State Rep. Shawn Thierry (HD-146), has just made history in Harris County, Texas. According to an emailed press release, received earlier today, Tuesday, April 9, 2024, State Rep. Shawn Thierry has just been endorsed by over 500 local pastors from Harris County and Fort Bend County.
Baptist Ministers’ Association of Houston & Vicinity led by its President, Dr. Max A. Miller Jr., Houston Metropolitan Baptist Ministers’ Conference led by President, Dr. S. J. Gilbert, Northeast Harris County Ministers Alliance led by President Pastor Rolin Robertson, Minister’s Coalition of Harris County & Vicinity led by President, Dr. M. D. Morrison Sr., and the Fort Bend County Ministers Coalition led by its President, Pastor Michael V. Ellison.

President/Pastor Michael V. Ellison and every pastor associated with the Fort Bend County Ministers Coalition has endorsed State Rep. Shawn Thierry over her Democratic Party Primary runoff opponent in the upcoming Tuesday, May 28, 2024, Democratic Party Primary "RUNOFF ELECTION" for State Representative for House District 146, in Harris County, Texas.

President/Dr. Max A. Miller, Jr. and every pastor associated with the Baptist Ministers' Association of Houston & Vicinity has endorsed State Rep. Shawn Thierry over her Democratic Party Primary runoff opponent in the upcoming Tuesday, May 28, 2024, Democratic Party Primary "RUNOFF ELECTION" for State Representative for House District 146, in Harris County, Texas.

President/Dr. S.J. Gilbert and every pastor associated with the Houston Metropolitan Baptist Ministers' Conference has endorsed State Rep. Shawn Thierry over her Democratic Party Primary runoff opponent in the upcoming Tuesday, May 28, 2024, Democratic Party Primary "RUNOFF ELECTION" for State Representative for House District 146, in Harris County, Texas.

President/Dr. M.D. Morrison Sr. and every pastor associated with the Minister's Coalition of Harris County & Vicinity has endorsed State Rep. Shawn Thierry over her Democratic Party Primary runoff opponent in the upcoming Tuesday, May 28, 2024, Democratic Party Primary "RUNOFF ELECTION" for State Representative for House District 146, in Harris County, Texas.

President/Pastor Rolin Robertson and every pastor associated with the Northeast Harris County Ministers Alliance has endorsed State Rep. Shawn Thierry over her Democratic Party Primary runoff opponent in the upcoming Tuesday, May 28, 2024, Democratic Party Primary "RUNOFF ELECTION" for State Representative for House District 146, in Harris County, Texas.

Eric Carr, a former prizefighter turned businessman, endorsed State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry over her opponent on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary race for State Representative for House District 146, in Harris County, Texas. Eric Carr has played a pivotal role behind the scenes in local Harris County, Texas area elections. Early voting will begin on Monday, May 20, 2024, and end on Friday, May 24, 2024, for the upcoming Democratic Party Primary runoff election.

State Rep. Nicole Collier (HD-95), out of Fort Worth, and State Rep. Barbara Gervin Hawkins (HD-120), which includes parts of San Antonio, Texas, have both come forward to courageously endorse State Rep. Shawn Thierry over her Democratic Party Primary challenger in the upcoming Tuesday, May 28, 2024, runoff race for House District 146, in Harris County, Texas.
April 9, 2024
Media Contact: Manuel Medina
Phone: (281) 930-6977
Email: Thierryfortexas@gmail,com
State Representative Shawn Thierry Announces Largest Number of Endorsements in Democratic Primary Runoff History: Five Hundred Black Baptist Ministers now weigh in. “We Are Standing With Shawn.”
Houston, TX - April 9, 2024 - State Representative Shawn Thierry, the four-term incumbent of House District 146, proudly announces the unprecedented endorsement from the largest collective of African American Baptist ministers ever assembled in a Democratic primary runoff. Over 500 individual pastors from multiple Baptist Ministers alliances across the Houston Metropolitan Area and Fort Bend County have thrown their support behind State Rep. Shawn Thierry.
The powerful coalition of pastors underscores the historic and influential pivotal role that the Black church has in shaping African-American civic engagement and mobilizing communities against societal injustices. The powerful faith-based coalition of ministers includes:
Baptist Ministers’ Association of Houston & Vicinity led by its President, Dr. Max A. Miller Jr., Houston Metropolitan Baptist Ministers’ Conference led by President, Dr. S. J. Gilbert, Northeast Harris County Ministers Alliance led by President Pastor Rolin Robertson, Minister’s Coalition of Harris County & Vicinity led by President, Dr. M. D. Morrison Sr., and the Fort Bend County Ministers Coalition led by its President, Pastor Michael V. Ellison.
"We are now standing strong with Representative Thierry, shielding her from false attacks and putting our faith in action solidly behind her," said the coalition of pastors in a joint statement. "We urge our communities to go back to the polls to vote in the upcoming runoff and support Representative Thierry, a proven leader with a genuine commitment to issues affecting African Americans and especially our children."
"Scripture reminds us that whenever God’s servants appeared to face trials alone, God's protection and provision remained ever-present. Rest assured, that Rep. Thierry was not, and is not standing alone. Shawn Thierry has exemplified courage and character in her mission to safeguard the children of our communities. While we are dismayed by the adult burdens and content that some others wish to impose on our children, we are inspired by Rep. Thierry's courageous leadership. We stand with her today and will be standing by her tomorrow, and each day going forward knowing that just as God protected Ruth, He will protect Shawn in her noble mission to serve the people of District 146," stated Dr. M.D. Morrison Sr.
"I am overwhelmed, overjoyed, humbled, and honored to announce that our campaign has been blessed to receive the endorsement of over 500 sitting Black pastors. Their congregations include residents who live in District 146 and throughout the entire city of Houston including Fort Bend. In a meeting with leadership, I was told that this unprecedented level of unity is a testament to the hard work I've poured into our communities over the last seven years, coupled with my refusal to place political expediency over the health, safety, and development of African American children," said Representative Shawn Thierry.
Representative Thierry, a proud native of the South Park and Westbury communities in District 146, currently resides in the Third Ward community, demonstrating her unwavering commitment to the District she serves. Her track record as a formidable lawmaker includes passing critical laws such as "The Panic Button" bill for school safety, expanding Medicaid access for low-income pregnant women, reducing property taxes for the elderly, protecting children in foster care, and protecting children from the dangers of e-cigarettes and irreversible sex reassignment surgeries under the age of 18.
Representative Thierry has seniority in the Texas legislature, serving as the Vice Chair of the powerful Ways and Means Committee. She is the only member of the Harris County delegation to sit on the Energy Committee. She also serves as the second Vice-Chair of the Texas Legislative Black Caucus and has garnered the endorsement of the Houston Black American Democrats (HBAD).
The Democratic primary runoff in District 146 will take place from May 20 to May 24 for early voting, with election day on May 28. Representative Thierry's campaign, along with the unprecedented endorsement from the coalition of pastors, aims to counter false attacks by her opponent to ensure a fair election process.
Rep. Thierry concluded, "I am a mother, a product of HISD public schools, the daughter of an HISD educator, a graduate of two historically black colleges and universities, and a veteran attorney. I am a proven leader who has delivered real results for real people. With the support of the faith-based community and the hard-working people of District 146, we will continue moving forward together."
For more information about Representative Shawn Thierry's campaign, visit: