The Honorable Judge William "Bill" McLeod accidentally triggered his automatic resignation from his County Civil Court at Law No. 1 bench after only holding it for two months back in 2019. Judge McLeod triggered the "RESIGN TO RUN LAW" after filing his intent to run with the Texas Ethics Commission for the Texas Supreme Court. After pleading with Commissioner Rodney Ellis, County Judge Lina Hidalgo, and others before an "OPEN COMMISSIONERS COURT" to reinstate him to his bench, his cry fell on deft ears as Ellis and Hidalgo gave his bench to Lesley Briones, who currently serves at the Commissioner for Precinct Four. What initially happened to Judge William "Bill" McLeod was an innocent mistake on his part, but what transpired afterward was a form of "REVERSE RACIAL DISCRIMINATION" that was covertly carried out by Commissioner Rodney Ellis, County Judge Lina Hidalgo, and others aimed at removing "WHITE MEN" from positions of authority in Harris County, Texas and other parts of the Lone Star State.
Harris County Commissioners Are Planning to Re-instate County Attorney Christian Menefee; Ray "RC" Jones, Sr. Speaks Out
I know only one man who isn't afraid of Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, and he's one of my top political advisors. Ray "RC" Jones, Sr., is a man I highly respect and have watched from afar for decades. And after speaking with "RC" over the weekend, he's clarified that he opposes what Commissioner Rodney Ellis and others are trying to do.
By Texas Law, outlined under ARTICLE 16; Section 65, in the GENERAL PROVISIONS of the Texas Constitution, Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee triggered his automatic resignation when he filed his "STATEMENT OF CANDIDACY" with the Federal Election Commission shortly after the late Congressman Sylvester Turner was buried. Menefee triggered was commonly referred to as the "RESIGN TO RUN LAW," which is highly relevant to what transpired in Harris County, Texas, on Saturday, March 15, 2025, when Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee filed his intent to succeed Turner, even before Governor Greg Abbott, has set a date for the "SPECIAL ELECTION" to take place to fill the vacant 18th Congressional District of Texas.

At first glance, it appears that Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee, who has two small children, was risking his children's future by resigning from his "CUSH-JOB" as the Harris County Attorney. However, according to multiple sources who have reached out to Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, members of the Harris County Commissioners Court have allegedly reached a "BACKROOM DEAL" to re-appoint County Attorney Christian Menefee to his position as the Harris County Attorney at a meeting that will be held next month, which appears to be a slap in the face to the other "POTENTIAL CANDIDATES" running for the coveted 18th Congressional District of Texas.
If you remember, back in 2019, when the Honorable William "Bill" McLeod accidentally resigned from his position as the County Civil Court at Law No.1 judge shortly after he was elected? Judge Mcleod mistakenly declared his candidacy for the Texas Supreme Court but afterward discovered, based on Article 16, Section 65 of the Texas Constitution, that he had triggered his automatic resignation and was forced to leave his post in tears.
I love Judge William "Bill" McLeod, and it broke my heart to see him get treated the way Commissioner Rodney Ellis and his cohorts treated him. I remember watching the "crocodile tears" flow down Judge William "Bill" McLeod's face as he begged and pleaded with Commissioner Ellis and other commissioners to re-appoint him to his beloved bench.
In essence, Judge William "Bill" McLeod didn't do anything different than what Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee did over the weekend. The only difference between Judge McLeod and County Attorney Menefee is that Judge McLeod is a "WHITE MAN," and County Attorney Menefee is a "BLACK MAN." At the time, County Judge Lina Hidalgo and Commissioner Rodney Ellis had teamed up with the Texas Organizing Project (TOP) under a "SINISTER PLOT" agreement to purge as many white people as they could across Texas from every authoritative position they could over the next few years, which was a form of discrimination.

What Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis and Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo did to Judge William "Bill McLeod was unadulterated racism, in the reverse form. Ellis and Hidalgo showed no grace or mercy towards Judge McLeod after he made an honest mistake. However, according to multiple sources, these two (Ellis and Hidalgo) plan to show Menefee some love next month at one of their "Commissioners Court Meetings" when they re-instate Menefee after he resigned from his position as County Attorney on Saturday, March 15, 2025, after he attended the funeral for the late Congressman Sylvester Turner.
So, as a refresher, Menefee left the late Congressman Sylvester Turner's funeral. Before the dirt had settled over Turner's grave, Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee triggered his automatic resignation from his position as County Attorney when he submitted his "STATEMENT OF CANDIDACY" for the vacant 18th Congressional District of Texas seat.
How did Judge William "Bill" McLeod trigger his automatic resignation from his County Civil Court at Law No. 1 bench after only serving two months? Judge McLeod filed paperwork with the Texas Ethics Commission declaring his intent to run for the Texas Supreme Court without knowing that his filing would trigger his automatic resignation from his current judgeship, an honest mistake made by a fine man who simply got a little ambitious.
So, instead of having mercy on Judge William "Bill" McLeod and re-instating him to his County Civil Court at Law No.1, bench, Commissioner Rodney Ellis, "THE PUPPET MASTER," and Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, and others chose to seize upon the opportunity to replace a "WHITE MAN" with a "LATINA FEMALE" by the name of attorney Lesley Briones.
If the name Lesley Briones sounds familiar, it's because after snatching Judge William "Bill" McLeod's bench away from him and giving it to Lesley Briones, after a short time, Commissioner Rodney Ellis used Lesley Briones, a Latina female, to take out another "WHITE MALE" named Commissioner R. Jack Cagle, who was better known as "CACTUS JACK" by his beloved constituents in Harris County Commissioner Precinct 4, before Briones, Ellis, and Hidalgo pushed their agenda do purge "WHITE PEOPLE" from positions of authority throughout Texas.
How do I know that Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo and Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis are racist? Is it possible for a "BLACK MAN" and a "LATINA WOMAN" to harbor racist ideologies? Well, you don't have to take my word for it.
So, the whole intent behind the removal of Judge William "Bill" McLeod from his County Civil Court at Law No.1 bench was to take the bench from a "WHITE MAN" and place it under the control of a "LATINA WOMAN" name Lesley Briones, who is now a Harris County Commissioner after she was used by Commissioner Rodney Ellis, and County Judge Lina Hidalgo to strip Commissioner R. Jack Cagle, from his County Commissioner Precinct 4, seat, after they had redrawn the boundaries to benefit their anointed Latina female.
After Commissioner Ellis and County Judge Hidalgo had effectively taken out "TWO WHITE MEN," they had effectively replaced them by placing a "LATINA WOMAN" and a "BLACK WOMAN" into their position.
As a refresher, Lesley Briones was used by Commissioner Rodney Ellis and County Judge Lina Hidalgo to take out Judge William "Bill" McLeod, a "WHITE MALE" Democrat, and Commissioner R. Jack Cagle, a "WHITE MALE" Republican.
An African American female named attorney Audie Lawton Evans was appointed by Harris County Commissioner Ellis, County Judge Lina Hidalgo, and others to replace Lesley Briones when she vacated her Harris County Civil Court at Law, No. 1 bench after Ellis and Hidalgo had redrawn the boundaries of "PRECINCT FOUR" to favor Briones in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, when she challenges Republican County Commissioner R. Jack Cagle.
In the race between Briones and Cagle, after the lines for "PRECINCT FOUR" were redrawn to favor Briones, she performed as expected in the newly drawn precinct. Lesley Briones (Democrat) received 122,644 votes for 51.7% of the vote, and R. Jack Cagle (Republican) received 114,718 votes for 48.3%.
According to the Texas Organizing Project PAC, "Texas is a battleground state, and Texas Organizing Project (TOP) PAC’s aim is to further push the state toward a progressive future that will deliver substantive change and shift more power into the hands of Black and Latino Texans."

