Sunday, April 9, 2023

A Fake Doctorate Candice Matthews Claims to Have Obtained from USC Has Been Disputed by the Associate Registrar of the University

Carroll G. Robinson (left), the chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats is a worthless lowdown piece of crap that should not under any circumstance be allowed to win the coveted 18th Congressional District of Texas seat, if Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, somehow manages to win her bid to become Mayor of the City of Houston on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, in the general election. OTHER HAPPENINGS...In case you haven't heard, Candice Matthews was named the new president of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats (Harris County Chapter) last week. But Gerry Wayne Monroe, better known as the 5-Star General, has raised questions about the validity of her "DOCTORATE DEGREE" that she claimed to hold from the University of Southern California (USC) on her application for a state license for her "CHILDREN OF DIVERSITY" Child Care Placement Agency. You can "CLICK HERE" to see the educational background Candice Matthews claimed to have at the time she filed her application.

Gerry Wayne Monroe, better known as the 5-Star General plans to make Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton aware of the fact that "THE TRANSCRIPT" used by Candice Matthews in "HER APPLICATION" to obtain a state license to operate the Children of Diversity Child Care Placement Agency is a fake. On “PAGE ONE” of the “FRAUDULENT APPLICATION” filed by Candice Matthews, she claimed that she received a Ph.D. in Education from (USC) The University of Southern California which has been proven to be false. How? Well, Stephanie A. Murguia, the Associate Registrar of Academic Records & Registrar at the University of Southern California, that’s located at 700 Childs Way, Blvd. #91, in Los Angeles, CA 90089, has confirmed that Candice Matthews never attended USC, the University of Southern California.


***Please contact Stephanie Murguia, Associate Registrar for the Rossier School of Education at USC for verification via email at

You can "CLICK HERE" to review the fraudulent educational background that Candice Denise Ward Enecio presented to the Texas Department of Family and Protected Services to obtain her license to operate Children of Diversity. According to Stephanie A. Murguia, the Associate Registrar of Academic Records & Registrar at the University of Southern California, Candice Denise Ward Enecio never attended the USC, and therefore "THE TRANSCRIPT" on (PAGE 15) of this application is fake.

The educational information provided by Candice Denice Ward Enecio above about attending USC is fraudulent. According to Stephanie A. Murguia, the Associate Registrar of Academic Records & Registrar at the University of Southern California, Candice Denise Ward Enecio never attended the USC, and therefore "THE TRANSCRIPT" on (PAGE 15) of this application is fake.

Candice Denice Ward Enecio did not attend the University of California from 2002 through 2005. According to Stephanie A. Murguia, the Associate Registrar of Academic Records & Registrar at the University of Southern California, Candice Denise Ward Enecio never attended the USC, and therefore "THE TRANSCRIPT" on (PAGE 15) of this application is fake.

Candice Denice Ward Enecio did not major in Educational Leadership at the University of Southern California. According to Stephanie A. Murguia, the Associate Registrar of Academic Records & Registrar at the University of Southern California, Candice Denise Ward Enecio never attended the USC, and therefore "THE TRANSCRIPT" on (PAGE 15) of this application is fake.

Candice Denice Ward Enecio did not receive a Doctor of Ph.D. in Education from the University of Southern California. According to Stephanie A. Murguia, the Associate Registrar of Academic Records & Registrar at the University of Southern California, Candice Denise Ward Enecio never attended the USC, and therefore "THE TRANSCRIPT" on (PAGE 15) of this application is fake.

According to Stephanie A. Murguia, the Associate Registrar of Academic Records & Registrar at the University of Southern California, Candice Denise Ward Enecio never attended the USC, and therefore "THE TRANSCRIPT" that you see above Candice Denise Ward Enecio claimed that she attended the Rossier School of Education on the campus of the University of California (USC) is a complete lie. You can "CLICK HERE" to get a better look at the "FRAUDULENT TRANSCRIPT" for yourself.


