Investigative Reporter Wayne Dolcefino is by far the best fact-finder in the business when it comes to uncovering public corruption and a few other things. However, when it comes to digging into "VOTER SUPPRESSION" and other potential criminal acts that were playing out during "EARLY VOTING" and on Election Day in Harris County, Texas I've got you covered. My investigative team, was out in full force watching places like the Metropolitan Multi-Service Center, Acres Homes Multi-Service Center, Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center, Kashmere Gardens Multi-Service Center, Northeast Multi-Service Center, and Sunnyside Multi-Service Center. You can "CLICK HERE" to see the lawsuit that was filed by "MATTRESS MACK" and Wayne Dolcefino to get to the bottom of what really occurred in Harris County, Texas on Election Day.

Wayne Dolcefino a thirty-time Emmy Award-winning journalist came by to hang out with "THE ENOUGH IS ENOUGH CREW" for a few hours at the Harris County Civil Courthouse in Downtown Houston, Texas. While at the protest Dolcefino took a bunch of pictures and some video footage of the protest. Aubrey R. Taylor Communications covered the protest from start to finish. You can "CLICK HERE" to see "WAYNE DOLCEFINO'S LAWSUIT" for yourself.

Election integrity must become an integral part of every local campaign in the upcoming Tuesday, November 7, 2023, City of Houston Mayoral Election, as well as the entire 2024 Presidential Election cycle in Harris County, Texas.
As local Harris County Democratic leaders continue to file lawsuits to keep "MATTRESS MACK" Jim McIngvale, investigative reporter Wayne Dolcefino, Channel 11 News, and Channel 13, from getting the text messages, emails, and other communications between Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, Harris County Elections Administrator Clifford Tatum, and others, Aubrey R. Taylor Communications has uncovered a possible motive for the chaos that occurred in Harris County, Texas on Tuesday, November 8, 2022.
"If you take a moment to look at the graphs created by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications below, you will see that early in-person voting in key Democratic strongholds was down considerably when you compare the first 8 days of the 'Early Voting Period' from the 2018 Midterm Election to the first 8-days of "EARLY VOTING" from the 2022 Midterm Election."
The Metropolitan Multi-Service Center, that's located at 1475 West Gray Street, in Houston, Texas had 13,518, fewer votes through the first 8 days of "EARLY VOTING" for the 2022 Midterms when compared to the first 8 days of the 2018 Midterms.
The Acres Homes Multi-Service Center, that's located at 6719 West Montgomery Road, in Houston, Texas had 3,293 fewer votes through the first 8 days of "EARLY VOTING" for the 2022 Midterms when compared to the first 8 days of the 2018 Midterms.
The Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center, that's located at 3810 West Fuqua Street, in Houston, Texas. had 3,401 fewer votes through the first 8 days of "EARLY VOTING" for the 2022 Midterms when compared to the first 8 days of the 2018 Midterms.
The Kashmere Multi-Service Center, that's located at 4802 Lockwood Drive, in Houston, Texas had 1,704 fewer votes through the first 8 days of "EARLY VOTING" for the 2022 Midterms when compared to the first 8 days of the 2018 Midterms.
The Northeast Multi-Service Center, that's located at 9720 Spaulding Street, in Houston, Texas had 3,816 fewer votes through the first 8 days of "EARLY VOTING" for the 2022 Midterms when compared to the first 8 days of the 2018 Midterms.
The Sunnyside Multi-Service Center, that's located at 9314 Cullen Boulevard, Houston, Texas had 1,704 fewer votes through the first 8 days of "EARLY VOTING" for the 2022 Midterms when compared to the first 8 days of the 2018 Midterms.

