Showing posts with label Vivian King. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vivian King. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

At 67 Years Old, Vivian King is Struggling to Reopen Her Old Law Practice; Sheila Jackson Lee is Gone

Vivian King (right) has fallen on her butt, and at 67 years old, after no credible law firms touched her, she announced on Mondy, February 24, 2025, that she's re-opening her old law practice. Vivian King is the ex-wife of Eric Carr, the blessed local businessman you see pictured above with the late Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, who died shortly after conspiring with Vivian King in an attempt to try and have (me) Investigative Reporter Aubrey R. Taylor sent to prison on bogus charges. FOLLOW THE MONEY... The Houston Chronicle is getting paid millions of dollars by Harris County, as you will see below. However, that should not preclude them from publishing the facts about how low-down and dirty Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and Vivian King have been, and continue to be, in my opinion. Former staffers of Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and subordinates of Vivian King are more than likely still crushed in their spirits after dealing with those two women. As for Eric Carr, he is good in my book, but I still can't understand how he allowed Vivian King to sucker him into marrying her on a weekend birthday trip to Las Vegas. But at least he divorced her evil A$$ as soon as he discovered how despicable her behavior was.

Vivian King carries a lot of baggage these days. She struggles to find footing after committing "Prosecutorial Misconduct" while working in the DA's Office. How long will she be able to continue practicing law? And what will she do if she loses her "BAR CARD," 00784399, for alleged criminal acts committed to ingratiate herself to Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, who is no longer here to protect her and Gerald Womack after their criminal acts?

At 67 Years Old, Vivian King's Dream of Becoming a Judge is Gone; The Scheme Vivian and Sheila Jackson Lee Hatched Failed Too


I always try to be mindful of a passage of scripture that states, "Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall." I found that in Proverbs 16:18, in the New King James Bible.

Pressure works. After Vivian King committed “PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT” and tried to have me wrongfully convicted of a crime I did not commit, things haven’t turned out so well for her. First, she was overly confident that she would become the 486th Criminal District Court judge, but I blocked her from achieving that goal.

Then dirty low-down Vivian King thought in her warped mind that maybe a local law firm might save her – but nope, that didn’t happen either. Now, she’s looking to sucker someone to hire her to represent them in serious criminal matters. Can you believe that? Hire Vivian King?

Anyone who places their life in the hands of Vivian King is a straight-up idiot – a complete fool.

And she’s begging for clients, too. Damn. “Please consider me when referring to serious criminal cases and serious accident cases. Good luck with that, Vivian.

Ain’t nobody falling for that crap.

“I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your support over the years,” she said in the email floating around throughout the county. “The practice of Criminal Law is filled with unbelievable challenges," she stated, and she’s right.

Anyone who hires Vivian King is going to experience some challenges, alright. Kinda like the challenges her client faced after he caught that life sentence after being lied to by Vivian King.

“While this past election did not end as I had hoped. I am pleased to announce that I am returning to private practice re-opening my law office,” she proclaimed.

What a shame.

She claims that she will focus mainly on serious criminal cases like Murder, Capital Murder, Healthcare Fraud, and other less serious cases – good luck.

Anyone who hires Vivian King to handle anything court-related is a fool and will get what they deserve. After my legal team and I finish withering her, Vivian King may be unable to practice law much longer.


The report for the Houston Chronicle Newspaper has the full transcript from the Monday, November 4, 2024, court hearing where Vivian King took the stand and lied under oath.

I understand the Houston Chronicle also has a copy of the “MOTION TO DISMISS” for “PROSECUTORIAL CONDUCT” filed by my attorney, Terry Yates. I know that Harris County pays the Houston Chronicle a lot of money, but that shouldn’t stop them from reporting the fact that Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and Gerald Womack conspired together to have me wrongfully indicted for a crime that I did not commit.

I’m thankful that Sean Teare, the new District Attorney for Harris County, dismissed the charges against me on Thursday, February 13, 2025.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

You can (CLICK HERE) view the Harris County "VENDOR PORTAL" and see who owns the Houston Chronicle Newspaper. This "VENDOR PORTAL" will also help you better understand why Vivian King, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and Gerald Womack tried to destroy my newspaper by publishing adverse reports about me in the Houston Chronicle.

I’m Aubrey R. Taylor, the publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper, one of Texas's most formidable politically-focused publications. With the help of my chief investigator, Charles Marler, a former FBI Investigative Specialist, my investigative team is second to none. NOTE: My thoughts, opinions, and reports are published under my First Amendment-protected rights afforded to me under the “FREEDOM OF SPEECH” and “FREEDOM OF THE PRESS” clauses in the U.S. Constitution.


Vivian King is a low-down dirty scoundrel who the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, which is the highest court in Texas for criminal law matters, called "NOT CREDIBLE." The high court found that Vivian King provided ineffective assistance to her client and that the quality of her work was "deficient" in a case where her client received a life sentence. (CLICK HERE) Take a moment to learn more about this "SKANK" who did not file the petition needed for her client, causing her client to get a life sentence in a Texas prison.


Vivian King is a low-dirty, slimy, sleazy skank who was rightfully rejected by the voters of Harris County, Texas, recently in the race for the 486th Criminal District Court. Take a moment to review the article that was written about this lying, conniving witch by "HOUSTON WATCH" in October 2022. You will realize that Vivian King should never be elected as a judge in Harris County, Texas, or anywhere else in America.

