State Rep. Shawn Thierry (left) has received the highly-coveted endorsement of former prizefighter Eric Carr, over her Democratic rival. Former Prizefighter turned businessman Eric Carr strongly encourages you to vote for State Rep. Shawn Thierry on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary race for House District 146, in Harris County, Texas. In case you don't know, State Rep. Shawn Thierry and several "BLACK FEMALE JUDGES" and judicial candidates have come under attack over the last few months. Therefore it has become necessary for strong men like Eric Carr to get off the sidelines and make their way onto the battlefield during this pivotal moment in American history. You can "CLICK HERE" to learn more about this pressing matter of public concern.

“America is the greatest country in the world – I love America. What I’ve accomplished could not have been done anywhere else,” says Don King. Former prizefighter turned businessman Eric Carr has been a major contributor to many back-to-school drives, turkey giveaways, Christmas toy drives, and goodwill gestures to seniors in need through his company. "It is my honor to support State Rep. Shawn Thierry, in her reelection bid," stated Carr.

State Rep. Shawn Thierry has the heart of a lion, and she's not afraid to stand up for what's right. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was correct when he stated, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”
State Rep. Shawn Thierry Should Handily Defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in the Upcoming May 28, 2024, Runoff Election
Last week, State Rep. Shawn Thierry (HD-146), was recognized as a “World History Maker” for being the first woman to represent Texas House District 146, and for her legislative accomplishments. “Thank you to the incredible Dr. Sonia White and Women of the World Magazine. The ceremony was beautiful and inspiring,” stated State Rep. Shawn Thierry as she accepted her award.
“It was also exciting to be joined by colleagues and see so many of my long-term friends at the event,” explained State Rep. Thierry. “My daughter was also recognized in the youth segment for her community service work and academic achievements,” she said.
Also, last week, State Rep. Shawn Thierry received one of her biggest endorsements so far. Former prizefighter turned businessman Eric Carr, threw his support behind State Rep. Thierry, in her upcoming Tuesday, May 28, 2024, Democratic Party Primary “RUNOFF ELECTION” against Lauren Ashley Simmons – her challenger.
Eric Carr has traditionally worked behind the scenes, with candidates such as his beloved friend Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Councilwoman Tarsha Jackson, Constable Sherman Eagleton, State Rep. Harold Dutton, and countless others.
While Eric Carr’s influence on local elections has traditionally been felt in predominantly “BLACK NEIGHBORHOODS” such as Northwood Manor, Riverwood, Scenic Woods, Lakewood Forest, Verde Forest, Fontaine, and Settegast, his influence has is stellar in other places as well.
If you ask me, Eric Carr was one of the driving forces behind Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg's second reelection bid back during the 2020 Presidential Election cycle. If you don't remember Eric Carr was romantically involved with Vivian King -- D.A. Kim Ogg's chief of staff back in 2020, when he used his influence on Houston's northside to help Ogg win reelection.
Ogg's third reelection bid back on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, was left with a gaping hole without the support of African American leaders like Eric Carr, standing with her when she was blown out by Sean Teare, her Democratic Party rival.
“Thank you to Eric Carr for your support, encouragement, and endorsement of my campaign in the Democratic May Runoff Election for State Representative District 146,” said State Rep. Shawn Thierry in a recent comment she made to one of her social media accounts.
According to Thierry, she and businessman Eric Carr had a great meeting and fellowship. “We had a great meeting on positive messages of Black fathers and protecting the safety and development of Black children in our communities,” stated State Rep. Shawn Thierry.

Lauren Ashley Simmons is a liar and manipulator, according to information that was obtained by former FBI Investigative Specialist, Charles Chuck Marler for this report.
On paper, at first glance, appears that State Rep. Shawn Thierry is vulnerable, and could be headed toward a resounding defeat at the hand of this Lauren Ashley Simmons woman. But on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary “RUNOFF ELECTION” for the State Rep. House District 146 seat, it is highly plausible, that State Rep. Thierry will emerge victorious.
After a careful review of the “OFFICIAL CANVASS REPORT” State Rep. Shawn Thierry appears to have weathered the storm so to speak. How can I say this? Well, back on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Lauren Ashley Simmons and her supporters spent a considerable amount of time and financial resources trying to paint State Rep. Thierry into a corner – but their strategy did not work.
Their attempts to distort State Rep. Shawn Thierry’s “VOTING RECORD” in the state house, failed miserably. And instead of hurting State Rep. Thierry’s credibility, many of her constituents rallied to her defense, and are now questioning Lauren Ashley Simmons’s character and ability to tell the truth.

