Friday, September 13, 2024

The $5,000.00 Commissioner Ellis Donated to Judge Darrell Jordan Vanished; Dr. Candice Matthews is the New Enforcer

Commissioner Rodney Ellis (left), former Mayor Lee P. Brown (center), and Judge Darrell Jordan (third from right) are pictured at a meeting of the minds. "DR" Candice Matthews was invited into "THE ELLIS REGIME" after Commissioner Rodney Ellis was informed by "DR" Candice Matthews in a meeting several years ago that she had the goods on him. Over the last few years, "DR" Candice Matthews has been working undercover, collecting incriminating evidence against local "BLACK ELECTED OFFICIALS" as part of her "EXTORTION AND BLACKMAIL SCHEME" to take control of local civil and criminal court benches, as well as the presidency of the NAACP Houston Branch.

MISSING MONEY -- Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis gave Judge Darrell Jordan, the presiding judge for the County Criminal Court at Law No. 16, a check for $5,000.00 as a donation on Wednesday, November 19, 2019. Judge Darrell Jordan's campaign finance report covering 7/1/9019 through 12/31/2019 and every campaign finance report he's filed this year fail to show an incoming donation of $5,000.00 from Commissioner Ellis. Why is that? Where did the $5,000.00 given to Judge Darrell Jordan by Commissioner Ellis go?

UNDERCOVER -- Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis didn't realize he was playing with fire regarding "DR" Candice Matthews. If you listen closely to the audio above, you will hear "DR" Candice Matthews explain how she got Commissioner Rodney Ellis in her back pocket.

MAYHEM IN THE STREETS -- If you listen to the threats made by "DR" Candice Matthews in the streets of Port Arthur, Texas, and then listen to Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee berating her staffers, you will get a better idea of why Commissioner Rodney Ellis chose "DR" Candice Matthews as his newest enforcer to keep Republicans and Democrats from getting out of line.

MEETING ARRANGEMENT -- Judge Darrell Jordan, the presiding judge for County Criminal Court at Law No.16, is one of Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis's top lieutenants. Suppose you look closely at the screenshot above. In that case, you will see where Judge Darrell Jordan attempted to "SECRETLY ARRANGE" a Zoom meeting between "DR" Candice Matthews and the newly elected County Criminal Court at Law Judges. However, his plans were aborted when one of the "BLACK GIRL MAGIC" members stepped in and pushed back against his request.

The $5,000.00 Commissioner Ellis Donated to Judge Darrell Jordan Vanished; Dr. Candice Matthews is the New Enforcer


Many local officials worship Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis more than God. However, I had to be the bearer of bad news: “MONEY LAUNDERING” is a serious federal crime. From what my investigative team and I have uncovered, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s name and Judge Darrell Jordan’s name may need to be added to the growing list of Commissioner Ellis’s regime who have been laundering money.

It is unclear at this time how much of the “LAUNDERED MONEY” is making its way into the hands of the street-level “BALLOT HARVESTERS.” Still, it’s clear that Commissioner Rodney Ellis and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s “BALLOT HARVESTING OPERATION” is more than likely funded by local “DEMOCRATIC OPERATIVES” who are loyal to Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis.


Commissioner Rodney Ellis gave Judge Darrell Jordan, Jr., the presiding judge for Harris County Criminal Court at Law #16, a check for $5,000.00 as a donation on November 18, 2029, a few months before the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Democratic Party Primary.

Commissioner Rodney Ellis’ campaign finance report categorized the payment as a donation, so I don’t know what the money given to Judge Darrell Jordan, Jr. was used for. However, after combing through every campaign finance report filed with the Harris County Clerk, my investigative team could not find where the $5,000.00 campaign donation from Commissioner Rodney Ellis ever made it into Judge Darrell Jordan’s campaign account.

This new revelation begs whether Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis converted the money to cash and then dispersed it to members of Commissioner Ellis’s “BALLOT HARVESTING” operation to avoid detection.

As a refresher, the Texas Ethics Commission fined Terrance Shanks $27,500.00 for his role in the “MONEY LAUNDERING SCHEME” run through the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats. Final Order (SC-32107163) explains how the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats (Harris County) ran their “MONEY LAUNDERING SCHEME” according to the Texas Ethics Commission.

The Texas Ethics Commission fined Dr. Darnella Wilkerson $17,500.00 for her role in the “MONEY LAUNDERING SCHEME,” which was run under the guise of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats. The Final Order (SC-32107157) explains how, as treasurer in the scheme, she facilitated moving money around, which my investigative team and I uncovered.