According to the Texas Organizing Project PAC, "Texas is a battleground state, and Texas Organizing Project (TOP) PAC’s aim is to further push the state toward a progressive future that will deliver substantive change and shift more power into the hands of Black and Latino Texans."
Did you catch that? The Texas Organizing Project, which is funded by Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, stated that their primary goal is to shift power into the hands of Blacks and Latinos in Texas. If that isn't a "RACIST IDEOLOGY," I don't know what it is.
If you aren't familiar with them, "Texas Organizing Project PAC runs the most extensive, independent get-out-the-vote political field programs in Texas, focusing on expanding the electorate of color, emphasizing turning out Black and Latino voters. To date, TOP PAC has mobilized hundreds of thousands of voters across the state to transform Texas and build a reflective democracy — one that looks like us and shares our values."
What do they do? According to their website, "We build relationships with Texas voters through on-the-ground issue organizing, engaging people on the issues that matter most to them, and linking those issues to voting when election time comes around. It’s not just about presidential elections – we talk to voters in municipal, school district, special elections, county, and state races, too. We build relationships and trust to also make a culture of voting, all to shift the political landscape and expand progressive infrastructure in Texas."
If you aren't familiar with them, "Texas Organizing Project PAC runs the most extensive, independent get-out-the-vote political field programs in Texas, focusing on expanding the electorate of color, emphasizing turning out Black and Latino voters. To date, TOP PAC has mobilized hundreds of thousands of voters across the state to transform Texas and build a reflective democracy — one that looks like us and shares our values."
What do they do? According to their website, "We build relationships with Texas voters through on-the-ground issue organizing, engaging people on the issues that matter most to them, and linking those issues to voting when election time comes around. It’s not just about presidential elections – we talk to voters in municipal, school district, special elections, county, and state races, too. We build relationships and trust to also make a culture of voting, all to shift the political landscape and expand progressive infrastructure in Texas."

The late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. stated it best, "For the doctrine of black supremacy is as dangerous as white supremacy. God is not interested merely in the freedom of black men and brown men and yellow men, but God is interested in the freedom of the whole human race, the creation of a society where all men will live together as brothers."
In my opinion, the "TOP-TIER" of potential candidates who plan to run for the 18th Congressional District of Texas should band together against the corrupt "ELLIS/TURNER/LEE" regime, which has lost two of its members in Congressman Sylvester Turner and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.
Make no mistake about it, what Commissioner Ellis and County Judge Lina Hidalgo have done over the last few years is push their "RACIST IDEOLOGY" to purge "WHITE PEOPLE" from positions of authority in Harris County, Texas and beyond. And it's time for the people of the 18th Congressional District to stand up for themselves and elect a leader from outside of Commissioner Rodney Ellis's corrupt regime whenever the "SPECIAL ELECTION" for the 18th Congressional District takes place.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

Ray “RC” Charles has dedicated a half-century of his life to the Harris County Democratic Party as a committeeman and precinct chair. This “DEMOCRATIC PARTY VETERAN” currently serves as the North Side Political Action Group president and a political advisor to Investigative Reporter Aubrey R. Taylor, the publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper.
From the Desk of Ray/RC Jones
President, Northside Political Action Group
What goes around comes around no matter how powerful you are, when death knocks on your door, your time on earth is finished. So, whether people speak well or badly about you, it does not matter. The saying is true; what goes around comes around.
With that being said, please do not call me in an attempt to dictate what Mr. Aubrey Taylor should or should not write. He is a reporter, and I am one of his political advisors. I have spent over 50 years engaged in Black politics in Harris County, working with nearly every elected official in office today in some capacity. I appreciate your understanding.
My political journey began in the 18th Congressional District, where I worked and campaigned for the late Barbara Jordan. If you have concerns, direct them to Mr. Aubrey Taylor. I receive many calls with positive remarks and others with criticism regarding Sylvester Turner. To those concerned, I encourage you to speak with Black business owners in Houston and Harris County. I also urge you to revisit the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey and observe how many blue tarps remain on rooftops today.
Now, let me tell you about myself. If it weren’t for Rosa Parks, I might not have been one of the first Black individuals to integrate the City of Houston’s bus service as a driver, then known as Rapid Transit. I also took a stand at the lunch counters of Kress, Grants, and Woolworths until the decision was made that Black individuals could no longer be denied service. This is just a glimpse of how long I’ve been involved in the fight for civil rights and political activism.
One thing about Mr. Aubrey Taylor is that he is a genius when analyzing political data. Many candidates hire campaign managers who lack this skill, but Mr. Taylor and I work with investigators who conduct thorough research before we report on any issue. I personally appreciate him for allowing me to use his platform to amplify the political concerns of the North-side Political Action Group.
If we had made the right decision to replace Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, we would not have wondered what Governor Abbott would do regarding a special election. We should have flipped the script, allowing Sheila Jackson Lee’s daughter to serve the remaining two years of the term.
Black people, it’s time to wake up. The political game is being played, and you are not on a team because you are allowing a select few to speak on your behalf. Don’t complain when things don’t turn out as you want.
When it comes to voting, you should be able to vote with your conscience. As you review the list of individuals considering running for the 18th Congressional District, I can already identify the top two candidates in that race. I evaluate their performance and examine their past records to assess their credibility. It’s time to be informed, engaged, and strategic.
I would also like to invite everyone to listen to an inspiring sermon by Rev. Jerry Black titled "A Trip to Job’s House." You can find it at the following link:
With that being said, please do not call me in an attempt to dictate what Mr. Aubrey Taylor should or should not write. He is a reporter, and I am one of his political advisors. I have spent over 50 years engaged in Black politics in Harris County, working with nearly every elected official in office today in some capacity. I appreciate your understanding.
My political journey began in the 18th Congressional District, where I worked and campaigned for the late Barbara Jordan. If you have concerns, direct them to Mr. Aubrey Taylor. I receive many calls with positive remarks and others with criticism regarding Sylvester Turner. To those concerned, I encourage you to speak with Black business owners in Houston and Harris County. I also urge you to revisit the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey and observe how many blue tarps remain on rooftops today.
Now, let me tell you about myself. If it weren’t for Rosa Parks, I might not have been one of the first Black individuals to integrate the City of Houston’s bus service as a driver, then known as Rapid Transit. I also took a stand at the lunch counters of Kress, Grants, and Woolworths until the decision was made that Black individuals could no longer be denied service. This is just a glimpse of how long I’ve been involved in the fight for civil rights and political activism.
One thing about Mr. Aubrey Taylor is that he is a genius when analyzing political data. Many candidates hire campaign managers who lack this skill, but Mr. Taylor and I work with investigators who conduct thorough research before we report on any issue. I personally appreciate him for allowing me to use his platform to amplify the political concerns of the North-side Political Action Group.
If we had made the right decision to replace Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, we would not have wondered what Governor Abbott would do regarding a special election. We should have flipped the script, allowing Sheila Jackson Lee’s daughter to serve the remaining two years of the term.
Black people, it’s time to wake up. The political game is being played, and you are not on a team because you are allowing a select few to speak on your behalf. Don’t complain when things don’t turn out as you want.
When it comes to voting, you should be able to vote with your conscience. As you review the list of individuals considering running for the 18th Congressional District, I can already identify the top two candidates in that race. I evaluate their performance and examine their past records to assess their credibility. It’s time to be informed, engaged, and strategic.
I would also like to invite everyone to listen to an inspiring sermon by Rev. Jerry Black titled "A Trip to Job’s House." You can find it at the following link:
Rev. Jerry Black - A Trip to Job’s House
May this message bring encouragement and strength to all who hear it.
Rev. Jerry Black - A Trip to Job’s House
May this message bring encouragement and strength to all who hear it.
Ray / RC Jones
President, Northside Political Action Group
"The Righteous Way."
Born to Win
Yours Respectfully,
Tel: 713.470.7844
Fax: 713.583.7661

On Saturday, March 15, 2025, Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee filed his paperwork with the Federal Election Commission to run for the vacant 18th Congressional District seat. (CLICK HERE) Please take a moment to view the "FEDERAL FILING" to confirm this form.

Based on the "CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT" filed by Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee on Wednesday, January 15, 2025, under penalty of perjury, he had $246,468.97 inside his campaign bank account. It is unclear at this time what Menefee's next move is. Still, he can raise several million in a short period with the help of Commissioner Rodney Ellis, who is more than likely standing at the ready to pull all the necessary strings to assure that Menefee wins the upcoming "SPECIAL ELECTION" race for the 18th Congressional District of Texas.

County Attorney Christian Menefee Filed His Paperwork to Run for the 18th Congressional District of Texas on March 15, 2025
After Congressman Turner died, on Wednesday, March 5, 2025, Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee took to his FACEBOOK page and said, “There aren’t enough words to capture the loss of Congressman Sylvester Turner. Houston is better because he dedicated his life to serving the public. And everyone who knew him is better for having had him in our lives.”
County Attorney Menefee finished his statement by saying, “Rest well, Congressman.”
On the day, the late Congressman Turner was being laid to rest, while the other potential “TOP-TIER CANDIDATES” who could potentially win the “SPECIAL ELECTION” for the vacant 18th Congressional District of Texas seat, were in mourning, Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee was busy strategizing and plotting his next move.
Yes, you heard me correctly. Yesterday evening (Saturday, March 15, 2025), the same day as the late Congressman Sylvester Turner’s funeral, while the other potential “TOP-TIER CONDIDATES” were mourning the death of Congressman Turner, the Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee caught everyone by surprise and filed his paperwork to officially become a candidate for the vacant 18th Congressional District of Texas.
County Attorney Menefee didn’t even wait for the late Congressman Turner to be placed in the ground and have the dirt poured in to cover up his casket.
Now do you see what I’m talking about? How low is that? While almost everyone was claiming that the “TOP-TIER CANDIDATES” should be patient and respectful in remembrance of the late Congressman Sylvester Turner, “OUR BOY” Christian was sitting at that funeral contemplating how he was going to make sure to get his entry into “THE RACE” put in before everyone else.
What’s next?
Under Texas Law, in “OUR TEXAS CONSTITUTION,” County Attorney Christian Menefee triggered his resignation when he filed his paperwork yesterday (Saturday, March 15, 2025) with the Federal Election Commission.

