Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D -Texas) has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, according to multiple sources close to the Honorable Congresswoman. Back in 2012, Congresswoman Lee was diagnosed with breast cancer but made a full recovery after receiving treatment. As it stands right now, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is contemplating stepping aside at some point between today and Labor Day, according to our sources. CONNIVING BEHIND THE SCENES... For some reason, former Mayor Sylvester Turner seems to be quickly deteriorating at the same pace as Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. However, Turner believes he should be the person who succeeds the Honorable Congresswoman when she steps aside, which is a no-go. GERALD WOMACK (top right) is reportedly ramping down his "ILLEGAL MAIL BALLOT RING," which he has operated for decades to assist Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in winning reelection. DALLAS JONES (bottom right) continues to operate underground in local elections after he was allegedly picked up from his home by the FBI early on a Saturday morning back during the 2020 Presidential Election cycle while serving as the Texas Political Director for the Biden/Harris Presidential campaign.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's health is continuing to rapidly deteriorate. After being spotted using a walking cane while talking to VFW National Legislative Committee Member Victor Ramirez on Memorial Day, the Honorable Congresswoman is beginning to provide us with visible images that force us to embrace the fact that the end of a storied political career could be coming to an end.

Former Mayor Sylvester "SLY" Turner (right) must be rejected by "BLACK HOUSTONIANS" as he positions himself to run for the 18th Congressional District of Texas if/when Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee steps aside and relinquishes the seat between today (Sunday, May 26, 2024) and the upcoming "LABOR DAY HOLIDAY," which is scheduled to take place on Monday, September 2, 2024.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and is contemplating stepping aside and relinquishing her position as the U.S. Representative for the 18th Congressional District of Texas sometime between today (Sunday, May 26, 2024) and the upcoming "LABOR DAY HOLIDAY," which is scheduled to take place on Monday, September 2, 2024, which is only a few weeks before the start of "EARLY VOTING" for the upcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Presidential Election, where Congresswoman Lee is scheduled to face off against Lana Centonze, the Republican nominee, and Ed Atkinson, who is a member of the Veteran's Party.

Former Mayor Sylvester Turner could ultimately go down in history as one of the most corrupt mayors in American history. Turner has never been punished for his alleged bid-rigging and other forms of corruption that he's been engaging in, which date back decades, not to mention the suspected orgies he held with Black businessmen back during the 1990s. Many of them were the benefactors of the potentially rigged City of Houston contracts once "SLY" was able to weasel, squirm, slither, and manipulate his way into becoming Mayor of Houston after several failed attempts. And now "SLY" wants to succeed the Honorable Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee when she steps aside? No freaking way!!! Former Mayor Sylvester Turner, according to sources, is very ill and doesn't need to ever hold public office again.

Gerald Womack has successfully avoided being charged in connection to his "ILLEGAL MAIL BALLOT HARVESTING RING," which he has been running for decades to help Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee repeatedly win her re-election bids. However, according to multiple sources, with Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee contemplating stepping aside, Womack is simultaneously ramping down his illegal ballot harvesting operation that has been run from his 4412 Almeda Road offices of Womack Development & Investment Realtors for decades.

Dallas Jones seems to believe that he's smarter than everyone else. However, he doesn't realize that he's not fooling anyone. Dallas Jones, the owner of Elite Change, was a significant player in local politics in Harris County, Texas, back in the day. However, today, Dallas Jones is relegated to secretly working behind the scenes as new "VOTER INTEGRITY LAWS" have severely hampered his ability to influence local elections using absentee mail ballots to help clients gain unfair advantages over their opponents.

