“The Texas Coalition of Black Democrats (TCBD), in preparation for the 2022 and 2024 election cycles, has organized a statewide Texas Alliance of Black Political Action Committees (PACs) to engage in coordinated local, statewide and national fundraising to increase overall funding to maximize Black Democratic voter turnout through increased and enhanced voter registration, issue education, year-round voter engagement, community service and political infrastructure building and maintenance,” read an article that was published back on March 4, 2021, in the North Dallas Gazette. You can "CLICK HERE" to read the article for yourself.
According to the article, that was published in the North Dallas Gazette, “This historic initiative will be led by small business-owner, Melanie Miles. Miles has agreed to lead the fundraising project as part of The Coalition’s broader effort to help increase the involvement of Democratic Precinct Chairs and local and county elected officials within The Coalition and Texas Democratic Party.”

Attorney Melanie Miles pretended to be a Republican and tricked Republican Party Primary voters back during the 2014 Republican Party Primary, and 2018 Republican Party Primary. Melanie Flowers has been desperately searching for relevance for years. Melanie Flowers tried running for judicial positions several times as a Republican but was unsuccessful. She then grew frustrated and abandoned her fake conservative principles, and traded them in for a more liberal point of view. She then used the "MILES BRAND" that has been established by her ex-husband state Senator Borris L. Miles to win the Harris County Democratic Precinct Chair for Precinct #140 chairmanship, which she currently holds. You can "CLICK HERE" to learn more about the plot between Melanie Miles and the "CARROLL G. ROBINSON CLAN OF MISFITS" to create and then use "BLACK PACS" to flip the state of Texas from a "RED STATE" to a "BLUE STATE" in the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election cycle.
I hope this report will help you better understand why Black Houstonians must not allow Black candidates like Melanie Miles, to get elected on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, in the upcoming City of Houston Mayoral Election.
If you have been paying attention, you’ve probably already noticed that Melanie Miles is right back to the same old tricks, and buffoonery, that she successfully used after she fled the Harris County Republican Party, and linked up with the “CARROLL G. ROBINSON CLAN OF MISFITS” and became the Harris County Democratic Party Precinct Chair for Precinct #140.
Our girl Melanie Miles Bazil doesn’t have any shame in her game, from what I’ve observed. She isn’t even using her married name “BAZIL” anywhere on the ballot, in the upcoming Tuesday, November 7, 2023, City of Houston race for the At-Large Position #1 seat, where she will be faced off against Eriq C. Glenn, Julian Ramirez, Kendall Baker, Conchita Reyes, and Leah Wolfthal.
Has Melanie Miles gotten over the state Sen. Borris L. Miles, the son of Sunnyside? I’m not too sure, what about you?

Houston City Council has voted to approve the spending of more hard-earned tax dollars that belong to hard-working Houstonians, to fund their fight with firefighters in court again. That being said, charlatans like attorney Melanie Miles, must be rejected at the ballot box, in favor of good, strong, conservative-minded candidates like Julian Ramirez, who will also be on the November ballot, in the race for the At-Large Position #1, council seat.
In case you don’t know, attorney Julian Ramirez is a well-established, and respected attorney whom my investigative team and I have already vetted, and approved in the race for Houston City Council At-Large Position #1 council seat, in the upcoming Tuesday, November 7, 2023, City of Houston Mayoral Election.
In my assessment, the city council members who voted to continue the suffering Houston firefighters have been forced to endure since 2014, should be ashamed of themselves. In case you don’t know, these firefighters have been risking their lives since 2014, without a contract. And now, Mayor Sylvester Turner is planning to spend at least $500,000.00, at the expense of taxpayers to cover the initial legal expenses for outside attorneys and other experts to add insult to injury, whereas equal pay for firefighters is concerned.
All of that being said, the city of Houston plans to sue to keep a new law, from taking effect. The law in question would require “THE CITY OF HOUSTON” and firefighters to have an independent arbiter assist them with settling their labor dispute when they are unable to agree on labor terms.

