Erin Lunceford, the Republican candidate is suing Judge Tamika "Tami" Craft, the Democratic candidate to void the race for District Judge, 189th Civil District Court. For the record, the true outcome of the race for the 189th Civil District Court that took place back on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, cannot be ascertained by Judge David Peeples, or anyone else because of all of the errors, voter disenfranchisement, fraud, and possible criminal activity that took place in Harris County, Texas. IGNORE THE MARGIN OF VICTORY! Why? Well, if the Court (Judged David Peeples) cannot because of fraud or mistake, or because an election official engaged in activity that prevented eligible voters from voting, be certain that the outcome as posted in the final canvass represents the true outcome, and cannot ascertain the true outcome of the election, it must declare the election void, and order a new one. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the current digital version of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© online for yourself.

On Monday, July 31, 2023, beginning at 7:00a.m., a "PRAYER RALLY" will be held at the Harris County Civil Courthouse at 201 Caroline in downtown Houston, Texas 77002. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the current digital version of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© online for yourself. Please call (281)788-3033 for more information.
"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "I'm calling for my God-fearing readers to join me on Monday, July 31, 2023, in front of the Harris County Civil Court House, located at 201 Caroline, Houston, Texas 77002 for "A DAY OF PRAYER" for Harris County, Texas as we march around the courthouse and protest against corruption, cronyism, and crime by calling for a move of God to sweep through our beloved Bayou City on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, in the City of Houston Mayoral Election, and again on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in the Presidential Election."
The 189th Civil District Court Race Between Erin Lunceford and Tamika Craft Must Be Voided by Judge David Peeples
At the end of the day, God must be put back into our local city government, and our schools. However, for this objective to be realized, we need God-fearing people on local school boards, the city council, in the mayor's office, in the commissioner's court, on local judicial benches, and inside DA's office.
It's evidently clear that the fight for the heart and soul of Harris County, Texas has been elevated to the spiritual realm as the Tuesday, November 7, 2023, City of Houston Mayoral Election, and the Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Presidential Election cycle draws nearer.
For those of you who don't know, Alan D. Vera, and Gerry Wayne Monroe were both actively involved in the "ELECTION INTEGRITY BATTLE" that's being presided over by the Honorable Judge David Peeples. That being said, with all of the "DEMONIC ACTIVITY" that my "ELECTION INTEGRITY UNIT" has encountered in Harris County, Texas, I am personally asking my "GOD-FEARING SUPPORTERS" to keep Aaron Adams, Alexandra del Moral Mealer, Brian Staley, Bruce Bain, Chris Daniel, Dan Simons, Dan Spjut, Daniel Spjut, David Peeples, Elizabeth Buss, Erin Elizabeth Lunceford, James Lombardino, Kyle Scott, Michelle Fraga, Mark Goldberg, Mark Montgomery, Matthew Dexter, Nile Copeland, Rory Olsen, Sartaj Bal, Stan Stanart, Tami Pierce, Will Archer, and our local elected officials lifted up in prayer between now and Monday, July 31, 2023, when former Judge Erin Lunceford (Republican), will go to trial seeking to void the race for the 189th Civil District Court, where she was seeking to defeat her Democratic rival by the name of Judge Tamika "Tami" Craft who currently holds the bench.
Due to the untimely death of Alan D. Vera, the chairman of the Harris County Republican Party "BALLOT SECURITY COMMITTEE," the trial date for the first of the remaining 21 pending election lawsuits has been delayed until Monday, July 31, 2023.
People of all walks of faith and political beliefs who love God are invited to come together and say Enough is Enough on Monday, July 31, 2023. All Houston Business Connections Newspaper© readers who "BELIEVE IN GOD" and love our "UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION" are strongly encouraged to join me and members of the "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH CREW" at the Harris County Civil Courthouse, located at 201 Caroline, Houston, Texas 77002, at 7:00 a.m., to pray for a move of God to sweep through Harris County, Texas.
I've also adopted a "THEME SCRIPTURE" for the upcoming 2023 and 2024 political seasons specifically for Harris County, Texas. PROVERBS 29:2 states, "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn." Now, this scripture has nothing to do with Republicans and Democrats, nor does being righteous equate to being perfect. That being said, it is imperative that "PEOPLE OF GOD" develop some backbone, intestinal fortitude, and courage as God's plan for America continues to unfold during this pivotal moment in the history of our great nation.
We can WIN THE BATTLE if the people of God put politics aside and work together!!!

