On Friday, October 14, 2022, Community Activist Quanell X will hold a "PRESS CONFERENCE" to expose the Corruption, Extortion, and Cronyism that's been taking place at Houston City Hall under the watchful eye of Mayor Sylvester Turner. If you would like to attend, "THE PRESS CONFERENCE" will take place at 901 Bagby Street in front of Houston City Hall at noon on Friday.

You can "CLICK HERE" for a closer view of this "WE DEMAND TRANSPARENCY" flyer. Community Activist Quanell X will discuss how Mayor Sylvester Turner's right-hand man extorted money from "MINORITY CONTRACTORS" in a dirty "PAY TO PLAY SCHEME" that's denied contracts through corrupt practices at the City of Houston.
Mayor Sylvester Turner's Corrupt Culture at Houston City Hall Will Be the Focal Point of Quanell X’s Press Conference
Have you fed up yet? Well, if so, on Friday, October 14, 2022, at noon, you should join well-known Community Activist Quanell X who will be hosting a “PRESS CONFERENCE” in Front of Houston City Hall to expose Mayor Sylvester Turner and his cronies. In case you don’t know, Houston City Hall is located at 901 Bagby Street in downtown Houston, Texas.
“We demand Transparency,” states the flyer highlighting the Friday, October 14, 2022, press conference. “We must end the CORRUPTION at Houston City Hall.”
According to the flyer, Quanell X is expected to discuss how EXTORTION and how CORRUPTION at Houston City Hall has perverted the Minority Contracting process. Quanell X is also expected to expose how William Paul Thomas, who served as the right-hand-man, to people like Mayor Sylvester Turner, Commissioner Rodney Ellis, and countless others has extorted “MINORITY VENDORS” in a “PAY-TO-PLAY SCHEME” that has plagued Houston City Hall for decades.

Do you see William Paul Thomas with his hand on Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis's shoulder in the photo above? Now look at the lady on the right, that's Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo smiling from ear to ear.
I’m sick to my stomach right now. For the life of me, I cannot understand how so-called Black leaders who claim to be fighting for “MY PEOPLE” were able to sit by silently and allow Damien Thaddeus Jones to have his civil right violated in open court for the entire world to see earlier this week.
People like Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Congressman Al Green, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, and Mayor Sylvester Turner are a complete embarrassment.
"The time has come for the Black community to wake up, and come to the realization that we’ve been sold up the river."
"The time has come for the Black community to wake up, and come to the realization that we’ve been sold up the river."
We have no leadership. We have no representation. And the only Black men (and women) who can thrive and advance within the two-party system are the go-along-to-get-along negroes who kiss the rings of corrupt party bosses and lick the boots of their master.
I can’t help but wonder how differently things would have turned out if Damien Thaddeus Jones had been a member of the LGBTQ+ community, or better yet, someone who was sleeping around with the like’s Mayor Sylvester Turner, who according to his ex-wife is bisexual.
Do you believe for one minute that Damien Thaddeus Jones would have had his civil rights violated in Harris County if he were gay?
Now, please understand that I’m not attacking the LGBTQ+ community in any way shape, or form. However, if you "CLICK HERE" you will get to understand how Mayor Sylvester Turner came from barely being able to pay his bills, to becoming Mayor of Houston, Texas.
We have no leadership. We have no representation. And the only Black men (and women) who can thrive and advance within the two-party system are the go-along-to-get-along negroes who kiss the rings of corrupt party bosses and lick the boots of their master.
I can’t help but wonder how differently things would have turned out if Damien Thaddeus Jones had been a member of the LGBTQ+ community, or better yet, someone who was sleeping around with the like’s Mayor Sylvester Turner, who according to his ex-wife is bisexual.
Do you believe for one minute that Damien Thaddeus Jones would have had his civil rights violated in Harris County if he were gay?
Now, please understand that I’m not attacking the LGBTQ+ community in any way shape, or form. However, if you "CLICK HERE" you will get to understand how Mayor Sylvester Turner came from barely being able to pay his bills, to becoming Mayor of Houston, Texas.
If you "CLICK HERE" you will get a better understanding of what some of the local "GAY BLACK MEN" are trying to hide from the public. In "THIS SWORN AFFIDAVIT" Mayor Sylvester Turner's wife explains how she learned that Mayor Sylvester Turner and other Black men were participating in orgies, and having one-on-one sexual relationships with one another.