As you can see in the chart above, "EARLY VOTING TURNOUT" through the first 8 days was down considerably at the Metropolitan Multi-Service Center, that's located at 1475 West Gray Street, Houston, Texas. What you are looking at in the chart above is 13,518, fewer votes through the first 8 days of "EARLY VOTING" which was problematic for Democrats running countywide.
As you can see in the chart above, "EARLY VOTING TURNOUT" through the first 8 days was down considerably at the Acres Homes Multi-Service Center, that's located at 6719 West Montgomery Road, Houston, Texas. What you are looking at in the chart above is 3,293 fewer votes through the first 8 days of "EARLY VOTING" which was problematic for Democrats running countywide.

Why was this guy moving "VOTING MACHINES" and file boxes from the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center (3810 West Fuqua Street, Houston, Texas) between 10:00AM and 10:30AM on Monday, October 31, 2022, while I was there checking on my poll workers? And why did Grace Taylor (no relation), the (Election Judge) tell me that only three "VOTING MACHINES" were being replaced when I counted (6) six "VOTING MACHINES" on the cart?

Why didn't the Harris County Republican Party have at least one "POLL WATCHER" stationed at the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center located at (3810 West Fuqua Street, Houston, Texas) to catch this activity??? And why did the "ELECTION JUDGE" say that only (3) three "VOTING MACHINES" were being removed, when it was actually (6) six "VOTING MACHINES" that were being moved?

Where did the Black man take the "VOTING MACHINES" that were removed from the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center "EARLY VOTING LOCATION" on Monday, October 31, 2022, in Harris County, Texas? And why did the (ELECTION JUDGE) by the name of Grace Taylor (no relation) state that only (3) three "VOTING MACHINES" were taken away when there were actually (6) six being taken away?


Aubrey R. Taylor (left), in his capacity as the publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper, and Dr. Steven Hotze (second from left) in his capacity as the publisher of Conservative Republicans of Texas News (CRTX), speaking with Grace Taylor (DEMOCRAT ELECTION JUDGE), and Erica Johnson who identified herself as the (REPUBLICAN ALTERNATE JUDGE) at the Hiram Clark Multi-Service Center after witnessing (6) six "VOTING MACHINES" being removed from the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center, located at (3810 West Fuqua Street, Houston, Texas) between 10:00AM and 10:30AM on Monday, October 31, 2022. So, why wasn't there a Republican "POLL WATCHER" at this location???

Dr. Steven Hotze talks to Erica Johnson, who identified herself as the (REPUBLICAN ALTERNATE JUDGE) working at the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center on the morning of Monday, October 31, 2022, when Dr. Hotze, in his capacity as the publisher of Conservative Republicans of Texans News (CRTX), witnessed the removal of (6) six "VOTING MACHINES" and from this location.

As you can see in the chart above, "EARLY VOTING TURNOUT" through the first 8 days was down considerably at the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center, that's located at 3810 West Fuqua Street, Houston, Texas. What you are looking at in the chart above is 3,401 fewer votes through the first 8 days of "EARLY VOTING" which was problematic for Democrats running countywide.

As you can see in the chart above, "EARLY VOTING TURNOUT" through the first 8 days was down considerably at the Kashmere Multi-Service Center, that's located at 4802 Lockwood Drive, Houston, Texas. What you are looking at in the chart above is 1,704 fewer votes through the first 8 days of "EARLY VOTING" which was problematic for Democrats running countywide.

As you can see in the chart above, "EARLY VOTING TURNOUT" through the first 8 days was down considerably at the Northeast Multi-Service Center, 9720 Spaulding Street, in Houston, Texas. What you are looking at in the chart above is 3,816 fewer votes through the first 8 days of "EARLY VOTING" which was problematic for Democrats running countywide.

