Bishop James Dixon (right), is the current president of the NAACP Houston Branch, and Dr. James Douglas (left), is the past president of the NAACP Houston Branch. Now, for the record, Dr. James Douglas was listed as the former dean of the Thurgood Marshall School of Law who now serves as a professor, at Texas Southern University, in the Houston Chronicle 'propaganda' entitled, 'Everyone felt like they meant something to Tamoria': Texas Capital mourns death of Houston staffer," which was published on Wednesday, July 6, 2023. But what people who read the "PROPAGANDA PIECE" that was published in the Houston Chronicle weren't told was that Dr. James Douglas was in bed with Tamoria Jones, and State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., on matters involving Charter Schools in Texas.

State Rep. Ron E. Reynolds is the chairman of the Texas Legislative Black Caucus, the first African American to represent (House District 27) since reconstruction. That being said, state Rep. Ron Reynolds and other members of the Texas Legislative Black Caucus will be the first lawmakers who will be asked to help Aubrey R. Taylor Communications discover the truth about what happened to Tamoria Jones, the now-dead lover, and chief of staff who faithfully served their colleague state Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., from 2012 through Saturday, July 1, 2023, when her lifeless body was 'allegedly' dumped off at a local hospital in Houston, Texas by several men. Who were the men who dumped off Tamoria's unresponsive body? Has anyone requested the video to identify the men?
The Truth About How the Lifeless Body of Tamoria Jones Was Dropped Off at a Local Hospital By Several Men Will Be Uncovered
Bishop James Dixon, the current president of the NAACP Houston Branch held a press conference at the NAACP Houston Branch headquarters on Friday, July 28, 2023, protesting the recent plan that is being implemented by the new HISD Superintendent Mike Miles regarding libraries.
Mike Miles plans to eliminate librarians on at least 28 campuses and convert the libraries into areas that will serve other much-needed purposes. In response, Bishop James Dixon the president of the NAACP Houston Branch is now calling for some sort of "CALL TO ACTION" and asking for Houstonians to converge on HISD's Hattiem Mae White Building, located at 4400 W. 18th Street, in Houston, Texas 77092, on August 5, 2023, at 9:00 a.m., to demand that Mike Miles reverse his decision.

If I were HISD Superintendent Mike Miles, I would tell Bishop James Dixon, and the rest of the "ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME" who are trying to intimidate him, to go straight to hell.
Bishop Dixon and the NAACP Houston Branch should be trying to help the families of Tamoria Jones, Gerry Wayne Monroe, and former HCC Police Officer Fredrick Portis find out what really happened to their loved ones. As it relates to Tamoria Jones, it has become evidently clear that the general public is being misled, and kept in the dark about how her lifeless body was allegedly dumped off at a local hospital on the fateful day of Saturday, July 1, 2023, in our beloved Bayou City.
Where is the autopsy and toxicology report for Gerry Wayne Monroe who died way back on Sunday, April 30, 2023, at his home? And what about the autopsy and toxicology report for former HCC Police Officer Fredrick Portis who was found inside his unmarked patrol car sitting in the middle of the street dead, back on Thursday, May 25, 2023, in our beloved Bayou City?

For those of you who might now know, propaganda is any information, of a biased or misleading nature that is published to publicize a particular political cause or point of view. In the matter of Dr. James Douglas, the Houston Chronicle, made the public aware that Dr. James Douglas is the former dean at the Thurgood Marshall School of Law, and they also mentioned that he is currently serving as a professor at TSU. However, what they failed to mention is that Dr. Douglas, currently has a vested interest in Energized for Stem Academy and that he and his partner Paula Harris, the former HISD Board President, were part of a group that tried to seize control of ten failing HISD Schools before their efforts were thwarted by local activists.
To refresh your memory, I’m talking about the April 2018, board meeting where two women were drug out of the meeting and arrested, for criminal trespassing, and resisting arrest, but later had the charges against them dropped by Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg.
For the record, the 10 schools Dr. James Douglas, and his partner Dr. Paula Harris were trying to take over back during 2018 were: Blackshear Elementary School, Dogan Elementary School, Highland Heights Elementary School, Mading Elementary School, Wesley Elementary School, Henry Middle School, Woodson PK-8, Kashmere High School, Wheatley High School, and Worthing High School.
For the record, the 10 schools Dr. James Douglas, and his partner Dr. Paula Harris were trying to take over back during 2018 were: Blackshear Elementary School, Dogan Elementary School, Highland Heights Elementary School, Mading Elementary School, Wesley Elementary School, Henry Middle School, Woodson PK-8, Kashmere High School, Wheatley High School, and Worthing High School.

State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., and State Senator Royce West were sponsors of HB1842, back during the 84th Legislative Session, but according to several sources, Tamoria Jones influenced every legislative decision her lover, boss, and mentor made between October 1, 2012, and Saturday, July 1, 2023, when her lifeless body was 'allegedly' dumped off at a local hospital in Houston, Texas.
"I am the Chief of Staff to State Representative Harold V. Dutton, Jr. and the Committee Clerk for the House Committee on Juvenile Justice and Family Issues. I am responsible for managing all of our legislative bills and policies. My responsibilities include drafting legislation, legal research, meeting with lobbyists, handling constituent matters, and advising Chairman Dutton on current and proposed legislation during the legislative session to make recommendations," explained Tamoria Jones in a January 19, 2020, interview with The Pink Granite Foundation.
Tamoria Jones went on to state, "As clerk for the committee, I facilitate the hearings to ensure they run smoothly. I read all referred bills and analyses to make recommendations to Chairman Dutton. I prepare all committee reports and help committee members with any issues or questions they have regarding the committee and the committee process."

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

State Rep. Harold Dutton, the “Democrat” State Representative for House District 142, is the lawmaker who sponsored the legislation that triggered the takeover of the Houston Independent School District (HISD) by the Texas Education Agency (TEA), that has rocked our beloved Bayou City. State Rep. Dutton, and his now-dead chief of staff, Tamoria Jones were in bed with Charter School PACS, and other people like Dr. James Douglas, and his partner Paula Harris.

Back on (7/18/2020), the Charter School Now PAC is recorded as donating $30,214.63 to State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., in the form of an "IN-KIND CONTRIBUTION" for him to send out a District Mailer and Digital Advertising, to support his reelection campaign. For the record, State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., and Tamoria Jones were in bed together with Charter School Political Action Committees.

Investigative Reporter and Political Influencer Aubrey R. Taylor is looking for duly qualified candidates who are not members of the "ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME" to run for public office on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, in the City of Houston Mayoral Election, and on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic and Republican Primary Elections in Harris County, Texas. Call (281)788-3033, for more information. You can "CLICK HERE" to check out a few of the candidates who are already endorsed by me.