The average “BLACK VOTER” is sitting in the dark right now, and doesn’t have a clue that “DIRTY BLACK POLITICAL OPERATIVES” and career politicians like Mayor Sylvester Turner, Commissioner Rodney Ellis, and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee have been conspiring together to hold “THE BLACK COMMUNITY” hostage for decades.
Black Houstonians, are experiencing a severe case of taxation, without representation, from what I can see, and a paradigm shift must occur if African Americans are going to remain relevant in local politics.
Mayor Sylvester Turner was dirty, way before he became the Mayor of Houston, Texas. Many Houstonians are too young to remember the rumors about Sylvester Turner’s orgies with other local Black men, and how his client faked his death back in the 1990s, only to be found sitting in a jail cell in Spain.
Now, I’m not going to harp on Mayor Sylvester Turner, but I certainly hope that the rumors about contemplating a run for the 18th Congressional District of Texas, on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary are false.
With Carroll G. Robinson, the chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats, and Amanda Edwards, the former At-Large Position #3, and U.S. Senate candidate already a declared-candidates, Sylvester Turner needs to sit his tail down somewhere when his term expires.

What most Black Houstonians don’t realize, is that “BLACK POLITICAL OPERATIVES” and a handful of Black politicians have been doing some serious dirty work, behind the scenes in local elections to maintain their control of “THE BLACK COMMUNITY” for decades.
Before 2016, “BLACK BALLOT HARVESTERS” for the most part, dominated Black areas of Harris County, Texas, and were the driving force behind local Black elected officials like Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (18th Congressional District), and other local Black politicians like state Rep. Harold Dutton, (House District 142), maintaining their holds of Black Democratic voting precincts, in Harris County, Texas.
After failing to win Mayoral bids back in 1991, against Bob Lanier, and in 2003, against Bill White, Houston’s current lame-duck Mayor, Sylvester Turner, finally captured the office back in 2015 and was installed into office, on Saturday, January 2, 2016, a day before beloved Harris County Commissioner El Franco Lee, mysteriously died of a sudden heart attack.
Remember, Harris County Commissioner El Franco Lee was robust, vibrant, and in excellent physical condition when he abruptly suffered a massive heart attack, on the morning after Sylvester Turner, was installed as Houston’s second Black Mayor – go figure!!! And his untimely death on the morning of Sunday, January 3, 2016, came as a surprise to everyone, including me.
However, the prime benefactor of the sudden untimely death of Commissioner El Franco Lee was a guy by the name of State Senator Rodney Ellis. Commissioner Lee’s untimely death opened the door for the steady rise to power that the “ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME” is experiencing today.
You see, with Commissioner El Franco Lee, dead, and not standing in their way, the “ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME” was born, and quickly began to reconstruct the political landscape in Harris County, Texas, by seizing control of city government and county government back in 2016.

When you delve inside the inner workings of the local “BLACK POLITICAL ELITES” in Harris County, Texas, what you will find, is a handful of “BLACK POLITICAL TRIBES.”
Now, the strongest “BLACK POLITICAL TRIBE” operating out of Harris County, Texas is run by Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, and the second strongest is headed by Carroll G. Robinson, the chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats, who is as corrupt as they come.
Some of the top lieutenants in the “ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME” are people like Mayor Sylvester Turner, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, who is running for Mayor of Houston, on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, to succeed Mayor Turner; Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee, the guy who you see protecting their regime by using tax-payer dollars to file lawsuits, to keep the citizens of Harris County, in the dark, and a “POLITICAL WEAKLING” by the name of Chris Hollins, who is running for City of Houston Controller, in the upcoming General Election.
Carroll G. Robinson and his crew have been nipping at the heel of the “ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME” for several decades. Carroll’s underlings are misfits who aren’t that respected, admired, or revered in local political circles, but their loyalty to Carroll G. Robinson is unquestionable.
Democratic operatives like Antron D. Johnson, Terrence Shanks, and Dr. Darnella Wilkerson are key players, behind the “MONEY LAUNDERING RING” that was hatched to raise much-needed funds for the “CARROLL G. ROBINSON CLAN OF MISFITS” who are also operating what appears to be an elaborate “ENDORSEMENT SELLING SCHEME” that was uncovered by the Texas Ethics Commission, and my chief investigator, Charles “Chuck” Marler, who is also a former FBI Investigative Specialist.

While President Joe Biden was launching his “BUILD BACK BETTER INITIATIVE” in Washington D.C., something devious was happening behind the scenes in Texas.
The former chairman of the Harris County Democratic Party by the name of Odus Evbagharu who was serving as the chief of staff for state Rep. Jon Rosenthal (House District 135), and Camille Foster, who was serving as the chief of staff for state Senator Borris L. Miles, began conspiring together to launch a Political Action Committee called “BUILD BLACK BETTER PAC” which sounded very similar to the “BUILD BACK BETTER INITIATIVE” that was launched by President Joe Biden.
However, after former FBI Investigative Specialist (Charles “Chuck” Marler), discovered their plan, Odus Evbagharu, and Camille Foster, abandoned their idea.
Even though Odus Evbagharu, the chief of staff for state Rep. Rosenthal, and Camille Foster, the chief of staff for State Sen. Borris L. Miles, abandoned their PAC, the conspiracy involving the use of “POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEES” to launder money in Texas didn’t stop end when Evbagharu, and Foster, jumped ship, after Charles “Chuck” Marler uncovered their plot.

For those of you who don’t know her, attorney Melanie Miles is the ex-wife, of state Senator Borris L. Miles, who is widely known as the son of Sunnyside, a predominantly historic African-American Democratic stronghold in Harris County, Texas.
Now, for the record, Melanie Miles, Melanie Wilcox, Melanie Flowers, Melanie Wilcox Flowers, Melanie Wilcox Miles, Melanie Wilcox Flowers Miles, Melanie Wilcox Flowers Bazil Miles, Melanie Wilcox Flowers Bazil Miles, Melanie Bazil, and Melanie Miles Bazil, are all the same woman.
For years, attorney Melanie Miles has been using the powerful brand and “NAME ID” of her ex-husband (BORRIS L. MILES), in her attempt to gain an identity for herself.
In a sense, on the one hand, I kind of feel sorry for Melanie, who hasn’t quite been able to remove herself from beneath the shadow of her powerful ex-husband, State Senator Borris L. Miles, but on the other hand, I disagree with methods she’s resorted to in her quest to become relevant in local politics.
Back when Republicans controlled local judicial benches in Harris County, Texas, Melanie Miles pretended to be on the Republican side of the political aisle and ran for the 247th Family Court bench, and the 257th Family Court bench.
Unfortunately for Melanie, pretending to be a Republican didn’t work out too well for her, and after a few unsuccessful bids to win a local Family Court bench, she grew tired of pretending to be a Republican, and fled the Harris County Republican Party, and linked up with the “CARROLL G. ROBINSON CLAN OF MISFITS” and ran for office in the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Democratic Party Primary race for Democratic Party Precinct Char for Precinct #140, using the name “MELANIE MILES FLOWERS” and somehow managed to trick Democrats – many of whom weren’t even aware that Melanie had just fled the Harris County Republican Party.
Anyways, Melanie Miles Flowers, received 518 votes for 72.14% of the vote, to unseat a lifelong Democrat by the name of Verlinda J. Higgins, who only managed to receive 200 votes, for 27.86% of the vote back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Party Primary race for Precinct #140, in Harris County, Texas.

With the help of my chief investigator, former FBI Investigative Specialist Charles “Chuck” Marler, my investigative team was able to disrupt the plot that the “CARROLL G. ROBINSON CLAN OF MISFITS” had established with attorney Melanie Wilcox Flowers Miles Bazil, BAR CARD #00797759, had planned to implement, the Lone Star State.
Just so you know, Melanie was recruited to act as the chairman of a “COORDINATED ALLIANCE” of Political Action Committees, before my investigative team thwarted, and disrupted their plan to create a conglomerate of bogus political action committees to further the “MONEY LAUNDERING RING” that was already being operated by Terrance Shanks, and Dr. Darnella Wilkerson TEXAS COALITION OF BLACK DEMOCRATS (Harris County Chapter), with the plan to enrich themselves during the 2022 Midterm Election cycle, and 2024 Presidential Election cycle, in Texas.