Ultimately, Lauren Ashley Simmons found herself ensnared in a “WEB OF LIES” and deceit as evidence came forward detailing how she was arrested, and charged by police in Travis County, with providing them with a “FALSE IDENTITY” in case #C1CR1-204758, a few years ago.
“What was Lauren Ashley Simmons trying to hide from the police,” asked one resident of HD-146. “Why did Lauren Ashley Simmons give the police a false identity,” asked another.
As Democratic residents of House District 146 grapple with the choice of whether to cast their vote for Lauren Ashley Simmons, or State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry, the choice shouldn’t be all that difficult.
That being said, everyone deserves a second chance at life, and a new beginning. However, when it comes to running for public office, our public servants should be held to a higher standard.

It’s one thing for Lauren Ashley Simmons and her team to distort the truth – but flat-out lying about State Rep. Shawn Thierry is problematic and should cause anyone with a moral compass to pause and seriously consider the two options they will have on Tuesday, May 28, 2024.
A recent flyer that was mailed out by State Rep. Shawn Thierry’s campaign, which some folks miscategorized as negative, upon closer inspection, appears to have been nothing more than an attempt to set the record straight.
“Lauren LIES about Representative Thierry’s stance on the HISD takeover, just like she LIED to the police when using a false identity,” said one of the bullet points on the backside of the mailer. And as proof, CASE# C1CR10204758 was listed.
“Lauren LIES when she accuses Representative Thierry of voting with Gov. Greg Abbott,” stated a line on the mailer. And as proof, what voters need to understand, is that Governor Greg Abbott can’t even vote on legislation – which makes Lauren Ashley Simmons's lie about State Rep. Thierry voting with Gov. Abbott even more egregious.
For those of you who might not know, Gov. Abbott only vetoes or signs legislation – he cannot vote on it.
When it comes to serving as a community organizer, Lauren Ashley Simmons is fine. However, when it comes to serving as an elected State Representative, who writes laws, her credibility, and character become a serious issue. “DON’T let a repeated lawbreaker STEAL her way into office, just like she STOLE from a business,” said the aforementioned flyer that was mailed out to residents of HD-146. And as proof, Thierry’s campaign offered CASE # C1CR092057.
Again, Lauren Ashley Simmons has a right to restore her life, by serving as a “COMMUNITY ORGANIZER” holding down a job and providing for her young child as a single mother. However, when “EARLY VOTING BEGINS” on Monday, May 20, 2024, every Democratic Party Primary voter with a moral compass should be running to the nearest “EARLY VOTING LOCATION” to cast their vote to reelect State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry.

As it stands right now, State Rep. Shawn Thierry has already proven that she can beat Lauren Ashley Simmons in two of the three categories related to winning her reelection bid.
Remember, back during the Democratic Party Primary, State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 788 absentee mail ballots, and Lauren Ashley Simmons only received 514, absentee mail ballots – which means that State Rep. Shawn Thierry, beat Laren Ashley Simmons in the “BALLOT BY MAIL” category.
During the “EARLY VOTING PERIOD,” the contest was tight, but State Rep. Shawn Thierry received more in-person votes than her Democratic challenger. In case you don’t remember, State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 3,026 in-person votes during “EARLY VOTING,” while Lauren Ashley Simmons received 3,005 in-person early votes.
In reality, the HD-146 race sort of got away from State Rep. Shawn Thierry on “ELECTION DAY,” when 2,766 in-person Democratic voters flocked to the polls to cast their vote for Lauren Ashley Simmons, over State Rep. Thierry, who only received 1,849 votes on Election Day.

At the end of the day, Lauren Ashley Simmons may have missed her “GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY” to unseat State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry. How can I say this?
Back on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, after all of those attack ads that were run on television and radio, trying to paint State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry as a Republican – Lauren Ashley Simmons only received 6,303 votes, for 49.39% of the vote. Comparatively speaking, State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 5,683 votes, for 44.53% of the vote, and Ashton P. Woods received 775 votes, for 6.07% of the vote to finish third.
So, how is this a missed opportunity for Lauren Ashley Simmons? Well, the voter turnout for the upcoming Tuesday, May 28, 2024, Democratic Party Primary “RUNOFF ELECTION” is going to be very low, and Lauren Ashley Simmons will be fishing in a much smaller pool of potential voters than State Rep. Thierry, according to our study of the “OFFICIAL CANVASS REPORTS” from Tuesday, March 5, 2024.

