Sunday, March 23, 2025

OP-ED: Governor Greg Abbott Should Set the Special Election for November 4, 2025, Instead of Saturday, May 3, 2025

Governor Greg Abbott (top left) should set the upcoming "SPECIAL ELECTION" to take place on Tuesday, November 4, 2025, on the "UNIFORM ELECTION" ballot to give the people of the 18th Congressional District the time they need to properly vet Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee (bottom left), and all of the candidates running for the vacant 18th Congressional District of Texas seat. PEDOPHILE PASTORS... Commissioner Rodney Ellis, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and Congressman Sylvester Turner appear to have been harboring, protecting, and shielding known "PEDOPHILE AND PREDATORY PASTORS" for decades. Allowing the people of the 18th Congressional District of Texas more time to hold forums and debates featuring the "TOP CONTENDERS" would allow the people of the 18th Congressional District an opportunity to sort through the wicked activities members of the "ELLIS/TURNER/LEE" regime have been involved in for decades. It is unclear at this time how much Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee knows about the alleged wicked activities members of his regime have been engaging in. Suppose Gov. Greg Abbott is gracious and thoughtful enough to set the "SPECIAL ELECTION" date for Tuesday, November 4, 2025. In that case, this additional time will enable my investigative team to do more research on Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee and his corrupt, sex-crazed regime of political bandits and rogue public officials.


Right up until the day she died, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee used the shield of the 18th Congressional District of Texas to protect and provide safe harbor for "SEX CRAZED PASTORS" like Pastor E.A. Deckard (bottom center with Sheila), Pastor Terrance Grant Malone (top third from left), and Pastor Robert L. Carter (bottom second from right) who allegedly raped and sexually assaulted a young girl over 600 times from the time she was 7 years old, and impregnated her once she became a teenager. As for Pastor E.A. Deckard, he was convicted of sexually assaulting a 14-year-old Hispanic girl who was a student at the Charter School where he worked at the time. As a result of Pastor Deckard's crime, he's designated a lifetime registered sex offender.

In the case of Pastor Terrance Grant Malone, the senior pastor of St. John Missionary Baptist Church, which is located at 2702 Emancipation Avenue in Houston, Texas, he has allegedly been groping, drugging, raping, and assaulting young Black men for years.

It is unclear how big a role local "BLACK POLITICIANS" like Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee has played in shielding Pastor Terrance Grant Malone from public scrutiny and possible prosecution. However, what Aubrey R. Taylor Communications has learned is that this alleged sexual predator served as a Senior Advisor to Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee for years. His close relationship with the late Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee opened many doors for him. In fact, his relationship with "SHE-JACK" and other local elected officials opened the door for this alleged "SEXUAL PREDATOR" to lead the Texas Clergy for President Biden back during his bid for the presidency during the 2020 Presidential Election.


As Houstonians struggled to pick up their lives after the deadly Thursday, May 16, 2024, quick but deadly storm, Commissioner Rodney Ellis, former Mayor Sylvester Turner, and only God knows who else decided to take Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee from her sick bed, while she was dying from Pancreatic cancer, and took her to Green House International Church for a photo opportunity.

Commissioner Rodney Ellis, former Mayor Sylvester Turner, and Pastor E.A. Deckard should be ashamed of themselves for using Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee the way they did. At the same time, they could visibly see that she was knocking at death's door. Even if it was Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s idea, someone should have told her to get her much-needed rest.

“We have no power, no cell transmission, no gas stations, no help. Please set up a distribution site in Kashmere Gardens. We need help now. Thank you,” said a resident from Kashmere/Trinity Gardens.

Constituents of the 18th Congressional District were in dire straights. They were not looking for any damn photo opportunity featuring two dying career politicians (Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and former Mayor Sylvester Turner) or Commissioner Rodney Ellis and his registered lifetime pedophile, sex-offender buddy named Pastor E.A. Deckard, the senior pastor of Green House International Church.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, according to multiple sources, was nearing the possibility of being placed in hospice or an adult healthcare facility, while Commissioner Rodney Ellis and former Mayor Sylvester Turner were dragging her feeble body around to events for photo opportunities. That said, the most essential thing for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee at the time should have been spending time with her family – not having dirty, selfish politicians and sexual predators use her for photo-ops.

And yes, Pastor E.A. Deckard is a “SEXUAL PREDATOR” who is a registered lifetime sexual offender who sexually assaulted a 14-year-old student at a Charter School where he worked.