You can "CLICK HERE" to see "THE SWORN AFFIDAVIT" which was signed by Cheryl Gillum Turner under penalty of perjury on November 13, 1991, before Audre Rife, an official Notary Public. Also, please note, at the time Cheryl Gillum Turner signed this "SWORN AFFIDAVIT" she was working as an Assistant District Attorney with Harris County District Attorney's Office.
However, I am searching for answers. And in my search for answers, I can’t help but think back to the 1990s and “THE SWORN AFFIDAVIT” which was filed by an Assistant District Attorney for Harris County by the name of Cheryl Gillum Turner.
In case you’re too young to remember, Cheryl Gillum Turner married a guy by the name of Sylvester Turner way back on March 26, 1983, and shortly began having marital problems shortly thereafter.
According to her “SWORN AFFIDAVIT” which was filed under penalty of perjury, Cheryl Gullum Turner became suspicious that (her husband at the time) Sylvester Turner was talking to other persons about their marital affairs and began taping his conversations – which is legal in the State of Texas.
Cheryl Gillum Turner’s “SWORN AFFIDAVIT” which was filed under penalty of perjury, went into vivid details about how she learned that Sylvester Turner was bisexual, as and participating in sexual orgies.
In her “SWORN AFFIDAVIT” which was filed under penalty of perjury, she explained, “One of the conversations he had with Loyd Gite, who is a Channel 26 news reporter. During that conversation, Mr. Gite asked Sylvester if he wanted to have sex with him. Sylvester responded that he would consider it.”
“The conversation continued with Gite telling Sylvester specifically the sexual acts he would perform,” explained Cheryl Gillum Turner, who was the wife of Sylvester Turner at the time. “I later confronted Sylvester about this without telling him about the tape recording,” she continued.
“Sylvester did not respond or acknowledge it,” she said.
His wife at the time also recounted many sexual exploits that she believed (at the time) Sylvester Turner had with women, specifically the daughter of a close friend of theirs.
“I also am aware of certain unprofessional acts of Sylvester in reference to approaching people and inviting them to sexual orgies,” explained Cheryl Gillum Turner, the wife of Sylvester Turner at the time.
“I have also heard comments made about Don Aaron, Darryl Carter, Dwight Thomas, and others relating to sexual involvement with Sylvester,” she revealed.
“In fact, there have been suggestions made to me personally by Carter that he had control of Sylvester because Carter knows Sylvester’s “deepest, darkest secrets,” her “SWORN AFFIDAVIT” stated.
And according to his wife at the time, “Those allegations can be substantiated because Sylvester secured a loan from Bank Plus and paid cash for a 1991 Explorer for Darryl Carter.”
At the time, Darryl Carter was employed by Sylvester Turner, and his wife suspected that Sylvester Turner was paying part of the tuition, if not all, for Darryl Carter to attend the University of Houston Law School.
Have you ever heard the name Thomas Jones before? Well, I believe Thomas has come a long way over the years and has completely turned his life around. That being said, I’m not going to rake Thomas Jones over the coals or anything like that.
But, just so you know, back in the 1990’s Thomas Jones served as Sylvester Turner’s campaign manager. And, according to the recounts of Cheryl Gillum Turner at the time, Darryl Carter, the man who had the power to completely expose the dark side of Sylvester Turner, had possession of some receipts related to Thomas Jones (supposedly) spending time in some sort of drug rehabilitation program.
From reading the “SWORN AFFIDAVIT” I obtained, Darryl Carter was also in possession of a copy of a police investigation into Thomas Jones related to him transporting drugs, or something to that effect.
“I also have heard that Don Aaron has made statements pertaining to having “the goods” on Sylvester,” his wife at the time explained.
Why am I talking about Mayor Sylvester Turner’s wife, and what happened between them way back in the 1990s in connection with what just happened to Damien Thaddeus Jones, in Harris County Criminal Court at Law No. 5, earlier this week? Well, because I’ve been investigating Mayor Sylvester Turner for almost three decades – and he’s bad news!!!