Sec. 65. AUTOMATIC RESIGNATION ON BECOMING CANDIDATE FOR ANOTHER OFFICE. (a) This section applies to the following offices: District Clerks; County Clerks; County Judges; Judges of the County Courts at Law, County Criminal Courts, County Probate Courts and County Domestic Relations Courts; County Treasurers; Criminal District Attorneys; County Surveyors; County Commissioners; Justices of the Peace; Sheriffs; Assessors and Collectors of Taxes; District Attorneys; County Attorneys; Public Weighers; and Constables.
(b) If any of the officers named herein shall announce their candidacy, or shall in fact become a candidate, in any General, Special or Primary Election, for any office of profit or trust under the laws of this State or the United States other than the office then held, at any time when the unexpired term of the office then held shall exceed one year and 30 days, such announcement or such candidacy shall constitute an automatic resignation of the office then held, and the vacancy thereby created shall be filled pursuant to law in the same manner as other vacancies for such office are filled.
(Added Nov. 2, 1954; amended Nov. 4, 1958, and Nov. 2, 1999; Subsec. (a) amended Nov. 6, 2007; Subsec. (b) amended Nov. 8, 2011.) (TEMPORARY TRANSITION PROVISIONS for Sec. 65: See Appendix, Note 1.)

It is unclear when Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee must leave his post, but he will have to do so. Man. Christian Menefee pulled a “COON-DAWG” move on everybody.
Do you still think Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis is not behind the scenes pulling strings? Why would Christian Menefee give up his cush-job here in the Bayou City to go to Washington, D.C., and play around in the “SWAMP” over there?
This is about control, power, and keeping the 18th Congressional seat in the hands of the “ELLIS/TURNER/LEE” regime by putting one of their “YOUNG DAWGS” in the fight.
If you remember, when Commissioner Rodney Ellis was having problems with County Attorney Vince Ryan, he recruited Christian Menefee to take him out on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Party Primary race for County Attorney.
As a refresher, Christian Menefee received 125,971 votes for 50.4% of the vote, and Vince Ryan only received 62,630 votes for 25.1%. Another guy named Ben Rose was in the race and received 61,103 votes, for 24.5%.
Menefee went on to dominate his Republican rival, John Nation, in the Tuesday, November 3, 2020, Presidential Election race for Harris County Attorney. Christian Menefee received 848,451 votes, for 54.7% of the vote, and John Nation received 703,771 votes, for 45.3%.
When the Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary race rolled around, a high-powered African American female attorney named Umeka Lewis challenged Menefee, but he proved too much to handle and dominated her.
Umeka Lewis, with a limited budget, proved no match for County Attorney Christian Menefee as he romped to victory, capturing 108,207 votes for 70.0% of the vote, and Umeka Lewis received 46,282 votes for 30.0%.
In the Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Presidential Election race, County Attorney Christian Menefee once again proved he could defeat a female challenger as he secured a close win against a Republican female opponent named Jacqueline Lucci Smith.
As a refresher, Christian Dashaun Menefee received 731,100 votes for 50.5% of the vote, and Jacqueline Lucci Smith received 717,840 votes for 49.5%.
County Attorney Christian Menefee is putting some serious skin in the game to pursue the vacant 18th Congressional District seat by entering what is expected to be a field of dawgs.
By Menefee signing up to run, we now have a pretty good idea who Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis will endorse, and support.

With Harris County Christian Menefee triggering his resignation, it is unclear if Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, County Judge Lina Hidalgo, and the other County Commissioner have picked a replacement for Menefee. However, Menefee, the political players who have already anointed him the winner of the “SPECIAL ELECTION,” don’t understand politics.
Many local political consultants I spoke to overnight still feel that Amanda Edwards is the woman to beat if she shows some fight this time. However, Jarvis Johnson, Shawn Thierry, Erica Lee Carter, Jolanda Jones, Christina Morales, Amanda Edwards, Angeanette “Angie” Thibodeaux, Bishop James Dixon, Travis McGee, Deric Muhammad, Ronald E. Reynolds, Letitia Plummer, Eric Carr, Dr. Richard Johnson, III, may have something to say about that.

I’m Aubrey R. Taylor, the publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper, one of Texas's most formidable politically-focused publications. With the help of my chief investigator, Charles Marler, a former FBI Investigative Specialist, my investigative team is second to none. NOTE: My thoughts, opinions, and reports are published under my First Amendment-protected rights afforded to me under the “FREEDOM OF SPEECH” and “FREEDOM OF THE PRESS” clauses in the U.S. Constitution.
After Congressman Turner died, on Wednesday, March 5, 2025, Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee took to his FACEBOOK page and said, “There aren’t enough words to capture the loss of Congressman Sylvester Turner. Houston is better because he dedicated his life to serving the public. And everyone who knew him is better for having had him in our lives.”
County Attorney Menefee finished his statement by saying, “Rest well, Congressman.”
On the day, the late Congressman Turner was being laid to rest, while the other potential “TOP-TIER CANDIDATES” who could potentially win the “SPECIAL ELECTION” for the vacant 18th Congressional District of Texas seat, were in mourning, Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee was busy strategizing and plotting his next move.
Yes, you heard me correctly. Yesterday evening (Saturday, March 15, 2025), the same day as the late Congressman Sylvester Turner’s funeral, while the other potential “TOP-TIER CONDIDATES” were mourning the death of Congressman Turner, the Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee caught everyone by surprise and filed his paperwork to officially become a candidate for the vacant 18th Congressional District of Texas.
County Attorney Menefee didn’t even wait for the late Congressman Turner to be placed in the ground and have the dirt poured in to cover up his casket.
Now do you see what I’m talking about? How low is that? While almost everyone was claiming that the “TOP-TIER CANDIDATES” should be patient and respectful in remembrance of the late Congressman Sylvester Turner, “OUR BOY” Christian was sitting at that funeral contemplating how he was going to make sure to get his entry into “THE RACE” put in before everyone else.
What’s next?
Under Texas Law, in “OUR TEXAS CONSTITUTION,” County Attorney Christian Menefee triggered his resignation when he filed his paperwork yesterday (Saturday, March 15, 2025) with the Federal Election Commission.

