Whistleblower Damien Thaddeus Jones, a former security driver for Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis revealed to private investigators back during the 2020 Presidential cycle, that Democratic State Senator Borris L. Miles (Senate District 13), and Democratic State Rep. Harold Dutton (HD-142) had both been having "SEXUAL RELATIONSHIPS" with their chief of staffs. For the record, both of these Black lawmakers were rumored to be playing fast and loose with young women, long before the revelations were brought to light by Damien Thaddeus Jones. In fact, a December 2017, article published by the "DAILY BEAST" entitled, ‘You Want to F*ck With Me Tonight?’: Horror Stories from the Texas Capitol," paints a very ugly picture of State Senator Borris Miles. You can "CLICK HERE" to see details of how groping, forced kisses, and lurid cat-calls, were reported, but nobody, around the State Capital, had displayed the courage necessary to confront State Senator Miles, or State Rep. Dutton, about their alleged activities. And now, the 'lifeless body' of Tamoria Jones, (no relation to Damien Thaddeus Jones, was 'allegedly' dumped off at a hospital, in Houston, Texas and none of the "TEXAS HOUSE MEMBERS" are saying a word.

Two Powerful Black Democratic Lawmakers in Texas Were Accused of Having Sexual Relations With Their Chiefs of Staff
To some of us, the things that "WHISTLEBLOWER" Damien Thaddeus Jones revealed in the video published above weren't even a surprise. However, after the 'strange circumstances swirling around the 'untimely' death of state Rep. Harold Dutton's chief of staff, (Tamoria Jones), back on Saturday, July 1, 2023, members of the Texas House may need to take a very close look at what some sources are calling a long-time "LOVE AFFAIR" between state Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., and his now-dead, chief of staff. Especially in light of the fact, that a Republican member of the Texas House by the name of Bryan Slayton, a Rose City Republican, back on May 9, 2023, became the first member of the Texas House of Representatives to be expelled from office since 1927, for engaging in inappropriate sexual contact with his aid. But what about Borris and Harold? When you get a chance, please take a look at this December 2017, article published by the "DAILY BEAST" entitled, ‘You Want to F*ck With Me Tonight?’: Horror Stories from the Texas Capitol," to get a better picture of what's happening at the State Capital in Austin, Texas.

Camille Foster, the chief of staff for State Senator Borris L. Miles (Senate District 13) is 'alleged' by Whistleblower Damien Thaddeus Jones, and several other sources to have had a romantic relationship with her boss. When you get a chance, please take a look at this December 2017, article published by the "DAILY BEAST" entitled, ‘You Want to F*ck With Me Tonight?’: Horror Stories from the Texas Capitol," to get a better picture of what's happening at the State Capital in Austin, Texas.

The Dbar located at 4409 Emancipation Avenue, in Houston, Texas 77004, is the place where State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., can be found on most Thursday, and Friday nights when he's in town. Located, in Houston's historic Third Ward, it's also the place where state Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., spends a lot of his campaign funds. As you can see above, Dutton wrote a check to "THE Dbar" for $7,500.00, back on (3/1/2020) as an "EVENT EXPENSE" for his "Election Night Party for Campaign Poll Workers," which is perfectly legal.

State Rep. Harold Dutton's home address is listed on his now-dead, chief of staff, Tamoria Jones' comprehensive report that was pulled on (7/5/2023) to back up the information listed as her home address on her "VOTER REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE" which is currently on file with the Harris County Elections Administrator. As you can see above, there is an assessed value of $239,233 placed on the residence, located at 4001 Jewett Street, in Houston, Texas 77026, that was purchased back on (1/2/1988) by State Rep. Harold Dutton.

