Carroll G. Robinson and Melanie Miles, a former Republican turned Democrat, are joined at the hip in some regards. Melanie Miles was the person Carroll G. Robinson picked to help his corrupt group of minions run their "MONEY LAUNDERING SCHEME" clear across Texas through a series of bogus Political Action Committees, that Carroll G. Robinson, Darnella Wilkerson, Antron D. Johnson, Terrence Shanks were key players in operating. What makes Carroll G. Robinson and his minions so emboldened is the fact that the "Democrat" Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, can't bring them to justice out of fear she (herself) might be exposed for supporting and getting insnared in the "ENDORSEMENT SELLING RING" that she and other Democrats have been suckered and strongarmed into supporting over the years. OTHER HAPPENINGS...Former President Donald Trump was indicted yesterday in Manhattan by another rogue District Attorney by the name of Alvin Bragg. You can "CLICK HERE" to the 34 Count indictment against former President Donald J. Trump that was unsealed yesterday.

Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg is flanked by two of her Democratic cohorts. Carroll G. Robinson, the chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats has become one of the most corrupt underbosses in the state of Texas. And as for state Senator Borris L. Miles, he's been doing better since he received his new lease on life. Do you see the look on state Senator Miles's face as he's looking at District Attorney Kim Ogg sideways? When you see a Black man look at someone sideways like Borris is doing, he's telling you that something isn't right with that person. You can "CLICK HERE" to see how Carroll's minions have been running their "MONEY LAUNDERING" and "ENDORSEMENT SELLING SCHEME" while Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg has supported the illegal PAC, and benefited from their illegal activities.

Former President Donald J. Trump has been indicted by a grand jury in Manhattan for what District Attorney Alvin Bragg has labeled as the crime of Falsifying Business Records in the First Degree. You can "CLICK HERE" to the 34 Count indictment against former President Donald J. Trump that was unsealed yesterday.

Terrence Shanks has stepped down as the president of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats (Harris County Chapter) since he was hit with a $27,5000 fine several weeks ago. is as dirty as they come. And for the record, Terrance Shanks and Darnella Wilkerson, according to the Texas Ethics Commission were "LAUNDERING MONEY" and running an "ENDORSEMENT SELLING SCHEME" that local officials were playing a role in supporting. You can "CLICK HERE" to see why Shanks was fined $27,500 by the Texas Ethics Commission.
TCBD-HC’s activity presents particular cause for public concern because it appears from TCBD-HC’s 2020 endorsement slate and its banking records that TCBD-HC may be “selling” its endorsements in exchange for financial contributions. TCBD-HC has avoided potentially unpleasant public inquiry on this unsavory topic by evading its reporting obligations. Further, Commission staff uncovered TCBD-HC candidate endorsement slates for the 2018 and 2022 primary elections, which suggests that TCBD-HC’s involvement in the March 2020 primary election was not an isolated event. You can "CLICK HERE" to review the "FINAL ORDER" for yourself.
TCBD-HC’s activity presents particular cause for public concern because it appears from TCBD-HC’s 2020 endorsement slate and its banking records that TCBD-HC may be “selling” its endorsements in exchange for financial contributions. TCBD-HC has avoided potentially unpleasant public inquiry on this unsavory topic by evading its reporting obligations. Further, Commission staff uncovered TCBD-HC candidate endorsement slates for the 2018 and 2022 primary elections, which suggests that TCBD-HC’s involvement in the March 2020 primary election was not an isolated event. You can "CLICK HERE" to review the "FINAL ORDER" for yourself.

Darnella Wilkerson is an active player in the "MONEY LAUNDERING SCHEME" that has been uncovered in Harris County, Texas. According to the Texas Ethics Commission, "Only three deposits were ever made to the 39 account, the personal savings account held in Wilkerson’s name. There were three contribution checks from candidates, all made out to TCBD-HC or “Texas Coalition of Black Democrats – Hou[ston].” There was also a $1,250 check drawn on TCBD-HC’s main account, and a $25 cash deposit that matched a $25 cash withdrawal from TCBD-HC’s main account made the same day. All of these deposits were made on February 20 and 21, 2020. The following day, February 22, 2020, Wilkerson withdrew the entire contents of the account, $2,775, and closed the account. Also on February 22, 2020, Wilkerson deposited an identical amount of cash, $2,775, in the 98 account. A duplicate copy of the withdrawal slip removing the cash from the 39 account can be found in the records for the 98 account, attached to a deposit slip for the same amount, $2,775.
No single document in the record makes clear why Wilkerson deposited several thousand dollars in the 39 personal savings account, immediately withdrew the entire amount in cash, and then deposited the funds in the 98 main AAC account. However, that the 39 account is in Wilkerson’s name as a personal account formally unattached with the other two accounts and that Shanks and Wilkerson opted to withdraw the funds from the 39 account in cash rather than effecting the transfer by more convenient means suggest that Shanks and Wilkerson wished to conceal the source of the funds. The memo lines on the checks, which read “[e]ndorsed candidate GOTV,” “slate card,” and “[p]oll working for [e]lection,” suggest that the payments were in nature political contributions to TCBD-HC. Public knowledge that TCBD-HC had accepted political contributions from AAC might have compelled TCBD-HC to file a campaign treasurer appointment, as Section 253.031 of the Election Code prohibits political committees from accepting political contributions or making political expenditures exceeding a certain threshold without having a campaign treasurer appointment on file, a threshold which these contributions exceeded. You can "CLICK HERE" to see how Carroll's minions have been running their "MONEY LAUNDERING" and "ENDORSEMENT SELLING SCHEME" while Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg has supported the illegal PAC, and benefited from their illegal activities.
No single document in the record makes clear why Wilkerson deposited several thousand dollars in the 39 personal savings account, immediately withdrew the entire amount in cash, and then deposited the funds in the 98 main AAC account. However, that the 39 account is in Wilkerson’s name as a personal account formally unattached with the other two accounts and that Shanks and Wilkerson opted to withdraw the funds from the 39 account in cash rather than effecting the transfer by more convenient means suggest that Shanks and Wilkerson wished to conceal the source of the funds. The memo lines on the checks, which read “[e]ndorsed candidate GOTV,” “slate card,” and “[p]oll working for [e]lection,” suggest that the payments were in nature political contributions to TCBD-HC. Public knowledge that TCBD-HC had accepted political contributions from AAC might have compelled TCBD-HC to file a campaign treasurer appointment, as Section 253.031 of the Election Code prohibits political committees from accepting political contributions or making political expenditures exceeding a certain threshold without having a campaign treasurer appointment on file, a threshold which these contributions exceeded. You can "CLICK HERE" to see how Carroll's minions have been running their "MONEY LAUNDERING" and "ENDORSEMENT SELLING SCHEME" while Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg has supported the illegal PAC, and benefited from their illegal activities.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "We must make it our business to start "PUTTING PEOPLE OVER POLITICS" going forward into the 2023 City of Houston Mayoral Election, the 2024 Democratic Party Primary, and 2024 Republican Party Primary. Our nation is at a serious crossroads, and a serious course correction is desperately needed in America."
Black Money Laundering Ring Uncovered in Harris County Still Hasn't Been Brought to Justice; Trump Indicted in Manhattan
The Texas Ethics Commission was very clear in their “FINAL ORDER” regarding the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats – Harris County Chapter, and the African American Caucus. Terrance Shanks stepped down after the Texas Ethics Commission fined him $27,500 and accused him of “MONEY LAUNDERING” and “SELLING ENDORSEMENTS” among other things while acting as the president of the defunct Texas Coalition of Black Democrats – Harris County Chapter.
As for the woman called Dr. Darnella Wilkerson, for her part in “THE MONEY LAUNDERING SCHEME” the Texas Ethics Commission levied a fine against her in the amount of $17,500, as part of their “FINAL ORDER” against her and her corrupt sidekick Terrance Shanks a couple months ago.
Yesterday the Black District Attorney in Manhattan by the name of Alvin Bragg, finally fulfilled his campaign promise to get Trump. The thirty-four county “INDICTMENT” that was released yesterday appears to be nothing but “TRUMPED UP CHARGES” by a rogue District Attorney, fulfilling a campaign promise he made to his handlers, donors, and supporters who are on a mission to totally destroy the life of a political rival they hate – it’s that simple.
But all politics is local, and the indictment of former President Donald Trump is going to have repercussions and consequences attached to them – especially for African Americans. Have you noticed a Black man (District Attorney Alvin Bragg) was used to bring the indictment against President Trump yesterday?
Have you noticed that on the local level, African American are being used to do the brunt of “THE DIRTY WORK” in Harris County, Texas? Have you noticed? Huh??? Have you?