How was Sexual Predator/Pastor E.A. Deckard tapped to run the “WELFARE SWEEPSTAKES” that Commissioner Rodney Ellis and County Judge Lina Hidalgo tried to get off the ground under the guise of a program called “UPLIFT HARRIS” before Attorney General Ken Paxton stepped in and filed a lawsuit to block the implementation of the program?

Pastor E.A. Deckard is the sexual predator who was chosen to run the “WELFARE SWEEPSTAKES” that Commissioner Rodney Ellis and County Judge Lina Hidalgo tried to get off the ground under the guise of a program called “UPLIFT HARRIS” before Attorney General Ken Paxton stepped in and filed a lawsuit to block the implementation of the program. Pastor Eddie Andre Deckard was convicted of sexually assaulting a 14-year-old Hispanic female student at the Charter School where he worked at the time. Members of the "ELLIS/TURNER/LEE" regime harbored and shielded Pastor E.A. Deckard from public scrutiny for decades as he ran phone banks for members of their regime to help them win reelection from his church facilities.

I’m Aubrey R. Taylor, the publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper, one of Texas's most formidable politically-focused publications. With the help of my chief investigator, Charles Marler, a former FBI Investigative Specialist, my investigative team is second to none. NOTE: My thoughts, opinions, and reports are published under my First Amendment-protected rights afforded to me under the “FREEDOM OF SPEECH” and “FREEDOM OF THE PRESS” clauses in the U.S. Constitution.

OP-ED: Governor Greg Abbott Should Set the Special Election for November 4, 2025, Instead of Saturday, May 3, 2025


With the deaths of the late Congressman Sylvester Turner and the late Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, the "ELLIS/TURNER/LEE" Commissioner Rodney Ellis has become marginalized and without power to push forward his personal agenda to enrich himself and members of his regime.

On the Harris County Commissioners Court, whatever power Commissioner Rodney Ellis once had, has been severely weakened as Ellis no longer wields any power. Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, Harris County Commissioner Adrian Garcia (Precinct 2), and Harris County Commissioner Lesley Briones (Precinct 4) control Harris County, Texas.

Do you remember that so-called $20.5 million "GUARANTEED INCOME PROGRAM" launched in Harris County, Texas, that Republican leaders had to step in to block? Did you know that the guy Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis had selected to run the program was a "PEDOPHILE PASTOR" select member of Commissioner Rodney Ellis's regime?

Remember how County Commissioner Rodney Ellis and Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo claimed the program was going to help poverty-stricken community members living in the top 10 high-poverty ZIP codes in Harris County (77050, 77093, 77051, 77060, 77028, 77033, 77026, 77081, 77547, and 77091)?

What you might not know about that so-called "UPLIFT HARRIS" program is that Pastor E.A Deckard, the lifetime registered sex offender, may have been chosen to run the alleged scam for a reason. "This platform is simply a scam and Harris County is trying to flow $20.5 million through it to pay people cash. I think this has several implications," said Deirdre Dickson-Gilbert, an Investigative Consultant with D&D Consulting. 

According to Dierdre Dickson-Gilbert, the money going into the program could not be traced, and it could be transferred to wherever the folks running the program wanted it to go.

She also claimed that the "UPLIFT HARRIS" program could be used to illegally obtain personal information that could be used for voting purposes or solicitation of donations. 

Deirdre Dickson-Gilbert stated, "E.A. Deckard was also allowed to have his church used as a polling place. I sent a concern to ask why he was able to obtain a voting center, and I received no response."


Commissioner Rodney Ellis, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and Congressman Sylvester Turner have acted more like a "SECRET CULT" than members of the Democratic Party. This fact is substantiated by the fact that Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis has anointed Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee as his choice to succeed the late Congressman/Mayor Sylvester Turner. Commissioner Ellis and others recruited Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee to unseat Vince Ryan, the previous Democratic Party County Clerk for Harris County, Texas. Why? 

Former Harris County Attorney Vince Ryan was his own man. He did not jump, hop, skip, or do the "WATUSI DANCE" when Commissioner Rodney Ellis tried tugging his strings like Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee regularly does.

"A CULT" is a religious veneration and devotion toward a particular figure or object. In the case of the "ELLIS/TURNER/LEE" regime, Commissioner Rodney Ellis has carefully orchestrated a take-over of County Government like nobody before him by carefully placing his loyalists (worshipers) into positions of authority.

