Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg (left), a local Democrat, quietly dismissed her case against Richard Bonton (right), who is also a local Democrat. Kim Ogg's Office dismissed their case (last week) on Wednesday, June 28, 2023, which was only (3) three days prior to Tamoria Jones, the chief of staff for State Representative Harold Dutton, Jr., turning up dead at a local hospital (last week) on Saturday, July 1, 2023. For the record, the Richard Bonton "TAMPERING WITH A RECORD" case is significant, because it revolved around "ELECTION FRAUD" and an allegation of a "QUID PRO QUO" that existed and was exposed in secretly recorded audio that was released to the general public by attorney "DOWNTOWN" Oliver Brown, a local lawyer back in 2021. Now, Tamoria Jones, the woman who exposed the 'alleged' agreement between DA Kim Ogg, and (her boss) State Rep. Dutton related to his 'alleged' retaliation scheme against his political rivals from the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Democratic Party Primary race for House District 142, is now dead, and no questions are even being asked by the local news media. You can "CLICK HERE" to see "THE DISMISSAL LETTER" for yourself.
On 7/3/2023 @ 3:45p.m., I received an email from a local attorney that stated in part, "Mr. Bonton plead guilty to misdemeanor election fraud. This misstatement of facts leads readers to believe that something nefarious is happening behind the scenes which leads to the felony being dismissed. Yet, the felony was only dismissed due to the plea agreement."


"In the secretly recorded audio above, Tamoria Jones, the now dead, chief of staff for State Rep. Dutton who is now dead exposed an 'alleged' Quid Pro Quo Between Dutton and Harris District Attorney Kim Ogg that Eventually Led to 'Democrat' Richard Bonton and Natasha Demming Being Charged with Tampering With a Record."

Tamoria Jones (right), served as the chief of staff for State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., the Democrat State Representative for House District 142, at the State Capital in Austin, Texas. For the record, Dutton and Jones had a very cozy relationship over the years. “I am responsible for managing all of our legislative bills and policies. My responsibilities include drafting legislation, legal research, meeting with lobbyists, handling constituent matters, and advising Chairman Dutton on current and proposed legislation during the legislative session to make recommendations,” the 'now-deceased' Tamoria Jones explained in a published report. You can "CLICK HERE" to listen to Tamoria Jones, expose the 'alleged' so-called "QUID PRO QUO" between"Democrat" Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, and "Democrat" state Rep. Harold Dutton, that led to Richard Bonton and Natasha Demming being charged.

State Representative Harold Vermont Dutton listed his home address as 4001 Jewett Street, Houston, Texas 77026 on his current "VOTER REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE" which is on file at the Harris County Election Administrator. Now, if you look below, you will see that Tamoria RaShon Jones, the now-dead, chief of staff for State Rep. Harold Dutton, also listed the same address as her residence. You can "CLICK HERE" to verify the document above for yourself.

Tamoria Rashon Jones, who is now dead, listed her home residence as 4001 Jewett Street, Houston, Texas 77026, on her current "VOTER REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE" which is on file with the Harris County Elections Administrator. If you look at the document below, you will see that her home residence is the same as her boss's (State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr.), home address. You can "CLICK HERE" to verify this document for yourself.

State Rep. Harold V. Dutton, Jr., is listed as the owner of the home which is located at 4001 Jewett Street, Houston, Texas, 77026, which his now-dead chief of staff listed as her residence on her "VOTER REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE" which is currently on file with the Harris County Elections Administrator. You can "CLICK HERE" to verify the address of the home for yourself.

Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital is located at 5656 Kelley Street, Houston, Texas 77026, which is only 5 minutes away from the residence of State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., and his now-dead, chief of staff by the name of Tamoria Jones. That being said, LBJ Hospital has cameras all around it, so it should be pretty easy to get video footage of the 'alleged' men who are rumored to have dropped off her 'lifeless body' at LBJ Hospital if this was indeed the hospital (in question) where her 'unresponsive body' was 'allegedly' dumped last weekend on Saturday, July 1, 2023. You can "CLICK HERE" for a closer look at Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital for yourself.

Richard Bonton, a local Democrat who was a key figure at the center of the 'alleged' agreement, or what attorney "DOWNTOWN" Oliver Brown called a "QUID PRO QUO" between state Rep. Harold Dutton (Democrat), and Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg (Democrat), got his case dismissed in a "SWEETHEART DEAL" that was quietly entered into three days before the death of Tamoria Jones. You can "CLICK HERE" to view "THE DISMISSAL LETTER" for yourself.

This motion to dismiss the case against Richard Bonton (Democrat), was submitted on Wednesday, June 28, 2023, in CAUSE NUMBER:170210801010, in the case of The State of Texas vs. Richard Anthony Bonton in the 182nd Criminal District Court, which was being presided over by Judge Belinda Hill, in Harris County, Texas. You can "CLICK HERE" to view "THE MOTION TO DISMISS" the case against Richard Bonton for yourself.

Tamoria Jones is dead at 35 years old; She Revealed the Alleged ‘Quid Pro Quo” Between Her Boss, Harold Dutton, and Kim Ogg
The rumors swirling around the ‘untimely’ death of Tamoria Jones, the chief of staff for state Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., don’t line up with what I’m hearing in the streets. Needless to say, I’m very concerned about the circumstances surrounding Tamoria’s death. I’m also very troubled by all of the misinformation that's floating around, and the notion that Tomoria Jones passed away in connection to some sort of accident that occurred on Saturday, July 1, 2023. And the lack of media coverage for such a ‘high profiled’ death is equally concerning if you ask me.
The rumors swirling around the ‘untimely’ death of Tamoria Jones, the chief of staff for state Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., don’t line up with what I’m hearing in the streets. Needless to say, I’m very concerned about the circumstances surrounding Tamoria’s death. I’m also very troubled by all of the misinformation that's floating around, and the notion that Tomoria Jones passed away in connection to some sort of accident that occurred on Saturday, July 1, 2023. And the lack of media coverage for such a ‘high profiled’ death is equally concerning if you ask me.

“She became my Chief of Staff and then she became the Chief of the Chiefs of Staff,” said a quote that I ran across on Harvey Kronberg’s “QUORUM REPORT” which was posted at 9:50 p.m., on the night of Friday, July 1, 2023. “She died in Houston, a city she loved so much. Tamoria Jones was 35,” said the quote that was attributed to State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., that I found published online.

State Rep. Ron Reynolds, chairman of the Texas Legislative Black Caucus issued the following statement via their FACEBOOK account, on Sunday, July 2, 2023, at 10:21 p.m., regarding the ‘untimely’ death of Tamoria Jones, which occurred over the weekend: “I'm deeply saddened by the untimely death of Tamoria Jones. Tamoria was such a smart, strong, and essential staffer to Chairman Harold Dutton and admired by the entire Texas Legislative Black Caucus.”

He went on to say, “She was extremely passionate about public education and improving low-performing schools across Texas. Just this session I was honored to lead a Think Tank panel with the African American Superintendents across Texas and also a group of African American school board members and educators. Tamoria was the most knowledgeable and led a POWERFUL and productive solutions-oriented discussion about how to address the challenges in public education this Legislative session! Gone but NEVER forgotten!”

