If you "CLICK HERE" you will get a better understanding of what some folks want hidden from the general public. In this particular "SWORN AFFIDAVIT" Mayor Sylvester Turner's wife explains how she learned that Sylvester Turner and other Black men were participating in orgies, and having one-on-one sexual relationships with one another.

Mayor Sylvester Turner has a lot of dirty dark secrets that he would like to keep hidden from the general public. Above that, he is considered by many to be "THE MOST CORRUPT MAYOR" to serve as the CEO of Houston, Texas.

Former Mayor Sylvester Turner and several of the Black men who participated in his orgies back during the 1990s may ultimately bring shame to the Black community before the ongoing investigation into his administration is complete. Former Mayor Sylvester Turner was "A MASTER MANIPULATOR" whose administration may have been the culprits behind using "THE 'SL" CODE" to manipulate Houston's crime rate during his time serving as mayor.
State Representative Shawn Thierry is the Right Choice; The “SL” Code Was Used to Manipulate Houston’s Crime Rate
The next few months will be tough for the Houston community as things continue to unfold regarding those more than 265,000 cases that were not investigated due to a lack of staff.
I will take this moment to caution Houstonians to hold tight and give Mayor John Whitmire and his administration your full support as they work through this ordeal.
Houston Police Chief Troy Finner has already stated that officers first started using the “SL” code in 2016. From what I understand, Chief Finner learned about what was happening in November 2021 and ordered officers to stop using the “SL” code.
Now, according to Mayor John Whitmire, the HPD “SL” code which was used to suspend cases was used as a way to ‘MANIPULATE HOUSTON’S CRIME RATE’ by the previous mayoral administrations, before he took office.
So, who preceded Mayor Whitmire? You guessed it – Sly!!!
If you ask me, Sylvester Turner had no business ever being elected Mayor of the City of Houston. I started my career investigating this cat back in the 1990s and paid a heavy price for it.
While investigating Turner over the years, I’ve heard some “HORROR STORIES” about this cat. And with that knowledge, I can tell you with full assurance this dude is bad news.
When the truth is revealed, Sylvester Turner will ultimately be exposed as a “MASTER MANIPULATOR” and a career criminal, who was able to fool people with his “GLASSY EYES” and cunning ways.
How manipulative was Turner? Well, many folks in the Black community still haven’t come to grips with the fact that “SLY” was hosting orgies with other Black men back during the 1990s.
It’s also hard for folks to come to grips with the fact that some of the same Black men whom “SLY” had orgies with back during the 1990s became major players at Houston City Hall when “SLY” managed to squirm and slither his way into becoming Mayor of the City of our beloved City of Houston.

As State Rep. Shawn Thierry, a “HETEROSEXUAL FEMALE” prepares to face off against Lauren Ashley Simmons, a “LESBIAN FEMALE” a small number of “UNDER-COVER BROTHAS” are on the “DOWN-LOW” and are working behind the scenes, but I'm going to pull the curtains back and expose them.
By definition, the term “HETEROSEXUAL” simply means that State Rep. Shawn Thierry is attracted to people of the opposite sex.
I don’t have anything against Lauren Ashely Simmons, in regards to her sexual preferences. However, for the sake of clarity, the term “LESBIAN” simply means, that Lauren Ashley Simmons is sexually or romantically attracted exclusively to other women.
As it relates to some of the “UNDER-COVER BROTHAS” and “DOWN-LOW BROTHAS” who are publicly and secretly working to defeat State Rep. Shawn Thierry – I’m not your enemy.
However, in the spirit of fairness, “HOUSTONIANS” are entitled to know who you are, and how Sylvester Turner appears to have used his elected position as mayor to benefit his lovers.
Now, I’m not trying to make friends. Did you hear me? I said I’m not out here trying to make friends. Nor am I trying to make people like me. But, at the end of the day, water and oil don’t mix. And darkness and light can’t dwell peacefully together – nor can good and evil.
Where am I going with this? I’m glad you asked.
Every American citizen has a “FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT” to freely speak their mind.
In case you don’t know, the First Amendment to the United States Constitution prevents the federal government from making any laws that would infringe upon my desire to speak my mind and fully expose Mayor Sylvester Turner, and the local businessmen who participated in his orgies, and continue to benefit from city contracts to this day.