Suppose Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee can win the vacant 18th Congressional District seat. In that case, it will become next to impossible to uproot the "ELLIS/TURNER/LEE" regime that has lost two members of the three-headed monster that has ruled over the Black Community with an iron thumb for decades. 

What has transpired inside the boundaries of the 18th Congressional District over the last few decades has been evil, wicked, and ungodly acts of abuse, alleged abuse, pedophilia, election fraud, ballot harvesting, intimidation, bullying, and other mafia-styled tactics.

Under the leadership of the "ELLIS/TURNER/LEE" regime, the people of the 18th Congressional District of Texas have been kept in the dark on a lot of the wicked activities that have been occurring from deep inside the membership of this "CULT-LIKE GROUP" of corrupt political figures.

If you go back to the 1990s, Sylvester Turner was vexed in his spirit and on a mission to recruit "BLACK MEN" to participate in sexual orgies. It is unclear at this time how many young Black males were ensnared by Turner to join in his sexual orgies described in this "SWORN AFFIDAVIT" that was signed off on by his wife (Cheryl Gillum Turner) under penalty of perjury. 

Turner's wife signed her "SWORN AFFIDAVIT." It is essential to know that she was employed as an assistant District Attorney at the Harris County District Attorney's Office. It is also important to note that Cheryl Gillum Turner received her license to practice law in Texas on 11/05/1982 and her BAR CARD #07950800, according to the State Bar of Texas. 

Cheryl Gillum Turner earned her Law School Degree from the University of Texas but is no longer eligible to practice law in Texas. After Cheryl Gillum Turner submitted her "SWORN AFFIDAVIT," alleging that Sylvester Turner (her husband) was bisexual and allegedly having sexual orgies with Black men, her life became a living nightmare. 


On (PAGE 8) of her “SWORN AFFIDAVIT,” Cheryl Gillum Turner expressed her fears about Sylvester Turner and how he might try to destroy her life. “I suspect that Sylvester has some type of master plan in which he plans to divorce me, gain custody of my daughter, and publicly destroy me,” she explained.

“As I have attempted to participate in this campaign, Sylvester has been instrumental in making sure that I am not publicly seen nor actively participate in different activities concerning the campaign,” she said, speaking of his failed bid to become Mayor of Houston in November of 1991.


Mayor Sylvester Turner was a distraught and disturbed man who allegedly secretly fought back his demons as he tried to keep his deep, dark secrets from becoming public. “I also am aware of certain unprofessional acts of Sylvester about approaching people and inviting them to sexual orgies,” explained Cheryl Gillum Turner in her “SWORN AFFIDAVIT” of facts.

On (PAGE 5) of her “SWORN AFFIDAVIT,” Cheryl went on to name names, stating, “Also, I have heard comments made about Don Aaron, Darryl Carter, Dwight Thomas and others relating to sexual involvement with Sylvester."

“In fact, there have been suggestions made to me personally by Carter that he had control of Sylvester because Carter knows Sylvester’s “deepest, darkest secrets,” she explained. That said, attorney Darryl B. Carter died on the same day that the late Congressman/Mayor Sylvester Turner benefited from his alleged "LOVE AFFAIR" with Turner more than anyone else, as he roamed the halls of Houston City Hall, cutting deals as a lobbyist.

Attorney Michael Harris was also alleged to have been in a sexual relationship with Sylvester Turner. "In the later part of 1990, I met Sergeant Michael Harris, who is an airport police officer at the Intercontinental Airport, through Sylvester, stated Cheryl Gillum Turner, in her "SWORN AFFIDAVIT" under penalty of perjury.

"It was not until much later that I learned of the close relationship," explained Cheryl Gillum Turner in her "SWORN AFFIDAVIT," signed under penalty of perjury."

According to Cheryl, "I learned that Michael Harris placed my full-length mink coat in Foley's storage under the direction of Sylvester Turner; however, I do not know the reason for that."

"Michael Harris also took a check to Oral Alfred, who is our Accountant, to pay quarterly taxes. He informed Ora that he was always with Sylvester and that he takes care of Sylvester's business," according to (PAGE 6) of her "SWORN AFFIDAVIT" signed under penalty of perjury.

Cheryl Gillum Turner stated, "Sylvester also provided him with a Thrifty rental car that was loaned to the campaign."