According to Thierry, she and businessman Eric Carr had a great meeting and fellowship. “We had a great meeting on positive messages of Black fathers and protecting the safety and development of Black children in our communities,” stated State Rep. Shawn Thierry.

Lauren Ashley Simmons is a liar and manipulator, according to information that was obtained by former FBI Investigative Specialist, Charles Chuck Marler for this report.
On paper, at first glance, appears that State Rep. Shawn Thierry is vulnerable, and could be headed toward a resounding defeat at the hand of this Lauren Ashley Simmons woman. But on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary “RUNOFF ELECTION” for the State Rep. House District 146 seat, it is highly plausible, that State Rep. Thierry will emerge victorious.
After a careful review of the “OFFICIAL CANVASS REPORT” State Rep. Shawn Thierry appears to have weathered the storm so to speak. How can I say this? Well, back on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Lauren Ashley Simmons and her supporters spent a considerable amount of time and financial resources trying to paint State Rep. Thierry into a corner – but their strategy did not work.
Their attempts to distort State Rep. Shawn Thierry’s “VOTING RECORD” in the state house, failed miserably. And instead of hurting State Rep. Thierry’s credibility, many of her constituents rallied to her defense, and are now questioning Lauren Ashley Simmons’s character and ability to tell the truth.

Ultimately, Lauren Ashley Simmons found herself ensnared in a “WEB OF LIES” and deceit as evidence came forward detailing how she was arrested, and charged by police in Travis County, with providing them with a “FALSE IDENTITY” in case #C1CR1-204758, a few years ago.
“What was Lauren Ashley Simmons trying to hide from the police,” asked one resident of HD-146. “Why did Lauren Ashley Simmons give the police a false identity,” asked another.
As Democratic residents of House District 146 grapple with the choice of whether to cast their vote for Lauren Ashley Simmons, or State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry, the choice shouldn’t be all that difficult.
That being said, everyone deserves a second chance at life, and a new beginning. However, when it comes to running for public office, our public servants should be held to a higher standard.

It’s one thing for Lauren Ashley Simmons and her team to distort the truth – but flat-out lying about State Rep. Shawn Thierry is problematic and should cause anyone with a moral compass to pause and seriously consider the two options they will have on Tuesday, May 28, 2024.
A recent flyer that was mailed out by State Rep. Shawn Thierry’s campaign, which some folks miscategorized as negative, upon closer inspection, appears to have been nothing more than an attempt to set the record straight.
“Lauren LIES about Representative Thierry’s stance on the HISD takeover, just like she LIED to the police when using a false identity,” said one of the bullet points on the backside of the mailer. And as proof, CASE# C1CR10204758 was listed.
“Lauren LIES when she accuses Representative Thierry of voting with Gov. Greg Abbott,” stated a line on the mailer. And as proof, what voters need to understand, is that Governor Greg Abbott can’t even vote on legislation – which makes Lauren Ashley Simmons's lie about State Rep. Thierry voting with Gov. Abbott even more egregious.
For those of you who might not know, Gov. Abbott only vetoes or signs legislation – he cannot vote on it.
When it comes to serving as a community organizer, Lauren Ashley Simmons is fine. However, when it comes to serving as an elected State Representative, who writes laws, her credibility, and character become a serious issue. “DON’T let a repeated lawbreaker STEAL her way into office, just like she STOLE from a business,” said the aforementioned flyer that was mailed out to residents of HD-146. And as proof, Thierry’s campaign offered CASE # C1CR092057.
Again, Lauren Ashley Simmons has a right to restore her life, by serving as a “COMMUNITY ORGANIZER” holding down a job and providing for her young child as a single mother. However, when “EARLY VOTING BEGINS” on Monday, May 20, 2024, every Democratic Party Primary voter with a moral compass should be running to the nearest “EARLY VOTING LOCATION” to cast their vote to reelect State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry.

