Friday, August 2, 2024

Sylvester Turner Plans to Run for the 18th Congressional District Seat; Precinct Chairs Should Reject Turner

Former Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner has been showing up on local news stations crying like a baby since Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee lost her battle against pancreatic cancer on July 19, 2024. FAKE TEARS... The HCDP Precinct Chairs are encouraged to ignore the mountain of tears being shed by "SLY" and reject his candidacy for the 18th Congressional District seat. You can "CLICK HERE" to view a few of our "ENDORSED 2024bCANDIDATES" on the November 5, 2024, ballot in Harris County, Texas.

Former Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner is a con artist who knows how to gain sympathy from people. He has been crying for the last few days as he plotted to announce today (Friday, August 2, 2024) that he plans to run for the late Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's coveted 18th Congressional District of Texas seat.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Early voting will begin on Monday, October 21, 2024, and end on Friday, November 1, 2024, for the upcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Presidential Election. It is incumbent upon us to make it our business to select the best candidate available in every down-ballot race."

Sylvester Turner Announces Plan to Run for the 18th Congressional District Seat; Precinct Chairs Should Reject Turner


Did we witness a funeral or a political spectacle yesterday in Houston, Texas? I have been telling anyone who would listen since 2023 that the “ELLIS/TURNER/LEE” regime planned on doing a ‘switch-a-roo’ with the 18th Congressional District seat and Houston City Hall. However, once Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee could not uphold her end of the bargain, their plan had to be retooled.

After Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee was publicly humiliated and demoralized in her attempt to defeat John Whitmire, she became very depressed and saddened. And thus, her grief took a devasting toll on her body, mind, and spirit, according to several sources.

I don’t have to rehash that John Whitmire received 129,809 votes for 64.4% of the vote, and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee received a mere 71,719 votes for a measly 35.6%. But what I will remind you of is the realization that the people who surrounded the late Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in her final days are some of the most selfish, egotistical bastards known to man.


Last night, I got a call from a close friend of the late Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, who informed me that the Honorable Congresswoman did not particularly care for former Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner. Then I woke up this morning to an “EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW” on KHOU 11, where “SLY,” as Mayor Sylvester Turner has become affectionately known because of his cunning ways, announced that he plans to run for the 18th Congressional District of Texas seat after all—what a trick.

Local news outlets have been allowing Sylvester Turner to cry crocodile tears for the last two days, but Harris County Precinct Chairs should not fall for his antics.

Low-down, dirty, filthy, corrupt “SLY” is a con artist.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s Funeral Services yesterday (Thursday, August 1, 2024) at Fallbrook Church, with Vice President Kamala Harris delivering the eulogy, was made into a “STAGING GROUND” for Commissioner Rodney Ellis, County Judge Lina Hidalgo, and Mayor Sylvester Turner to further their plan to transfer Congresswoman Lee’s beloved 18th Congressional District seat to dirty “A$$” Sylvester Turner, just as they planned all along.

If Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee wanted to transfer the 18th Congressional District seat to “SLY,” she had plenty of time to tell her constituents – but she failed to do so. Why?

According to a close to the late Congresswoman, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee did not even like former Mayor Sylvester Turner. And what’s about to play out over the next few weeks is wrong on many levels and downright despicable.

Former President Bill Clinton, former First Lady Hillary Clinton, Attorney Ben Crump, Civil Rights Icon Rev. Jesse Jackson, Civil Rights Leder Rev. Al Sharpton, Musical Genius Stevie Wonder, Musical Legend Shirley Ceasar, Gospel Recording Artist Yolanda Adams, Gospel Singer Donnie McClurkin were all in attendance and were allowed to take the stage.

Who does Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, County Judge Lina Hidalgo, and former Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner think they’re fooling?

Last week, former Mayor Sylvester Turner told a local news station that he would hold off on his announcement until today (Friday, August 2, 2024) to notify the general public and the people of the 18th Congressional District of whether he would seek the seat held by his dear friend.

“News cycles move quickly, but departed heroes deserve the time to be grieved, honored, and remembered,” former Mayor Sylvester Turner told the news station.

According to Turner, “For these reasons, and out of immense respect for her family and all those who loved her, I will hold any announcement about my intentions until Friday, August 2.”

On his Facebook page, after learning of the death of the Honorable Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, former Mayor Sylvester Turner posted the following message:

Please find my statement on the passing of Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee:

“I am deeply saddened by the death of my dear friend and colleague, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. From City Hall to the Halls of Congress, Sheila Jackson Lee has served her constituents well. She has written and passed key legislation and has stood on the floor of the United States House of Representatives speaking passionately for the interests of her district and the country she loved. She has worked with and advised Presidents of our great country, met with global leaders, and has been embraced by world renowned artists. But her work on the ground, in some of the poorest and under-resourced communities; the channeling of billions of federal dollars back to her district; her presence at someone’s bedside, giving words of comfort to families who lost loved ones; her appearances at places of worship and events showcasing the global diversity of our City; and her uncanny ability to be everywhere, working every day for those who needed a champion, made her truly exceptional.