“The Texas Coalition of Black Democrats (TCBD), in preparation for the 2022 and 2024 election cycles, has organized a statewide Texas Alliance of Black Political Action Committees (PACs) to engage in coordinated local, statewide and national fundraising to increase overall funding to maximize Black Democratic voter turnout through increased and enhanced voter registration, issue education, year-round voter engagement, community service and political infrastructure building and maintenance,” read an article that was published back on March 4, 2021, in the North Dallas Gazette.
According to the article, that was published in the North Dallas Gazette, “This historic initiative will be led by small business-owner, Melanie Miles. Miles has agreed to lead the fundraising project as part of The Coalition’s broader effort to help increase the involvement of Democratic Precinct Chairs and local and county elected officials within The Coalition and Texas Democratic Party.”
The article continued: In agreeing to serve as Chair of the Texas Alliance of Black PACs, Miles said, “I will be laser-focused on helping to raise the funding necessary to bring change to Texas. Our state needs better, more compassionate, and competent leadership and the path to achieving that goal is a stronger, more unified, energized, and well-funded Black Democratic political infrastructure.”
According to Melanie Miles, who had just fled the Harris County Republican Party, and linked up with the “ROBINSON CLAN OF MISFITS,” a few months prior, “Black Democrats need the financial wherewithal to partner with our county parties across the state to maximize black voter turnout in our rural, suburban and urban counties.”
The North Dallas Gazette article went on to state, “In addition to fundraising for the Texas Alliance of Black PACs, Melanie Miles has also agreed to work with The Coalition’s State Chair, Carroll G. Robinson, to assist him to help secure funding to ensure that all 254 Democratic County Parties across Texas have a full-time paid staff member to maximize the efficiency of precinct chairs in the effort to increase overall Democratic voter turnout.”
“Under the leadership of Miles, The Alliance will be reaching out to partner and work with all the various constituency organizations and allied groups, in the Texas Democratic Party, to maximize strategic deployment of assets, resources, and investments in the Coalition’s effort to (Re)Turn Texas Blue,” explained, the North Dallas Gazette writer.
According to the way the article was closed out, Carroll G. Robinson and his “CLAN OF MISFITS” were greatly appreciative, that Melanie Miles had joined their regime, “Chairman Robinson said, “TCBD greatly appreciates Melanie Miles’ commitment to helping the Coalition and other Texas Black PACs secure the resources necessary to help elect Black Democrats and grow Black voter turnout to help elect Democrats all across Texas in 2022 and 2024.”

These two dirty “BLACK POLITICAL REGIMES” are headed up by Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis the “ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME,” and the “CARROLL G. ROBINSON CLAN OF MISFITS,” which is headed up by Carroll G. Robinson, the chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats, are not fighting to protect Black voters from Republicans.
What people like Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, and Carroll G. Robinson are doing, is trying to protect their ability to gain unfair advantages in local and statewide elections by making it easier to cheat in Texas elections.
Therefore, I would like to personally thank state Senator Paul Bettencourt “UNCLE PAUL” for having the intestinal fortitude, foresight, and courage to stand up to the corrupt “BLACK POLITICAL REGIMES” that turned the city of Houston into the “DEATH CAPITAL OF AMERICA,” and Harris County, Texas, into one of the most corrupt counties in America.

Odus Evbagharu (third from right), the former Chairman of the Harris County Democratic Party was tight buddies with Carroll G. Robinson (left), the chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats. He's also still joined at the hip with Terrance Shanks, the former president of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats (Harris County Chapter), a defunct Political Action Committee that continues to operate illegally in Harris County, Texas.

TCBD-HC’s activity presents particular cause for public concern because it appears from TCBD-HC’s 2020 endorsement slate and its banking records that TCBD-HC may be “selling” its endorsements in exchange for financial contributions. TCBD-HC has avoided potentially unpleasant public inquiry on this unsavory topic by evading its reporting obligations. Further, Commission staff uncovered TCBD-HC candidate endorsement slates for the 2018 and 2022 primary elections, which suggests that TCBD-HC’s involvement in the March 2020 primary election was not an isolated event. You can "CLICK HERE" to review the "FINAL ORDER" for yourself.

No single document in the record makes clear why Wilkerson deposited several thousand dollars in the 39 personal savings account, immediately withdrew the entire amount in cash, and then deposited the funds in the 98 main AAC account. However, that the 39 account is in Wilkerson’s name as a personal account formally unattached with the other two accounts and that Shanks and Wilkerson opted to withdraw the funds from the 39 account in cash rather than effecting the transfer by more convenient means suggest that Shanks and Wilkerson wished to conceal the source of the funds. The memo lines on the checks, which read “[e]ndorsed candidate GOTV,” “slate card,” and “[p]oll working for [e]lection,” suggest that the payments were in nature political contributions to TCBD-HC. Public knowledge that TCBD-HC had accepted political contributions from AAC might have compelled TCBD-HC to file a campaign treasurer appointment, as Section 253.031 of the Election Code prohibits political committees from accepting political contributions or making political expenditures exceeding a certain threshold without having a campaign treasurer appointment on file, a threshold which these contributions exceeded. You can "CLICK HERE" to see how Carroll's minions have been running their "MONEY LAUNDERING" and "ENDORSEMENT SELLING SCHEME" while Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg has supported the illegal PAC, and benefited from their illegal activities.