As it stands right now, State Rep. Shawn Thierry has already proven that she can beat Lauren Ashley Simmons in two of the three categories related to winning her reelection bid.
Remember, back during the Democratic Party Primary, State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 788 absentee mail ballots, and Lauren Ashley Simmons only received 514, absentee mail ballots – which means that State Rep. Shawn Thierry, beat Laren Ashley Simmons in the “BALLOT BY MAIL” category.
During the “EARLY VOTING PERIOD,” the contest was tight, but State Rep. Shawn Thierry received more in-person votes than her Democratic challenger. In case you don’t remember, State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 3,026 in-person votes during “EARLY VOTING,” while Lauren Ashley Simmons received 3,005 in-person early votes.
In reality, the HD-146 race sort of got away from State Rep. Shawn Thierry on “ELECTION DAY,” when 2,766 in-person Democratic voters flocked to the polls to cast their vote for Lauren Ashley Simmons, over State Rep. Thierry, who only received 1,849 votes on Election Day.

At the end of the day, Lauren Ashley Simmons may have missed her “GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY” to unseat State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry. How can I say this?
Back on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, after all of those attack ads that were run on television and radio, trying to paint State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry as a Republican – Lauren Ashley Simmons only received 6,303 votes, for 49.39% of the vote. Comparatively speaking, State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 5,683 votes, for 44.53% of the vote, and Ashton P. Woods received 775 votes, for 6.07% of the vote to finish third.
So, how is this a missed opportunity for Lauren Ashley Simmons? Well, the voter turnout for the upcoming Tuesday, May 28, 2024, Democratic Party Primary “RUNOFF ELECTION” is going to be very low, and Lauren Ashley Simmons will be fishing in a much smaller pool of potential voters than State Rep. Thierry, according to our study of the “OFFICIAL CANVASS REPORTS” from Tuesday, March 5, 2024.

PRECINCT 0014 – Lauren Ashley Simmons will more than likely beat State Rep. Shawn Thierry in “PRECINCT 0014” based on her previous performance in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, Lauren Ashley Simmons received 252 votes, and State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry received 61 votes in Precinct 0014, on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, in the runoff election.

PRECINCT 0017 – Lauren Ashley Simmons should receive more votes than State Rep. Shawn Thierry in “PRECINCT 0017” based on her previous performance in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, Lauren Ashley Simmons received 107 votes, and State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry received 29 votes in Precinct 0017, on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, in the runoff election.

PRECINCT 0022 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry will more than likely defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0022” with a strategy being deployed by Thierry’s campaign. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, this precinct was a “BATTLE GROUND PRECINCT” where State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 105 votes, and Lauren Ashley Simmons received 101 votes.

PRECINCT 0031 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry will more than likely defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0031” with a strategy being deployed by Thierry’s campaign. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, this precinct was a “BATTLE GROUND PRECINCT” where State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 135 votes, and Lauren Ashley Simmons received 121 votes.

PRECINCT 0068 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry will more than likely defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0068” with a strategy being deployed by Thierry’s campaign. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, this precinct was a “BATTLE GROUND PRECINCT” where State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 306 votes, and Lauren Ashley Simmons received 191 votes.

PRECINCT 0132 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry will likely defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0132” with a strategy being deployed by Thierry’s campaign. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, this precinct was a “BATTLE GROUND PRECINCT” where State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 221 votes, and Lauren Ashley Simmons received 117 votes.

PRECINCT 0140 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry will likely defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0140” with a strategy being deployed by Thierry’s campaign. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, this precinct was a “BATTLE GROUND PRECINCT” where Lauren Ashley Simmons received 333 votes, and State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 311 votes, but with her new strategy, State Rep. Thierry should defeat Simmons in this voter precinct.

PRECINCT 0146 – Lauren Ashley Simmons should receive more votes than State Rep. Shawn Thierry in “PRECINCT 0146” based on her previous performance in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, Lauren Ashley Simmons received 237 votes, and State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry received 85 votes in Precinct 0017, in this voter precinct.

PRECINCT 0158 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry should soundly defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0158” with a strategy being deployed by Thierry’s campaign. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 230 votes, and Lauren Ashley Simmons received 139 votes in this voter precinct.

PRECINCT 0180 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry will likely defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0180” with a strategy being deployed by Thierry’s campaign. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, this precinct was a “BATTLE GROUND PRECINCT” where State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 139 votes, and Lauren Ashley Simmons received 100 votes.

