“I think anyone can draw the logical conclusion that the people who have been inside the DA’s office for the last 10 years understand how that office has been weaponized,” said Sean Teare, in a quote published in the Houston Chronicle.
Teare also said, “No one wants to live in a county where the top law enforcement office can indict anyone that they disagree with or can investigate anyone that angers them. That’s where we all live right now.”
As a side note, Sean Teare, the Democratic nominee, will now have to face off against, a solid Republican candidate by the name of Dan Simons on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in the race for Harris County District Attorney.

Harris County Treasurer Carla Wyatt was arrested by HPD back on Friday, December 22, 2023, at 10:27 p.m., for unlawfully operating a motor vehicle in a public place while intoxicated. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the complaint for yourself.

Dr. Carla Wyatt (Democrat), soundly defeated Harris County Treasurer Dylan Osborne (Democrat) back on Tuesday, March 1, 2022, in the Democratic Party Primary. At the time that Dr. Carla Wyatt, a Black female, challenged Dylan Osborne, a White male, many folks within the Harris County Democratic Party became upset at the notion that she would dare to challenge Osborne. As you can see above, Dr. Carla Wyatt received 92,789 votes for 63.7% of the vote, to handily defeat her Democratic Party rival.

After unseating Harris County Treasurer (Dylan Osborne), a White male Democrat, back on Tuesday, March 1, 2022, in the Democratic Party Primary, Dr. Carla Wyatt, continued her winning ways by defeating Kyle Scott, a White male Republican, on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in the Midterm Election. However, after Kyle Scott was defeated, he and (21) other Republicans sued their Democratic opponents, in the Harris County courts. However, a visiting judge eventually tossed out the lawsuit against Carla Wyatt and her fellow Democrats.

Kyle Scott, the Republican candidate sued Dr. Carla Wyatt the Democratic candidate to overturn the race for Harris County Treasurer, after he could not defeat her at the ballot box. Dr Carla Wyatt received 550,214 votes, for 51.6% of the vote. Comparatively speaking, Kyle Scott, only received 515,472 votes, for 48.4% of the vote when he lost to Dr. Carla Wyatt back on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in the race for Harris County Treasurer.
Kyle Scott’s lawsuit against newly elected Harris County Treasurer Carla L. Wyatt was filed on Friday, January 6, 2023, at 2:00 p.m., by Elizabeth D. Alvarez (Texas Bar No. 24071942), with Guest & Gray, P.C. out of Forney, Texas. You can “CLICK HERE” to view Kyle Scott’s lawsuit that was dismissed.
Politics is a dirty business. Did you hear me? I said Politics is a dirty business. How/why was the arrest of Dr. Carla Wyatt, the Harris County Treasurer kept a secret this long? Dr. Carla Wyatt was arrested and charged with a DWI way back on Friday, December 22, 2024 – a few days before Christmas.
What’s going on at the Harris County District Attorney’s Office? And why wasn’t news of Dr. Carla Wyatt’s arrest leaked to the media as soon as it happened? Was someone trying to hold this embarrassment over her head?
All I know is that “BLACK ELECTED OFFICIALS” and other enemies (political rivals) of (KKK) Kimbra "KIM" Kathryn (Kim Ogg), had better have their heads on a swivel over the next 9 months.

What you have to remember about Dr. Carla Wyatt, who happens to be an “AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMAN”, is that she soundly defeated two white males on route to becoming the Harris County Treasurer, back during the “2022 MIDTERM ELECTION” cycle.

For the record, Dr. Carla Wyatt defeated a white male, incumbent Democrat (Dylan Osborne) back on Tuesday, March 1, 2022, by receiving 92,789 votes, for 63.7% of the vote. Comparatively speaking, Dylan Osborne, only managed to garner 52,894 votes, for 36.3% of the vote, as he was no match for his “BLACK FEMALE” challenger.

After making “QUICK WORK” of the sitting Harris County Treasurer, back on Tuesday, March 1, 2022, in the Democratic Party Primary, Dr. Carla Wyatt went on to defeat her Republican rival by the name of Kyle Scott, who then filed suit against Dr. Carla Wyatt, in an attempt to get a new election.
On Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Dr. Carla Wyatt received 550,214 votes, for 51.6% of the vote. Her Republican rival, Kyle Scott, only received 515,472 votes, for 48.4% of the vote.

Super Tuesday was a bad day for (KKK) Kimbra "KIM" Kathryn (Kim Ogg), who only received, 42,149 votes, for a measly 25.00% of the vote. Her challenger, by the name of Sean Teare, received 126,449 votes, for 75.00%, to defeat (KKK) Kimbra "KIM" Kathryn (Kim Ogg), who is now very disappointed and upset with her Democratic Party colleagues, and other political foes.
“If doing my job cost me my job, then I leave with my head held high,” stated (KKK) Kimbra "KIM" Kathryn (Kim Ogg) after she got her tail whipped back on Super Tuesday. And she’s a blatant liar. (KKK) Kimbra "KIM" Kathryn (Kim Ogg), knows full well that she has weaponized her office against anyone whom she considers to be a political rival – including me.