At first glance, Mayor John Whimire might appear to look like a career politician, but from what I can see, that’s not the case. Mayor Whitmire is “A STRONG LEADER” who isn’t afraid to do what’s right.
Another very “STRONG LEADER” who I’m very impressed with is State Rep. Shawn Thierry. She’s one of the strongest “BLACK WOMEN” in America right now.
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter,” stated Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., many years ago.
Another one of my favorite quotes from Dr. King is the one where he stated, “The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people.”
Now, my question is this: “WHERE IN THE HELL ARE THE GOOD PEOPLE?”
“There comes a time when silence is betrayal,” said Dr. King.
Right now, Shawn Nicole Thierry, the State Representative for House District 146, is in a fight for the “HEART AND SOUL OF HOUSE DISTRICT 146” against a pack of folks who are trying to bring her to her knees, and we can’t allow that to happen.
As Americans, we are supposed to be a civilized society, but instead of acting civilized, we’re evolving into a nation where one group of people can freely express themselves and other Americans have to remain silent and submissive – which is wrong.
Do we want our children and our children’s children to live in a world where little (biological) girls are forced to compete against little (biological) boys in athletics?
I can tell you with complete certainty, that the majority of African Americans, “DO NOT AGREE” with the notion that it’s fair for little (biological) girls to be forced to compete against little (biological) boys in the state of Texas.
Now, what about allowing young children being allowed to view pornographic materials in schools?
Well, the majority of Americans remain silent on this issue. However, if you go out into “THE BLACK COMMUNITY” what you will discover is that the majority of African Americans, “DO NOT AGREE” with the notion that “OUR CHILDREN” should be allowed to view pornographic material while at school.
What about underaged children having their sex changed?
Well, all you have to do is go out into Black neighborhoods and start talking to people and you will discover that the majority of African Americans, “DO NOT AGREE” with underaged children having their sex changed.

What’s wrong? Why am I upset? What’s the problem?
Well, State Rep. Shawn Thierry represents an area of Houston, Texas where African Americans make up a significant portion of her district – which includes Sunnyside, one of the strongest Democratic voting blocs in the State of Texas.
Now, when you get down to it, Sunnyside is the “HEART AND SOUL” of the Harris County Democratic Party – in more ways than one. That being said, State Rep. Shawn Thierry found herself in a unique situation back when she courageously voted to “PROTECT THE CHILDREN” of House District 146, during the 88th Legislative Session.
Again, I’ve already told you that, the majority of African Americans, “DO NOT AGREE” with, underaged children having their sex changed, or receiving what some folks are labeling as gender-transitioning care.
Hell, for the most part, many of the “BLACK PEOPLE” I’ve talked to in the Sunnyside neighborhood where I grew up, don’t even know what “GENDER-TRANSITIONING CARE” means.
However, when I asked “MY PEOPLE” if they would allow their children to have their sex changed – 100% of the time, the answer I received was “NO” and in some cases “HELL NO” was the response I received.