Pastor Max Miller is the critical link between Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s “CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE” and getting members of Commissioner Ellis’s regime into local “BLACK CHURCHES” to sucker unsuspecting Black churchgoers into supporting their candidacies.

According to the Texas Ethics Commission, the Baptist Ministers’ Association of Houston and Vicinity PAC violated Section 254.31 of the Texas Election Code. However, Pastor Max Miller’s admission of guilt does not give the general public a full view of his criminal activity.


The stellar undercover investigative work of “DR” Candice Matthews, the president of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats and Nation Minister of Politics for the New Black Panther Nation, could lead to criminal proceedings against more than a handful of local “BLACK LEADERS” who are guilty of using “MAFIA-STYLED TACTICS” to remain in power. But what these fools don’t understand is that Extortion, Blackmail, Bribery, and “MONEY LAUNDERING” are all serious federal crimes. And the crime of “FEDERAL MONEY LAUNDERING” could carry a 20-year prison sentence.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

MONEY LAUNDERING -- Terrance Shanks was fined $27,500.00 for his criminal activities, which were labeled as "MONEY LAUNDERING" by the Texas Ethics Commission. (CLICK HERE) View the TEC findings and learn more about how the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats conducts business and sells their endorsement to local political candidates.

MONEY LAUNDERING -- Dr. Darnella Wilkerson was fined $17,500.00 for her criminal activities, which were labeled as "MONEY LAUNDERING" by the Texas Ethics Commission. (CLICK HERE) View the TEC findings and learn more about how the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats conducts business and sells their endorsement to local political candidates.

CRIMINAL ACTIVITY -- Pastor Max Miller and the Baptist Ministers' Association of Houston & Vicinity have been a mainstay in politics across Texas for decades. However, what their predominantly "BLACK CHURCH CONGREGATIONS" don't realize is that these "BLACK PASTORS" are pimpling off their congregations like "TWO-BIT HOOKERS" working the streets. (CLICK HERE) to uncover how Pastor Max Miller was found guilty by the Texas Ethics Commission of running his con game and violating the Local Government Code.

On Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Judge Ursula Hall (Democrat), the presiding judge for the 165th Civil District Court, is being challenged by Bruce Bain. Bain is an honorable, upstanding, well-qualified man who will make his rulings timely and follow the law. Houston Business Connections Newspaper Readers are strongly encouraged to "PUT PEOPLE OVER POLITICS" and vote for Bruce Bain in the race for the 165th Civil District Court.

On Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Judge Robert C. Johnson (Democrat), the presiding judge for the 177th Civil District Court, is being challenged by Emily Detoto. It's difficult to understand how Judge Robert Johnson has allowed himself to be recruited into Commissioner Ellis's "CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE," but that's what our sources tell us about Judge Johnson. I feel like the biggest fool in the world because I have always admired Judge Johnson, and I thought he was a straight-shooter who called balls, balls, and strikes as strikes in his 177th Criminal District Court. I don't know; I've also heard some things about his opponent that I don't particularly like. 

On Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Vivian King (Democrat), who serves as the chief of staff for Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, will try to unseat Judge Aaron Burdette, who was appointed by Governor Greg Abbott to the 486th Criminal District Court bench last year. Under no circumstances should any sane person cast their vote for this evil, vindictive piece of trash. Vivian King has, according to several sources, been running around Harris County, labeling her boss, Kim Ogg, as a racist behind her back. On top of that, she has been using her position with the DA's Office to intervene in matters to protect and shield members of her regime from prosecution. Vivian King has also abused her power and committed "PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT" by using her professional and personal email to communicate and strategize with her accomplices. By far, Vivian King is the most corrupt, lying, conniving, manipulative, low-life seeking to become a member of the judiciary on Election Day -- reject her tragedy aSS.


If you look at the African American "DEMOCRAT JUDICIAL NOMINEES," you will see that they have a clear advantage over their "REPUBLICAN OPPONENTS" based on their most recently filed campaign finance reports. However, from the looks of things, there's no activity regarding "COMMUNITY OUTREACH" by many of the candidates listed below. Hopefully, that will change between now and the start of "EARLY VOTING," which will begin on Monday, October 21, 2024, and continue through Friday, November 1, 2024. 

If you can't vote early, please make it your business to "PUT PEOPLE OVER POLITICS" when you go to the polls on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in Harris County, Texas.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

DaSean Jones (Democrat) has $35,162.42 in cash, and James “Jimmy” Blacklock has a political action committee affiliated with him called Texas Alliance for Life PAC, which has $607,012.48 cash on hand. These two nominees will square off in the Judge, Supreme Court, Place 2 race.