Carroll G. Robinson is the Chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats. After he abruptly stepped down from the HCC Board, I grew a little suspicious about this guy.
Do you know how a “PONZI SCHEME” works? OK, I’m going to show you how it works. The way “PONZI SCHEMES” and “PYRAMID SCHEMES” work, is that members are recruited based on a promise that they will be paid for their services by enrolling or convincing others to join the scheme beneath them. Once the perpetrators of the scheme lure enough potential victims into the scheme by promising them that profits will be realized through legitimate business activities, they're off to the races. However, for a “PONZI SCHEME” to flourish, the people at the top must keep the people at the bottom in the dark about what's going on at the top. And for either of the two schemes to continue to grow a constant flow of new members is vital.

This cat right here is Antron D. Johnson, and he's the joker who serves as the treasurer for several of the Black Political Action Committees that we are investigating at this moment. Now, as the treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC, this dude has sworn that everything submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission in their campaign finance report is on the up and up. However, from my investigation into this dude, his most recent campaign finance report, and the way these "GPAC'S" are sending money back and forth to one another -- I'm not too sure if what these guys are doing is actually on the up and up!"
In case you don’t know, Carroll G. Robinson’s boy, Antron D. Johnson is the treasurer who signed off on their Thursday, July 15, 2021, campaign finance report for the Texas Black Democrats PAC, that I’m going to break down for you today. Now, that being said, please understand that as the treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC, Antron D. Johnson swore to this statement, “I swear, or affirm, under penalty of perjury, that the accompanying report is true and correct and includes all information required to be reported by me under Title 15, Election Code. Now, for those of you who don’t know, TITLE 15, OF THE ELECTION CODE IS RELATED TO THE REGULATION OF POLITICAL FUNDS AND CAMPAIGNS. You can (CLICK HERE) if you would like to learn more about the seriousness of lying on a campaign finance report.
On their Thursday, July 15, 2021, campaign finance report that was submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission, Antron D. Johnson swore that the Texas Black Democrats PAC had only received $15,200.00 dollars between Friday, January 1, 2021, and Wednesday, June 30, 2021.
According to the sworn statement submitted to Texas Ethics Commission on Thursday, July 15, 2021, by Antron D. Johnson, who acts as the treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC, they spent $41,098.90 dollars between Friday, January 1, 2021, and Wednesday, June 30, 2021.
In his sworn statement submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission on Thursday, July 15, 2021, Antron D. Johnson claimed that Texas Black Democrats PAC was left with $6,872.00 dollars in its bank account after all of its expenditures were made.
In order for “PONZI SCHEMES” and “PYRAMID SCHEMES” to work, the people at the top, must get people to buy into the scheme and then recruit other people to join in under them – so on, and so forth. Well, the same formula can work in politics with Political Action Committees and unsuspecting candidates who are lured in by the promise that an organization or organizations can deliver votes on Election Day. Now, I’m not saying in any way that Carroll G. Robinson, Robert Williams, or Antron D. Johnson, are actually running a “POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE PONZI SCHEME” or anything of that nature. However, what I am saying is that something doesn’t smell right about how that donated money is flowing back and forth between the Black Political Action Committees these guys are running.