Shortly after revealing the ‘deepest darkest secrets of Sylvester Turner and some very powerful people who were participating in sexual orgies and other illegal activities, Cheryl Gillum Turner, who was an assistant District Attorney (at the time) found herself in trouble with the law.
Does that sound familiar?
So, a few years after exposing the dark side of Sylvester Turner, and many other powerful Black folks who were ‘allegedly’ having “GROUP ORGIES” and doing “God-Know” what else, Sylvester Turner’s (then ex-wife) ended up coincidentally getting sentenced to 10 years in prison after pleading guilty to a crime. Isn’t it funny how people who expose “DEEP DARK SECRETS” and “ELECTION FRAUD” in Harris County somehow find themselves indicted and facing charges?
Politics is a dirty business! Did you hear me? I said, POLITICS IS A DIRTY BUSINESS!!! That being said, there are some “DEEP DARK SECRETS” that some very powerful people in local politics are fighting hard to keep behind closed doors.
So, what does all of this have to do with Damien Thaddeus Jones? Well, just like Mayor Sylvester Turner’s (now ex-wife), Damien Thaddeus Jones has revealed some “DEEP DARK SECRETS” about local politicians (not named Gina Calanni) in the past, that have rubbed some folks the wrong way.
As “DOWNTOWN” Oliver Brown prepares to appeal “THE GUILTY VERDICT” received by Damien Thaddeus Jones on Friday, October 7, 2022, I implore you to take a moment to read this “SWORN AFFIDAVIT” that was written under penalty of perjury by Cheryl Gillum Turner, to get a better understanding of why dirty politicians like Mayor Sylvester Turner and other so-called Black leaders are sat by silently as Damien Thaddeus Jones (a Black man) got lynched in a “KANGAROO COURT PROCEEDING” using evidence that was suppressed by Judge David Fleischer on “DAY ONE” of his trial because the “SEARCH WARRANT” used to seize his phone was bogus – didn’t even have a real date on it!!!

“For the record, I am prepared to take this case to the United States Supreme Court to protect everyone's first amendment right,” declared “DOWNTOWN” Oliver Brown pictured above top left. Judge Danilo "Danny" Lacayo (far right) is the "Democrat" judge who signed off on "THE BOGUS SEARCH WARRANT" which does not contain a date. Judge David Fleischer is the "Democrat" judge who suppressed "THE BOGUS SEARCH WARRANT" and other critical pieces of evidence obtained from the execution of "THE BOGUS SEARCH WARRANT" to be presented to the jury. What role (if any) did "Democrat" District Attorney Kim Ogg and her executive staff play in getting Judge Fleischer to not throw this case out of his courtroom?

Judge Danilo "Danny" Lacayo is the presiding judge for the 182nd Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. For the record, Judge Danny Lacayo is the judge who signed off on "THE BUGUS SEARCH WARRANT" which did not contain a date that was used to seize the phone of Damien Thaddeus Jones during the traffic stop.

You can "CLICK HERE" to get a better look at "THE BOGUS SEARCH WARRANT" that was used to seize the cell phone that belonged to Damien Thaddeus Jones by Texas Department of Public Safety Officer Robert Mayton in Harris County, Texas.

As you can see in the Texas Department of Public Safety "INVENTORY SEIZED INVENTORY LOG" above, there's only one item listed. Now, remember, on "DAY ONE" of the Damien Thaddeus Jones "COERCION OF A PUBLIC SERVANT TRIAL" that played out in Harris County Criminal Court at Law No. 5, the presiding judge, (David Fleischer), granted "DOWNTOWN" Oliver Brown's motion to suppress "THE BOGUS SEARCH WARRANT" that was used to seize Damien Thaddeus Jones's phone and other crucial pieces of evidence that were obtained from the phone.
A Kangaroo Court Proceeding Is What I Witnessed in the Bogus Coercion of a Public Servant Trial of Damien Thaddeus Jones
What’s a “KANGAROO COURT PROCEEDING?” Well, by definition, a kangaroo court is a court that ignores recognized standards, ignores due process, and comes to predetermined conclusions.
Make no mistake about it, what we just witnessed go down in Damien Thaddeus Jones’s trial is a different kind of corruption. And to be clear, some of the issues we’re facing right now in Harris County, Texas with all of this corruption can only be handled at the ballot on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in the upcoming Midterm Election.