Tamora Jones, the now-dead, chief of staff for state Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., was suffering from alcohol addiction, prior to going to work for Dutton at the Texas State Capital in October of 2012, based on information obtained by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications. As verification, she was arrested for Driving While Intoxicated (DWI), with a Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) of 0.08, back on (5/16/2012), prior to the (10/1/2012) date when she claimed to have started working for state Rep. Harold Dutton, during the 83rd Legislative Session. According to her comprehensive report, her DWI case was dismissed on (4/26/2013), after she had been employed by state Rep. Harold Dutton for a few months. That being said, according to multiple sources, Tamoria Jones, turned to harder drugs, after she went to work for State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., at the State Capital, in Austin, Texas.

Two Black Lawmakers Were Accused of Having Affairs With Their Chiefs of Staff, Now, Tamoria Jones is Dead
Is it just me, or does it seem like there's a double standard unfolding when it comes to seeking justice for aides at the State Capital in Austin, Texas? I mean, State Rep. Bryan Slaton got expelled from the Texas State House, back on May 9, 2023, for engaging in inappropriate sexual conduct with his subordinate. But the subordinate, of state Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., who was 'allegedly' having a romantic relationship with her boss is about to be given a "HERO'S BURIAL" at the Texas State Cemetary, a place that's normally reserved for governors, senators, legislators, congressmen, judges and other notable Texans.

Shortly after Damien Thaddeus Jones began providing information to private investigators about the corruption amongst Democrats in Harris County, Texas, he found himself indicted by the "Democrat" Harris County District Attorney by the name of Kim Ogg.
After Richard Bonton launched an investigation into "BALLOT HARVESTING" in House District 142, he two found himself facing an indictment by the "Democrat" Harris County District Attorney by the name of Kim Ogg, after she was pressured by (17) seventeen members of what's called the Harris County Democratic Legislative Delegation.
Now, it's rumored that Tamoria Jones, the chief of staff for State Rep. Harold Dutton's 'lifeless body' was dumped at a local hospital on Saturday, July 1, 2023, by three men, and not one member of the Harris County Democratic Legislative Deligation is calling for an investigation into sudden death. Why not? Do Texas lawmakers know something, that the general public isn't being told?

If you think back to May 9, 2023, a Republican State Representative by the name of Bryan Slayton was ousted from the Texas House for having sex with his 19-year-old aid after getting her drunk, by a bipartisan 147-0 vote for expulsion.
State Rep. Slayton's expulsion was warranted, but the 'allegations' surfacing in the case regarding the 'untimely' death of the chief of staff for State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., screams out for the House General Investigating Committee, to look into their 'alleged' love affair.
After all, House Speaker Dade Phelan stated, "Predatory behavior merits such a consequence," in published reports related to the expulsion of his Republican colleague.
In an article published in the Texas Tribune titled, "Texas House expels Byan Slaton, first member ousted since 1927," House Speaker Dade Phelan stated, "I hope the action we've taken here today sends a message that sexual harassment and inappropriate activities in the workplace will not be condoned and they are unacceptable."

The now, dead chief of staff for state Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., not only served as his chief of staff but (Tamoria Jones) also listed ‘his home residence’ located at 4001 Jewett Street (Houston, Texas 77026) as “her home residence) on her current “VOTER REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE” that my investigative team has found posted on file with the Harris County Elections Administrator – VUID #1058101543, and her voter registration certificate number is listed at 69411718, and was renewed back on January 1, 2022, and is valid through December 31, 2023.
Tamoria Jones’ boss, state Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., is the owner of the house that’s located at 4001 Jewett Street (Houston, Texas 77026), and his current “VOTER REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE” show this address, according to information posted on file with the Harris County Elections Administrator.
State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr’s, has a VUID# listed as 1105915902, and a voter registration certificate number listed as 13994041, which was renewed on January 1, 2022, and is valid through December 31, 2023, according to the Harris County Elections Administrator.
According to a published report, in the Houston Chronicle, on July 6, 2023, titled, “Everyone felt like they meant something to Tamoria’: Texas Capital mourns death of Houston staff,” someone is working really hard to paint a ‘false narrative’ as it relates to the type of life Tamora Jones lived, and gloss over her decades-long struggle with alcohol and drug addiction.
To be clear, back on April 11, 2023, several months before her ‘lifeless body’ was ‘allegedly’ dumped off at a local hospital, by three men, Tamoria Jones had, according to a FACEBOOK POSTING, celebrated one year of being sober from her alcohol addiction, but nothing was mentioned about her ‘alleged’ drug addiction in the post.