City Council, District A:
✅ Amy Peck

City Council, District B:

City Council, District C:
✅ Abbie Kamin

City Council, District D:

City Council, District E:
✅ Martina Lemond Dixon

City Council, District F:
✅ Tiffany D. Thomas

City Council, District H:
✅ Michelle Sterns

City Council, District I:
✅ Rick Gonzales

City Council, District J:
✅ Edward Pollard

City Council, District K:
✅ Martha Castex-Tatum

City Council, At-Large #1

City Council, At-Large #2

City Council, At-Large #3

City Council, At-Large #4

City Council, At-Large #5
✅ Sallie Alcorn

Dr. Kathy Lee Tatum, a 2023 Candidate for Mayor of Houston, Other Black Woman Are Calling Sheila Jackson Lee Out
If Houstonians, especially female Houstonians make the wrong decision in the upcoming Tuesday, November 7, 2023, City of Houston Mayoral Election, it could end up being detrimental to their safety, and well-being. Yes, Houston is facing a fiscal cliff, but Houston is also in the midst of a fierce battle for the soul of the Bayou City, in many regards.
I’m not going to revisit, Mayor Sylvester’s exploits, from “THE 1991 AFFIDAVIT” which was signed by his wife (at the time) Cheryl Gillum Turner, that mentioned the names of attorney Michael Harris, former Channel 26 News Anchor Lloyd Gite, attorney Darryl Carter, businessman Don Aarons, and many other gay African American men who are closet homosexuals.
Nope! I’m not even going to bring up the conversation between Loyd Gite, and Sylvester Turner, which was recounted by Cheryl Gillum Turner, back when she was an Assistant District Attorney for Harris County, Texas.
“Before the birth of our daughter and after Sylvester had laid down this set of demands, I became very uncomfortable with our lifestyle and how our marriage was going,” explained Sylvester Turner’s wife at the time.
She also explained, “I also became suspicious that he was making remarks to other persons about our marital affairs. Therefore, I made the decision to tape-record his telephone conversations.”
According to Mayor Sylvester Turner’s wife at the time, “From these recorded conversations, I learned that Sylvester was bisexual, as well as participating in sexual orgies.”
Now, the most troubling part about “THE 1991 AFFIDAVIT” is that some of the very men who were mentioned as being Mayor Sylvester Turner’s lovers back in the 1990s are now some of the most powerful “BLACK BUSINESSMEN” and local pastors in the Houston-area.
One such pastor is a “CONVICTED SEX OFFENDER” who goes by the name of (E.A. Deckard), but his real name is (Eddie Andre Deckard), and he currently serves as the Pastor of Green House International Church, which is located at 200 W Greens Rd, Houston, Texas 77067.

Yesterday (Saturday, August 26, 2023), at 12:59 p.m., I received a very concerning email from Dr. Kathy Lee Tatum, an African American female who is currently running for Mayor of Houston against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and (16) sixteen other mayoral candidates.
“Just did a panel of the candidates,” said Dr. Tatum. And then she went on to explain how Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee showed up late.
Dr. Tatum also went on to state, “This woman says that she wants to stop pedophiles.” Then Dr. Kathy Lee Tatum went on to make me aware of the fact that Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee claims on the one hand that she’s going to stop pedophiles, but on the other is running around town with a pedophile by the name of (E.A. Decker), who is a registered sex offender.
According to Dr. Tatum, “She only runs with Deckard of Greenhouse International who is a sex offender and gets federal dollars.”
She went on to explain that Pastor E.A. Deckard, is touching kids and that Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is fully aware that Pastor E.A. Deckard is a pedophile, and registered sex offender.
Dr. Tatum didn’t stop with exposing Pastor E.A. Deckard, she shifted her focus to Pastor Terrance Hall, who she claims likes to pick up prostitutes.
“Pastor Terrance Hall likes to pick up prostitutes and get out of jail,” explained Dr. Kathy Tatum.
Then Dr. Kathy Tatum went on to scold Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, “There are sex offenders that are part of her crew. Everybody knows that she already had controversy at the capital, but all these people running around saying that you know she could help with this, and there just isn’t any proof that all the federal dollars that she's claiming went to black folks.”
So, I started doing some digging into the allegations that were made by Dr. Kathy Tatum, as they relate to Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and her connections to pedophiles (Pastor E.A. Deckard), registered sex offenders (Pastor Eddie Andre Deckard), and local pastors who have a penchant for picking up prostitutes (Pastor Terrance Hall), who was forced to drop out of the Houston City Council District B, race, after he was ensnared (busted), in a prostitution sting back in 2011.
Police arrested Pastor Terrance Hall at around 11:00 a.m. back on Thursday, August 11, 2011, in the 3400 block of Liberty in northwest Houston, Texas, an area where prostitutes are known to congregate.
That being said, I have done some digging, and have confirmed the allegations that were made in the email yesterday (Saturday, August 26, 2023), at 12:59 p.m., by Dr. Kathy Tatum, and have determined that she’s got some very valid concerns
So, why haven’t local news stations like Channel 2, Channel 11, Channel 13, and Channel 26, informed the general public, especially the African American community, and made people aware of these disturbing facts, in the spirit of public interests, and concern?