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

Senior Judge
Retired from 224th District Court, San Antonio
Judge David Peeples served as judge of Bexar County’s 285th District Court (1981-1988), as justice of the Fourth Court of Appeals (1988-1994), and as judge of the 224th District Court (1995-2004). Since retiring from the active trial bench in 2004, he has sat by assignment and served as an arbitrator. In October 2017 he became of counsel to Prichard Young LLP in San Antonio. He continues to arbitrate and take occasional assignments as a visiting judge. From 1996 to 2017 he was the Presiding Judge of the Fourth Administrative Judicial Region of Texas, and from 2003 to 2017 he chaired the Texas Multi-District Litigation Panel. He has been a member of the Texas Supreme Court’s Advisory Committee on Rules since 1993. He received the Texas Bar Foundation’s Outstanding Jurist Award in 2007 and the State Bar Judicial Section’s Lifetime Achievement Award in 2016. Judge Peeples received his B.A. from Austin College, an M.A. in Government from the University of Texas, and his J.D. from the University of Texas, where he was a note and comment editor on the law review.

Nile Copeland, the Republican candidate is suing Judge Latosha Lewis Payne the Democratic candidate to void the race for District Judge, 55th Civil District Court. For the record, the true outcome of the race for the 55th Civil District Court that took place back on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, cannot be ascertained by Judge David Peeples, or anyone else because of all of the errors, voter disenfranchisement, fraud, and possible criminal activity that took place in Harris County, Texas. IGNORE THE MARGIN OF VICTORY! Why? Well, if the Court (Judged David Peeples) cannot because of fraud or mistake, or because an election official engaged in activity that prevented eligible voters from voting, be certain that the outcome as posted in the final canvass represents the true outcome, and cannot ascertain the true outcome of the election, it must declare the election void, and order a new one. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the current digital version of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© online for yourself.

Tami Pierce, the Republican candidate is suing Judge DaSean Jones the Democratic candidate to void the race for District Judge, 180th Criminal District Court. This particular election contest is already in the hands of the Texas First Court of Appeals where Attorney "Downtown" Oliver Brown has filed what's known as an Interlocutory Appeal from Cause No. 2023-00841. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the current digital version of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© online for yourself.

Erin Lunceford, the Republican candidate is suing Judge Tamika "Tami" Craft, the Democratic candidate to void the race for District Judge, 189th Civil District Court. For the record, the true outcome of the race for the 189th Civil District Court that took place back on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, cannot be ascertained by Judge David Peeples, or anyone else because of all of the errors, voter disenfranchisement, fraud, and possible criminal activity that took place in Harris County, Texas. IGNORE THE MARGIN OF VICTORY! Why? Well, if the Court (Judged David Peeples) cannot because of fraud or mistake, or because an election official engaged in activity that prevented eligible voters from voting, be certain that the outcome as posted in the final canvass represents the true outcome, and cannot ascertain the true outcome of the election, it must declare the election void, and order a new one. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the current digital version of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© online for yourself.

Bruce Bain, the Republican candidate is suing Judge Cory Sepolio, the Democratic candidate to void the race for District Judge, 269th Civil District Court. For the record, the true outcome of the race for the 269th Civil District Court that took place back on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, cannot be ascertained by Judge David Peeples, or anyone else because of all of the errors, voter disenfranchisement, fraud, and possible criminal activity that took place in Harris County, Texas. IGNORE THE MARGIN OF VICTORY! Why? Well, if the Court (Judged David Peeples) cannot because of fraud or mistake, or because an election official engaged in activity that prevented eligible voters from voting, be certain that the outcome as posted in the final canvass represents the true outcome, and cannot ascertain the true outcome of the election, it must declare the election void, and order a new one. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the current digital version of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© online for yourself.