Did you notice that “BLACK DEMOCRATS” who were running countywide in Harris County, Texas were the only Democrat judicial candidates who lost their judicial races outright back on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in the Midterm Election?
Remember the indictments, that Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, announced back on December 11, 2020, right after the Presidential Election took place, a month earlier? Damien Thaddeus Jones, Richard Bonton, and Natasha Demming are all African Americans, in case you don’t notice.
As it stands right now, people like District Attorney Alvin Bragg in Manhattan, and closer to home, Carroll G. Robinson, Antron Johnson, Darnella Wilkerson, and Terrance Shanks are a disgrace, and the people who continue to support them and allow them to hide behind “THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY SHEILD” should be ashamed of themselves.
Carroll G. Robinson’s minions are “SELLING ENDORSEMENTS” and running what the Texas Ethics Commission has described as a “MONEY LAUNDERING SCHEME” all while Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg and local Democratic leaders look the other way.

Melanie Miles has gone to the dark side of politics. Her ties to Carroll G. Robinson, and his minions, could sink her bid to win the Houston City Council At-Large Position #1 seat on Tuesday, November 7, 2023. You can "CLICK HERE" to learn more about the "MONEY LAUNDERING AND ENDORSEMENT SELLING SCHEME" that Carroll's minions have been running through the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats (Harris County Chapter) while they were declared defunct by the Texas Ethics Commission.
Can you believe that Carroll G. Robinson has the audacity to announce a “PERSONAL ENDORSEMENT SLATE” for the upcoming Tuesday, November 7, 2023, City of Houston General Election? Can you believe the nerve of these corrupt, vile, wannabe political party bosses?
Why do you think Carroll left the race for Mayor blank on his slate? Can’t you see straight through this dude? More than likely, Carroll left the Mayoral slot open because he’s going to sell that slot to the highest bidder sometime between now and the filing deadline.
Even though the filing period doesn’t open until Saturday, July 22, 2023, Carroll G. Robinson has already announced his endorsements in the race for Controller, and many of the Houston City Council races that are scheduled to be on the upcoming Tuesday, November 7, 2023 ballot.
Even though the filing period doesn’t open until Saturday, July 22, 2023, Carroll G. Robinson has already announced his endorsements in the race for Controller, and many of the Houston City Council races that are scheduled to be on the upcoming Tuesday, November 7, 2023 ballot.
*In the race for Mayor of the City of Houston, no candidate has been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
*In the race for Mayor of the City of Houston, no candidate has been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
*In the race for the City of Houston Controller, Shannan Nobles has been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
*In the race for the City of Houston Controller, Shannan Nobles has been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
*In the race for Houston City Council At-Large Position #1, Melanie Miles has been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
*In the race for Houston City Council At-Large Position #1, Melanie Miles has been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
*In the race for Houston City Council At-Large Position #2, Marina Coryat and Holly Flynn Vilaseca have both been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
*In the race for Houston City Council At-Large Position #2, Marina Coryat and Holly Flynn Vilaseca have both been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
*In the race for Houston City Council At-Large Position #3, Donnell Cooper has been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
*In the race for Houston City Council At-Large Position #3, Donnell Cooper has been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
*In the race for Houston City Council At-Large Position #4, Letitia Plummer has been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
*In the race for Houston City Council At-Large Position #4, Letitia Plummer has been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
*In the race for Houston City Council At-Large Position #5, Sallie Alcorn has been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
*In the race for Houston City Council At-Large Position #5, Sallie Alcorn has been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
*In the race for Houston City Council District A, no candidate has been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
*In the race for Houston City Council District A, no candidate has been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
*In the race for Houston City Council District B, Tarsha Jackson has been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
*In the race for Houston City Council District B, Tarsha Jackson has been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
*In the race for Houston City Council District C, Abbie Kamin has been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
*In the race for Houston City Council District C, Abbie Kamin has been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
*In the race for Houston City Council District D, Carolyn Evans-Shabazz has been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
*In the race for Houston City Council District D, Carolyn Evans-Shabazz has been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
*In the race for Houston City Council District E, no candidate has been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
*In the race for Houston City Council District E, no candidate has been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
*In the race for Houston City Council District F, Tiffany Thomas has been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
*In the race for Houston City Council District F, Tiffany Thomas has been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
*In the race for Houston City Council District G, no candidate has been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
*In the race for Houston City Council District G, no candidate has been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
*In the race for Houston City Council District H, Mario Castillo has been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
*In the race for Houston City Council District H, Mario Castillo has been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
*In the race for Houston City Council District I, Joaquin Martinez has been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
*In the race for Houston City Council District I, Joaquin Martinez has been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
*In the race for Houston City Council District J, Edward Pollard has been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
*In the race for Houston City Council District J, Edward Pollard has been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
*In the race for Houston City Council District K, Martha Castex-Tatum has been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
Many local officials are either blind or asleep at the wheel. But they’re soon going to get a rude awakening if they “BUY ENDORSEMENTS” from local Political Action Committees during the 2023 City of Houston Mayoral Election, the 2024 Democratic Party Primary, or the 2024 Republican Party Primary.