I’m Aubrey R. Taylor, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper publisher and investigative reporter. I have conducted investigations in Harris County, Texas, since the 1990s and plan to closely monitor the “ABSENTEE BALLOT FLOW” currently flooding into the Harris County Clerk’s Office to protect my interests and the interests of my clients, advertisers, and readers.
Over the last few weeks, several local leaders have reached out to me to let me know that Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) is gravely ill and that Gerald Womack is planning to shut down the “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT HARVESTING OPERATION” he’s been running for her out of (Womack Development and Investment Realtors) his business, located at 4412 Almeda Road, in Houston’s historic Third Ward – but it’s too little to late.
From what I understand, it isn’t breast cancer this time around. According to published reports, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee was diagnosed with breast cancer back in 2012 but underwent treatment and made a full recovery after her admission.
My sources claim that Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is contemplating relinquishing her 18th Congressional seat sometime between today and Labor Day. These sources also claim that former Mayor Sylvester Turner (also very ill) appears to be rapidly deteriorating but somehow believes he’s healthy enough to pursue Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s 18th Congressional when she relinquishes it.
Other local leaders I’ve spoken to “OFF THE RECORD” believe that former Houston City Councilwoman Amanda Edwards, not former Mayor Sylvester Turner, should be Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s successor if and when she relinquishes her 18th Congressional seat.

Under no circumstances should the Black community allow former Mayor Sylvester Turner to succeed Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee as the U.S. Representative for the 18th Congressional District of Texas – that possibility is a no-go. However, shutting down their plot could be more complicated than most people understand since it appears plausible in the mind of Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, who is widely considered “THE PUPPET MASTER” in many political circles.
To some people who’ve had their heads buried in the sand, “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT HARVESTING” is nothing more than a figment in the imaginations of disgruntled candidates – nothing more than a myth. Election deniers – they are called right-wing conspiracy theorists and such.
It’s hurtful to scream “THEY’RE CHEATING” at the top of your lungs and not have anyone believe what you’re saying about these “BALLOT HARVESTING RINGS” that are being operated by people like Dallas Jones, Gerald Womack, and others.

Before I went over to the State Capital, Austin, Texas, in 2021 to testify before “THE ELECTION COMMITTEE” about the horrors some of my clients (and endorsed candidates) had faced when trying to run for office in areas controlled by people like Dallas Jones, the owner of Elite Change, which is located at 5445 Almeda Road, Suite 307, in Houston, Texas’ historic Third Ward, and Gerald Womack the owner of Womack Development & Investment Realtors, I for the most part, was reluctant to speak out on the issue of ballot harvesting.
After watching what happened to former Judge Maria T. Jackson in the 2020 Democratic Party Primary race, I grew fed up. I saw what happened to former Judge Maria T. Jackson when she stepped down from her 339th Criminal District Court bench to challenge Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, and it wasn’t pretty.
I can still feel Judge Maria T. Jackson’s pain after absentee mail ballots aided Commissioner Rodney Ellis in gaining what appeared to be an unfair advantage. So, I decided to become an agent of change related to illegal voting by using mail ballots.

Dallas Jones, the owner of Elite Change, has been dirty for as long as I can remember. He’s trash as a consultant and hasn’t won any significant political races in years. Beyond being trash as a consultant, Dallas Jones is a ringleader in helping his clients gain unfair advantages over their opponents. He’s also allegedly employed “THE DREAM TEAM” members to do his dirty work over the years.
When I talk about “THE DREAM TEAM,” I’m not talking about the 1992 United States men’s Olympic Basketball team, the first American Olympic team to feature active professional players from the National Basketball Association (NBA).
A select group of Black politicians who have to run for office in the 9th Congressional District, 18th Congressional District, 13th Senatorial District, House District 131, House District 146, and House District 147 know what I’m talking about when they hear me say, “THE DREAM TEAM.”
Some of the alleged “DREAM TEAM MEMBERS” have passed away recently. However, their offspring are still active in local politics. Who am I talking about?
In the spirit of public concern, “THE DREAM TEAM” is a group of elderly (primarily African American women), who in some cases serve (or served) as Democratic Precinct Chairs and political operatives primarily in the South/Southwest portion of Harris County, Texas.
Whispers have been flowing through Harris County, Texas, for decades that women like Evelyn Dupree, Kelly Dupree, Jo Anna Glover, Thyra Burks, Woodie Wilson, Carolyn Webster, and Melanie Hughes were members of the alleged group of influential African American “BALLOT HARVESTERS” I’m referring to as “THE DREAM TEAM.”
Let me run this down for you. From what I understand, Evelyn Dupree is the mother of Kelly Dupree, but Evelyn Dupree is the alleged ringleader of the family business.
According to my sources, Jo Anna Grover has strong ties to Pastor Max Miller and a woman named Carolyn Webster, a member of Pastor Max Miller’s Church. Carolyn Webster allegedly manipulates seniors at a local Multi-Service Center by slandering and intimidating candidates who oppose her preferred politicians during local political cycles.
I’ve known Thyra Burks for years. She is the wife of former Houston city councilman Andrew Burks. Several Democrats have alleged that Thyra Burks was employed (or is employed) by the City of Houston, which enabled her to take up or confiscate political campaign signs illegally.
Woodie Wilson is the daughter of the late Lula Wilson, who was considered by many to be notorious for making allegedly defamatory phone calls about candidates who were competing against the local politicians who were lining her pockets.
I’ve heard the name Melanie Hughes floating around for years, but I’ve never known of her doing anything illegal. However, allegations are now swirling around that Melanie Hughes fills out ballots for seniors at their homes, sometimes without their consent. Whether this is true or not, I’m not sure.
Several people have mentioned the name Carla Johnson to me over the years. I understand that Carla Johnson works closely with Evelyn Dupree and her team, but I have not confirmed this allegation.