Eric Carr, the third ex-husband of Vivian King, was issued a "SUBPOENA" to show up in the 486th Criminal District Courtroom on Friday, February 14, 2025, and answer questions about Vivian King and the nature of her relationship with Gerald Womack. When Vivian King testified under oath in the 486th Criminal District Court, she claimed that she barely knew Gerald Womack and didn't have an ongoing business relationship with Womack Development & Investment Realtors, which was a lie. Vivian King also testified under oath that she did not know who Investigative Reporter Aubrey R. Taylor was until a few months before she took the stand, which was also a lie. Eric Carr was set to impeach the testimony of Vivian King if he had been allowed to take the stand on Friday, February 14, 2025. Still, the Harris County District Attorney's Office dropped the charges against Aubrey R. Taylor rather than running the risk of having to possibly charge Vivian King with perjury.


The detailed "MOTION TO DISMISS" for Prosecutorial Misconduct" will give you a better idea of how Vivian King, the former First Assistant District Attorney (ADA), abused her power and conspired with the late Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and her campaign manager Gerald Womack to violate the civil rights of Investigative Reporter Aubrey R. Taylor, in Harris County, Texas. (CLICK HERE) Take a moment to view the "MOTION TO DISMISS" filed with the court.

Eric Carr, the owner of E&E Construction, and his team bring unparalleled expertise to every project. With commercial and residential experience and proficiency in operating a wide range of construction and drilling machines combined with building, demolition, and drilling experience, the E&E team ensures that each job is completed with precision and care. Expert leadership, impeccable project management, and highly skilled labor make E&E Construction a trusted partner for all your construction needs. If you have any questions for Eric Carr, he can be reached at (832.329.8064. 

Former State Rep. Shawn Thierry and Governor Greg Abbott are both true "TEXAS TRAILBLAZERS" in their own right. Texas is freer because of Governor Greg Abbott's leadership and policies. For nearly 200 years, Texas has been self-reliant and religiously defended liberty and freedom. Governor Greg Abbott believes that every Texan has a right to freely speak their mind and stand on their beliefs and convictions. While "THE GOP" officially stands for the "GRAND OLD PARTY," more and more African Americans are beginning to view "THE GOP" as a bastion of opportunity and hope for a brighter future. Governor Greg Abbott proudly welcomed State Rep. Shawn Thierry into the Texas Republican Party after she was abandoned by the Democratic Party for standing up for the rights of Texas children. Governor Greg Abbott and other conservative leaders will need our support in the 2026 Midterm Election.

Judge Jeralynn Manor, the former presiding judge for the 80th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas, is honored and grateful to have served the people of Harris County, Texas, for four years. Please remember that the comments, views, opinions, and content published below are those of the publisher of this blog and do not necessarily reflect the view of former Judge Jeralynn Manor in any way, shape, manner, or form.

Judge DaSean Jones values the support of every voter eligible to vote in the 180th Criminal District Court race on Saturday, May 3, 2025. Early voting will begin on Tuesday, April 22, 2025, and end on Tuesday, April 29, 2025. Please remember that the comments, views, opinions, and content published below are those of the publisher of this blog and do not necessarily reflect the view of Judge DaSean Jones in any way, shape, manner, or form. Political advertising paid for by DaSean Jones for Judge, Suzette Roberts, Treasurer, in compliance with the voluntary limits of the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act.

State Rep. Ron E. Reynolds, the House District 27 (Fort Bend County) representative, values your vote support and is now a loyal supporter of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper publisher. State Rep. Reynolds will be up for reelection in the upcoming 2026 Midterm Election. Also, please be reminded the comments, views, opinions, and content published below are those of the publisher of this blog and do not necessarily reflect the view of State Rep. Ron E. Reynolds in any way, shape, manner, or form. 

Judge Tracy D. Good values your vote support and is now a loyal supporter of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper publisher. Judge Good will not be up for reelection until the 2028 Presidential Election, but don't forget about the upcoming 2026 Midterm Election. Also, please be reminded the comments, views, opinions, and content published below are those of the publisher of this blog and do not necessarily reflect the view of Judge Tracy D. Good in any way, shape, manner, or form. 

Attorney Jeralynn Manor is the former judge for the 80th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Attorney Manor has 24 years of combined legal experience as a litigator or Civil Court Judge. Attorney Jeralynn Manor is part of our family of supporters. Please remember that the comments, views, opinions, and content published below are those of the publisher of this blog and do not necessarily reflect the view of the Jeralynn Manor Law Firm. Call (346)776-2667 if you need results.

Attorney Eric Dick values your support and is now a loyal supporter of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, the publisher of the Houston Business Connections Newspaper. Attorney Eric Dick is part of our family of supporters. However, please be reminded the comments, views, opinions, and content published below are those of the publisher of this blog and do not necessarily reflect the view of the Dick Law Firm. Please feel free to call (832)529-9377 to get Dick.

Did you know that nearly 60% of the people that the Innocence Project has helped to free or exonerate since 1992 are Black? If not, I bet you didn't know that research by the Innocence Project shows that over 50% of exonerees of color who were under 21 when they were arrested had at least one false implication by another youth.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039