Sec. 65. AUTOMATIC RESIGNATION ON BECOMING CANDIDATE FOR ANOTHER OFFICE. (a) This section applies to the following offices: District Clerks; County Clerks; County Judges; Judges of the County Courts at Law, County Criminal Courts, County Probate Courts and County Domestic Relations Courts; County Treasurers; Criminal District Attorneys; County Surveyors; County Commissioners; Justices of the Peace; Sheriffs; Assessors and Collectors of Taxes; District Attorneys; County Attorneys; Public Weighers; and Constables.
(b) If any of the officers named herein shall announce their candidacy, or shall in fact become a candidate, in any General, Special or Primary Election, for any office of profit or trust under the laws of this State or the United States other than the office then held, at any time when the unexpired term of the office then held shall exceed one year and 30 days, such announcement or such candidacy shall constitute an automatic resignation of the office then held, and the vacancy thereby created shall be filled pursuant to law in the same manner as other vacancies for such office are filled.
(Added Nov. 2, 1954; amended Nov. 4, 1958, and Nov. 2, 1999; Subsec. (a) amended Nov. 6, 2007; Subsec. (b) amended Nov. 8, 2011.) (TEMPORARY TRANSITION PROVISIONS for Sec. 65: See Appendix, Note 1.)

It is unclear when Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee must leave his post, but he will have to do so. Man. Christian Menefee pulled a “COON-DAWG” move on everybody.
Do you still think Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis is not behind the scenes pulling strings? Why would Christian Menefee give up his cush-job here in the Bayou City to go to Washington, D.C., and play around in the “SWAMP” over there?
This is about control, power, and keeping the 18th Congressional seat in the hands of the “ELLIS/TURNER/LEE” regime by putting one of their “YOUNG DAWGS” in the fight.
If you remember, when Commissioner Rodney Ellis was having problems with County Attorney Vince Ryan, he recruited Christian Menefee to take him out on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Party Primary race for County Attorney.
As a refresher, Christian Menefee received 125,971 votes for 50.4% of the vote, and Vince Ryan only received 62,630 votes for 25.1%. Another guy named Ben Rose was in the race and received 61,103 votes, for 24.5%.
Menefee went on to dominate his Republican rival, John Nation, in the Tuesday, November 3, 2020, Presidential Election race for Harris County Attorney. Christian Menefee received 848,451 votes, for 54.7% of the vote, and John Nation received 703,771 votes, for 45.3%.
When the Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary race rolled around, a high-powered African American female attorney named Umeka Lewis challenged Menefee, but he proved too much to handle and dominated her.
Umeka Lewis, with a limited budget, proved no match for County Attorney Christian Menefee as he romped to victory, capturing 108,207 votes for 70.0% of the vote, and Umeka Lewis received 46,282 votes for 30.0%.
In the Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Presidential Election race, County Attorney Christian Menefee once again proved he could defeat a female challenger as he secured a close win against a Republican female opponent named Jacqueline Lucci Smith.
As a refresher, Christian Dashaun Menefee received 731,100 votes for 50.5% of the vote, and Jacqueline Lucci Smith received 717,840 votes for 49.5%.
County Attorney Christian Menefee is putting some serious skin in the game to pursue the vacant 18th Congressional District seat by entering what is expected to be a field of dawgs.
By Menefee signing up to run, we now have a pretty good idea who Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis will endorse, and support.

With Harris County Christian Menefee triggering his resignation, it is unclear if Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, County Judge Lina Hidalgo, and the other County Commissioner have picked a replacement for Menefee. However, Menefee, the political players who have already anointed him the winner of the “SPECIAL ELECTION,” don’t understand politics.
Many local political consultants I spoke to overnight still feel that Amanda Edwards is the woman to beat if she shows some fight this time. However, Jarvis Johnson, Shawn Thierry, Erica Lee Carter, Jolanda Jones, Christina Morales, Amanda Edwards, Angeanette “Angie” Thibodeaux, Bishop James Dixon, Travis McGee, Deric Muhammad, Ronald E. Reynolds, Letitia Plummer, Eric Carr, Dr. Richard Johnson, III, may have something to say about that.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

Regarding power and influence, in Houston, Texas, Kieth "MR. D-MARS Davis, Sr., is the man. For well over 20 years, "MR. D-MARS" has dominated the Houston region with his D-Mars Business Journal, as the President and CEO of Vaskey Media Group, Inc., "MR. D-MARS" has spearheaded campaigns from many local and national brands, local businesses, and politicians. State Rep. Ron Reynolds and "MR. D-MARS" have been friends and allies long before State Rep. Reynolds was elected as the first African American State Representative since the Reconstruction era to get elected in Fort Bend County, Texas.
There's no question about it, Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett (left) has emerged and positioned herself as one of the strongest female voices in national politics. At 43, Congresswoman Crockett is tirelessly challenging Democrats to stand up and be strong and courageous. Having a fearless leader like State Rep. Ron Reynolds (right) by her side in Washington, D.C., would make things much more serious. However, a United States Army Veteran named Sholdon Daniels (a Republican), has announced on Fox News Digital that he's challenging Congresswoman Crockett for her 30th Congressional District seat in the upcoming 2026 Midterm Election.
Hands down, at 55 years old, famed Civil Rights Attorney Ben Crump (left) is considered one of the top voices in America. When Benjamin Lloyd Crump speaks, America listens. Crump is a lawyer of justice and fairness. And as it relates to State Rep. Ron Reynolds (right), at 51 years old, his future has never been brighter as his life story has become more of a testament to God's grace and faithfulness as State Rep. Reynolds expands his wings well beyond Fort Bend County.

Former Prizefighter turned businessman Eric Carr, the president and CEO of E&E Construction, is one of the best-kept secrets in Harris County, Texas. Carr's popularity and influence on the northeast-side of Houston, Texas, could be invaluable for a candidate to win the upcoming "SPECIAL ELECTION" for the 18th Congressional District of Texas. Carr's strong brotherly bond with State Rep. Reynolds could be an essential driving factor in Reynolds's success should he decide to pursue the vacant 18th Congressional District of Texas seat.