Aside from the email that was sent to me by Dr. Kathy Tatum, I also found some very concerning social media postings about the subject of local “BLACK ELECTED OFFICIALS” parading pedophiles, and sex offenders around children.
One of the more interesting postings that I found was published by Deirdre Dickson-Gilbert, expressing her concerns.
Back Monday, November 25, 2019, at 3:10 p.m., Deirdre Dickson-Gilbert, took to her FACEBOOK PAGE, to complain about local “BLACK ELECTED POLITICIANS” parading “REGISTERED SEX OFFENDERS” around Houston-area children. The registered sex offender she was talking about, was none other than, a local Pastor E.A. Decker (Eddie Andre Deckard), who is the Pastor of Green House International Church, the same, pedophile, and registered sex offender that Dr. Kathy Tatum, complained about in her email.
“Sex Offenders in the Midst,” said Deirdre Dickson-Gilbert.
She went on to explain,” So, I saw something on Facebook mentioning a pastor, Pastor E.A. Deckard of the Green House International Church claiming that he was a known sex offender.”
“I heard that name before and was wondering if it was true and in a few minutes, I found that this man was found guilty of sex with a minor,” explained Deirdre Dickson-Gilbert.
According to Dickson-Gilbert, “It was also mentioned that we had some politicians parading this man around town and embracing him, where children were present.”
Dickson-Gilbert also said, “In addition, this man has a school and was involved in schools one being Bammel Middle School where he was not supposed to be around children.”
“I saw several people with this guy, just as recently as this year on several pictures that are public knowledge. Ron Reynolds, Jeffrey L. Boney, Sheila Jackson Lee, Mayor Sylvester Turner, and Bishop James Dixon,” she explained.
In her FACEBOOK POSTING, Deirdre Dickson-Gilbert asked some very serious questions. “The question comes did you know this man is a Registered Sex Offender? Do you know that he is not supposed to be around children? If you didn't know, what would you do now to protect the community from people like this who prey upon the vulnerable?”

I keep trying to warn Houstonians about Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and the fact that she’s “SOLD HER SOUL” for less than 30 pieces of silver already. Now, you don’t have to take my word for it. The words of Dr. Kathy Lee Tatum, and Dierdre Dickson-Gilbert, speak volumes.
So, Houstonians don’t have to wait until Sheila Jackson Lee, is elected Mayor of Houston, to know what her agenda will be if she becomes Mayor of our beloved Bayou City.
During Sheila Jackson Lee’s first term, she’s going to re-introduced the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO), or what was commonly referred to as “THE BATHROOM BILL” and allowed “BIOLOGICAL MALES” to enter public bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers with “BIOLOGICAL FEMALES” by simply declaring that they are a woman on any given day.
Now, back on Tuesday, November 3, 2015, African American women, courageously put partisan politics aside and joined forces with conservatives, and other concerned Houstonians to defeat “THE BATHROOM BILL” at the ballot box by a 60.97%, to 39,03% margin.
That being said, it is incumbent upon Asian women, Black women, White women, and Latino-women, to join forces and reject Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and her “PEDOPHILE PASTOR FRIENDS” who are planning to put the safety and security of local women in jeopardy, by allowing men in women’s bathrooms, if Sheila Jackson Lee, becomes Mayor.

"The First Amendment (1791) prohibits Congress from obstructing the exercise of certain individual freedoms: freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and right to petition. Its Free Exercise Clause guarantees a person's right to hold whatever religious beliefs they want, and to freely exercise that belief, and its Establishment Clause prevents the federal government from creating an official national church or favoring one set of religious beliefs over another. The amendment guarantees an individual's right to express and to be exposed to a wide range of opinions and views. It was intended to ensure a free exchange of ideas, even unpopular ones. It also guarantees an individual's right to physically gather or associate with others in groups for economic, political, or religious purposes. Additionally, it guarantees an individual's right to petition the government for a redress of grievances."