When she was elected to the United States House of Representatives she stood in the shadow of Barbara Jordan, Mickey Leland and Craig Washington. Without question, she rose to the occasion and served with great distinction. Even if you disagreed with her politics, you had to respect her work ethic. We can honestly say Sheila Jackson Lee left it all on the field. Rest in peace my sister. Thank you for all you gave us. And, thank you to her family for sharing her with us. We will not forget her sacrifice or yours. Sheila – to God be the glory for the good you have done. It was truly a job well done!”


The HCDP Precinct Chairs must reject Sylvester Turner. The Harris County Democratic Party Precinct Chairs have until August 26, 2024, to choose a nominee who will appear on the upcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024, ballot in the 18th Congressional District of Texas race. Lana Centonze is the Republican nominee on the ballot, and Ed Atkinson is the nominee for the Veteran’s Party.

Vince Duncan has gained enough signatures to appear on the ballot as an Independent and has turned his petition signatures over to the State.

It is incumbent upon every able-body Democrat to implore the HCDP Precinct Chairs to choose anyone other than former Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner to replace Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee on the upcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024, ballot in the race for the 18th Congressional District of Texas.

Early voting will begin on Monday, October 21, 2024, and end on Friday, November 1, 2024, in what’s unfolding as the most “CONSEQUENTIAL PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION” of our lifetime.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

Commissioner Rodney Ellis (left), Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo (center), and former Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner were all on stage together in a show of unity at Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's funeral services. Was that a coincidence? Or were the threesome sending a signal to HCDP Precinct Chairs that Turner is their choice to succeed the Honorable Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee on the upcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024, ballot.

Dan Simons will run for Harris County District Attorney against Sean Teare on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in what is expected to be an extremely close race.


Dan Simons was born and raised in Southeast Texas. His family was impoverished and lived through the struggle of poverty. During his childhood, there were times when he was homeless and had no choice but to live in cars or tents to survive. Dan constantly faced problems and chaos in his family, ultimately being placed in foster care at a young age. He has four brothers and one sister, none of whom ever graduated high school, much like his parents.

At twelve, seeking stability to graduate high school, he made the tough decision to move in with a family he met through the Salvation Army. Through sheer determination and hard work, he graduated at the top of his class and was named All-District Quarterback in his senior high school. Dan became the first person in his family to graduate from high school.

After graduating high school in 1996, he joined the United States Air Force to serve his country.

In 2005, he moved back to Texas, intending to further his education and become a lawyer. He graduated from Sam Houston State University in 2008 at the top of his class. He went on to attend the Thurgood Marshall School of Law in Houston, graduating Magna Cum Laude in December of 2011. He received his Masters in Tax Law from the University of Houston in 2013.

As Assistant District Attorney, Dan handled thousands of cases. He tried 29 Misdemeanor Jury Trials and had five acquittals; 13 Felony Jury Trials and had only one acquittal; and 26 Justice of the Peace Court and Jury Trials. Dan's total conviction rate was 84%.

As a Misdemeanor Chief in Criminal Court No. 14, Dan Simons reduced the docket by over 200 cases in less than four months — a 20% reduction that reduced the court's burden and saved the county costs. In early 2017, he left the DA’s Office to work in private practice.

In 2018, he started his practice, Dan Simons Law Firm, focusing on criminal cases in Harris County, Fort Bend County, and Montgomery County, Texas.


Harris County has enough politicians. We need a Harris County District Attorney who isn’t afraid of political party bosses. We need a truth-seeking prosecutor – not a politician.

We need someone committed to restoring public safety, trust, and peace of mind in Harris County, Texas; Dan Simons is the right man for the job.

We need a Harris County DA who will protect the people, respect them, and give victims the justice they deserve; Dan Simons fits the bill, in my opinion.

Dan Simons is committed to ensuring that business owners receive equal protection under the law, enabling local communities to thrive rather than merely survive.

We’ve got some innocent citizens getting charged and convicted of crimes they may not have committed. With an honest man like Dan Simons as the Harris County District Attorney, wrongful convictions will decrease significantly, while lawbreakers can expect to receive the punishment they deserve.

Moreover, we can’t do anything about the past, but with Dan Simons as our District Attorney, addressing mistakes expeditiously rather than hiding them – could serve as a much-needed foundation to rebuild trust in our criminal justice system.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039