People are afraid to speak out publicly. But, back on April 3, 2020, at 10:29 a.m., I received a tip from a concerned African American “DEMOCRAT” political consultant asking me to do something about “THE DREAM TEAM,” who were wreaking havoc on local elections in the Black community.
“Aubrey, there have been several consultants who specialize in just doing absent ballots programs; that’s been cheating for years,” said the concerned Democrat, whose name I will not mention, to protect her and shield her from retaliation.
She stated, “The Feds have been building a case on them for years. The Feds have been to their homes more than two times, and these candidates still use them.”
“They’ve been forging seniors names for decades.”
According to the concerned Democrat who reached out to me, “Everybody who used these people and won need to be challenged.”
She went on by saying, “This has got to stop!”
A few of the names that the concerned Democrat gave me were Evelyn Dupree, Lanora Walker, and Lula Wilson. Several of these women were already on my list of alleged “BALLOT HARVESTERS” whom I believed (at the time) had close ties to Dallas Jones’ alleged “BALLOT HARVESTING OPERATION” that he’d been running for decades for several local politicians.
“Many Precinct Judges and Chairs were paid $500 each by Rodney Ellis years ago to win against Gene Locke for Commissioner,” explained the concerned Democrat, who would remain nameless for her safety and well-being.

Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis's name has popped up repeatedly over the years. However, many Democrats fear Rodney. But those whom I’ve spoken to privately about “THE DREAM TEAM,” Dallas Jones, and Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s role confirm that Commissioner Ellis is the man pulling the strings of Dallas Jones.
My chief private investigator, who happens to be a former FBI Investigative Specialist, confirmed my suspicions (years ago) about Dallas Jones and Gerald Womack in an affidavit he signed back on September 27, 2020, under penalty of perjury.
In former FBI Investigative Specialist Charles “Chuck” Marler’s “SWORN AFFIDAVIT,” submitted in a case that was before the Texas Supreme Court, he details how an employee of Harris County Commissioner Ellis by the name of Tyler James, had been running around Harris County, Texas, bragging about how he could guarantee that their “ILLEGAL BALLOT HARVESTING OPERATION,” with the help of mass mail-in ballots, could harvest as many as 700,000 illegal mail ballots.

It would help if you remembered that Gerald Womack and Dallas Jones don’t necessarily work together – unless ordered to do so by people like Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, or former Mayor Sylvester Turner. These two can work independently of one another but, at times, will work together when pushing the same politician.
If you pay close attention, you will notice that 5445 Almeda and 4412 Almeda are on the same street in Third Ward, a Democratic stronghold.
Gerald Womack’s harvesting team is much sloppier than Dallas Jones’s crew. If you remember, Gerald Womack was the guy who hired Gloria Palmer and Tomar Bishop during the 2020 election cycle. Gloria Palmer and Tomar Bishop then went out and stole the identities of “DEAD BLACK VOTERS” and then requested “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS” in the names of these dead Black voters.
Both harvesting rings specialize in forging signatures. After fraudulent mail ballot applications are requested and completed, Gloria Palmer typically mails the “FRAUDULENT MAIL BALLOT APPLICATIONS” through the United States Postal Service, committing “FEDERAL MAIL FRAUD” and other crimes.
During the 2020 Democratic Party Primary, while Gloria Palmer and Tomar Bishop were doing their thing to help Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, the younger brother of Tomar Bishop, by the name Ray Charles Jones Jr., was busy assisting Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, defeat her Democratic Party Primary challengers by the name of Audia Jones (Democrat), Carvana Cloud (Democrat), and Todd Overstreet (Democrat), who were all former prosecutors.

Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis has endorsed Lauren Ashley Simmons over State Rep. Shawn Thierry. He is “POLITICALLY INVESTED” in the outcome of the House District 146 Democratic Party Primary runoff occurring on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, in Harris County, Texas.
At this time, it does not appear that Gerald Womack and his “BALLOT HARVESTING CREW” are playing around with the “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS” in the Democratic Party Primary “RUNOFF ELECTION” between State Rep. Shawn Thierry and her challenger Lauren Ashley Simmons, based on my investigative teams review of the “MAIL BALLOT FLOW” between Friday, April 19, 2024, and Friday, May 24, 2024.
Remember, Gerald Womack and his “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT HARVESTING RING” usually handle the illegal ballots that flow across the 18th Congressional District of Texas, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s congressional district. However, Dallas Jones and his “BALLOT HARVESTERS” have been known to handle the illegal ballots that flow across the 9th Congressional District of Texas, Congressman Al Green’s congressional district.

Between Friday, April 19, 2024, and Friday, May 24, 2024, the mail ballot flow through the 18th Congressional District expected to impact the House District 146 Democratic Party Primary runoff race between State Rep. Shawn Thierry and Lauren Ashley Simmons has been minimal.
Below is a “SNAPSHOT” of the mail ballot flow from elderly “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT VOTERS” who live within the boundaries of House District 146 and the 18th Congressional District, who cast mail ballots between Friday, April 19, 2024, and Friday, May 24, 2024, for the upcoming Tuesday, May 28, 2024, Democratic Party Primary runoff election between State Rep. Shawn Thierry and her challenger.

FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 2024
Zero absentee mail ballots appear to have been returned by voters living in the 18th Congressional District of Texas and House District 146 on Friday, April 19, 2024.

MONDAY, APRIL 22, 2024
CHARGOIS, JOHN ALBERT - 4/22/2024 16:22
HARRIS, LOTIS BROWN - 4/22/2024 16:33
ECHOLS, EWELL EMBRIE - 4/22/2024 16:33
MUTOPE-JOHNSON, AYESHA G - 4/22/2024 16:34
LONG, CHESTER EDWARD - 4/22/2024 16:36
ULM, ROSE MARIE - 4/22/2024 16:40
HUGGER, MARY VERONICA - 4/22/2024 16:46
SPICER, LOIS JEAN - 4/22/2024 16:50
CLINE, RODNEY LEWIS - 4/22/2024 16:55
SWAN, WILSON BRISCOE - 4/22/2024 16:55
SPICER, VETELLA JAMAIL - 4/22/2024 16:58
BROWN, BEVERLY ANN - 4/22/2024 16:59
DAVIS, ODIE G - 4/22/2024 17:14
DWORSKY, ANNETTE MARIE - 4/22/2024 17:15
ALLINIECE, ROBERT ERIC - 4/22/2024 17:15
ROE, LATRELLE FORD - 4/22/2024 17:16
SCOTT, MARY ELIZABETH - 4/22/2024 17:23
BROWN, NORMAN STANFORD - 4/22/2024 17:48
MOORE, LOIS WILSON - 4/22/2024 17:55
ROE, PRESTON PRESCOTT - 4/22/2024 17:58

BERTUCCI, BRUCE BARRY - 4/23/2024 9:35
KING, BARBARA J MRS - 4/24/2024 15:16
WARD, ELBERT THOMAS - 4/24/2024 15:37
NEAL, DOROTHY RUTH - 4/24/2024 15:42
JENKINS, MILDRED MOORE - 4/24/2024 15:44
THOMAS, ODESSA MAE - 4/24/2024 15:44
DAVIS, CLARKE J - 4/24/2024 15:56