PRECINCT 0219 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry should soundly defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0219” with a strategy being deployed by Thierry’s campaign. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 258 votes, and Lauren Ashley Simmons received 189 votes in this voter precinct.

PRECINCT 0223 – Lauren Ashley Simmons could receive more votes than State Rep. Shawn Thierry in “PRECINCT 0223” based on her previous performance in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, Lauren Ashley Simmons received 163 votes, and State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry received 94 votes in this voter precinct.

PRECINCT 0243 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry should soundly defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0243” with a strategy being deployed by Thierry’s campaign. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 81 votes, and Lauren Ashley Simmons received 33 votes in this voter precinct.

PRECINCT 0255 – Lauren Ashley Simmons should dominate State Rep. Shawn Thierry in “PRECINCT 0255” based on her previous performance in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, Lauren Ashley Simmons received 331 votes, and State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry received 86 votes in this voter precinct.

PRECINCT 0271 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry should soundly defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0271” with a strategy being deployed by Thierry’s campaign. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 281 votes, and Lauren Ashley Simmons received 233 votes in this voter precinct.

PRECINCT 0284 – Lauren Ashley Simmons could beat State Rep. Shawn Thierry in “PRECINCT 0284” based on her previous performance in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, Lauren Ashley Simmons received 121 votes, and State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry received 95 votes in this voter precinct.

PRECINCT 0287 – Lauren Ashley Simmons could beat State Rep. Shawn Thierry in “PRECINCT 0287” based on her previous performance in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, Lauren Ashley Simmons received 198 votes, and State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry received 58 votes in this voter precinct.

PRECINCT 0291 – Lauren Ashley Simmons could beat State Rep. Shawn Thierry in “PRECINCT 0291” based on her previous performance in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, Lauren Ashley Simmons received 112 votes, and State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry received 40 votes in this voter precinct.

PRECINCT 0293 – Lauren Ashley Simmons could beat State Rep. Shawn Thierry in “PRECINCT 0293” based on her previous performance in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, Lauren Ashley Simmons received 165 votes, and State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry received 46 votes in this voter precinct.

PRECINCT 0294 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry should soundly defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0294” with a strategy being deployed by Thierry’s campaign. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 167 votes, and Lauren Ashley Simmons received 76 votes in this voter precinct.

PRECINCT 0295 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry will more than likely defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0295” with a strategy being deployed by Thierry’s campaign. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, this precinct was a “BATTLE GROUND PRECINCT” where State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 58 votes, and Lauren Ashley Simmons received 43 votes.

PRECINCT 0315 – Lauren Ashley Simmons could beat State Rep. Shawn Thierry in “PRECINCT 0315” based on her previous performance in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, Lauren Ashley Simmons received 165 votes, and State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry received 57 votes in this voter precinct.

PRECINCT 0336 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry will more than likely defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0336” with a strategy being deployed by Thierry’s campaign. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, this precinct was a “BATTLE GROUND PRECINCT” where State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 153 votes, and Lauren Ashley Simmons received 145 votes.

PRECINCT 0384 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry should soundly defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0384” with a strategy being deployed by Thierry’s campaign. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 243 votes, and Lauren Ashley Simmons received 139 votes in this voter precinct.

PRECINCT 0392 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry should soundly defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0392” with a strategy being deployed by Thierry’s campaign. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 117 votes, and Lauren Ashley Simmons received 72 votes in this voter precinct.

PRECINCT 0403 – Lauren Ashley Simmons should dominate State Rep. Shawn Thierry in “PRECINCT 0403” based on her previous performance in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, Lauren Ashley Simmons received 216 votes, and State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry received 52 votes in this voter precinct.

PRECINCT 0422 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry should dominate Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0422” with a strategy being deployed by Thierry’s campaign. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 296 votes, and Lauren Ashley Simmons received 190 votes in this voter precinct.

PRECINCT 0425 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry will more than likely defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0425” with a new strategy being deployed by Thierry’s campaign in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, this precinct was a “BATTLE GROUND PRECINCT” where Lauren Ashley Simmons received 35 votes, and State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 33 votes.

PRECINCT 0490 – Lauren Ashley Simmons should dominate State Rep. Shawn Thierry in “PRECINCT 0490” based on her previous performance in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, Lauren Ashley Simmons received 187 votes, and State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry received 82 votes in this voter precinct.

