Alexandra del Moral Mealer could have the "IT FACTOR" it will take for her to cross the 600,000 vote barrier in the upcoming Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election. Remember, no Republican candidate has ever garnered 600,000 votes in a Midterm Election in the history of voting in Harris County, Texas. Now, to do it, it's going to take "A SPECIAL KIND OF CONSERVATIVE" who can connect with the Black Community in a way that no other Conservative has ever done before. Now, do you see that African American male throwing up the duces (I mean peace sign) on the right? Well, that should tell you all you need to know about Alexandra del Moral Mealer's ability to connect with Black folks.
Alexandra Could Have What it Takes to Connect With Blacks in Places Like Barrett Station, Sunnyside, and Third Ward
Polls don't win elections! Did you hear me, I said polls don't win elections!!! Now, that being said, Alexandra del Moral Mealer's chances of unseating Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo are looking pretty good. How can I say this? Well, prior to Alexandra del Moral Mealer showing up at the 36th Annual Barrett Station Homecoming over the weekend, a UH Hobby School of Public Affairs Poll showed that she currently only running 1% point behind Harris County Judge Lina Hildago in her quest to unseat Lina on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in the Midterm Election.
Alexandra del Moral Mealer is in what you call a statistical dead heat with Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo right now. So, what she's going to need to do is rally her base, and then she's going to need to garner the support of Independents and Libertarians, but she still won't have enough votes to unseat Lina Hidalgo, in the upcoming Midterm Election. So, what she's going to need to do is focus a lot of her attention on "VOTER OUTREACH" and branding as the face of the Conservative movement in Harris County, Texas.
As it stands right now, according to the UH Hobby School of Public Affairs Poll, only 48% of likely voters favored Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, and 47% of likely voters favor Alexandra del Moral Mealer. So, if you ask me, Alexandra del Moral Mealer is already sitting in the catbird seat. All she needs to do now is connect with people and continue to be her authentic self.
If you look at it, Alexandra del Moral Mealer is already ahead of Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo as it relates to the Latino vote. According to the poll, Alexandra del Moral Mealer has 47% and Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo only has 44 % of the Latino vote right now.
So, the next step logical step for Alexandra del Moral Mealer is to cut into Lina Hidalgo's so-called 82% to 16% lead as it relates to Black voters. Now, if you ask me, I don't believe for one moment that Lina Hidalgo is leading Alexandra del Moral Mealer by that vast of a margin in the Black Community, "but it is what it is" at this point I guess. Anyways, if you look at how well the folks over in Barrett Station received and embraced Alexandra del Moral Mealer of the weekend, you have to wonder what Black people were polled to come up with an 82% to 16% differential between Lina and Alexandra.

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Do you see the genuineness in the interaction between Alexandra del Moral Mealer and the young Black male pictured above? Can you honestly tell me that this Black male from the Barrett Station area of Harris County, Texas would not cast his vote for Alexandra del Moral Mealer over Lina Hidalgo? If you ask me, it looks like Alexandra del Moral Mealer has "MADE A BUNCH OF NEW FRIENDS" over in Barrett Station, a traditional Democratic stronghold. In case you don't know, Barrett's Settlement was founded by a former slave, known as Harrison Barrett (1845-1917).

Do you see the gesture that's being made by that Black male towards Alexandra del Moral Mealer? Well, Black males don't make that gesture toward everybody. As a matter of fact, I don't recall ever seeing any Black person (let alone a Black male) making that gesture toward Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo since she took office. Now, notice his smile too. Do you see how comfortable he appears to be with Alexandra del Moral Mealer, a Conservative? Well, that's what connectivity looks like. Alexandra del Moral Mealer is "A SPECIAL KIND OF CONSERVATIVE" who can connect with the Black Community on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in the Midterm Election.

Body language tells you all you need to know about how well Alexandra del Moral Mealer was received over in Barrett Station, a Democratic stronghold over the weekend. Notice how the African American male is standing. And then notice how comfortable the African American female looks with Alexandra del Moral Mealer, body language tells you all you need to know when dealing with Black folks. Alexandra del Moral Mealer has "A GENUINENESS ABOUT HER" that will give her a decided advantage over Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, when they face off in the race for Harris County Judge in places like Barrett Station, Sunnyside, Third Ward, Fourth Ward, Fifth Ward, Acres Homes, South Park, Hiram Clarke, Independence Heights, Settegast and other tradition Democratic strongholds in Harris County, Texas.