No way!!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! We must push back against all of this corruption in Harris County, Texas. And pushing back against corrupt judges on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, is a great place to start. But we can’t stop there, in our fight to dismantle the “CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE” that has taken over our local City and County Government.
Now, back to what happened to Damien Thaddeus Jones in Harris County Criminal Court at Law No. 5, that’s presided over by “Democrat” Judge David Fleischer this week.
For starters, Damien Thaddeus Jones is a human being, and no human being should be subject to what I witnessed this American citizen (Damien Thaddeus Jones) go through on Tuesday, October 4th, 6th, and 7th, inside Judge Fleischer’s courtroom.
A “KANGAROO COURT PROCEEDING” is what I witnessed. I know this sounds harsh, but Judge David Fleisher has no business presiding over any courtroom. And the scariest thing about what Judge Fleischer allowed to go down in Harris County Criminal Court at Law No. 5, on “DAY TWO” of the Damien Jones Trial, is the very thing that Judge David Fleischer had railed against on “DAY ONE” of the trail when he stood up in and declared, “I DON’T KNOW ABOUT OTHER COURTS, BUT IN MY COURTROOM WE FOLLOW THE LAW.”
Now, for the record, before witnessing the gross injustice that occurred in the Damien Thaddeus Jones trial, I thought that Judge David Fleisher was one of the “GOOD DEMOCRATIC JUDGES” and someone who loved our United States Constitution, and was indeed honorable. But I saw two different judges presiding over Damien Thaddeus Jones’s trial.
On “DAY ONE” of the trial, Judge David Fleischer appeared ready to throw out the entire case against Damien Thaddeus Jones. For the record, I witnessed Judge Fleischer suppress bogus “THE BOGUS SEARCH WARRANT” which was used by Texas Department of Public Safety Officer Robert Mayton to pull Damien Thaddeus Jones over and demand that he surrender his phone.
So, today, I want the entire world to see “THE BOGUS SEARCH WARRANT” that was used to illegally stop Damien Thaddeus Jones, and illegally obtain his cell phone. No, remember, on “DAY ONE” of the Damien Thaddeus Jones, “COERCION OF A PUBLIC SERVANT TRIAL” the Judge, (David Fleischer), granted “DOWNTOWN” Oliver Brown’s motion to suppress “THE BOGUS SEARCH WARRANT” and other crucial pieces of evidence in the case against Damien Thaddeus Jones, and then on “DAY TWO” turned into “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” as he appeared to become a willing participant in the “MODERN DAY LYNCHING” of Damien Thaddeus Jones by “DEMOCRATIC OPERATIVES” on assignment to pay political retribution to their adversary under the color of a jury trial.
If you “CLICK HERE” to view “THE BOGUS SEARCH WARRANT” for yourself, what you will notice is the very same thing that Judge David Fleisher, the presiding judge for County Criminal Court at Law No. 5, noticed when he granted Attorney “DOWNTOWN OLIVER BROWN’S” motion to suppress the warrant.
As you inspect “THE BOGUS SEARCH WARRANT” pay close attention to the fact that “THE BOGUS SEARCH WARRANT” does not contain a month when the warrant was supposed to be served upon Damien Thaddeus Jones. Now, remember, this “BOGUS SEARCH WARRANT” that was illegally used to seize Damien Thaddeus Jones’s cell phone and records, was suppressed by Judge David Fleisher, on “DAY ONE” of the “COERCION OF A PUBLIC SERVANT TRIAL” against Jones.
“This is why Judge David Fleisher granted my motion,” said Attorney “DOWNTOWN” Oliver Brown, who represented Damien Thaddeus Jones.
According to Attorney “DOWNTOWN” Oliver Brown, “The real problem is the Judge granted my motion, but then allowed evidence from the phone which was suppressed to come into evidence.”
“This Judge does not understand what suppression means,” said Brown.
When pressed to further explain his comments about Judge Fleischer, Brown stated, “According to Fleischer, suppression somehow means the piece of paper; but the law says all of the evidence that you collected.”
Attorney “DOWNTOWN” Oliver Brown went on to say, “Then to help the State, Judge Fleischer allowed them to edit a video down to one minute and show the Texas Department of Public Safety Officer Robert Mayton taking my client's phone.” According to “DOWNTOWN” Oliver Brown, “What was edited out of the video was the warrant that was invalid, and contained no date.”