PRECINCT 0525 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry should dominate Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0525” with a strategy being deployed by Thierry’s campaign. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 301 votes, and Lauren Ashley Simmons received 193 votes in this voter precinct.

PRECINCT 0541 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry will more than likely defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0541” with a new strategy being deployed by Thierry’s campaign in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, this precinct was a “BATTLE GROUND PRECINCT” where State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 83 votes, and Lauren Ashley Simmons received 63 votes.

PRECINCT 0554 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry will more than likely defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0554” with a new strategy being deployed by Thierry’s campaign in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, this precinct was a “BATTLE GROUND PRECINCT” where State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 70 votes, and Lauren Ashley Simmons received 69 votes.

PRECINCT 0564 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry will more than likely defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0564” with a new strategy being deployed by Thierry’s campaign in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, this precinct was a “BATTLE GROUND PRECINCT” where Lauren Ashley Simmons received 172 votes, and State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 146 votes.

PRECINCT 0573 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry should dominate Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0573” with a strategy being deployed by Thierry’s campaign. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 135 votes, and Lauren Ashley Simmons received 58 votes in this voter precinct.

PRECINCT 0638 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry will more than likely defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0638” with a new strategy being deployed by Thierry’s campaign in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, this precinct was a “BATTLE GROUND PRECINCT” where State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 108 votes, and Lauren Ashley Simmons received 91 votes.

PRECINCT 0685 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry will more than likely defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0685” with a new strategy being deployed by Thierry’s campaign in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, this precinct was a “BATTLE GROUND PRECINCT” where Lauren Ashley Simmons received 11 votes, and State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 5 votes.

PRECINCT 0693 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry will more than likely defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0693” with a new strategy being deployed by Thierry’s campaign in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, this precinct was a “BATTLE GROUND PRECINCT” where Lauren Ashley Simmons received 61 votes, and State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 44 votes.

PRECINCT 0754 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry will more than likely defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0754” with a new strategy being deployed by Thierry’s campaign in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, this precinct was a “BATTLE GROUND PRECINCT” where Lauren Ashley Simmons received 38 votes, and State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 37 votes.

PRECINCT 0819 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry will more than likely defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0819” with a new strategy being deployed by Thierry’s campaign in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, this precinct was a “BATTLE GROUND PRECINCT” where State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 9 votes, and Lauren Ashley Simmons received 6 votes.

PRECINCT 0829 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry will more than likely defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0829” with a new strategy being deployed by Thierry’s campaign in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, this precinct was a “BATTLE GROUND PRECINCT” where State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 3 votes, and Lauren Ashley Simmons received 3 votes.

PRECINCT 0858 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry will more than likely defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0819” with a new strategy being deployed by Thierry’s campaign in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, this precinct was a “BATTLE GROUND PRECINCT” where State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 38 votes, and Lauren Ashley Simmons received 28 votes.

PRECINCT 0863 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry will more than likely defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0863” with a new strategy being deployed by Thierry’s campaign in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, this precinct was a “BATTLE GROUND PRECINCT” where State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 29 votes, and Lauren Ashley Simmons received 24 votes.

PRECINCT 0891 – Lauren Ashley Simmons should defeat State Rep. Shawn Thierry in “PRECINCT 0891” based on her previous performance in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, Lauren Ashley Simmons received 155 votes, and State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry received 54 votes in this voter precinct.

PRECINCT 0938 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry will more than likely defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0938” with a new strategy being deployed by Thierry’s campaign in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, this precinct was a “BATTLE GROUND PRECINCT” where Lauren Ashley Simmons received 8 votes, and State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 5 votes.

PRECINCT 0947 – Lauren Ashley Simmons should handily defeat State Rep. Shawn Thierry in “PRECINCT 0947” based on her previous performance in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, Lauren Ashley Simmons received 114 votes, and State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry received 17 votes in this voter precinct.

PRECINCT 0949 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry will more than likely defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0949” with a new strategy being deployed by Thierry’s campaign in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, this precinct was a “BATTLE GROUND PRECINCT” where Lauren Ashley Simmons received 83 votes, and State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 40 votes.

PRECINCT 0969 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry will more than likely defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0969” with a new strategy being deployed by Thierry’s campaign in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, this precinct was a “BATTLE GROUND PRECINCT” where State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 54 votes, and Lauren Ashley Simmons received 44 votes.