Now, for the record, I don’t believe in coincidences! What we are now beginning to witness unfold in Harris County, Texas is a string of unexplained 'sudden' deaths, that nobody really seems to have the wherewithal to fully investigate, or openly discuss.
First Gerry Wayne Monroe, turned up dead at his home (alone) back on Sunday, April 30, 2023. Then four days after Gerry Wayne Monroe turned up dead, Alan D. Vera mysteriously died on back Thursday, May 4, 2023, alone in a restroom at the State Capital in Austin, Texas, before being able to testify "IN FAVOR" of several pieces of legislation related to Harris County, Texas.
After the ‘untimely’ deaths of Gerry Wayne Monroe, and Alan D. Vera, who were both actively investigating “DEMOCRAT VOTE FRAUD” and corruption, Officer Fredrick Portis, a former HCC Police Officer, (working for the Waller County Precinct 3 Constable Office), was found dead sitting in the passenger seat of his unmarked patrol car that was parked in the middle of the street on the evening of Thursday, February 25, 2023, in the area of Enclave Vista Lane and West Little York Rd, in Houston, Texas, with his sirens blaring.
Keep in mind that the ‘untimely’ deaths of Gerry Wayne Monroe, Alan D. Vera, and Officer Fredrick Portis, all happened within a 30-day timeframe. And all three of these individuals were set to testify as key witnesses in very important court proceedings against Democrats.
As it relates to the ‘suspicious’ death of Officer Fredrick Portis, what you have to keep in mind is that two weeks prior to Officer Portis being found dead sitting in his unmarked police car (passenger seat) with his siren blaring, another HCC Officer (Marcus McNeil), had come forward and filed a very serious complaint against the HCC Police Department, with the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) and General Counsel for Houston Community College (HCC) alleging wrongdoing and misconduct by his superiors at the embattled Police Department.
Remember, Officer Fredrick Portis was also a key witness who was set to testify in an ongoing, $100 million racial discrimination lawsuit that was filed by attorney Benjamin Hall, III, on behalf of current and former African American employees, against Houston Community College (HCC), and the embattled Chancellor by the name of Dr. Cesar Maldonado, who was ‘allegedly’ having an affair with his subordinate, who happens to be the wife of the Harris County Sheriff – Ed Gonzalez.
I find it very interesting that Officer Fredrick Portis’s death is (now) supposedly being investigated by the very local elected official, Sheriff Ed Gonzalez (Democrat), who just so happens to be the husband of Dr. Melissa Gonzalez, the woman who was ‘allegedly’ having an affair with her boss, Dr. Cesar Maldonado, who was also Officer Fredrick Portis’s boss while he was employed with the HCC Police Department.
Furthermore, if you think back for a second, Dr. Melissa Gonzalez was also captured on (now missing) bodycam video footage by Officer Fredrick Portis, saying that she wanted to file a ‘domestic violence claim against her husband – Sheriff Ed Gonzalez, which ultimately led to Sheriff Ed Gonzalez, being publicly humiliated, and ultimately forced the embattled Sheriff to drop his bid to become the director of (ICE), which stands for Immigration and Customs.

I’ve already declared that I don’t believe in coincidences, nor am I a believer in the “OLD TIMEY SUPERSTITION” that alludes, to death and catastrophes coming in groups of threes. Why not? Well, with the ‘untimely’ death of Tamoria Jones, the chief of staff for State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr. (D-Houston), ON Friday, July 1, 2023, we now have four deaths of high-profile individuals in less than a 60-day period.
In case you don’t know, Tamoria Jones is the woman who exposed the ‘alleged’ agreement, or what attorney “DOWNTOWN” Oliver Brown called a “QUID PRO QUO” between State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr. (Democrat), and Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg (Democrat), back during the controversial 2020, Democratic Party Primary. Remember, the so-called “QUID PRO QUO” was meant to enact some sort of retribution on the enemies of her boss, in relation to a so-called ‘ghost candidate’ who appeared on the March 3, 2020, ballot in the race for State Representative for House District 142, in Harris County, Texas.