A few days before Tamoria Jones’ ‘lifeless body’ was ‘allegedly’ dumped off at a local hospital, by three men, she had, reportedly told her boss and the man she was listed as living with at 4001 Jewett Street, in Houston, Texas 77026, Texas that she was considering leaving him.
According to comments made by Tamoria Jones’ friend by the name of Amy Bresnen, who works as an Austin-based attorney and lobbyist in the ‘propaganda’ article that was published by the Houston Chronicle, “The week Jones died, Bresnen got dinner with her twice in Houston. They talked about shared dreams of vacations in Mexico, laying on the beach and laughing with friends.”
The article published in the Houston Chronicle stated that “Bresnen wanted her to leave the Legislature and get a job in the private sector, where she could get a big pay bump and long weekends.”
“Jones was seriously considering it. She’d told Dutton that week about a job opportunity that had landed in her lap. It was an education gig with a significant raise, but she worried about leaving Dutton without a suitable replacement,” the Houston Chronicle article continued.
From what I can gather, attorney Amy Bresnen, a close friend of Tamoria Jones, was also a strong supporter of State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., and his policies. How can I say that? Well, back on February 12, 2020, attorney Amy Bresnen gave state Rep. Harold Dutton’s campaign a, NON-MONETARY (IN-KIND) POLITICAL CONTRIBUTION, in relation to the emailing of some sort of invitation, according to Dutton’s campaign finance report, dated February 24, 2020, under penalty of perjury.
Another key person who was mentioned in the ‘propaganda’ that was published by the Houston Chronicle on July 6, 2023, was state Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr.’s good friend by the name of Dr. James Douglas, who announced, “Jones’ legacy of lifting up others and improving education will live on.”
According to the ‘propaganda’ published in the Houston Chronicle on July 6, 2023, “The Thurgood Marshall School of Law at Texas Southern University, her alma mater, is establishing a scholarship in her honor.”
“James Douglas, a former dean of the law school who now serves as a professor, is spearheading the effort,” according to the ‘propaganda’ that was published by the Houston Chronicle on July 6, 2023.
Douglas, according to the Houston Chronicle article, taught Tamoria Jones and later became her friend.
Boy oh boy, the covers on what appears to be a cover-up, are going to get pulled back to expose every ‘dirty’ A$$, person who is responsible for misleading the general public, in the matter swirling around the death of Tamoria Jones, back on Saturday, July 1, 2023, in Houston, Texas.
Speaking of Dr. James Douglas, what the ‘propaganda’ published by the Houston Chronicle on June 6, 2023, failed to mention is that, he was the president of the local branch of the NAACP, back during the 2020 Presidential Election cycle when, his friend, Tamoria Jones, exposed the ‘alleged’ agreement, or what has been described as a “QUID PRO QUO” between her boss, “Democrat” State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., and “Democrat” Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg.
What the ‘propaganda’ released by the Houston Chronicle on June 6, 2023, also failed to mention is Dr. James Douglas, is one of the local Democrats who applied pressure on “Democrat” Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, to launch an investigation into the “ELECTION FRAUD” that took place back during the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Democratic Party Primary race for House District 142.
Remember, Richard Bonton, a local Democrat, had his felony charges “DISMISSED” and was allowed by Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg to ‘quietly’ plead to a ‘lesser charge’ three days before Tamoria Jones’ body was ‘allegedly’ dumped off at a local hospital by three men.
Was it an oversight? Or did the Houston Chronicle forget about the article they wrote about Dr. James Douglas titled, “Possible charter partner revealed for HISD’s struggling schools,” back in April of 2018, that’s still published on their website?