In the case of State Rep. Shawn Thierry, her vote against allowing young children to undergo sexual mutilation surgeries was the right choice.
State Rep. Shawn Thierry, has a sworn duty to represent her constituents – not bend to the whims of special interest groups, and the desires of people who don’t even live inside the boundaries of House District 146, in my opinion.
All of that being said, it is incumbent on Democrats to speak up and make their voices heard by casting their votes for State Rep. Shawn Thierry, “A TRUE CHAMPION FOR THE CHILDREN” during the “EARLY VOTING PERIOD” which begins on Monday, May 20, 2024, and ends on Friday, May 24, 2024.
If for some reason you can’t vote during the “EARLY VOTING PERIOD” on Election Day voting will take place on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, for the Democratic Party Primary Runoff Election, and the Republican Party Primary Runoff Election, in Texas.
In closing, don’t forget these words that were spoken forth by Dr. Martin Luther King, in 1968, a year after I was born, as he reflected on the civil rights movement, which states, “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends.”
State Rep. Shawn Thierry is our friend – let’s stand with her on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary race for House District 146, in Houston, Texas.
The next few months will be tough for the Houston community as things continue to unfold regarding those more than 265,000 cases that were not investigated due to a lack of staff.
I will take this moment to caution Houstonians to hold tight and give Mayor John Whitmire and his administration your full support as they work through this ordeal.
Houston Police Chief Troy Finner has already stated that officers first started using the “SL” code in 2016. From what I understand, Chief Finner learned about what was happening in November 2021 and ordered officers to stop using the “SL” code.
Now, according to Mayor John Whitmire, the HPD “SL” code which was used to suspend cases was used as a way to ‘MANIPULATE HOUSTON’S CRIME RATE’ by the previous mayoral administrations, before he took office.
So, who preceded Mayor Whitmire? You guessed it – Sly!!!
If you ask me, Sylvester Turner had no business ever being elected Mayor of the City of Houston. I started my career investigating this cat back in the 1990s and paid a heavy price for it.
While investigating Turner over the years, I’ve heard some “HORROR STORIES” about this cat. And with that knowledge, I can tell you with full assurance this dude is bad news.
When the truth is revealed, Sylvester Turner will ultimately be exposed as a “MASTER MANIPULATOR” and a career criminal, who was able to fool people with his “GLASSY EYES” and cunning ways.
How manipulative was Turner? Well, many folks in the Black community still haven’t come to grips with the fact that “SLY” was hosting orgies with other Black men back during the 1990s.
It’s also hard for folks to come to grips with the fact that some of the same Black men whom “SLY” had orgies with back during the 1990s became major players at Houston City Hall when “SLY” managed to squirm and slither his way into becoming Mayor of the City of our beloved City of Houston.

As State Rep. Shawn Thierry, a “HETEROSEXUAL FEMALE” prepares to face off against Lauren Ashley Simmons, a “LESBIAN FEMALE” a small number of “UNDER-COVER BROTHAS” are on the “DOWN-LOW” and are working behind the scenes, but I'm going to pull the curtains back and expose them.
By definition, the term “HETEROSEXUAL” simply means that State Rep. Shawn Thierry is attracted to people of the opposite sex.
I don’t have anything against Lauren Ashely Simmons, in regards to her sexual preferences. However, for the sake of clarity, the term “LESBIAN” simply means, that Lauren Ashley Simmons is sexually or romantically attracted exclusively to other women.
As it relates to some of the “UNDER-COVER BROTHAS” and “DOWN-LOW BROTHAS” who are publicly and secretly working to defeat State Rep. Shawn Thierry – I’m not your enemy.
However, in the spirit of fairness, “HOUSTONIANS” are entitled to know who you are, and how Sylvester Turner appears to have used his elected position as mayor to benefit his lovers.
Now, I’m not trying to make friends. Did you hear me? I said I’m not out here trying to make friends. Nor am I trying to make people like me. But, at the end of the day, water and oil don’t mix. And darkness and light can’t dwell peacefully together – nor can good and evil.
Where am I going with this? I’m glad you asked.
Every American citizen has a “FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT” to freely speak their mind.
In case you don’t know, the First Amendment to the United States Constitution prevents the federal government from making any laws that would infringe upon my desire to speak my mind and fully expose Mayor Sylvester Turner, and the local businessmen who participated in his orgies, and continue to benefit from city contracts to this day.