Michelle Fraga, the Republican candidate is suing Judge Christine Weems, the Democratic candidate to void the race for District Judge, 281st Civil District Court. For the record, the true outcome of the race for the 281st Civil District Court that took place back on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, cannot be ascertained by Judge David Peeples, or anyone else because of all of the errors, voter disenfranchisement, fraud, and possible criminal activity that took place in Harris County, Texas. IGNORE THE MARGIN OF VICTORY! Why? Well, if the Court (Judged David Peeples) cannot because of fraud or mistake, or because an election official engaged in activity that prevented eligible voters from voting, be certain that the outcome as posted in the final canvass represents the true outcome, and cannot ascertain the true outcome of the election, it must declare the election void, and order a new one. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the current digital version of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© online for yourself.

Elizabeth Buss, the Republican candidate is suing Judge David Fleischer the Democratic candidate to void the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No. 5. For the record, the true outcome of the race for Judge, County Criminal Court At Law No. 5, that took place back on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, cannot be ascertained by Judge David Peeples, or anyone else because of all of the errors, voter disenfranchisement, fraud, and possible criminal activity that took place in Harris County, Texas. IGNORE THE MARGIN OF VICTORY! Why? Well, if the Court (Judged David Peeples) cannot because of fraud or mistake, or because an election official engaged in activity that prevented eligible voters from voting, be certain that the outcome as posted in the final canvass represents the true outcome, and cannot ascertain the true outcome of the election, it must declare the election void, and order a new one. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the current digital version of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© online for yourself.

Mark Montgomery, the Republican candidate is suing Judge Kelley Andrews the Democratic candidate to void the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No. 6. For the record, the true outcome of the race for Judge, County Criminal Court At Law No. 6, that took place back on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, cannot be ascertained by Judge David Peeples, or anyone else because of all of the errors, voter disenfranchisement, fraud, and possible criminal activity that took place in Harris County, Texas. IGNORE THE MARGIN OF VICTORY! Why? Well, if the Court (Judged David Peeples) cannot because of fraud or mistake, or because an election official engaged in activity that prevented eligible voters from voting, be certain that the outcome as posted in the final canvass represents the true outcome, and cannot ascertain the true outcome of the election, it must declare the election void, and order a new one. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the current digital version of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© online for yourself.

Mark Goldberg, the Republican candidate is suing Judge Erika Ramirez the Democratic candidate to void the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No. 8. For the record, the true outcome of the race for Judge, County Criminal Court At Law No. 8, that took place back on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, cannot be ascertained by Judge David Peeples, or anyone else because of all of the errors, voter disenfranchisement, fraud, and possible criminal activity that took place in Harris County, Texas. IGNORE THE MARGIN OF VICTORY! Why? Well, if the Court (Judged David Peeples) cannot because of fraud or mistake, or because an election official engaged in activity that prevented eligible voters from voting, be certain that the outcome as posted in the final canvass represents the true outcome, and cannot ascertain the true outcome of the election, it must declare the election void, and order a new one. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the current digital version of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© online for yourself.

Sartaj Bal, the Republican candidate suing Judge Toria Finch the Democratic candidate to void the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No. 9. For the record, the true outcome of the race for Judge, County Criminal Court At Law No. 9, that took place back on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, cannot be ascertained by Judge David Peeples, or anyone else because of all of the errors, voter disenfranchisement, fraud, and possible criminal activity that took place in Harris County, Texas. IGNORE THE MARGIN OF VICTORY! Why? Well, if the Court (Judged David Peeples) cannot because of fraud or mistake, or because an election official engaged in activity that prevented eligible voters from voting, be certain that the outcome as posted in the final canvass represents the true outcome, and cannot ascertain the true outcome of the election, it must declare the election void, and order a new one. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the current digital version of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© online for yourself.