HERNDON, DORIS WADDLE - 4/25/2024 14:11
CANADY, PATRICIA THOMAS - 4/25/2024 14:14
GILBERT, VERNA YOUNG - 4/25/2024 14:14
VALARY, MYRTLE ANN - 4/25/2024 14:19
BROOKS, ROBBIE LEE - 4/25/2024 14:19
BOBB, RUTH - 4/25/2024 14:27
BLUNTSON, RUTH ELAINE - 4/25/2024 14:31
DAVIS, LUCILLE HARRIS - 4/25/2024 14:53
GIBSON, CAROLYN TAYLOR - 4/25/2024 15:04
CLOW, MELVIN - 4/25/2024 15:06
WICKLIFF, ALOYSIUS M - 4/25/2024 15:26
BROWN, DERRICK RUTHLAND - 4/25/2024 16:03
BORDAGES, EMELIE THERESE - 4/25/2024 16:04
DOVER, BARBARA LEA - 4/25/2024 16:09
MONROE, CLAUDIE CUMMINGS - 4/25/2024 16:09
CONROY, FRANCIS - 4/25/2024 16:13
SKINNER, CARRIE TAYLOR - 4/25/2024 16:13

FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 2024
SMITH, VERNON - 4/26/2024 13:47
NOBLE, AUDREY DEL - 4/26/2024 15:34
HACKETT, ANN SHEILA - 4/26/2024 15:46
LINDEE, MARGUERITE E - 4/26/2024 15:49
NOBLE, CHARLES EDWARD - 4/26/2024 16:15

HILLIARD, VERA FAYE - 4/30/2024 9:55
MANLEY, ELDRIDGE LOUIS - 4/30/2024 9:56
WHITE, OPAL - 4/30/2024 10:08
CERNOSEK, BARBARA ANN - 4/30/2024 10:41
JONES, MARY KATHRYN - 4/30/2024 10:43
GUIDRY, MARY DERRY - 4/30/2024 10:43
FRANCIS, MAXINE FISHER - 4/30/2024 10:49
EASON, TURSA JEAN - 4/30/2024 10:57
SMITH, MAMIE - 4/30/2024 11:09
JACKSON, CYNTHIA PHYRNE - 4/30/2024 11:12
CRAFT, RAYNOR BEATRICE - 4/30/2024 12:03

HARVEY, ROSA LEE - 5/1/2024 14:06
HARVEY, WILLARD - 5/1/2024 14:08
LENZ, FRANK BERNARD - 5/1/2024 14:08
DAILEY, WARREN BERTRAND - 5/1/2024 14:10
MISHER, NANCY DEBORAH - 5/1/2024 14:13
MISHER, MATTIE DENISE - 5/1/2024 14:15
DUMAS, RICHARD LEE - 5/1/2024 14:15
MISHER, PRISCILLA KELLY - 5/1/2024 14:19
DUMAS, MAUDRY BOYANCE - 5/1/2024 14:22

SANDERS, JAMES EARL - 5/2/2024 15:21
SANDERS, FAITH LARUE - 5/2/2024 15:35
CARTER, LOIS BRYANT 5/2/2024 15:49

FRIDAY, MAY 3, 2024
LEWIS, MARIE J - 5/3/2024 14:17
JOHNSON, RUBYE M - 5/3/2024 14:19
ALLMON, ROSE MARIE - 5/3/2024 14:21

CRUZAT, HELOISE MARIE - 5/4/2024 10:22
NELSON, YVONNE E - 5/4/2024 10:24
NELSON, CARRIE THOMAS - 5/4/2024 10:32

MONDAY, MAY 6, 2024
CAMPBELL, GLORIA GEAN - 5/6/2024 14:36

TUESDAY, MAY 7, 2024
DAVIS, ELLA M - 5/7/2024 12:15
JANICE-OWENS, MARY ANN - 5/7/2024 12:15
SMITH, MARVA HICKS - 5/7/2024 12:16

Zero absentee mail ballots appear to have been returned by voters living in the 18th Congressional District of Texas and House District 146 on Wednesday, May 8, 2024.