PRECINCT 0985 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry will more than likely defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0985” with a new strategy being deployed by Thierry’s campaign in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, this precinct was a “BATTLE GROUND PRECINCT” where State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 22 votes, and Lauren Ashley Simmons received 22 votes.

PRECINCT 0986 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry will more than likely defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0986” with a new strategy being deployed by Thierry’s campaign in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, this precinct was a “BATTLE GROUND PRECINCT” where Lauren Ashley Simmons received 17 votes, and State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry received 13 votes.

PRECINCT 0994 – Lauren Ashley Simmons will more than likely defeat State Rep. Shawn Thierry in “PRECINCT 0994” based on her previous performance in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, Lauren Ashley Simmons received 115 votes, and State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry received 87 votes in this voter precinct.

PRECINCT 0995 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry will more than likely defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 0995” with a new strategy that’s being deployed by Thierry’s campaign in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, this precinct was a “BATTLE GROUND PRECINCT” where State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 147 votes, and Lauren Ashley Simmon received 105 votes.

PRECINCT 0998 – There were not any votes cast in “PRECINCT 0098” back during the Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary race for House District 146 between State Rep. Shawn Thierry and Lauren Ashley Simmons, on the official canvass report.

PRECINCT 1006 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry will more than likely defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 1006” with a new strategy that’s being deployed by Thierry’s campaign in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, this precinct was a “BATTLE GROUND PRECINCT” where State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 69 votes, and Lauren Ashley Simmon received 69 votes.

PRECINCT 1039 – There were not any votes cast in “PRECINCT 1039” back during the Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary race for House District 146 between State Rep. Shawn Thierry and Lauren Ashley Simmons, on the official canvass report.

PRECINCT 1040 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry will more than likely defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 1040” with a new strategy that’s being deployed by Thierry’s campaign in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, this precinct was a “BATTLE GROUND PRECINCT” where State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 19 votes, and Lauren Ashley Simmon received 15 votes.

PRECINCT 1067 – State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry will more than likely defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons in “PRECINCT 1067” with a new strategy that’s being deployed by Thierry’s campaign in this precinct. Back during their Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary showdown, this precinct was a “BATTLE GROUND PRECINCT” where State Rep. Shawn Thierry received 229 votes, and Lauren Ashley Simmon received 228 votes.

While Lauren Ashley Simmons received 6,303 votes, and State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry only received 5,683 votes, back on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary race for House District 146, it is plausible based on our study of the “OFFICIAL CANVASS REPORT” that State Rep. Shawn Thierry could handily defeat her challenger on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, in the runoff election.
State Rep. Shawn Thierry should win voter precincts: 0022, 0031, 0068, 0132, 0140, 0158, 0180, 0219, 0243, 0271, 0294, 0295, 0336, 0384, 0392, 0422, 0425, 0525, 0514, 0554, 0564, 0573, 0638, 0685, 0693, 0754, 0819, 0829, 0858, 0863, 0938, 0949, 0969, 0986, 0995, 1006, 1040, and 1067, on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, in the upcoming Democratic Party Primary “RUNOFF RACE” for House District 146, in Harris County, Texas.
All total, according to our projections, with the right strategy, State Rep. Shawn Thierry could plausibly win (38) thirty-eight voter precincts in the upcoming Tuesday, May 28, 2024, Democratic Party Primary “RUNOFF ELECTION” for the House District 146 seat.
Comparatively speaking, Lauren Ashely Simmons could win voter precincts: 0014, 0017, 0146, 0255, 0284, 0287, 0291, 0293, 0315, 0403, 0490, 0891, 0947, and 0994, on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, in the upcoming Democratic Party Primary “RUNOFF RACE” for House District 146, in Harris County, Texas.

By all accounts, with the right strategy, State Rep. Shawn Thierry should dominate Lauren Ashley Simmons in the upcoming Tuesday, May 28, Democratic Party Primary “RUNOFF ELECTION” for House District 146, in Harris County, Texas.
Early voting will begin on Monday, May 20, 2024, and end on Friday, May 24, 2024. For voters who can’t find the time to vote during the early voting period, they will still be able to cast their vote on “ELECTION DAY” to reelect State Rep. Shawn Thierry, which is Tuesday, May 28, 2024.
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