Dan Spjut, the Republican candidate is suing Judge Juanita Jackson the Democratic candidate to void the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No. 10. For the record, the true outcome of the race for Judge, County Criminal Court At Law No. 10, that took place back on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, cannot be ascertained by Judge David Peeples, or anyone else because of all of the errors, voter disenfranchisement, fraud, and possible criminal activity that took place in Harris County, Texas. IGNORE THE MARGIN OF VICTORY! Why? Well, if the Court (Judged David Peeples) cannot because of fraud or mistake, or because an election official engaged in activity that prevented eligible voters from voting, be certain that the outcome as posted in the final canvass represents the true outcome, and cannot ascertain the true outcome of the election, it must declare the election void, and order a new one. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the current digital version of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© online for yourself.

Dan Simons, the Republican candidate is suing Judge Sedrick Walker the Democratic candidate to void the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No. 11. For the record, the true outcome of the race for Judge, County Criminal Court At Law No. 11, that took place back on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, cannot be ascertained by Judge David Peeples, or anyone else because of all of the errors, voter disenfranchisement, fraud, and possible criminal activity that took place in Harris County, Texas. IGNORE THE MARGIN OF VICTORY! Why? Well, if the Court (Judged David Peeples) cannot because of fraud or mistake, or because an election official engaged in activity that prevented eligible voters from voting, be certain that the outcome as posted in the final canvass represents the true outcome, and cannot ascertain the true outcome of the election, it must declare the election void, and order a new one. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the current digital version of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© online for yourself.

Matthew Dexter, the Republican candidate is suing Judge Genesis Draper the Democratic candidate to void the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No. 12. For the record, the true outcome of the race for Judge, County Criminal Court At Law No. 12, that took place back on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, cannot be ascertained by Judge David Peeples, or anyone else because of all of the errors, voter disenfranchisement, fraud, and possible criminal activity that took place in Harris County, Texas. IGNORE THE MARGIN OF VICTORY! Why? Well, if the Court (Judged David Peeples) cannot because of fraud or mistake, or because an election official engaged in activity that prevented eligible voters from voting, be certain that the outcome as posted in the final canvass represents the true outcome, and cannot ascertain the true outcome of the election, it must declare the election void, and order a new one. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the current digital version of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© online for yourself.

James Lombardino, the Republican candidate is suing Judge Audrie Lawton the Democratic candidate to void the race for Judge, County Civil Court at Law No. 1. For the record, the true outcome of the race for Judge, County Civil Court At Law No. 1, that took place back on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, cannot be ascertained by Judge David Peeples, or anyone else because of all of the errors, voter disenfranchisement, fraud, and possible criminal activity that took place in Harris County, Texas. IGNORE THE MARGIN OF VICTORY! Why? Well, if the Court (Judged David Peeples) cannot because of fraud or mistake, or because an election official engaged in activity that prevented eligible voters from voting, be certain that the outcome as posted in the final canvass represents the true outcome, and cannot ascertain the true outcome of the election, it must declare the election void, and order a new one. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the current digital version of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© online for yourself.

Aaron Adams, the Republican candidate is suing Judge LaShawn Williams the Democratic candidate to void the race for Judge, County Civil Court at Law No. 3. For the record, the true outcome of the race for Judge, County Civil Court At Law No. 3, that took place back on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, cannot be ascertained by Judge David Peeples, or anyone else because of all of the errors, voter disenfranchisement, fraud, and possible criminal activity that took place in Harris County, Texas. IGNORE THE MARGIN OF VICTORY! Why? Well, if the Court (Judged David Peeples) cannot because of fraud or mistake, or because an election official engaged in activity that prevented eligible voters from voting, be certain that the outcome as posted in the final canvass represents the true outcome, and cannot ascertain the true outcome of the election, it must declare the election void, and order a new one. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the current digital version of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© online for yourself.