As Carroll G. Robinson and his minions search for relevance, unsuspecting candidates are going to get undoubtedly get insnared and caught up in their “ENDORSEMENT SELLING SCHEME” and even more sadly, their “MONEY LAUNDERING RING” as well.
Remember, the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats – Harris County Chapter is already under the microscope of the Texas Attorney General, and the Texas Ethics Commission.
From what I understand, Candice Mathews has somehow been made the President of some sort of new PAC that’s calling itself the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats (Harris County Chapter), and someone named Lenard Polk has been listed as the executive vice president.
Someone named Bridgett Sudds has been listed as the Director of Communications, and Antron Johnson is listed as the Director of Finance, according to their website.
Attorney Jimmie Brown, Esq., is listed as the parliamentarian, for this spin-off group, calling itself the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats Harris County Chapter.
The former president of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats – Harris County Chapter, Terrence Shanks has already been fined $27,500 for his role in their “ENDORSEMENT SELLING SCHEME” and “MONEY LAUNDERING SCHEME” as described by the Texas Ethics Commission.
Dr. Darnella Wilkerson, the sidekick of Terrence Shanks, has already been fined $17,500 for her role in their “MONEY LAUNDERING AND ENDORSEMENT SELLING SCHEME” is currently being closely monitored by state authorities.
In closing, any candidate running for office in the upcoming Tuesday, November 7, 2023, City of Houston Mayoral Election, who gets sucked into the “MONEY LAUNDERING AND ENDORSEMENT SELLING SCHEME” being run by Carroll G. Robinson and his minions had better be prepared answer to state authorities as the 2023 and 2024 Election cycles continue to unfold.
*In the race for Houston City Council District K, Martha Castex-Tatum has been endorsed by Carroll G. Robinson in his personal capacity.
Many local officials are either blind or asleep at the wheel. But they’re soon going to get a rude awakening if they “BUY ENDORSEMENTS” from local Political Action Committees during the 2023 City of Houston Mayoral Election, the 2024 Democratic Party Primary, or the 2024 Republican Party Primary.
As Carroll G. Robinson and his minions search for relevance, unsuspecting candidates are going to get undoubtedly get insnared and caught up in their “ENDORSEMENT SELLING SCHEME” and even more sadly, their “MONEY LAUNDERING RING” as well.
Remember, the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats – Harris County Chapter is already under the microscope of the Texas Attorney General, and the Texas Ethics Commission.
From what I understand, Candice Mathews has somehow been made the President of some sort of new PAC that’s calling itself the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats (Harris County Chapter), and someone named Lenard Polk has been listed as the executive vice president.
Someone named Bridgett Sudds has been listed as the Director of Communications, and Antron Johnson is listed as the Director of Finance, according to their website.
Attorney Jimmie Brown, Esq., is listed as the parliamentarian, for this spin-off group, calling itself the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats Harris County Chapter.
The former president of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats – Harris County Chapter, Terrence Shanks has already been fined $27,500 for his role in their “ENDORSEMENT SELLING SCHEME” and “MONEY LAUNDERING SCHEME” as described by the Texas Ethics Commission.
Dr. Darnella Wilkerson, the sidekick of Terrence Shanks, has already been fined $17,500 for her role in their “MONEY LAUNDERING AND ENDORSEMENT SELLING SCHEME” is currently being closely monitored by state authorities.
In closing, any candidate running for office in the upcoming Tuesday, November 7, 2023, City of Houston Mayoral Election, who gets sucked into the “MONEY LAUNDERING AND ENDORSEMENT SELLING SCHEME” being run by Carroll G. Robinson and his minions had better be prepared answer to state authorities as the 2023 and 2024 Election cycles continue to unfold.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033