When caring about Houston, Texas matters, you would be hard-pressed to go out and find a more vigorous advocate for the people of Houston than 44-year-old "Trae tha Truth," pictured above with State Rep. Ron Reynolds, 51, a rising star on the national political scene. Born Frazier Othel Thompson III, "Trae tha Truth," knows a thing or two about leadership because whenever there's someone in need, he's been ready and willing to answer the call to service.

According to the most recent U.S. Census, "The 5 largest ethnic groups in Congressional District 18, TX are Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (31.4%), White (Hispanic) (17.8%), White (Non-Hispanic) (16.7%), Two+ (Hispanic) (12.8%), and Other (Hispanic) (12.7%).
43.3% of the households in Congressional District 18, Texas, reported speaking non-English at home as their primary shared language. This does not consider the potential multi-lingual nature of households; it only considers the primary self-reported language spoken by all household members.

Sylvester Turner (Democrat) received 151,834 votes, for 69.42% of the vote. His Republican opponent received 66,810 votes, for 30.55% of the vote. A bonified "STEALTH CANDIDATE" like former State Rep. Shawn Thierry could legitimately receive over 100,000 votes in a race for the 18th Congressional District if she were to marry a strong base of MAGA, "Make America Great Again," patriots with African American voters who are sick and tired of being played for fools by the "ELLIS/TURNER/LEE" political regime members.

Former State Representative Jarvis Johnson, State Representative Ron Reynolds, State Representative Jolanda Jones, State Representative Christina Morales, Former State Representative Shawn Thierry, NAACP-Houston President Bishop James Dixon, Councilwoman Letitia Plummer, Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee, Former Congresswoman Erica Lee Carter, Former Councilwoman Amanda Edwards, Former Candidate for State Rep. Angeanette "Angie" Thibodeaux, Community Activist Travis McGee, Community Actist Deric Muhammad, TSU Board Regent Dr. Richard Johnson, and former prizefighter turned Businessman Eric Carr, could make up a star-studded field of contenders.

Whenever Governor Greg Abbott calls the "SPECIAL ELECTION" for the 18th Congressional District, you will see a low voter turnout like what you would see in a primary race. And if there are (10) or (15) Democratic candidates running in the race, you will see a situation where the Democratic vote will be splintered. If you look at the "TOTAL" above, what you see is that only 23,629 Democrats turned out to vote for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and only 14,668 Democrats turned out for Amanda Edwards last year when they faced off.

66,810 votes were received by Lana Centonze (Republican) in the 2024 Presidential Election race for the 18th Congressional District, running against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s successor, Sylvester Turner.

58,033 votes were received by Wendell Champion (Republican) in the 2020 Presidential Election for the 18th Congressional District, running against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.

48,306 votes were received by Lori Bartley (Republican) in the 2016 presidential election for the 18th Congressional District, which was run against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.

47,835 votes were received by Maria Dunn (Republican) in the 2024 “UNEXPIRED TERM” Presidential Election for the 18th Congressional District, running against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s daughter Erica Lee.

44,015 votes were received by Sean Seibert (Republican) in the 2012 presidential election for the 18th Congressional District, which was run against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.

40,941 votes were received by Carmen Maria Montiel (Republican) in the 2022 Midterm Election for the 18th Congressional District, running against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.

38,368 votes were received by Ava Pate (Republican) in the 2018 Midterm Election for the 18th Congressional District, running against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.
Amanda Edwards Doesn't Have the Numbers Some GOP Candidates Have in the 18th Congressional District of Texas
The people of the 18th Congressional District don’t like former Councilwoman Amanda Edwards enough for Edwards to turn out to vote specifically for her in the “SPECIAL ELECTION” for the vacant congressional seat. How can I make this claim?
Amanda Edwards faced off against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary in the predominantly African American district where, at the time, 417,430 people were registered to vote in the district.
How many people turned out to vote for Amanda Edwards?
On Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary, only 14,668 of the registered 417,430 voters turned out to vote for Amanda Edwards – that is a fact.
Before you talk about how powerful Congresswoman Shiela Jackson Lee was, only 23,629 of the registered 417,430 voters turned out to vote for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.
We can argue that the contest between Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and former Councilwoman Amanda Edwards was a Democratic Party Primary and not a general election, but that’s beside the point.
If you look at past Midterm and Presidential elections, the number of people who voted for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee versus the number of registered voters in the 18th Congressional District was dismal.
Sure, a handful of people loved Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. Still, most 18th Congressional District voters tolerated her and did not flock to the polls to cast their votes for her.

Dr. Richard Johnson, III, and former State Rep. Shawn Thierry have already been vetted and approved by Texas Governor Greg Abbott.
It is unclear when Governor Greg Abbott is going to set a date for the upcoming “SPECIAL ELECTION” to fill the void left after the untimely death of Congressman Sylvester Turner. However, nothing in the U.S. Constitution requires Gov. Abbott to be in a hurry to call the “SPECIAL ELECTION” to fill the vacancy.
Things would be much easier for Gov. Abbott if he could appoint one of his favorite African American conservatives (Dr. Richard Johnson or Attorney Shawn Thierry) to finish the remainder of Congressman Turner’s term, which expires in January 2027.