“So, what the jury was allowed to see in open court was an exchange between Officer Robert Mayton, and my client (Damien Thaddeus Jones) where it appears that my client simply, gave the officer his phone voluntarily,” says Brown.
"The bigger issue in my client's trial is the Democrat-controlled Judiciary has just authorized every District Attorney across the state of Texas to go out and charge anyone who threatens to influence a public official through means of "embarrassment, hatred, or contempt." Attorney Brown when on to declare, “We’re heading down a slippery slope here.”
“What we’re all witnessing is a very dangerous precedence being set in Harris County, Texas,” explains Brown. “And it will have far-reaching consequences.”
“Given the fact that a large part of the democratic platform is advanced by using techniques that stoke hatred and contempt, I guess this means Democrats can now weaponize the criminal justice system against protestors or citizens who merely threaten to embarrass a public official to get them to resign."
“For the record, I am prepared to take this case to the United States Supreme Court to protect everyone's first amendment right,” declared “DOWNTOWN” Oliver Brown.
When asked about what steps he would take next, Attorney “DOWNTOWN” Oliver Brown declared, “We must protect everyone's right to ‘FREE SPEECH’ even those we dislike, disagree with, or do not understand.”
“Stay tuned because this fight is not over,” said Brown.
Everyone who believes in “OUR UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION” should be calling Attorney Oliver Brown right now, at (713)851-1110, today!
What’s a “KANGAROO COURT PROCEEDING?” Well, by definition, a kangaroo court is a court that ignores recognized standards, ignores due process, and comes to predetermined conclusions.
Make no mistake about it, what we just witnessed go down in Damien Thaddeus Jones’s trial is a different kind of corruption. And to be clear, some of the issues we’re facing right now in Harris County, Texas with all of this corruption can only be handled at the ballot on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in the upcoming Midterm Election.
No way!!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! We must push back against all of this corruption in Harris County, Texas. And pushing back against corrupt judges on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, is a great place to start. But we can’t stop there, in our fight to dismantle the “CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE” that has taken over our local City and County Government.
Now, back to what happened to Damien Thaddeus Jones in Harris County Criminal Court at Law No. 5, that’s presided over by “Democrat” Judge David Fleischer this week.
For starters, Damien Thaddeus Jones is a human being, and no human being should be subject to what I witnessed this American citizen (Damien Thaddeus Jones) go through on Tuesday, October 4th, 6th, and 7th, inside Judge Fleischer’s courtroom.
A “KANGAROO COURT PROCEEDING” is what I witnessed. I know this sounds harsh, but Judge David Fleisher has no business presiding over any courtroom. And the scariest thing about what Judge Fleischer allowed to go down in Harris County Criminal Court at Law No. 5, on “DAY TWO” of the Damien Jones Trial, is the very thing that Judge David Fleischer had railed against on “DAY ONE” of the trail when he stood up in and declared, “I DON’T KNOW ABOUT OTHER COURTS, BUT IN MY COURTROOM WE FOLLOW THE LAW.”
Now, for the record, before witnessing the gross injustice that occurred in the Damien Thaddeus Jones trial, I thought that Judge David Fleisher was one of the “GOOD DEMOCRATIC JUDGES” and someone who loved our United States Constitution, and was indeed honorable. But I saw two different judges presiding over Damien Thaddeus Jones’s trial.
On “DAY ONE” of the trial, Judge David Fleischer appeared ready to throw out the entire case against Damien Thaddeus Jones. For the record, I witnessed Judge Fleischer suppress bogus “THE BOGUS SEARCH WARRANT” which was used by Texas Department of Public Safety Officer Robert Mayton to pull Damien Thaddeus Jones over and demand that he surrender his phone.