Chika A. Anyiam (Democrat) has $9,624.60 in cash, and Lee Finley (Republican) has a political action committee called Bastrop County Conservatives PAC affiliated with him that has $5,516.33 cash on hand. These two nominees will square off in the race for Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 8.

Amber Boyd-Cora (Democrat) has $2,850.00 in cash, and Susanna Dokupil (Republican) has $15,211.93. These two are running for Justice, 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 9.

Velda Renita Faulkner (Democrat) has $600.00 in cash, and Chad Bridges (Republican) has $15,441.09. These two are running for Justice, 14th Court of Appeals District, Place 3.

Fredericka Phillips (Democrat) has $169,821.36 in cash, and Lee Kathryn Shuchart (Republican) has $2,650.00. These two are running for District Judge in the 61st Judicial District Court.

Jeralynn Manor (Democrat) has $183,947.44 in cash, and Sonya Aston (Republican) has $1,250.00. These two are running for District Judge in the 80th Judicial District Court.

Erica Hughes (Democrat) has $190,100.00 in cash on hand. She has no Republican opponent running against her for District Judge in the 151st Judicial District Court.

TaKasha Francis (Democrat) has $125,352.82 in cash. She has no Republican opponent running against her for District Judge in the 152nd Judicial District Court.

Cheryl Elliott Thornton (Democrat) has $71,471.97 in cash, and Aaron Adams (Republican) has “ZERO” cash on hand. These two are running for District Judge in the 164th Judicial District Court.

Ursula A. Hall (Democrat) has $48,991.63 in cash, and Bruce Bain (Republican) has $6,982.69 cash on hand. These two are running for District Judge in the 165th Judicial District Court.

Hazel B. Jones (Democrat) has $2,005.70 in cash. She has no Republican opponent running against her in the race for District Judge, 174th Judicial District Court.

Nikita “Niki” Harmon (Democrat) has $13,596.04 in cash. She has no Republican opponent running against her in the race for District Judge, 176th Judicial District Court.

Robert Johnson (Democrat) has $53,337.16 in cash, and Emily Detoto Munoz (Republican) has $500.00 cash on hand. These two are running for District Judge in the 177th Judicial District Court.

Elaine Palmer (Democrat) has $70,053.19 in cash, and Nathan Milliron (Republican) has $1,404.20. These two are running for District Judge in the 215th Judicial District Court.

Tracy D. Good (Democrat) has $67,925.79 in cash, and Brian Staley (Republican) has $12,304.11 cash on hand. These two are running for District Judge in the 333rd Judicial District Court.

Dawn Rogers (Democrat) has $157,639.28 in cash. She has no Republican opponent running against her for District Judge in the 334th Judicial District Court.

Te’iva Bell (Democrat) has $8,114.92 in cash. She has no Republican opponent running against her for District Judge in the 339th Judicial District Court.

Vivian King (Democrat) has $413.00 in cash, and Aaron Burdette (Republican) has “ZERO” cash on hand. These two are running for District Judge in the 486th Judicial District Court.

Stacy Allen Barrow (Democrat) has $13,392.00 in cash, and Lori Deangelo (Republican) has $346.00. These two are running for District Judge in the 487th Judicial District Court.

Carvana Cloud (Democrat) has a political action committee associated with her, and she has $5,578.27 in cash on hand, while Matthew Peneguy (Republican) has $13,561.89 in cash on hand. These two are running for District Judge in the 488th Judicial District Court.

Lillian Henny Alexander (Democrat) has $92,300.10 in cash, and Daniel Lemkuil (Republican) has $218.90. These two are running for District Judge in the 507th Judicial District Court.

Ashley Mayes Guice (Democrat) has $1,979.59 in cash, and Linda Garcia (Republican) has $2,684.03 cash on hand. These two are running for Judge County Criminal Court at Law No. 16.

Fransheneka “Fran” Watson (Democrat) has $18,629.12 in cash, and Ray Black, Jr. (Republican) has $2,500.00 cash on hand. These two are running for Judge, County Probate Court No. 5.

Joe Stephens (Democrat) has “ZERO” cash on hand. He has no Republican opponent running against him in the Justice of the Peace race, Precinct 3, Place 1.

Wanda Adams (Democrat) has $300.25 cash on hand. She has no Republican opponent running against her in the Justice of the Peace race, Precinct 7, Place 1.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Early voting will begin on Monday, October 21, 2024, and end on Friday, November 1, 2024, for the upcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Presidential Election. It is incumbent upon us to make it our business to select the best candidate available in every down-ballot race."

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039