As you can see in the chart above, "EARLY VOTING TURNOUT" through the first 8 days was down considerably at the Sunnyside Multi-Service Center, that's located at 9314 Cullen Boulevard, Houston, Texas. What you are looking at in the chart above is 4,531 fewer votes through the first 8 days of "EARLY VOTING" which was problematic for Democrats running countywide.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "We must make it our business to start "PUTTING PEOPLE OVER POLITICS" going forward into the 2023 City of Houston Mayoral Election, the 2024 Democratic Party Primary, and 2024 Republican Party Primary. Our nation is at a serious crossroads, and a serious course correction is desperately needed in America."
The Motive for Suppressing Republican Votes on Election Day in Harris County, Texas Has Been Uncovered by Aubrey R. Taylor
Nobody wanted to listen to me, and nobody wanted to listen to attorney “Downtown” Oliver Brown when he tried to tell everyone before Tuesday, November 8, 2022, that our election was about to get screwed up because the issues from the primaries hadn’t been addressed.
Now, with the start of the 2024 Presidential Election nomination process only months away, the Democratic County Attorney Christian Menefee, and Democratic Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo have filed a lawsuit against Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. But why?
What nobody wants you to know is that my investigative team and I were closely monitoring the turnout at “BLACK EARLY VOTING LOCATIONS” and other locations like the Metropolitan Mult-Service Center, better known as “WEST GRAY” during the entire “EARLY VOTING PERIOD” and nothing chaotic happened during the two weeks of early voting. Well, except for on Halloween morning.
On Monday, October 31, 2022, something very strange occurred at one of the key African American early voting locations. While out making my rounds and checking on a few of my counters, members of my team and I discovered some voting machines being moved from the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center, that’s located at 3810 W. Fuqua St. Houston, Texas 77045.
Now, the ongoing saga between award-winning investigative reporter Wayne Dolcefino and “MATTRESS MACK” Jim McIngvale, and Harris County officials are proof-positive that local officials are trying to hide something from the people.
As a backdrop, Wayne Dolcefino filed multiple Texas Public Information Act (TPIA), requests to obtain any communications such as emails, and text messages, between Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis and Clifford Tatum, the Harris County Elections Administrator.
So, what could Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, and Harris County Elections Administrator Clifford Tatum be trying to hide? Well, heading into “ELECTION DAY” the battles between local Democrats running countywide, and their Republican challengers had reached a fever pitch, and Republicans appeared to be on their way to reclaim Harris County, on Election Day.
Remember, “EARLY VOTING” was down considerably at the Metropolitan Multi-Service Center as well as predominantly Black “EARLY VOTING LOCATIONS” all across the county, from the previous Midterm Election. If you look at the charts below, which show what was happening through the first 8-days of “EARLY VOTING” you don’t even have to be a political analyst to see that Democrats were in trouble.
More importantly, what you may also discover by looking at where things were heading, is the motive for the chaos that occurred on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, with the mass hysteria that occurred in predominantly “REPUBLICAN STRONGHOLDS” all across Harris County, Texas.
Was this particular Harris County Elections Administrator (Clifford Tatum) hired as the perfect scapegoat? Did he and Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis conspire to influence the outcome of the local election? Was Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo involved?
The public has the right to see what type of communications were going back and forth during the final week of “EARLY VOTING” and on “ELECTION DAY” when all of the chaos occurred.
It’s highly plausible that what occurred in Harris County, Texas on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, was much more than incompetence and human error. What we could be looking at is a conspiracy and a host of other criminal acts orchestrated by public officials on a mission to win at all costs.
According to published reports, state Senator Paul Bettencourt (R-Houston), told the Texan, “You only have to see that Harris County filed suit in Travis County to block the release of November election records that the attorney general ordered released to see why we need the audit bill passed by the Texas House too.” Bettencourt when on to say, “Tatum and Hidalgo still refuse to tell the public what happened.”
For the record, eventually, voters will know the truth about what occurred, and I’m certain that once the truth comes out, people are going to be shocked. And trust me, the truth is going to come out, even if it takes years.
In case you don’t know, KHOU 11 News is continuing to seek answers by joining the lawsuit to push for the release of information (ie.) text messages, emails, and other communications between Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, Harris County Elections Administrator Clifford Tatum and others that could shed light on what occurred in the 2022 Midterm Election in Harris County, Texas.
ABC 13 is also fighting to get records related to the recent November 2022 midterm elections, and the craziest part about all of this is that over five months ago, ABC 13 began seeking documents and pertinent communications between local county leaders, which the county asked the AG to decline citing multiple election-related lawsuits the county is already facing.
And just think about it, as Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee and Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo continue to try to hide behind what occurred in the November 2022 Midterm Election, several new elections are approaching.
On Saturday, May 6, 2023, there are going to be “GENERAL ELECTIONS” taking place in Harris County and other local political subdivisions and counties across the state of Texas. Early voting for the upcoming May 6, 2023, elections will begin on Monday, April 24, 2023, and end on Tuesday, May 6, 2023, according to information released by the Texas Secretary of State.
On Tuesday, November 7, 2023, the “CITY OF HOUSTON MAYORAL ELECTION” is taking place in Houston, Texas. Early voting for the upcoming Tuesday, November 7, 2023, elections will begin on Monday, October 23, 2023, and end on Friday, November 3, 2023, according to information released by the Texas Secretary of State.
On Tuesday, March 5, 2024, the “DEMOCRATIC AND REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES” are taking place across the state of Texas. Early voting for the upcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024, elections will begin on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, and end on Friday, March 1, 2023, according to information released by the Texas Secretary of State.
As it stands right now, local Democratic leaders are screwing up royally. As they continue to try to hide their communications from the public, they are beginning to look even more guilty every day. And if you ask me, Harris Commissioner Rodney Ellis, Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee, and a host of other local Democrats up for reelection in the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election could pay a heavy price at the polls from angry voters, who expect more from our public servants.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