Back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the race for State Representative for House District 142, Tamoria Jones’s boss, State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr, Jerry Davis, Richard Bonton, and a woman, some people called a ‘ghost candidate,’ but who turned out to be a real person by the name of Natasha Demming, squared off in a heated political battle.
Tamoria Jones’s boss, state Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., went on to defeat former Houston City Councilman Jerry Davis, in a bitter Tuesday, July 14, 2020, Democratic Party Primary Runoff Election, by garnering 5,058 votes, for 52.3% of the vote. Comparatively speaking, Jerry Davis only received 4,619 votes, for 47.7% of the vote, in his losing effort.
Now, what occurred shortly after state Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr.’s runoff victory over Jerry Davis, back on Saturday, July 14, 2020, is the ‘alleged’ agreement, or what attorney “DOWNTOWN” Oliver Brown called a “QUID PRO QUO” between Dutton and Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg – even more so with the ‘untimely’ death of Dutton’s chief of staff over the weekend.

Why hasn’t the mainstream media covered the ‘untimely’ death of Tamoria Jones, the chief of staff for state Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., that occurred over the weekend?
Why aren’t local Black elected officials outraged about the lack of reporting on the ‘untimely’ death of Tamoria Jones, during the same week that the Richard Bonton case was dismissed by the local District Attorney’s Office, that’s headed up by Kim Ogg, who happens to be a local Democrat?
What's really going on? Why is it that many of the Black legislators who knew Tamoria Jones are sitting by in silence as the local news media has ignored the 'mysterious circumstances' and 'rumors' swirling around the 'untimely' nature of her death?
Are we looking at a situation where the local news media is suppressing newsworthy stories about local Democrats in an attempt to unfairly influence the outcome of local elections?

Now, for the record, I don’t believe in coincidences! What we are now beginning to witness unfold in Harris County, Texas is a string of unexplained 'sudden' deaths, that nobody really seems to have the wherewithal to fully investigate, or openly discuss.
First Gerry Wayne Monroe, turned up dead at his home (alone) back on Sunday, April 30, 2023. Then four days after Gerry Wayne Monroe turned up dead, Alan D. Vera mysteriously died on back Thursday, May 4, 2023, alone in a restroom at the State Capital in Austin, Texas, before being able to testify "IN FAVOR" of several pieces of legislation related to Harris County, Texas.
After the ‘untimely’ deaths of Gerry Wayne Monroe, and Alan D. Vera, who were both actively investigating “DEMOCRAT VOTE FRAUD” and corruption, Officer Fredrick Portis, a former HCC Police Officer, (working for the Waller County Precinct 3 Constable Office), was found dead sitting in the passenger seat of his unmarked patrol car that was parked in the middle of the street on the evening of Thursday, February 25, 2023, in the area of Enclave Vista Lane and West Little York Rd, in Houston, Texas, with his sirens blaring.
Keep in mind that the ‘untimely’ deaths of Gerry Wayne Monroe, Alan D. Vera, and Officer Fredrick Portis, all happened within a 30-day timeframe. And all three of these individuals were set to testify as key witnesses in very important court proceedings against Democrats.
As it relates to the ‘suspicious’ death of Officer Fredrick Portis, what you have to keep in mind is that two weeks prior to Officer Portis being found dead sitting in his unmarked police car (passenger seat) with his siren blaring, another HCC Officer (Marcus McNeil), had come forward and filed a very serious complaint against the HCC Police Department, with the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) and General Counsel for Houston Community College (HCC) alleging wrongdoing and misconduct by his superiors at the embattled Police Department.
Remember, Officer Fredrick Portis was also a key witness who was set to testify in an ongoing, $100 million racial discrimination lawsuit that was filed by attorney Benjamin Hall, III, on behalf of current and former African American employees, against Houston Community College (HCC), and the embattled Chancellor by the name of Dr. Cesar Maldonado, who was ‘allegedly’ having an affair with his subordinate, who happens to be the wife of the Harris County Sheriff – Ed Gonzalez.
I find it very interesting that Officer Fredrick Portis’s death is (now) supposedly being investigated by the very local elected official, Sheriff Ed Gonzalez (Democrat), who just so happens to be the husband of Dr. Melissa Gonzalez, the woman who was ‘allegedly’ having an affair with her boss, Dr. Cesar Maldonado, who was also Officer Fredrick Portis’s boss while he was employed with the HCC Police Department.
Furthermore, if you think back for a second, Dr. Melissa Gonzalez was also captured on (now missing) bodycam video footage by Officer Fredrick Portis, saying that she wanted to file a ‘domestic violence claim against her husband – Sheriff Ed Gonzalez, which ultimately led to Sheriff Ed Gonzalez, being publicly humiliated, and ultimately forced the embattled Sheriff to drop his bid to become the director of (ICE), which stands for Immigration and Customs.