Only a few days after the “SUPER TUESDAY” Democratic Party Primaries where Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg was rejected by Democratic Party Primary voters – she’s back on the job with a vengeance.
How is it that an incident involving a “BLACK ELECTED OFFICIAL” by the name of Dr. Carla Wyatt is just hitting the news today (3/15/2024), when the incident occurred way back on Friday, December 22, 2023, a few days before Christmas?
How did the fact that a sitting Democrat public official was arrested and given (SPN: 03223593), go unreported by the local media?
And who leaked the information to FOX 26 News, last night?
So, just for the record, according to my search of court records, Dr. Carla Wyatt wasn’t arrested last night – Friday, March 15, 2024. According to the Harris County Clerk’s Office, the pending “DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED” case against Dr. Carla Wyatt has been going on since Friday, December 22, 2023 – three days before Christmas.
Dr. Carla Wyatt was arrested on Friday, December 22, 2023, at 10:27 p.m., according to documents that I’ve obtained from the Harris County Clerk’s Office.
Again, why is the arrest of and pending “DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED” case against Dr. Carla Wyatt, just now hitting the news on Friday, March 15, 2024, a few days after Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg was soundly defeated in the Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary, in the race for Harris County District Attorney?
“Carla Lena Wyatt, hereafter styled the Defendant, heretofore on or about December 22, 2023, did then and there unlawfully, operated a motor vehicle in a public space while intoxicated,” said the complaint signed by Patrick Slayton, with District Attorney Kim Ogg’s Office.
The document went on to state, “It is further alleged that an analysis of a specimen of the defendant’s breath showed an alcohol concentration level of at least 0.15 at the time the analysis was performed.”
According to published reports, the attorney of record for Dr. Carla Wyatt is quoted as saying, “She’s regretful she’s in this position and is in full compliance with the court. The pending charge has no impact on her ability to perform her official duties as Harris County Treasurer.”
The next court appearance for Dr. Carla Wyatt is on Tuesday, April 16, 2024, in Harris County Criminal Court at Law No: 4, which is presided over by the Honorable Judge Shannon Baldwin.

I am strongly encouraging all “BLACK ELECTED OFFICIALS” holding office inside the jurisdiction of Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, to have their “HEAD ON A SWIVEL” between now, and December 31, 2024, when Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg leaves office.
Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, recently lost her reelection bid to her fellow Democrat, by the name of Sean Teare, and could be on the verge of using the remainder of her time in office, to “ENACT VENGEANCE” on the Black community for not supporting her reelection bid, this time around.

The Harris County District Attorney’s Office has been weaponized against anyone who does not agree with DA Kim Ogg’s political beliefs, or who are viewed as her political foe.
But what most folks don’t realize, is that the weaponization of the Harris County District Attorney's Office by Kim Ogg is very similar to the "HORRIFYING PLAYBOOK" which was used by the Ku Klux Klan to strike fear in the hearts and minds of Blacks back during the civil rights movement.
In case you don’t know, the KKK is a secret vigilante group that targets freedmen and their allies—just like what (KKK) Kimbra "KIM" Kathryn (Kim Ogg), and her allies are currently doing in Harris County, the Ku Klux Klan sought to restore white supremacy through wrongful prosecutions, and threats of violence, which sometimes included murder.
Now, I’m not saying that Dr. Carla Wyatt, is guilty of the crime that she’s been alleged to have committed back on Friday, December 22, 2023, but I am questioning the timing of her situation being leaked to the media, a few days after Kim Ogg’s demoralizing defeat in the Democratic Party Primary.
Most importantly, the strategies of the (KKK) Ku Klux Klan and the strategies of (KKK) Kimbra "KIM" Kathryn (Kim Ogg), are very similar in that they both have targeted and continue to target anyone who opposes their regime, and supremacy mindset.

According to published reports, The first Klan, founded by Confederate veterans in the late 1860s, would assault and murder politically active Black people and their allies in the South.
The second iteration of the Klan originated in the late 1910s and was the first to use cross-burnings and white hooded robes.
The KKK of the 1920s had a nationwide membership in the millions and reflected a cross-section of the native-born white population.
The third Klan formed in the mid-20th century, largely reacting to the growing civil rights movement. It committed murders and bombings to achieve its aims.
While (KKK) Kimbra "KIM" Kathryn (Kim Ogg), doesn’t appear to be an “OFFICIAL MEMBER” of the KKK, her actions since taking office, closely resemble the strategies used by “THE KLAN” as well as their teachings.

Over the next 9 months, it is highly likely that (KKK) Kimbra "KIM" Kathryn (Kim Ogg), could be planning to use her office to further “ENACT VENGENCE” on her political foes.
Remember, (KKK) Kimbra "KIM" Kathryn (Kim Ogg), is not a Democrat, but rather is (and has always been) what’s called a (DINO), which stands for “Democrat in Name Only,” just like her late father, State Senator Jack Ogg, who represented Senate District 15, back in the day.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

Dr. Carla Wyatt was arrested way back on Friday, December 22, 2023, at 10.27 p.m., and charged with unlawfully operating a motor vehicle in a public place while intoxicated. According to the state, an analysis of a specimen of Dr. Carla Wyatt's breath showed an alcohol concentration level of at least 0.15 at the time the analysis was performed by the (HPD) Houston Police Department Officer who arrested her. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the document for yourself.