Dr. James Douglas (left), is pictured with Tamoria Jones, the now-dead, chief of staff for his good friend, state Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., whose 'lifeless body' was 'allegedly' dumped off a local hospital on Saturday, July 1, 2023, in our beloved Bayou City.
Dr. James Douglas is currently listed as a Board Member for Energized for Stem Academy, along with Paul Harris, the ‘embattled’ HISD School Board president, who was along with Douglas, who were selected to run 10 long-struggling HISD schools which were at risk of triggering major state sanctions back during the 2018 school year, until local community activists like Gerry Wayne Monroe (The 5-Star General), Travis McGee, and many others stepped in and foiled their plans.
To refresh your memory, I’m talking about the April 2018, board meeting where two women were drug out of the meeting and arrested, for criminal trespassing, and resisting arrest, but later had the charges against them dropped by Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg.
For the record, the 10 schools Dr. James Douglas, and his partner Dr. Paula Harris were trying to take over back during 2018 were: Blackshear Elementary School, Dogan Elementary School, Highland Heights Elementary School, Mading Elementary School, Wesley Elementary School, Henry Middle School, Woodson PK-8, Kashmere High School, Wheatley High School, and Worthing High School.

It’s becoming very clear, that somebody, or somebody’s could be playing for keeps in Harris County, Texas. That being said, the person running for office in Harris County, or planning to investigate the string of recent ‘sudden deaths’ had better have their head on a swivel, and be packing some serious heat.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

State Representative Harold Vermont Dutton listed his home address as 4001 Jewett Street, Houston, Texas 77026 on his current "VOTER REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE" which is on file at the Harris County Election Administrator. Now, if you look below, you will see that Tamoria RaShon Jones, the now-dead, chief of staff for State Rep. Harold Dutton, also listed the same address as her residence. You can "CLICK HERE" to verify the document above for yourself.

Tamoria Rashon Jones, who is now dead, listed her home residence as 4001 Jewett Street, Houston, Texas 77026, on her current "VOTER REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE" which is on file with the Harris County Elections Administrator. If you look at the document below, you will see that her home residence is the same as her boss's (State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr.), home address. You can "CLICK HERE" to verify this document for yourself.

State Rep. Harold V. Dutton, Jr., is listed as the owner of the home which is located at 4001 Jewett Street, Houston, Texas, 77026, which his now-dead chief of staff listed as her residence on her "VOTER REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE" which is currently on file with the Harris County Elections Administrator. You can "CLICK HERE" to verify the address of the home for yourself.

Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital is located at 5656 Kelley Street, Houston, Texas 77026, which is only 5 minutes away from the residence of State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., and his now-dead, chief of staff by the name of Tamoria Jones. That being said, LBJ Hospital has cameras all around it, so it should be pretty easy to get video footage of the 'alleged' men who are rumored to have dropped off her 'lifeless body' at LBJ Hospital if this was indeed the hospital (in question) where her 'unresponsive body' was 'allegedly' dumped last weekend on Saturday, July 1, 2023. You can "CLICK HERE" for a closer look at Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital for yourself.

State Senator John Whitmire is one of the (17) seventeen Democrats who made up the Harris County Democratic Legislative Delegation and applied pressure on their fellow "Democrat" Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, in a letter that was sent to Ogg, and Harris County Attorney Vince Ryan back on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, to coerce Ogg, into investigating "VOTER FRAUD" that took place in the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Harris County Democratic Party race for State Representative for House District #142, between their colleague Harold Harold Dutton, Jr., and three of his Democratic rivals. You can "CLICK HERE" to see the letter for yourself.

