Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg (left), has become a master at defeating her Democratic Party Primary challengers in the "ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT CATEGORY" with the help of well-known "BLACK MAIL BALLOT HARVESTERS" like Deborah Adams, and others who do their dirty work behind the scenes. Kim Ogg and her ballot-harvesting friends did a number on Audia Jones and Carvana Cloud back during the 2020 Democratic Party Primary. But former judge Morris Overstreet got crisscrossed, doublecrossed, and sold up the river by a dirty political consultant by the name of Dallas Jones, back during the 2016 Democratic Party Primary race when he challenged ran against Kim Ogg. THE SCHEME...For the record, prior to 2016, dirty Black political operatives did most of their dirty work to illegally influence the outcomes of races in predominantly Black political strongholds. However, once Kim Ogg took control of the DA's Office, and the "ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME" took control of city government and county government, the "BLACK MAIL BALLOT HARVESTERS" expanded their operations to illegally influence countywide races in the 2018 Midterm Elections, 2020 Presidential Elections, and the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Elections, in Harris County, Texas.

Sean Teare is the number one challenger who has stepped up to the plate to challenge Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg in the upcoming Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Midterm Election. According to his July 2023, Campaign Finance Report, Sean Teare outraised Kim Ogg. For the record, Sean Teare raised $748,317.99, during the reporting period. Comparatively speaking, District Attorney Kim Ogg only raised 55,795.00, during the last reporting period. DEADLINE TO FILE...The deadline for candidates who wish to run for District Attorney in 2024, to sign up is on Monday, December 11, 2023. That being said, as it stands right now, Sean Teare is a much better choice for Democrats, but a lot can change between now and the filing deadline.
Sean Teare recently raised $748,317, But Kim Ogg Knows How to Defeat Her Democratic Primary Opponents Using Mail Ballots
Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg isn't too concerned about Sean Teare challenging her in the upcoming Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary race. Why not? Well, if State Senator John Whitmire wins the upcoming Tuesday, November 7, 2023, City of Houston Mayoral Election, it is plausible that District Attorney Kim Ogg could run for Whitmire's state senate seat (Senate District 15), instead of seeking reelection.
Can Sean Teare defeat Kim Ogg in a head-to-head contest on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary? The answer is a resounding yes, but Sean Teare has to come to the realization that he can't unseat Kim Ogg with money alone.
Kim Ogg has aligned herself with "DIRTY BLACKS" like Carroll G. Robinson, Ray Charles Jones, Jr., Deborah Adams, and many others. In fact, Kim Ogg has pretty much turned a blind eye to the illegal criminal activities of her "DIRTY BLACK" friends since she was elected to the Harris County District Attorney's office back in 2016. Can I prove that Kim Ogg is a dirty District Attorney -- you bet I can.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg opened a "CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION" into Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's Campaign, according to her statements in this document. For the record, Kim Ogg hasn't brought anyone to justice because the trial would lead the Texas Rangers to her campaign as well. You can "CLICK HERE" to view District Attorney Kim Ogg's acknowledgment of the criminal investigation.

Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg has strong ties to "DIRTY BLACKS" who go out and do most of the dirty work for candidates who hire them to work "ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS" during Democratic Party Primaries and General Elections. Back during the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Democratic Party Primary, Kim Ogg relied heavily on her friends like Deborah Adams who is a Democrat Precinct Judge, and Precinct Chair for PRECINCT #259, when she was running for reelection against Audia Jones, Carvana Cloud, and Todd Overstreet. You can "CLICK HERE" to see the final vote totals.

Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg has strong ties to "DIRTY BLACKS" who go out and do most of the dirty work for candidates who hire them to work "ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS" during Democratic Party Primaries and General Elections. Back during the Tuesday, March 1, 2016, Democratic Party Primary, Kim Ogg relied heavily on her friends like Deborah Adams who is a Democrat Precinct Judge, and Precinct Chair for PRECINCT #259, when she was running for Harris County District Attorney against Morris Overstreet, and Lloyd Wayne Oliver in the Democratic Party Primary. You can "CLICK HERE" to see the final vote totals.

According to the Texas Ethics Commission, "A heavy penalty is required for the violations found by the Commission in this sworn complaint. First, even if the violations at issue in the complaint are considered in isolation, separately from factors pertaining particularly to the respondent and the special deterrence concerns raised here, a substantial penalty is required. The evidence indicates that Shanks, as president of TCBD-HC, participated in the March 2020 primary elections by accepting political contributions and making political expenditures. The public must be able to rely on political committees to file campaign treasurer appointments and campaign finance reports to provide information about the sources of their funding and the nature of their political expenditures. Since TCBD-HC’s activity preceding the March 2020 elections, TCBD-HC has accepted at least $11,514.04 in political expenditures. The public received none of the disclosure to which it is entitled about this activity; a search of Commission filings by TCBD-HC and AAC would reveal nothing about the sources of TCBD-HC’s financial support.

TCBD-HC’s activity presents particular cause for public concern because it appears from TCBD-HC’s 2020 endorsement slate and its banking records that TCBD-HC may be “selling” its endorsements in exchange for financial contributions. TCBD-HC has avoided potentially unpleasant public inquiry on this unsavory topic by evading its reporting obligations. Further, Commission staff uncovered TCBD-HC candidate endorsement slates for the 2018 and 2022 primary elections, which suggests that TCBD-HC’s involvement in the March 2020 primary election was not an isolated event. You can "CLICK HERE" to review the "FINAL ORDER" for yourself.
TCBD-HC’s activity presents particular cause for public concern because it appears from TCBD-HC’s 2020 endorsement slate and its banking records that TCBD-HC may be “selling” its endorsements in exchange for financial contributions. TCBD-HC has avoided potentially unpleasant public inquiry on this unsavory topic by evading its reporting obligations. Further, Commission staff uncovered TCBD-HC candidate endorsement slates for the 2018 and 2022 primary elections, which suggests that TCBD-HC’s involvement in the March 2020 primary election was not an isolated event. You can "CLICK HERE" to review the "FINAL ORDER" for yourself.


Every candidate who donated money to the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats -- Harris County Chapter during 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 has been donating their campaign funds to a defunct GPAC. And every member who paid membership dues and gave donations during the aforementioned years paid their dues to an organization that was "NOT ELIGIBLE" to even be collecting dues, donations, issuing endorsements, or doing business in any way, shape, or form.

Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg has opened a "CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION" into Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's Campaign. For the record, the investigation shouldn't take too long, because of the great work investigative work already performed by former FBI Investigative Specialist Charles Marler. You can "CLICK HERE" to view District Attorney Kim Ogg's acknowledgment of the criminal investigation.

Thanks to the generous support we've received from a very wealthy "GOP MEGADONOR" on Thursday, July 27, 2023, Aubrey R. Taylor Communications has officially kicked off an investigation into the "UNTIMELY DEATHS" of Gerry Wayne Monroe, Seargeant Fredrick Portis, and Tamoria Jones, who all suspiciously died in Harris County, Texas.
The Chief Medical Examiner for Harris County, Texas is Luis Arturo Sanchez, M.D., who was appointed by the Harris County Commissioners Court on January 1, 2003. Houston Business Connections Newspaper is published by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications. All Rights Reserved.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

Investigative Reporter and Political Influencer Aubrey R. Taylor is looking for duly qualified candidates who are not members of the "ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME" to run for public office on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, in the City of Houston Mayoral Election, and on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic and Republican Primary Elections in Harris County, Texas. Call (281)788-3033, for more information. You can "CLICK HERE" to check out a few of the candidates who are already endorsed by me.