On Monday, February 6, 2023, Governor Greg Abbott appointed Richard A. Johnson, III, Ed.D., to the Texas Southern University Board of Regents for a term expiring on February 1, 2029.
According to the Governor’s website, “Richard A. Johnson, III, Ed.D. of Houston is the director of the Booker T. Washington Initiative at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. During the 85th and 86th Texas Legislatures, he served as a chief of staff and a senior policy analyst for a Texas House of Representatives member. Johnson was an educator for over 20 years and has extensive experience in teaching and research. He is a former member and vice president of the Houston Chapter of the Texas Association of Black Psychologists, a former member of the American Psychological Association, Texas Association of Black Personnel in Higher Education, Texas Association of Black School Educators, National Academic Advising Association, and the Houston Business and Professional Men’s Club. He is a member of the Wiley College and Texas Southern University Alumni associations and a life member of the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. Additionally, he is a former president of 100 Black Men of Metropolitan Houston and the Louisiana Prison Chapel Foundation and former Chair of the NAACP Higher Education Committee. Johnson received a Bachelor of Arts in History and Government from Wiley College, a Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology, and a Doctor of Education in Education Administration from Texas Southern University. Additionally, he served in the U.S. Army after college, obtaining the rank of sergeant.”
On Monday, January 13, 2025, Governor Greg Abbott appointed Shawn Thierry to the Texas Juvenile Justice Board for a term that will expire on February 1, 2029.
In case you don’t remember, former State Rep. Shawn Thierry fled from the Democratic Party after she was allegedly sexually harassed, bullied, and tormented by a Harris County Democratic Party Precinct Chair named Kay Shepard, who represents Precinct 30 in Harris County, Texas.
According to Governor Abbott’s website, “The Board is charged with developing and implementing rules to govern the Texas Juvenile Justice Department.”
“Shawn Thierry of Houston is an attorney and a four-term Texas Legislator serving House District 146. During her time in the Texas Legislature, she served on several committees, including the Juvenile Justice and Family Issues Committee. She is a member of the State Bar of Texas and Houston Bar Association and a volunteer for the Houston Food Bank. Thierry received a Bachelor of Arts in Communications from Howard University and a Juris Doctor from Texas Southern University Thurgood Marshall School of Law,” said Governor Abbott.
On Tuesday, February 11, 2025, attorney and former State Rep. Shawn Thierry was named Executive Director for Policy and Counsel at the prestigious Texas Southern University.
“The newly established role will serve in the Office of Board Relations alongside the Executive Director for Board Relations,” stated their website.
According to TSU’s website, “In this role, Thierry will advise the Board of Regents on federal, state, and local policy issues, coordinate special projects, and provide strategic and legal counsel. Thierry is the second veteran state legislator hired by TSU this academic year, joining her former Texas House of Representatives colleague, Dr. James White, who serves as Vice President for Governmental Affairs and Civic Engagement.”

The 119th Congress began on January 3, 2025, and will not end until January 2027. That said, House Speaker Mike Johnson and President Donald J. Trump would likely be the vast benefactors if Governor Greg Abbott drags his feet on the matter unfolding with the current vacancy in the 18th Congressional District of Texas.
President Donald J. Trump and House Speaker Mike Johnson are running into issues with a couple of “GOP MEMBERS” of the United States Congress.
Currently, there are (218) Republican Members serving in the United States Congress. And there are (214) Democratic Members serving in the United States Congress, which is a razor-thin margin for passing legislation.
There are (3) Open Congressional seats in the United States Congress. However, on Tuesday, April 1, 2025, two of the “OPEN SEATS” in Congress will be filled.
The 1st Congressional District of Florida, which Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz held, will be filled with the holding of a “SPECIAL ELECTION” to fill the seat. The 6th Congressional District that Republican Congressman Mike Waltz held will also be filled by having a “SPECIAL ELECTION” on Tuesday, April 1, 2025.
The third and remaining “OPEN SEAT” in the United States Congress is the 18th Congressional District seat, which became vacant after the untimely death of the late Congressman Sylvester Turner, who passed away on Wednesday, March 5, 2025.
So, of the three “OPEN SEATS” in the United States Congress, only one of the seats is a lean Democrat, which means that to hold the seat, Democrats had better be smart.
Can a Republican flip the 18th Congressional District from “BLUE” to “RED” in the upcoming “SPECIAL ELECTION” when Governor Greg Abbott calls it?
If Democrats load up the “SPECIAL ELECTION” field with (15) Democratic candidates or (20) Democratic candidates, a lone “GOP CANDIDATE” could split the group.
Once in a “RUNOFF ELECTION,” it is likely that the right kind of African American “GOP CANDIDATE” with cross-over appeal could galvanize, mobilize, and unite MAGA “Make American Great Again” voters with disgruntled, fed up, African American voters thirsty for change.
A candidate like Dr. Richard Johnson, III, or former state Rep. Shawn Thierry would be ideal because they’ve already been vetted and approved by Governor Greg Abbott and appointed to coveted positions of authority.
I’ve identified a few conservatives who could run an extremely competitive race as a lone “GOP CANDIDATE” in a field of (15) to (20) Democratic Candidates in the upcoming “SPECIAL ELECTION” for the 18th Congressional District of Texas.
66,810 votes were received by Lana Centonze (Republican) in the 2024 presidential election race for the 18th Congressional District, which was run against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s successor, Sylvester Turner.

58,033 votes were received by Wendell Champion (Republican) in the 2020 Presidential Election for the 18th Congressional District, running against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.

48,306 votes were received by Lori Bartley (Republican) in the 2016 presidential election for the 18th Congressional District, which was run against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.

47,835 votes were received by Maria Dunn (Republican) in the 2024 “UNEXPIRED TERM” Presidential Election for the 18th Congressional District, running against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s daughter Erica Lee.

40,941 votes were received by Carmen Maria Montiel (Republican) in the 2022 Midterm Election for the 18th Congressional District, running against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.

44,015 votes were received by Sean Seibert (Republican) in the 2012 presidential election for the 18th Congressional District, which was run against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.

38,368 votes were received by Ava Pate (Republican) in the 2018 Midterm Election for the 18th Congressional District, running against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.

21,257 votes were received by Kevin O. Dural (Republican) in the 2024 “UNEXPIRED TERM” Presidential Election for the 18th Congressional District, running against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s daughter Erica Lee.

14,688 votes were received by Amanda Edwards (Democrat) in the 2024 Democratic Party Primary for the 18th Congressional District, running against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.