In her "SWORN AFFIDAVIT," Cheryl Gillum Turner explained, "I suspect that Harris and Sylvester have a sexual relationship." And when you fast forward and glance at the power attorney Michael Harris wielded when it came to the magnitude of business he could obtain through his connection to Mayor Sylvester Turner, it's possible that she was correct.


Based on our research, it is clear that members of the "ELLIS/TURNER/LEE" regime have a penchant for using their political power to shield pedophiles and "SEX-CRAZED PASTORS" who are supportive of their regime. It is fair to note that we are not sure how much Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee knows about the "WICKED ACTIVITIES" the religious wing of the "ELLIS REGIME" has been allegedly involved in over the last few decades.

Many of the "SEX-CRAZED PASTORS" who are supportive of the "ELLIS/TURNER/LEE" regime have wives that they use to hide their penchant for having sex with members of the same sex, but putting forth a public persona that they've happily married men of the cloth.

A pastor named E.A. Deckard, the senior pastor of the Green House International Church, is a favorite of the "ELLIS/TURNER/LEE" regime. This particular pastor must register regularly as a "LIFETIME SEX OFFENDER" after he was convicted of sexually assaulting a 14-year-old student at the Charter School where he was working at the time. According to our research, the 14-year-old girl was Hispanic. Therefore, members of Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis's regime did not care and continued to shield, promote and protect Pastor Eddie Andre Deckard in efforts to make him appear as a solid community leader.

Pastor E.A. Deckard also allegedly used the Green House International Church facilities to "PHONE-BANK" for members of the "ELLIS/TURNER/LEE" regime to help them win re-election.

The Green House International Church facilities were also used as an "EARLY VOTING LOCATION" for Harris County, Texas elections, even though local officials were aware that Pastor E.A. Deckard was a registered lifetime "SEX OFFENDER" who was guilty of sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl who was a student at the Charter School where he worked at the time.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

Pastor Terrance Grant Malone, the pastor of St. John Missionary Baptist Church, which is located at 2702 Emancipation Avenue in Houston, Texas, has been allegedly been groping, drugging, raping, and assaulting young Black men for years. It is unclear how big a role local "BLACK POLITICIANS" like Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee has played in shielding Pastor Terrance Grant Malone from public scrutiny and possible prosecution. However, what Aubrey R. Taylor Communications has learned is that this alleged sexual predator has served as a Senior Advisor to Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee for years. And his close relationship with Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee has opened many doors for him over the years. In fact, his relationship with "SHE-JACK" and other local elected officials opened the door for this alleged sexual predator to lead the Texas Clergy for President Biden back during his bid for the presidency during the 2020 Presidential Election.

Pastor Terrance Grant Malone has served as an advisor for former United States Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton, due to his tight relationship with Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, who currently serves as the U.S. Representative for the 18th Congressional District of Texas. Remember, several young Black men have accused Pastor Terrance Grant Malone of allegedly groping, drugging, raping, and assaulting them.

Bishop Robert L. Carter and First Lady Lanette Carter, pastors of The Sanctuary Church of Jesus Christ in “Downtown” Houston, Texas, are under a lot of scrutiny. Bishop Robert L. Carter has been accused and arrested for allegedly raping and “SEXUALLY ASSAULTING” a local girl more than 600 times, from the time she was 7 years old, and impregnating her. It is unclear now if there’s a clear connection between the late Congresswoman Shiela Jackson Lee, Pastor E.A. Deckard, Pastor Terrance Grant Malone, and Bishop Robert L. Carter, is still in the process of being fully investigated. 

Pastor E.A. Deckard, the senior pastor of Green House International Church, is pictured above with his wife, Sandra Deckard. Now, if you don’t know Pastor Eddie Andre Deckard, he is the “BLACK PASTOR” who sexually assaulted a 14-year-old girl back when he was 28 years old. According to my sources, the 14-year-old Latino girl who was attacked by Pastor E.A. Deckard was a student at a charter school where Pastor Deckard was working at the time. That being said, Pastor E.A. Deckard was fully aware that he was sexually assaulting an underage girl. Since his sexual assault, for which he is now brandished a registered “LIFETIME SEX OFFENDER” by the government, he has been shielded by “BLACK PUBLIC OFFICIALS” like the late Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and other members of the “ELLIS/TURNER/LEE” regime in Harris County, Texas.