Zero absentee mail ballots appear to have been returned by voters living in the 18th Congressional District of Texas and House District 146 on Thursday, May 9, 2024.

FRIDAY, MAY 10, 2024
RIENSTRA, ESTHER ELLEN - 5/10/2024 11:05

MONDAY, MAY 13, 2024
Zero absentee mail ballots appear to have been returned by voters living in the 18th Congressional District of Texas and House District 146 on Monday, May 13, 2024.

TUESDAY, MAY 14, 2024
Zero absentee mail ballots appear to have been returned by voters living in the 18th Congressional District of Texas and House District 146 on Tuesday, May 14, 2024.

Zero absentee mail ballots appear to have been returned by voters living in the 18th Congressional District of Texas and House District 146 on Wednesday, May 15, 2024.

THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2024
VICTORIA, MARGARET ELLEN - 5/16/2024 11:31
LESCURE, ALLEN EDWARD - 5/16/2024 11:40
MONDAY, MAY 20, 2024
CLARKE, DETRA MARIE - 5/20/2024 12:12
FREEMAN, LINDA FAYE - 5/20/2024 12:20
GALIANO, BENIGNUS - 5/20/2024 12:20
JINKS, WANDA LOUISE - 5/20/2024 12:22
JOHNSON, ALBERT - 5/20/2024 12:23

TUESDAY, MAY 21, 2024
HARRELL, CECILIA JANE - 5/21/2024 9:47
MAYES, MICHAEL CHARLES - 5/21/2024 9:49

Zero absentee mail ballots appear to have been returned by voters living in the 18th Congressional District of Texas and House District 146 on Wednesday, May 22, 2024.

THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2024
DEVINE, JOSEPH ALOYSIUS - 5/23/2024 13:15
MURPHY, SHERYL KIRK - 5/23/2024 13:15
LAMKIN, KENNETH R - 5/23/2024 13:19
VEAL, ROSE MARIE - 5/23/2024 13:19
CASHIOLA, ANN ELIZABETH - 5/23/2024 13:30
BROOKS, ANN SARAH - 5/23/2024 13:47
TERVALON, NANCY MARIA - 5/23/2024 13:47
SMOOTS, CARROLL JANICE - 5/23/2024 14:01
ANDOH, VIVIAN L - 5/23/2024 15:41

FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2024
EVANS, KENNETH RAY - 5/24/2024 10:29
ELAM, MACK AUTHOR - 5/24/2024 10:45
ELAM, LOIS J - 5/24/2024 10:47
ROEGER, CECILE ANN - 5/24/2024 10:49
Back in 2012, the Honorable Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) disclosed that she was diagnosed with breast cancer the previous year. At that time, the honorable Congresswoman announced that she had fully recovered after extensive treatment.
After a tumultuous run for Mayor of Houston against former State Senator John Whitmire a few months ago, where Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee was publicly humiliated in the 18th Congressional District, a district (the portion of the City of Houston) she has held for decades – Congresswoman Lee has become gravely ill, according to multiple sources.
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. According to sources close to the honorable Congresswoman, she is considering stepping down as the U.S. Representative for the 18th Congressional District of Texas.
If Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee does step aside, a special election will be ordered. I understand this election would occur before Tuesday, November 5, 2024.
Suppose Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee does go ahead and do the right thing and step aside. In that case, the inevitable Democrat nominee will have to compete against Lana Centonze, the Republican nominee, and someone named Ed Atkinson, a Veterans Party member.

It appears that Gerald Womack, the man who orchestrated Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s tainted re-election bids by hiring “BALLOT HARVESTERS” and using other unscrupulous methods, sees the writing on the wall and appears to be shutting down his “ILLEGAL MAIL BALLOTING OPERATION” with the impending loss of Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, should she step aside.
It is still being determined why Dallas Jones is still trying to remain relevant by lurking in the shadows. It would be helpful if someone would go to Dallas Jones and tell him that he’s not fooling anybody.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039