Many local political consultants and community “STAKEHOLDERS” believe that former Houston City Councilwoman Amanda Edwards could emerge victorious against a potential field of Democrats like Jarvis Johnson, Shawn Thierry, Erica Lee Carter, Jolanda Jones, Christina Morales, Amanda Edwards, Angeanette “Angie” Thibodeaux, Bishop James Dixon, Travis McGee, Deric Muhammad, Ronald E. Reynolds, Letitia Plummer, Eric Carr, Dr. Richard Johnson, III, and Christian Menefee – but I beg to differ.
All we know about former Councilwoman Amanda Edwards is that in a race for the 18th Congressional District during the Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary, only 14,668 voters from the 18th Congressional District supported her candidacy.
What you have to remember is that there are over 417,430 registered voters who live in the 18th Congressional District of Texas. What does this mean?
What I’m trying to get you to understand is that only 402,762 of the 417,430 registered voters who live in the 18th Congressional District did not get excited about going to the polls to cast their vote for Amanda Edwards during the Tuesday, March 5, 2024, which means that, if she doesn’t develop a better strategy this time around she could finish in the bottom of the pack when the “SPECIAL ELECTION” rolls around.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

Commissioner Rodney Ellis has $6,414,367.00 in his campaign bank account, more than all of the sitting incumbent "DEMOCRATIC JUDGES" combined. However, the incumbent Democratic Judges are called upon to give the lion's share of the money donated to the Harris County Democratic Party. During the 2024 Presidential Election cycle, while more than a few Democratic Judges donated upwards of $50,000.00 to the Harris County Democratic Party out of their hard-earned campaign money, Commissioner Ellis only gave about $6,500.00 to the HCDP, which was nothing for a man with more than $6 million in his campaign account. (CLICK HERE) Please take a moment to view Commissioner Rodney Ellis's Campaign Finance Report.

Judge Latosha Lewis Payne, the presiding judge for 55th Civil District Court, has “ZERO” in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/15/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Melissa Marie Morris, the presiding judge for the 263rd Criminal District Court, has not filed a campaign finance report since 7/16/2024. At that time, she reported having “ZERO” dollars inside her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” under penalty of perjury.

Judge Sharon Burney, the presiding judge for Harris County Justice of the Peace for Precinct 7, Place 2, has not filed a campaign finance report since 1/12/2024. At that time, she reported having “ZERO” dollars inside her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” under penalty of perjury.
Judge Latosha Lewis Payne, the presiding judge for 55th Civil District Court, has “ZERO” in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/15/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Melissa Marie Morris, the presiding judge for the 263rd Criminal District Court, has not filed a campaign finance report since 7/16/2024. At that time, she reported having “ZERO” dollars inside her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” under penalty of perjury.

Judge Sharon Burney, the presiding judge for Harris County Justice of the Peace for Precinct 7, Place 2, has not filed a campaign finance report since 1/12/2024. At that time, she reported having “ZERO” dollars inside her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” under penalty of perjury.

Judge Beverly D. Armstrong, the presiding judge for 208th Criminal District Court, only has $27.23 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/15/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Katherine N. Thomas, the presiding judge for 184th Criminal District Court, only has $96.86 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/11/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Shannon Baldwin, the presiding judge for Harris County Criminal Court at Law No.4, only has $178.54 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/16/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Sedrick T. Walker, II, the presiding judge for Harris County Criminal Court at Law No.11, only has $211.12 in his “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report he filed on 1/15/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Sedrick T. Walker, II, the presiding judge for Harris County Criminal Court at Law No.11, only has $211.12 in his “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report he filed on 1/15/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Sandra Peake, the presiding judge for 257th Family District Court, only has $314.00 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/14/2025 under penalty of perjury.
Judge Sandra Peake, the presiding judge for 257th Family District Court, only has $314.00 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/14/2025 under penalty of perjury.

Judge Lori Chambers Gray, the presiding judge for 262nd Criminal District Court, only has $500.00 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/11/2025 under penalty of perjury.

Judge Genesis Draper, the presiding judge for Harris County Criminal Court at Law No.12, only has $620.54 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/16/2025, under penalty of perjury.
Judge LaShawn A. Williams, the presiding judge for Harris County Civil Court at Law No.3, only has $999.67 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/15/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Veronica M. Nelson, the presiding judge for 482nd Criminal District Court, has not filed a campaign finance report since 12/27/2024. At that time, she reported having $1,385.03 inside her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” under penalty of perjury.

Judge Juanita Jackson, the presiding judge for Harris County Criminal Court at Law No.10, only has $1,673.50 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/15/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Toria J. Finch, the presiding judge for Harris County Criminal Court at Law No.9, only has $2,409.46 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/16/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Toria J. Finch, the presiding judge for Harris County Criminal Court at Law No.9, only has $2,409.46 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/16/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Damiane “Dianne” Curvey, the presiding judge for 280th Protective Order Court, only has $6,000.00 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/13/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Lucia Bates, the presiding judge for Harris County Justice of the Peace for Precinct 3, Place 2, only has $6,109.55 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/10/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Tamika “Tami” Craft, the presiding judge for 189th Civil District Court, only has $10,463.98 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/14/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Tonya Jones, the presiding judge for Harris County Criminal Court at Law No.15, only has $15,397.41 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/16/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Angela M. Lancelin, the presiding judge for 245th Family District Court, only has $22,588.21 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/14/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Audrie Lawton-Evans, the presiding judge for Harris County Civil Court at Law No.1, only has $29,984.00 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/15/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge DaSean Jones, the presiding judge for 180th Criminal District Court, only has $44,752.07 in his “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report he filed on 1/14/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Linda Marie Dunson, the presiding judge for 309th Family District Court, only has $58,152.12 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/12/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Michelle D. Moore, the presiding judge for 314th Juvenile District Court, only has $61,520.88 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/12/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Dedra Davis, the presiding judge for 270th Civil District Court, only has $81,878.82 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/15/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Dedra Davis, the presiding judge for 270th Civil District Court, only has $81,878.82 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/15/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Angela Graves Harrington, the presiding judge for 246th Family District Court, only has $91,804.11 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/15/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Germaine Tanner, the presiding judge for 311th Family District Court, only has $101,687.71 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/16/2025 under penalty of perjury.