State Senator Borris Miles (Senate District 13), is one of the (17) seventeen Democrats who made up the Harris County Democratic Legislative Delegation and applied pressure on their fellow "Democrat" Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, in a letter that was sent to Ogg, and Harris County Attorney Vince Ryan back on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, to coerce Ogg, into investigating "VOTER FRAUD" that took place in the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Harris County Democratic Party race for State Representative for House District #142, between their colleague Harold Harold Dutton, Jr., and three of his Democratic rivals. You can "CLICK HERE" to see the letter for yourself.

State Senator Carroll Alvarado (Senate District 6), is one of the (17) seventeen Democrats who made up the Harris County Democratic Legislative Delegation and applied pressure on their fellow "Democrat" Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, in a letter that was sent to Ogg, and Harris County Attorney Vince Ryan back on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, to coerce Ogg, into investigating "VOTER FRAUD" that took place in the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Harris County Democratic Party race for State Representative for House District #142, between their colleague Harold Harold Dutton, Jr., and three of his Democratic rivals. You can "CLICK HERE" to see the letter for yourself.

State Rep. Alma Allen (HD-131), is one of the (17) seventeen Democrats who made up the Harris County Democratic Legislative Delegation and applied pressure on their fellow "Democrat" Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, in a letter that was sent to Ogg, and Harris County Attorney Vince Ryan back on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, to coerce Ogg, into investigating "VOTER FRAUD" that took place in the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Harris County Democratic Party race for State Representative for House District #142, between their colleague Harold Harold Dutton, Jr., and three of his Democratic rivals. You can "CLICK HERE" to see the letter for yourself.

State Rep. Ana Hernandez (HD-143), is one of the (17) seventeen Democrats who made up the Harris County Democratic Legislative Delegation and applied pressure on their fellow "Democrat" Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, in a letter that was sent to Ogg, and Harris County Attorney Vince Ryan back on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, to coerce Ogg, into investigating "VOTER FRAUD" that took place in the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Harris County Democratic Party race for State Representative for House District #142, between their colleague Harold Harold Dutton, Jr., and three of his Democratic rivals. You can "CLICK HERE" to see the letter for yourself.

State Rep. Hubert Vo (HD-149), is one of the (17) seventeen Democrats who made up the Harris County Democratic Legislative Delegation and applied pressure on their fellow "Democrat" Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, in a letter that was sent to Ogg, and Harris County Attorney Vince Ryan back on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, to coerce Ogg, into investigating "VOTER FRAUD" that took place in the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Harris County Democratic Party race for State Representative for House District #142, between their colleague Harold Harold Dutton, Jr., and three of his Democratic rivals. You can "CLICK HERE" to see the letter for yourself.

State Rep. Gene Wu (HD-137), is one of the (17) seventeen Democrats who made up the Harris County Democratic Legislative Delegation and applied pressure on their fellow "Democrat" Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, in a letter that was sent to Ogg, and Harris County Attorney Vince Ryan back on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, to coerce Ogg, into investigating "VOTER FRAUD" that took place in the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Harris County Democratic Party race for State Representative for House District #142, between their colleague Harold Harold Dutton, Jr., and three of his Democratic rivals. You can "CLICK HERE" to see the letter for yourself.

Former State Rep. Gina Calanni (HD-132), is one of the (17) seventeen Democrats who made up the Harris County Democratic Legislative Delegation and applied pressure on their fellow "Democrat" Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, in a letter that was sent to Ogg, and Harris County Attorney Vince Ryan back on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, to coerce Ogg, into investigating "VOTER FRAUD" that took place in the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Harris County Democratic Party race for State Representative for House District #142, between their colleague Harold Harold Dutton, Jr., and three of his Democratic rivals. You can "CLICK HERE" to see the letter for yourself.

State Rep. Jarvis Johnson (HD-139), is one of the (17) seventeen Democrats who made up the Harris County Democratic Legislative Delegation and applied pressure on their fellow "Democrat" Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, in a letter that was sent to Ogg, and Harris County Attorney Vince Ryan back on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, to coerce Ogg, into investigating "VOTER FRAUD" that took place in the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Harris County Democratic Party race for State Representative for House District #142, between their colleague Harold Harold Dutton, Jr., and three of his Democratic rivals. You can "CLICK HERE" to see the letter for yourself.