Pastor Terrance Grant-Malone, the senior pastor of St. John Missionary Baptist Church, is alleged to have raped, groped, and sexually assaulted server young Black men. Pastor Terrance Grant-Malone is pictured above with his wife Valerie R. Davis Grant-Malone. For many years, “BLACK PUBLIC OFFICIALS” like the late Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and many others have used their influence to shield “BLACK PASTORS” like Pastor Terrance Grant-Malone from the scrutiny they deserve. 


I don’t have a problem with anyone being a homosexual if that’s how they want to live their lives. However, as a single man, I am very concerned about all these “CLOSET HOMOSEXUALS” who are engaging in sex with other men and then having unprotected sex with women in Harris County, Texas.

If you ask me, this is a significant problem in Houston, Texas. We have too many Black men who have wiggled, squirmed, manipulated, and slithered their way into power because they participated in orgies and one-on-one alleged “SEXUAL ACTS” with other men in authoritative positions like the late Congressman Sylvester Turner. This brings me to the pastor of the historic St. John Missionary Baptist Church, which is located at 2702 Emancipation Avenue in Houston, Texas 77004.


On the surface, Pastor Terrance Grant Malone appears to be the loving husband of Valerie R. Davis Grant-Malone. But when you pull the covers back and start doing a little research into this Black pastor, what you’re going to find is a bunch of allegations against him that have been waged by Black men.

The allegations against Pastor Terrance Grant Malone are damning. Several young men have been coming forward alleging that this Black pastor has been allegedly groping, drugging, raping, and assaulting them and others for years.



At 4:01 a.m. this morning (Friday, October 6, 2023), I received a message from one of my readers/supporters asking me to look into the claims that were made by a guy by the name of Dav Lewis against Pastor Terrance Grant Malone, on his FACEBOOK PAGE, back on Saturday, September 4, 2021.

From what I can see, none of the Black newspapers, or mainstream media outlets have paid any attention to this young man (Dav Lewis), and his cry for help, until now.


- September 4, 2021 -

“On this date, 9/4/20, exactly one year ago my life changed in ways that are still hard to put into words. I WAS SEXUALLY ASSAULTED BY PASTOR TERRANCE GRANT MALONE. To this day I’m still waiting for the Houston District Attorney’s office to take action after countless conversations, tons of evidence, and at least 20 victims (ALL BLACK MEN) have come forward (click link in bio). As a Black man in this country, I don’t expect much Justice as it’s rare that anyone believes the US, especially in cases of admitting to being a victim of sexual assault. Our communities and supposed leaders tend to turn a blind eye and remain complicit in this type of harm when it comes to Black Men. The truth is in the details as Terrance Grant Malone. A proud member of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity, is still preaching at St. John’s Missionary Baptist Church in Houston TX. He’s still holding revivals and being invited as a guest speaker to other churches. The worst part is he still serves as National Director of Youth & Children for the National Baptist Convention. Let that sink in.

Justice looks different to each of us and to me, justice is advocating for myself first as often in life it takes bravery, vulnerability, and a lot of faith to stand knowing you may have to stand alone. Justice for me is ensuring I do everything in my power to ensure those like Terrance Grant Malone don’t harm another Black Man in our community. Justice is ensuring that the community is aware of the harm

And predatory actions that he’s caused not only to me but multiple Black Men in our community.

Today I’m releasing this to the universe and our community. We have a predator in our community and he will continue to harm Black Men as long as our Criminal Legal System, Churches, Politicians, Community Leaders, and Advocates ignore this glaring issue.

As I release this, I send healing energy to every Black Man and Boy who has ever had to endure sexual abuse especially those who have and are suffering in silence. I hope you find a space to speak your pain, release your hurts and fears, and finally I hope you heal, Black Man/Boy!”

According to the most recent U.S. Census, "The 5 largest ethnic groups in Congressional District 18, TX are Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (31.4%), White (Hispanic) (17.8%), White (Non-Hispanic) (16.7%), Two+ (Hispanic) (12.8%), and Other (Hispanic) (12.7%).

43.3% of the households in Congressional District 18, Texas, reported speaking non-English at home as their primary shared language. This does not consider the potential multi-lingual nature of households; it only considers the primary self-reported language spoken by all household members.

Sylvester Turner (Democrat) received 151,834 votes, for 69.42% of the vote. His Republican opponent received 66,810 votes, for 30.55% of the vote. A bonified "STEALTH CANDIDATE" like former State Rep. Shawn Thierry could legitimately receive over 100,000 votes in a race for the 18th Congressional District if she were to marry a strong base of MAGA, "Make America Great Again," patriots with African American voters who are sick and tired of being played for fools by the "ELLIS/TURNER/LEE" political regime members.