So, today, I want the entire world to see “THE BOGUS SEARCH WARRANT” that was used to illegally stop Damien Thaddeus Jones, and illegally obtain his cell phone. No, remember, on “DAY ONE” of the Damien Thaddeus Jones, “COERCION OF A PUBLIC SERVANT TRIAL” the Judge, (David Fleischer), granted “DOWNTOWN” Oliver Brown’s motion to suppress “THE BOGUS SEARCH WARRANT” and other crucial pieces of evidence in the case against Damien Thaddeus Jones, and then on “DAY TWO” turned into “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” as he appeared to become a willing participant in the “MODERN DAY LYNCHING” of Damien Thaddeus Jones by “DEMOCRATIC OPERATIVES” on assignment to pay political retribution to their adversary under the color of a jury trial.
If you “CLICK HERE” to view “THE BOGUS SEARCH WARRANT” for yourself, what you will notice is the very same thing that Judge David Fleisher, the presiding judge for County Criminal Court at Law No. 5, noticed when he granted Attorney “DOWNTOWN OLIVER BROWN’S” motion to suppress the warrant.
As you inspect “THE BOGUS SEARCH WARRANT” pay close attention to the fact that “THE BOGUS SEARCH WARRANT” does not contain a month when the warrant was supposed to be served upon Damien Thaddeus Jones. Now, remember, this “BOGUS SEARCH WARRANT” that was illegally used to seize Damien Thaddeus Jones’s cell phone and records, was suppressed by Judge David Fleisher, on “DAY ONE” of the “COERCION OF A PUBLIC SERVANT TRIAL” against Jones.
“This is why Judge David Fleisher granted my motion,” said Attorney “DOWNTOWN” Oliver Brown, who represented Damien Thaddeus Jones.
According to Attorney “DOWNTOWN” Oliver Brown, “The real problem is the Judge granted my motion, but then allowed evidence from the phone which was suppressed to come into evidence.”
“This Judge does not understand what suppression means,” said Brown.
When pressed to further explain his comments about Judge Fleischer, Brown stated, “According to Fleischer, suppression somehow means the piece of paper; but the law says all of the evidence that you collected.”
Attorney “DOWNTOWN” Oliver Brown went on to say, “Then to help the State, Judge Fleischer allowed them to edit a video down to one minute and show the Texas Department of Public Safety Officer Robert Mayton taking my client's phone.” According to “DOWNTOWN” Oliver Brown, “What was edited out of the video was the warrant that was invalid, and contained no date.”
“So, what the jury was allowed to see in open court was an exchange between Officer Robert Mayton, and my client (Damien Thaddeus Jones) where it appears that my client simply, gave the officer his phone voluntarily,” says Brown.
"The bigger issue in my client's trial is the Democrat-controlled Judiciary has just authorized every District Attorney across the state of Texas to go out and charge anyone who threatens to influence a public official through means of "embarrassment, hatred, or contempt." Attorney Brown when on to declare, “We’re heading down a slippery slope here.”
“What we’re all witnessing is a very dangerous precedence being set in Harris County, Texas,” explains Brown. “And it will have far-reaching consequences.”
“Given the fact that a large part of the democratic platform is advanced by using techniques that stoke hatred and contempt, I guess this means Democrats can now weaponize the criminal justice system against protestors or citizens who merely threaten to embarrass a public official to get them to resign."
“For the record, I am prepared to take this case to the United States Supreme Court to protect everyone's first amendment right,” declared “DOWNTOWN” Oliver Brown.
When asked about what steps he would take next, Attorney “DOWNTOWN” Oliver Brown declared, “We must protect everyone's right to ‘FREE SPEECH’ even those we dislike, disagree with, or do not understand.”
“Stay tuned because this fight is not over,” said Brown.
Everyone who believes in “OUR UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION” should be calling Attorney Oliver Brown right now, at (713)851-1110, today!
EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
CELL: (281)788-3033

Damien Thaddeus Jones (pictured above), was represented by “Downtown” Oliver Brown, who put on a 'helluva' defense for his client. “For the record, I am prepared to take this case to the United States Supreme Court to protect everyone's first amendment right,” declared “DOWNTOWN” Oliver Brown.

"Now is the time when our love for America must prevail. So, it is incumbent upon us to elect "PUBLIC SERVANTS" who understand that they work for us. We need "ELECTED OFFICIALS" in office who love "OUR CONSTITUTION" and the ideals that our nation was founded upon by our forefathers. That being said, we must make it our collective effort to "PUT PEOPLE OVER POLITICS" and do what's best for America during this pivotal moment in the history of our great nation."

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033