Brian Staley, the Republican candidate is suing Judge Monica Singh the Democratic candidate to void the race for Judge, County Civil Court at Law No. 4. For the record, the true outcome of the race for Judge, County Civil Court At Law No. 4, that took place back on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, cannot be ascertained by Judge David Peeples, or anyone else because of all of the errors, voter disenfranchisement, fraud, and possible criminal activity that took place in Harris County, Texas. IGNORE THE MARGIN OF VICTORY! Why? Well, if the Court (Judged David Peeples) cannot because of fraud or mistake, or because an election official engaged in activity that prevented eligible voters from voting, be certain that the outcome as posted in the final canvass represents the true outcome, and cannot ascertain the true outcome of the election, it must declare the election void, and order a new one. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the current digital version of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© online for yourself.

Rory Olsen, the Republican candidate is suing Judge Jason Cox the Democratic candidate to void the race for Judge, County Probate Court No. 3. For the record, the true outcome of the race for Judge, County Probate Court No. 3, that took place back on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, cannot be ascertained by Judge David Peeples, or anyone else because of all of the errors, voter disenfranchisement, fraud, and possible criminal activity that took place in Harris County, Texas. IGNORE THE MARGIN OF VICTORY! Why? Well, if the Court (Judged David Peeples) cannot because of fraud or mistake, or because an election official engaged in activity that prevented eligible voters from voting, be certain that the outcome as posted in the final canvass represents the true outcome, and cannot ascertain the true outcome of the election, it must declare the election void, and order a new one. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the current digital version of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© online for yourself.

Chris Daniel, the Republican candidate is suing District Clerk Marilyn Burgess the Democratic candidate to void the race for Harris County District Clerk. For the record, the true outcome of the race for Harris County District Clerk, which took place back on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, cannot be ascertained by Judge David Peeples, or anyone else because of all of the errors, voter disenfranchisement, fraud, and possible criminal activity that took place in Harris County, Texas. IGNORE THE MARGIN OF VICTORY! Why? Well, if the Court (Judged David Peeples) cannot because of fraud or mistake, or because an election official engaged in activity that prevented eligible voters from voting, be certain that the outcome as posted in the final canvass represents the true outcome, and cannot ascertain the true outcome of the election, it must declare the election void, and order a new one. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the current digital version of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© online for yourself.

Stan Stanart, the Republican candidate is suing County Clerk Teneshia Hudspeth the Democratic candidate to void the race for Harris County Clerk. For the record, the true outcome of the race for Harris County Clerk, which took place back on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, cannot be ascertained by Judge David Peeples, or anyone else because of all of the errors, voter disenfranchisement, fraud, and possible criminal activity that took place in Harris County, Texas. IGNORE THE MARGIN OF VICTORY! Why? Well, if the Court (Judged David Peeples) cannot because of fraud or mistake, or because an election official engaged in activity that prevented eligible voters from voting, be certain that the outcome as posted in the final canvass represents the true outcome, and cannot ascertain the true outcome of the election, it must declare the election void, and order a new one. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the current digital version of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© online for yourself.

Kyle Scott, the Republican candidate is suing County Treasurer Carla Wyatt the Democratic candidate to void the race for Harris County Treasurer. For the record, the true outcome of the race for Harris Treasurer, which took place back on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, cannot be ascertained by Judge David Peeples, or anyone else because of all of the errors, voter disenfranchisement, fraud, and possible criminal activity that took place in Harris County, Texas. IGNORE THE MARGIN OF VICTORY! Why? Well, if the Court (Judged David Peeples) cannot because of fraud or mistake, or because an election official engaged in activity that prevented eligible voters from voting, be certain that the outcome as posted in the final canvass represents the true outcome, and cannot ascertain the true outcome of the election, it must declare the election void, and order a new one. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the current digital version of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© online for yourself.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033