Grace Taylor is a Democrat who hates Republicans, she especially hates former President Donald Trump. And this woman was hired by the Harris County Elections Administrator (Clifford Tatum) to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center "EARLY VOTING LOCATION" during the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election. If you take a look at the FACEBOOK PAGE that belongs to Grace Taylor you will clearly see that she didn't have any business serving as an Election Judge in Harris County, Texas.

Grace Taylor (Democrat), is the woman who was hired by the Harris County Elections Administrator and placed at the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center. And from what I can see, from her FACEBOOK postings, Grace Taylor (no relation), appears to hate former President Donald Trump and has a disdain for Republicans in general. So, why didn't the Harris County Republican Party place a poll watcher, alternate judge, or clerk inside the Hiram Clarke Mult-Service Center to make sure that someone was watching over this predominantly Black "EARLY VOTING LOCATION" between Monday, October 24, 2022, and Friday, November 4, 2022, to protect the integrity of the 2022 Midterm Election?

Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST on July 17, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?

Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST on July 13, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?

Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST on July 11, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?

Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST on July 8, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?

Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST on July 7, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?

Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST on July 7, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?

Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST on July 7, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?

Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST on July 25, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?

Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST on July 23, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?

Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST on July 22, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?

Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST on July 22, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?

Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST on July 21, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?

Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST on July 21, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?

Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST on July 21, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?

Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST on July 20, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?

Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST on July 17, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?

Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST on July 17, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?

Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST on July 17, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?

You can "CLICK HERE" to view this "SCREENSHOTED STORY" about Clifford Tatum that was initially published in the Washington Post, and entitled, "Embattled D.C. Board of Elections under intense scrutiny as Election Day nears," that was written by Aaron C. Davis, October 30, 2014.

You can "CLICK HERE" to view this "SCREENSHOTED STORY" about Clifford Tatum that was initially published in the Washington Examiner, and entitled, "D.C. elections chief Clifford Tatum admits 'missteps'," that was written by Alan Blinder, on December 10, 2012.

You can "CLICK HERE" to view this "SCREENSHOTED STORY" about Clifford Tatum that was initially published in the Politico, and entitled, "Key federal election agency parting ways with embattled top staffer," which was written by Eric Geller, on September 18, 2019.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033