In case you don’t know, Judge Natalia “Nata” Cornelio was paid $2,500.00 by Commissioner Rodney Ellis back on Tuesday, March 2, 2020. Now, remember, “SUPER TUESDAY” voting took place the very next day on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in Harris County.
Why do you think Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis gave a Latina woman, who worked for him, $2,500.00 one day before "ELECTION DAY VOTING" was scheduled to take place?
I’m not joking around. Natalia “Nata” Cornelio’s campaign finance report that was filed electronically, didn’t spell out what the money given to Natalia “Nata” Cornelio’s Campaign was supposed to be used for on Election Day. However, the report of this payment was filed electronically on Tuesday, March 2, 2020 – again, that’s one day before Election Day.
Now, please understand that Commissioner Rodney Ellis’ Main Office is located at 1001 Preston Avenue, Ste 950 in Houston, Texas 77002, and Natalia “Nata” Cornelio’s Campaign Headquarters, at the time was located at 1300 McGowen Street, Suite 290, in Houston, Texas. Do you realize that the distance between Commissioner Rodney Ellis’ Main Office and Natalia “Nata” Cornelio’s Campaign Headquarters was only a distance of 1.6 miles? Again, why did Commissioner Ellis give Natalia “Nata” Cornelio several thousand dollars one day before election day?
Since her campaign finance report doesn’t say, I would venture to surmise that the money Commissioner Ellis donated to “Nata” was more than likely intended to help Natalia “Nata” Cornelio (A RODNEY ELLIS BACKED CANDIDATE) in her quest to unseat a “BLACK DEMOCRATIC JUDGE” by the name of Judge George Powell, a man who refused to play by Commissioner Rodney Ellis’ rules.
Do you remember all those rumors that were floating around about Natalia “Nata” Cornelio being planted in the race for Judge of the 351st Criminal District Court back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Party Primary to take out Judge George Powell?
Do you remember folks alleging that Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis was “THE PUPPET MASTER,” pulling the strings in certain 2020 Harris County Democratic Party primary candidates?
Remember how it sounded hard to believe that a sitting “BLACK ELECTED OFFICIAL” would be behind an “ORCHESTRATED EFFORT” to take unseat a sitting “BLACK DEMOCRATIC JUDGE” back in the 2020 Democratic Party Primary?
Remember how far-fetched I sounded back then? Huh? Do you remember? Huh? Well, what do you think about my reports now?
Even Ray Charles, if he were still living today, could see that the Natalia “Nata” Cornelio’s ties to Commissioner Rodney Ellis aren’t a coincidence. Hell, it wouldn’t take Blind Mellow Jelly very long to put the pieces of this puzzle together.
Based on my ongoing investigation, Natalia “Nata” Cornelio worked as the Director of Legal Affairs for Harris County Precinct One Commissioner Rodney Ellis.
Before becoming a judge, Natalia “Nata” Cornelio was one of the people who helped Commissioner Rodney Ellis by assisting the county with negotiating and then finalizing the settlement agreement in the misdemeanor bail reform lawsuit in Harris County, Texas according to her admission.

Natalia "Nata" Cornelio defeated Judge George Powell back during the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Democratic Party Primary. Based on my ongoing investigation, Natalia “Nata” Cornelio worked as the Director of Legal Affairs for Harris County Precinct One Commissioner Rodney Ellis.

Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis is the biggest campaign contributor on record for Judge Natalia "Nata" Cornelio, the presiding judge for the 351st Criminal District Court. For the record, For the record, on March 2, 2020, the day before the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Democratic Party Primary, Commissioner Ellis showed his hand by giving Natalia "Nata" Cornelio a check for $2,500.00 dollars for her "SUPER TUESDAY" push to defeat Judge George Powell, and it worked.

Harris County Commissioner Adrian Garcia gave Judge Natalia "Nata" Cornelio a donation back on March 2, 2021. As you can see, Judge Natalia "Nata" Cornelio and Harris County Commissioner Adrian Garcia are pretty cozy together.