At first glance, Mayor John Whimire might appear to look like a career politician, but from what I can see, that’s not the case. Mayor Whitmire is “A STRONG LEADER” who isn’t afraid to do what’s right.
Another very “STRONG LEADER” who I’m very impressed with is State Rep. Shawn Thierry. She’s one of the strongest “BLACK WOMEN” in America right now.
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter,” stated Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., many years ago.
Another one of my favorite quotes from Dr. King is the one where he stated, “The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people.”
Now, my question is this: “WHERE IN THE HELL ARE THE GOOD PEOPLE?”
“There comes a time when silence is betrayal,” said Dr. King.
Right now, Shawn Nicole Thierry, the State Representative for House District 146, is in a fight for the “HEART AND SOUL OF HOUSE DISTRICT 146” against a pack of folks who are trying to bring her to her knees, and we can’t allow that to happen.
As Americans, we are supposed to be a civilized society, but instead of acting civilized, we’re evolving into a nation where one group of people can freely express themselves and other Americans have to remain silent and submissive – which is wrong.
Do we want our children and our children’s children to live in a world where little (biological) girls are forced to compete against little (biological) boys in athletics?
I can tell you with complete certainty, that the majority of African Americans, “DO NOT AGREE” with the notion that it’s fair for little (biological) girls to be forced to compete against little (biological) boys in the state of Texas.
Now, what about allowing young children being allowed to view pornographic materials in schools?
Well, the majority of Americans remain silent on this issue. However, if you go out into “THE BLACK COMMUNITY” what you will discover is that the majority of African Americans, “DO NOT AGREE” with the notion that “OUR CHILDREN” should be allowed to view pornographic material while at school.
What about underaged children having their sex changed?
Well, all you have to do is go out into Black neighborhoods and start talking to people and you will discover that the majority of African Americans, “DO NOT AGREE” with underaged children having their sex changed.

What’s wrong? Why am I upset? What’s the problem?
Well, State Rep. Shawn Thierry represents an area of Houston, Texas where African Americans make up a significant portion of her district – which includes Sunnyside, one of the strongest Democratic voting blocs in the State of Texas.
Now, when you get down to it, Sunnyside is the “HEART AND SOUL” of the Harris County Democratic Party – in more ways than one. That being said, State Rep. Shawn Thierry found herself in a unique situation back when she courageously voted to “PROTECT THE CHILDREN” of House District 146, during the 88th Legislative Session.
Again, I’ve already told you that, the majority of African Americans, “DO NOT AGREE” with, underaged children having their sex changed, or receiving what some folks are labeling as gender-transitioning care.
Hell, for the most part, many of the “BLACK PEOPLE” I’ve talked to in the Sunnyside neighborhood where I grew up, don’t even know what “GENDER-TRANSITIONING CARE” means.
However, when I asked “MY PEOPLE” if they would allow their children to have their sex changed – 100% of the time, the answer I received was “NO” and in some cases “HELL NO” was the response I received.

In the case of State Rep. Shawn Thierry, her vote against allowing young children to undergo sexual mutilation surgeries was the right choice.
State Rep. Shawn Thierry, has a sworn duty to represent her constituents – not bend to the whims of special interest groups, and the desires of people who don’t even live inside the boundaries of House District 146, in my opinion.
All of that being said, it is incumbent on Democrats to speak up and make their voices heard by casting their votes for State Rep. Shawn Thierry, “A TRUE CHAMPION FOR THE CHILDREN” during the “EARLY VOTING PERIOD” which begins on Monday, May 20, 2024, and ends on Friday, May 24, 2024.
If for some reason you can’t vote during the “EARLY VOTING PERIOD” on Election Day voting will take place on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, for the Democratic Party Primary Runoff Election, and the Republican Party Primary Runoff Election, in Texas.
In closing, don’t forget these words that were spoken forth by Dr. Martin Luther King, in 1968, a year after I was born, as he reflected on the civil rights movement, which states, “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends.”
State Rep. Shawn Thierry is our friend – let’s stand with her on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary race for House District 146, in Houston, Texas.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039