Former State Representative Jarvis Johnson, State Representative Ron Reynolds, State Representative Jolanda Jones, State Representative Christina Morales, Former State Representative Shawn Thierry, NAACP-Houston President Bishop James Dixon, Councilwoman Letitia Plummer, Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee, Former Congresswoman Erica Lee Carter, Former Councilwoman Amanda Edwards, Former Candidate for State Rep. Angeanette "Angie" Thibodeaux, Community Activist Travis McGee, Community Actist Deric Muhammad, TSU Board Regent Dr. Richard Johnson, and former prizefighter turned Businessman Eric Carr, could make up a star-studded field of contenders.

Whenever Governor Greg Abbott calls the "SPECIAL ELECTION" for the 18th Congressional District, you will see a low voter turnout like what you would see in a primary race. And if there are (10) or (15) Democratic candidates running in the race, you will see a situation where the Democratic vote will be splintered. If you look at the "TOTAL" above, what you see is that only 23,629 Democrats turned out to vote for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and only 14,668 Democrats turned out for Amanda Edwards last year when they faced off. 

66,810 votes were received by Lana Centonze (Republican) in the 2024 Presidential Election race for the 18th Congressional District, running against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s successor, Sylvester Turner.

58,033 votes were received by Wendell Champion (Republican) in the 2020 Presidential Election for the 18th Congressional District, running against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.

48,306 votes were received by Lori Bartley (Republican) in the 2016 presidential election for the 18th Congressional District, which was run against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.

47,835 votes were received by Maria Dunn (Republican) in the 2024 “UNEXPIRED TERM” Presidential Election for the 18th Congressional District, running against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s daughter Erica Lee.

44,015 votes were received by Sean Seibert (Republican) in the 2012 presidential election for the 18th Congressional District, which was run against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.

40,941 votes were received by Carmen Maria Montiel (Republican) in the 2022 Midterm Election for the 18th Congressional District, running against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.

38,368 votes were received by Ava Pate (Republican) in the 2018 Midterm Election for the 18th Congressional District, running against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.

21,257 votes were received by Kevin O. Dural (Republican) in the 2024 “UNEXPIRED TERM” Presidential Election for the 18th Congressional District, running against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s daughter Erica Lee.

Bemer Motor Cars is located at 9201 Richmond Avenue, in Houston, Texas 77063. Get in Touch with Bemer Motor Cars. Bemer Motor Cars is the place to start if you are searching for a Houston pre-owned luxury car dealer that you can trust. Come see why we have provided our sales, service, and repair to some of our customers for more than 30 years. Come by our lot today and see what we have to offer!

Regarding power and influence, in Houston, Texas, Kieth "MR. D-MARS Davis, Sr., is the man. For well over 20 years, "MR. D-MARS" has dominated the Houston region with his D-Mars Business Journal, as the President and CEO of Vaskey Media Group, Inc., "MR. D-MARS" has spearheaded campaigns from many local and national brands, local businesses, and politicians. State Rep. Ron Reynolds and "MR. D-MARS" have been friends and allies long before State Rep. Reynolds was elected as the first African American State Representative since the Reconstruction era to get elected in Fort Bend County, Texas.

United States Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) is 55, and State Rep. Ron E. Reynolds is 51, which means State Rep. Reynolds is young enough to build a lasting legacy if he decides to run for the United States Congress in the upcoming "SPECIAL ELECTION" for the 18th Congressional District of Texas. You must remember that State Rep. Reynolds is highly respected by Democrats on the local and national political stages.

There's no question about it, Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett (left) has emerged and positioned herself as one of the strongest female voices in national politics. At 43, Congresswoman Crockett is tirelessly challenging Democrats to stand up and be strong and courageous. Having a fearless leader like State Rep. Ron Reynolds (right) by her side in Washington, D.C., would make things much more serious. However, a United States Army Veteran named Sholdon Daniels (a Republican), has announced on Fox News Digital that he's challenging Congresswoman Crockett for her 30th Congressional District seat in the upcoming 2026 Midterm Election.

