and “FRAUDULENT” educational information is a matter of public concern that must be fully investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, the Texas Attorney General, and the Harris County District Attorney’s Office, in the spirit of public concern.