I’ve already declared that I don’t believe in coincidences, nor am I a believer in the “OLD TIMEY SUPERSTITION” that alludes, to death and catastrophes coming in groups of threes. Why not? Well, with the ‘untimely’ death of Tamoria Jones, the chief of staff for State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr. (D-Houston), ON Friday, July 1, 2023, we now have four deaths of high-profile individuals in less than a 60-day period.
In case you don’t know, Tamoria Jones is the woman who exposed the ‘alleged’ agreement, or what attorney “DOWNTOWN” Oliver Brown called a “QUID PRO QUO” between State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr. (Democrat), and Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg (Democrat), back during the controversial 2020, Democratic Party Primary. Remember, the so-called “QUID PRO QUO” was meant to enact some sort of retribution on the enemies of her boss, in relation to a so-called ‘ghost candidate’ who appeared on the March 3, 2020, ballot in the race for State Representative for House District 142, in Harris County, Texas.

Back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the race for State Representative for House District 142, Tamoria Jones’s boss, State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr, Jerry Davis, Richard Bonton, and a woman, some people called a ‘ghost candidate,’ but who turned out to be a real person by the name of Natasha Demming, squared off in a heated political battle.
Tamoria Jones’s boss, state Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., went on to defeat former Houston City Councilman Jerry Davis, in a bitter Tuesday, July 14, 2020, Democratic Party Primary Runoff Election, by garnering 5,058 votes, for 52.3% of the vote. Comparatively speaking, Jerry Davis only received 4,619 votes, for 47.7% of the vote, in his losing effort.
Now, what occurred shortly after state Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr.’s runoff victory over Jerry Davis, back on Saturday, July 14, 2020, is the ‘alleged’ agreement, or what attorney “DOWNTOWN” Oliver Brown called a “QUID PRO QUO” between Dutton and Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg – even more so with the ‘untimely’ death of Dutton’s chief of staff over the weekend.

Why hasn’t the mainstream media covered the ‘untimely’ death of Tamoria Jones, the chief of staff for state Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., that occurred over the weekend?
Why aren’t local Black elected officials outraged about the lack of reporting on the ‘untimely’ death of Tamoria Jones, during the same week that the Richard Bonton case was dismissed by the local District Attorney’s Office, that’s headed up by Kim Ogg, who happens to be a local Democrat?
What's really going on? Why is it that many of the Black legislators who knew Tamoria Jones are sitting by in silence as the local news media has ignored the 'mysterious circumstances' and 'rumors' swirling around the 'untimely' nature of her death?
Are we looking at a situation where the local news media is suppressing newsworthy stories about local Democrats in an attempt to unfairly influence the outcome of local elections?
Whether the local news stations are suppressing the story about the nature and circumstances swirling around the 'untimely' death of Tamoria Jones, or not, is beside the point at this time.

What's becoming blatantly obvious is that the news isn't the news anymore and it's now being filtered (by some folks) before being released to the general public in Harris County, Texas!!! Now, that being said, the optics related to the 'untimely' deaths and "mysterious circumstances" swirling around the recent deaths of Gerry Wayne Monroe, Alan D. Vera, Officer Fredrick Portis, and Tamoria Jones, isn’t a good look for the City of Houston, or Harris County, Texas.
As I've been saying for some time now, Houston has become the "DEATH CAPITAL" of America, and Harris County, Texas has become the most corrupt county in the United States, ever since the "ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME" took control of Houston City Hall, and the Harris County Commissioners Court, and begin instituting their deadly policies.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033