A recent UH Hobby School of Public Affairs Poll stated that Alexandra del Moral Mealer was leading Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo with Latino voters by a 47% to 44% margin. However, the same poll stated that Alexandra del Moral Mealer was trailing Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo by an "UNBELIEVABLE MARGIN" of 82% to 16% at the time that the poll was conducted. Now, whether you believe the poll or not, isn't really that important. What's important now is that we must endeavor to mobilize and implore as many registered African Americans as we can to get behind the candidacy of Alexandra del Moral Mealer on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in Harris County, Texas.
Barrett's Settlement was founded by a former slave, known as Harrison Barrett (1845-1917).
Born into slavery, Barrett was the son of Simon and Eliza Barrett who came to Texas from Louisiana. He had three brothers and two sisters.
Following the emancipation of Texas slaves in 1865, Barrett spent several years gathering his family together. He eventually found all of them except one sister, and they settled on part of the Reuben White League (Survey) east of the San Jacinto River and purchased the land for fifty cents an acre in 1889.
It became one of the largest land holdings in Harris County to be acquired by a former slave. Barrett named the property Barrett's Settlement.
The community began with seven houses (families), which Barrett helped to build with lumber from his land. He helped members of his family to set up farms, established a sawmill, gristmill, coffee mill and granted others open access to fish and crayfish in the spring and gully near his homestead.
Harrison donated land for Shiloh Baptist Church, which also served as a school. In 1947, a high school and a post office branch were built, known as “Barrett Station”.
Barrett, who died in 1917, was buried in Journey's End Cemetery located at his original homestead.
The Barrett Station Civic League (BSCL) was established in 1954 and was formed by the residents of the community.
The population today (2020) exceeds 1400 families and is continually growing.
BSCL is a 501(c)4 Non-profit, Nonpartisan, Neighborhood Organization that exists to advance Civic Engagement to create an Equitable and Thriving Community that promotes the Social Welfare of its Residents.
Barrett's Settlement was founded by a former slave, known as Harrison Barrett (1845-1917).
Born into slavery, Barrett was the son of Simon and Eliza Barrett who came to Texas from Louisiana. He had three brothers and two sisters.
Following the emancipation of Texas slaves in 1865, Barrett spent several years gathering his family together. He eventually found all of them except one sister, and they settled on part of the Reuben White League (Survey) east of the San Jacinto River and purchased the land for fifty cents an acre in 1889.
It became one of the largest land holdings in Harris County to be acquired by a former slave. Barrett named the property Barrett's Settlement.
The community began with seven houses (families), which Barrett helped to build with lumber from his land. He helped members of his family to set up farms, established a sawmill, gristmill, coffee mill and granted others open access to fish and crayfish in the spring and gully near his homestead.
Harrison donated land for Shiloh Baptist Church, which also served as a school. In 1947, a high school and a post office branch were built, known as “Barrett Station”.
Barrett, who died in 1917, was buried in Journey's End Cemetery located at his original homestead.
The Barrett Station Civic League (BSCL) was established in 1954 and was formed by the residents of the community.
The population today (2020) exceeds 1400 families and is continually growing.
BSCL is a 501(c)4 Non-profit, Nonpartisan, Neighborhood Organization that exists to advance Civic Engagement to create an Equitable and Thriving Community that promotes the Social Welfare of its Residents.
Alexandra del Moral Mealer is the "BEST CHOICE" in the race for Harris County Judge on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in Harris County, Texas. So, please don't forget that early voting will begin on Monday, October 24, 2022, and end on Friday, November 4, 2022.

"Over the course of the last few years, I've caught flack from both sides of the political aisle and have consistently been disrespected, shunned, and ignored by a lot of folks. I've also been threatened directly and indirectly since I began investigating local dirty politicians and their cronies who are committed to remaining in power by any means necessary. That being said, I am strongly encouraging you to do your own research and identify the candidates you like. Once you've developed your slate, I need for you to then, combine my slate with yours. Listen!!! The upcoming Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election is unquestionably the most important election of our generation. And thus, propaganda, flat-out lies, and deceptive news reports are being peddled to the public like popcorn at the "RINGLING BROS AND BARNUM & BAILEY CIRCUS" on a daily basis. So, please join me in "Putting People Over Politics" as God's plan for America continues to unfold during this pivotal moment in the history of our great nation."