***Please contact Stephanie Murguia, Associate Registrar for the Rossier School of Education at USC for verification via email at

This is the sticky note that was attached to "THE FRAUDULENT TRANSCRIPT" which was used by Candice Denise Ward Enecio to obtain a state license from the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. Anyone who obtains a legitimate degree from a university could easily request another copy. You can "CLICK HERE" to see for yourself.

VERIFICATION STEP #1: In my capacity as an "INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER" I, (Aubrey R. Taylor), reached out to the University of Southern California to verify whether "THE TRANSCRIPT" used by Candice Denise Ward Enecio was authentic. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the "FRAUDULENT TRANSCRIPT" for yourself.

VERIFICATION STEP #2: After a series of exchanges with the registrar's office at USC, they stated that they could only honor my request, with a release from Candice Denise Ward Matthews. You can "CLICK HERE" to see "THE FRAUDULENT TRANSCRIPT" for yourself.

VERIFICATION STEP #3: After I explained to "THE ASSOCIATE REGISTRAR" for Academic Records & Registrar for the University of Southern California, she responded by saying, "We have no record of this individual attending USC." So, for the record, "THE TRANSCRIPT" provided by Candice Denise Ward Enecio is a fake. You can "CLICK HERE" to see the "FAKE TRANSCRIPT" for yourself.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "We must make it our business to start "PUTTING PEOPLE OVER POLITICS" going forward into the 2023 City of Houston Mayoral Election, the 2024 Democratic Party Primary, and 2024 Republican Party Primary. Our nation is at a serious crossroads, and a serious course correction is desperately needed in America."

A Fake Doctorate Candice Matthews Claims to Have Obtained from USC Has Been Disputed by the Associate Registrar of the University


As many of you may, or may not, know, Candice Matthews has been made the President of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats (Harris County Chapter), after the abrupt resignation of the former president Terrance Shanks, who was fined $27,500.00 by the Texas Ethics Commission.

Along with Terrence Shanks, the former president of the defunct Texas Coalition of Black Democrats (Harris County Chapter), being fined $27,500.00 by the Texas Ethics Commission, his sidekick Dr. Darnella Wilkerson was fined $17,500.00 by TEC.

More importantly, along with being fined by the Texas Ethics Commission, the defunct Texas Coalition of Black Democrats (Harris County Chapter) was accused of “LAUNDERING MONEY” and “SELLING ENDORSEMENTS” to local political candidates. But that’s a story for another day.


The First Amendment provides that Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise. It protects freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


Anyways, as an investigative reporter with over 32 years of experience, and the publisher of a newspaper, I am duly protected under the First Amendment to the United State Constitution, in regards to “FREEDOM OF SPEECH” and “FREEDOM OF THE PRESS” in case you don’t know. That being said, I have the same protections as the New York Times, Washington Post, Texas Tribune, Houston Chronicle, and other mainstream news outlets.

After receiving several calls and text messages last week, in regards to Candice Matthews, and after observing the public war between her and Gerry Wayne Monroe, the host of “THE WAR ZONE,” I am compelled (in the spirit of public interest) to report on this matter.

Carroll G. Robinson, the chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats is a low-down dirty dog. And he’s the person who is responsible for all of this confusion that swirling around Candice Matthews, and the “FRAUDULENT TRANSCRIPT” and “BOGUS DOCTORATE” that she claimed to obtain from the University of California.

As the chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats, Carroll G. Robinson should, and must, be held accountable for allowing the fight between Candice Matthews and Gerry Wayne Monroe to continue over the last week. Why? Well, Carroll G. Robinson knows the truth, and is derelict in his duties, as the leader of his organization.

What am I talking about? Well, if you take a moment to look at a copy of “THE APPLICATION” that Gerry Wayne Monroe claims to have received from one of his sources, who filed an “OPEN RECORDS REQUEST,” on “PAGE ONE” it is clear that the application contains fraudulent information.

Now, for the record, I can verify this information because a member of my investigative team obtained the same “FRAUDLENT APPLICATION” as part of an “OPEN RECORDS REQUEST,” we filed.