Hands down, at 55 years old, famed Civil Rights Attorney Ben Crump (left) is considered one of the top voices in America. When Benjamin Lloyd Crump speaks, America listens. Crump is a lawyer of justice and fairness. And as it relates to State Rep. Ron Reynolds (right), at 51 years old, his future has never been brighter as his life story has become more of a testament to God's grace and faithfulness as State Rep. Reynolds expands his wings well beyond Fort Bend County.

Former Prizefighter turned businessman Eric Carr, the president and CEO of E&E Construction, is one of the best-kept secrets in Harris County, Texas. Carr's popularity and influence on the northeast-side of Houston, Texas, could be invaluable for a candidate to win the upcoming "SPECIAL ELECTION" for the 18th Congressional District of Texas. Carr's strong brotherly bond with State Rep. Reynolds could be an essential driving factor in Reynolds's success should he decide to pursue the vacant 18th Congressional District of Texas seat.

When caring about Houston, Texas matters, you would be hard-pressed to go out and find a more vigorous advocate for the people of Houston than 44-year-old "Trae tha Truth," pictured above with State Rep. Ron Reynolds, 51, a rising star on the national political scene. Born Frazier Othel Thompson III, "Trae tha Truth," knows a thing or two about leadership because whenever there's someone in need, he's been ready and willing to answer the call to service. 

Commissioner Rodney Ellis has $6,414,367.00 in his campaign bank account, more than all of the sitting incumbent "DEMOCRATIC JUDGES" combined. However, the incumbent Democratic Judges are called upon to give the lion's share of the money donated to the Harris County Democratic Party. During the 2024 Presidential Election cycle, while more than a few Democratic Judges donated upwards of $50,000.00 to the Harris County Democratic Party out of their hard-earned campaign money, Commissioner Ellis only gave about $6,500.00 to the HCDP, which was nothing for a man with more than $6 million in his campaign account. (CLICK HERE) Please take a moment to view Commissioner Rodney Ellis's Campaign Finance Report.


Judge Latosha Lewis Payne, the presiding judge for 55th Civil District Court, has “ZERO” in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/15/2025, under penalty of perjury.


Judge Melissa Marie Morris, the presiding judge for the 263rd Criminal District Court, has not filed a campaign finance report since 7/16/2024. At that time, she reported having “ZERO” dollars inside her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” under penalty of perjury.


Judge Sharon Burney, the presiding judge for Harris County Justice of the Peace for Precinct 7, Place 2, has not filed a campaign finance report since 1/12/2024. At that time, she reported having “ZERO” dollars inside her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” under penalty of perjury.


Judge Beverly D. Armstrong, the presiding judge for 208th Criminal District Court, only has $27.23 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/15/2025, under penalty of perjury.


Judge Katherine N. Thomas, the presiding judge for 184th Criminal District Court, only has $96.86 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/11/2025, under penalty of perjury.


Judge Shannon Baldwin, the presiding judge for Harris County Criminal Court at Law No.4, only has $178.54 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/16/2025, under penalty of perjury.


Judge Sedrick T. Walker, II, the presiding judge for Harris County Criminal Court at Law No.11, only has $211.12 in his “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report he filed on 1/15/2025, under penalty of perjury.


Judge Sandra Peake, the presiding judge for 257th Family District Court, only has $314.00 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/14/2025 under penalty of perjury.


Judge Lori Chambers Gray, the presiding judge for 262nd Criminal District Court, only has $500.00 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/11/2025 under penalty of perjury.


Judge Genesis Draper, the presiding judge for Harris County Criminal Court at Law No.12, only has $620.54 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/16/2025, under penalty of perjury.


Judge LaShawn A. Williams, the presiding judge for Harris County Civil Court at Law No.3, only has $999.67 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/15/2025, under penalty of perjury.


Judge Veronica M. Nelson, the presiding judge for 482nd Criminal District Court, has not filed a campaign finance report since 12/27/2024. At that time, she reported having $1,385.03 inside her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” under penalty of perjury.


Judge Juanita Jackson, the presiding judge for Harris County Criminal Court at Law No.10, only has $1,673.50 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/15/2025, under penalty of perjury.


Judge Toria J. Finch, the presiding judge for Harris County Criminal Court at Law No.9, only has $2,409.46 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/16/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Damiane “Dianne” Curvey, the presiding judge for 280th Protective Order Court, only has $6,000.00 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/13/2025, under penalty of perjury.


Judge Lucia Bates, the presiding judge for Harris County Justice of the Peace for Precinct 3, Place 2, only has $6,109.55 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/10/2025, under penalty of perjury.


Judge Tamika “Tami” Craft, the presiding judge for 189th Civil District Court, only has $10,463.98 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/14/2025, under penalty of perjury.


Judge Tonya Jones, the presiding judge for Harris County Criminal Court at Law No.15, only has $15,397.41 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/16/2025, under penalty of perjury.


Judge Angela M. Lancelin, the presiding judge for 245th Family District Court, only has $22,588.21 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/14/2025, under penalty of perjury.


Judge Audrie Lawton-Evans, the presiding judge for Harris County Civil Court at Law No.1, only has $29,984.00 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/15/2025, under penalty of perjury.


Judge DaSean Jones, the presiding judge for 180th Criminal District Court, only has $44,752.07 in his “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report he filed on 1/14/2025, under penalty of perjury.


Judge Linda Marie Dunson, the presiding judge for 309th Family District Court, only has $58,152.12 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/12/2025, under penalty of perjury.


Judge Michelle D. Moore, the presiding judge for 314th Juvenile District Court, only has $61,520.88 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/12/2025, under penalty of perjury.


Judge Dedra Davis, the presiding judge for 270th Civil District Court, only has $81,878.82 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/15/2025, under penalty of perjury.


Judge Angela Graves Harrington, the presiding judge for 246th Family District Court, only has $91,804.11 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/15/2025, under penalty of perjury.


Judge Germaine Tanner, the presiding judge for 311th Family District Court, only has $101,687.71 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/16/2025 under penalty of perjury.

Judge Jeralynn Manor, the former presiding judge for the 80th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas, is honored and grateful to have served the people of Harris County, Texas, for four years. Please remember that the comments, views, opinions, and content published below are those of the publisher of this blog and do not necessarily reflect the view of former Judge Jeralynn Manor in any way, shape, manner, or form.

Judge DaSean Jones values the support of every voter eligible to vote in the 180th Criminal District Court race on Saturday, May 3, 2025. Early voting will begin on Tuesday, April 22, 2025, and end on Tuesday, April 29, 2025. Please remember that the comments, views, opinions, and content published below are those of the publisher of this blog and do not necessarily reflect the view of Judge DaSean Jones in any way, shape, manner, or form. Political advertising paid for by DaSean Jones for Judge, Suzette Roberts, Treasurer, in compliance with the voluntary limits of the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act.

State Rep. Ron E. Reynolds, the House District 27 (Fort Bend County) representative, values your vote support and is now a loyal supporter of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper publisher. State Rep. Reynolds will be up for reelection in the upcoming 2026 Midterm Election. Also, please be reminded the comments, views, opinions, and content published below are those of the publisher of this blog and do not necessarily reflect the view of State Rep. Ron E. Reynolds in any way, shape, manner, or form. 

Judge Tracy D. Good values your vote support and is now a loyal supporter of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper publisher. Judge Good will not be up for reelection until the 2028 Presidential Election, but don't forget about the upcoming 2026 Midterm Election. Also, please be reminded the comments, views, opinions, and content published below are those of the publisher of this blog and do not necessarily reflect the view of Judge Tracy D. Good in any way, shape, manner, or form. 

Attorney Jeralynn Manor is the former judge for the 80th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Attorney Manor has 24 years of combined legal experience as a litigator or Civil Court Judge. Attorney Jeralynn Manor is part of our family of supporters. Please remember that the comments, views, opinions, and content published below are those of the publisher of this blog and do not necessarily reflect the view of the Jeralynn Manor Law Firm. Call (346)776-2667 if you need results.

Eric Carr, the owner of E&E Construction, and his team bring unparalleled expertise to every project. With commercial and residential experience and proficiency in operating a wide range of construction and drilling machines combined with building, demolition, and drilling experience, the E&E team ensures that each job is completed with precision and care. Expert leadership, impeccable project management, and highly skilled labor make E&E Construction a trusted partner for all your construction needs. If you have any questions for Eric Carr, he can be reached at (832.329.8064. 

Attorney Eric Dick values your support and is now a loyal supporter of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, the publisher of the Houston Business Connections Newspaper. Attorney Eric Dick is part of our family of supporters. However, please be reminded the comments, views, opinions, and content published below are those of the publisher of this blog and do not necessarily reflect the view of the Dick Law Firm. Please feel free to call (832)529-9377 to get Dick.

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