State Rep. Armando Walle (HD-140), is one of the (17) seventeen Democrats who made up the Harris County Democratic Legislative Delegation and applied pressure on their fellow "Democrat" Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, in a letter that was sent to Ogg, and Harris County Attorney Vince Ryan back on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, to coerce Ogg, into investigating "VOTER FRAUD" that took place in the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Harris County Democratic Party race for State Representative for House District #142, between their colleague Harold Harold Dutton, Jr., and three of his Democratic rivals. You can "CLICK HERE" to see the letter for yourself.
State Rep. Mary Ann Perez (HD-144), is one of the (17) seventeen Democrats who made up the Harris County Democratic Legislative Delegation and applied pressure on their fellow "Democrat" Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, in a letter that was sent to Ogg, and Harris County Attorney Vince Ryan back on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, to coerce Ogg, into investigating "VOTER FRAUD" that took place in the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Harris County Democratic Party race for State Representative for House District #142, between their colleague Harold Harold Dutton, Jr., and three of his Democratic rivals. You can "CLICK HERE" to see the letter for yourself.

State Rep. Shawn Thierry (HD-146), is one of the (17) seventeen Democrats who made up the Harris County Democratic Legislative Delegation and applied pressure on their fellow "Democrat" Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, in a letter that was sent to Ogg, and Harris County Attorney Vince Ryan back on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, to coerce Ogg, into investigating "VOTER FRAUD" that took place in the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Harris County Democratic Party race for State Representative for House District #142, between their colleague Harold Harold Dutton, Jr., and three of his Democratic rivals. You can "CLICK HERE" to see the letter for yourself.

State Rep. Jon Rosenthal (HD-135), is one of the (17) seventeen Democrats who made up the Harris County Democratic Legislative Delegation and applied pressure on their fellow "Democrat" Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, in a letter that was sent to Ogg, and Harris County Attorney Vince Ryan back on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, to coerce Ogg, into investigating "VOTER FRAUD" that took place in the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Harris County Democratic Party race for State Representative for House District #142, between their colleague Harold Harold Dutton, Jr., and three of his Democratic rivals. You can "CLICK HERE" to see the letter for yourself.

State Rep. Senfronia Thompson (HD-141), is one of the (17) seventeen Democrats who made up the Harris County Democratic Legislative Delegation and applied pressure on their fellow "Democrat" Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, in a letter that was sent to Ogg, and Harris County Attorney Vince Ryan back on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, to coerce Ogg, into investigating "VOTER FRAUD" that took place in the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Harris County Democratic Party race for State Representative for House District #142, between their colleague Harold Harold Dutton, Jr., and three of his Democratic rivals. You can "CLICK HERE" to see the letter for yourself.

Former State Rep. Anna Eastman (HD-148), is one of the (17) seventeen Democrats who made up the Harris County Democratic Legislative Delegation and applied pressure on their fellow "Democrat" Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, in a letter that was sent to Ogg, and Harris County Attorney Vince Ryan back on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, to coerce Ogg, into investigating "VOTER FRAUD" that took place in the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Harris County Democratic Party race for State Representative for House District #142, between their colleague Harold Harold Dutton, Jr., and three of his Democratic rivals. You can "CLICK HERE" to see the letter for yourself.

State Rep. Christina Morales (HD-145), is one of the (17) seventeen Democrats who made up the Harris County Democratic Legislative Delegation and applied pressure on their fellow "Democrat" Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, in a letter that was sent to Ogg, and Harris County Attorney Vince Ryan back on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, to coerce Ogg, into investigating "VOTER FRAUD" that took place in the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Harris County Democratic Party race for State Representative for House District #142, between their colleague Harold Harold Dutton, Jr., and three of his Democratic rivals. You can "CLICK HERE" to see the letter for yourself.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033