Anyone wishing to verify the validity of “THE FRAUDULENT APPLICATION” that was filed by Candice Matthews with the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services to obtain an “ADMINISTRATORS LICENCE OR CHILD-PLACING AGENCY ADMINISTRATOR LICENSE” should file an independent “OPEN RECORDS REQUEST” to verify the authenticity of the information published below.

On “PAGE ONE” of the “FRAUDULENT APPLICATION” filed by Candice Matthews, she claimed that she received a Ph.D. in Education from (USC) The University of Southern California which has been proven to be false. How? Well, Stephanie A. Murguia, the Associate Registrar of Academic Records & Registrar at the University of Southern California, that’s located at 700 Childs Way, Blvd. #91, in Los Angeles, CA 90089, has confirmed that Candice Matthews never attended USC, the University of Southern California.


Please contact Stephanie Murguia, Associate Registrar via email at


What does all of this mean? Well, Gerry Wayne Monroe, is correct, Candice Matthews obtained her “ADMINISTRATORS LICENCE OR CHILD-PLACING AGENCY ADMINISTRATOR LICENSE” by providing a “FRAUDULENT TRANSCRIPT” and by providing a fraudulent educational experience to obtain the license in question in the first place.

As further proof that Gerry Wayne Monroe, the host of “THE WARZONE” should be able to win his battle against Candice Matthews and her minions, all you have to do is look at the bio she has published on her website right now.

If you pay close attention to her “ABOUT ME” section, in “PARAGRAPH THREE” she falls back to only talking about holding “AN HONORARY DOCTORATE” which means that “THE GOOD DOCTOR” could be in some serious trouble if she (and her minions) continues to wage war against Gerry Wayne Monroe, over whether the degrees she claimed to hold from the University of Southern California (USC), or Temple University are legitimate.

Anyone who has any questions about this report, or the authenticity of the documents contained herein is strongly encouraged to call my attorney, “Downtown” Oliver Brown at (713)851-1110, today.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

Candice Matthews has done some good work in the community. However, "THE TRANSCRIPT" she used to bolster her "EDUCATIONAL CLAIMS" were fabricated. According to Stephanie A. Murguia, the Associate Registrar of Academic Records & Registrar at the University of Southern California, that’s located at 700 Childs Way, Blvd. #91, in Los Angeles, CA 90089, Candice Matthews never attended USC, the University of Southern California.


Dr. Candice Matthews Statewide Vice Chair is a highly sought-after expert in the field of child welfare and has more than 15 years of experience working with children and families in Houston, Texas. Her current role has her designing, developing, and implementing strategic plans for the Children of Diversity Foster Adoption Agency organization cost-effectively and time-efficiently.

Daily activities include the day-to-day operation of the organization, managing committees, developing staff, and creating business plans in collaboration with the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services and the Texas Department of Human Health Services.

Dr. Candice is a highly effective and efficient administrator with over 15 years of experience designing, developing, and implementing strategic plans for various organizations. She has a proven track record in managing committees, developing staff, and creating business plans. Her current role is responsible for the day-to-day operation of a Foster Adoption Agency organization that serves children of diversity.

The standards for an honorary doctorate are high and have been met by Dr. Matthews. While an honorary doctorate is often regarded as the highest form of recognition a university can bestow, the specifics of being awarded an honorary Doctorate of Humanity are specifically awarded to individuals like Dr. Candice, who makes great contributions to society.

She has always been a champion for the underdog and a voice for the voiceless. Her humanitarian and philanthropic contributions to society include her affiliations with the Texas Coalition Of Black Democrats, a voter protection project, and the Rainbow Push Coalition. This latter organization was founded by Jesse Jackson and is currently a Chicago-based nonprofit organization formed as a merger of Operation PUSH and the National Rainbow Coalition.

The Rainbow Push Coalition is a multi-racial, multi-issue confronting organization that "seeks to protect, defend, and gain civil rights by leveling the economic and educational playing fields, and to promote peace and justice around the world." The Rainbow Push Coalition is committed to fighting for the rights of all people, regardless of race or ethnicity. They are dedicated to promoting equality and justice for all.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033