Gov. Greg Abbott has reappointed Texas Commissioner of Education Mike Morath and appointed Kendall Baker to the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) for terms set to expire on June 30, 2026, and June 30, 2023, respectively. You can "CLICK HERE" to learn more.

Governor Abbott Has Appointed Kendall Baker to Southern Regional Education Board; Sen. Bettencourt Pre-files SB 220
I would like to publicly thank Texas Governor Greg Abbott for appointing Dr. Kendall Baker, to the Southern Regional Education Board (yesterday), Tuesday, December 13, 2022. And I would also like to thank State Senator Paul Bettencourt for having the courage to prefiling SB 220, that’s aimed at creating an election police force. In my opinion, creating a ‘specialized’ police force to assist my investigative team, in our efforts to protect the integrity of our elections in Harris County, Texas is very much needed.
We need to all get behind SB 220, in the upcoming legislative session that begins on January 10, 2023. Having “ELECTION MARSHALS” on the ground would have really helped my investigative team and me, back on October 31, 2022, when Dr. Steven Hotze and I were making our rounds and ended up catching all those voting machines being moved from the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center, in broad daylight. And we still haven’t received any explanation for why those “VOTING MACHINES” were being moved around, or how many other “EARLY VOTING POLLS” were there where such activity was occurring.
From what I understand, SB 220 aims to create a team of “ELECTION MARSHALS” that would prove alleged criminal violations of Texas law and allow for the filing of criminal violations of Texas election law and allow for the filing of criminal charges in certain cases.
State Senator Paul Bettencourt (Senate District 15), is the legislator who wrote SB 220, to address the issues that recently occurred in Harris County, Texas on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in the Midterm Election, with the voter “DISENFRANCHISEMENT” and “VOTER SUPPRESSION” that unfortunately occurred. According to Bettencourt, “It’s designed to stop election operators from not following the law.” And more specifically, the intent of SB 220 is to stop what’s happening in Harris County, Texas.
Once SB 220 is passed, this bill would give the authority to the Texas secretary of state to appoint a chief election marshal. From what I understand, this chief election marshal would have the power to select a team of marshals to act as police in certain geographic regions or boundaries that would be drawn by the Texas Department of Public Safety.
The “ELECTION MARSHALS” would be granted the power to issue subpoenas, “IMPOUND” election records and seize election equipment for investigative purposes. That being said, I applaud state Senator Paul Bettencourt, for his vision, intestinal fortitude, courage, and willingness to “FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT AGAINST ELECTION FRAUD” and “CORRUPTION” as we strive to protect the integrity of our elections.
In other news, according to the Governor’s website, Governor Greg Abbott has reappointed Texas Commissioner of Education Mike Morath and appointed Kendall Baker to the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) for terms set to expire on June 30, 2026, and June 30, 2023, respectively. The Southern Regional Education Board works with states to improve public education at every level, from early childhood through doctoral education. The nation’s first regional interstate compact for education, SREB was created in 1948 by Southern governors and legislators who recognized the link between education and economic vitality.
Mike Morath of Austin has served as the Commissioner of Education since 2016. During that time, he has worked to refocus the Texas Education Agency around four key strategic priorities in support of Texas students: Recruiting, Supporting, and Retaining Teachers and Principals; Building a Foundation of Math and Reading; Connecting High School to Career and College, and Improving Low-Performing Schools. He is a former board member of the Texas Association of School Boards and Dallas Independent School District Board of Trustees. Morath received a Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance from George Washington University.
Kendall Baker of Houston is a Trustee of the Houston Independent School District. He is a member of Houston Ministers Against Crime and the Houston Area Pastor Council. Baker serves as a Senior Pastor of Christ Solid International Church. He holds a Doctor of Divinity from Kingdom Builders Bible Seminary and is the proud father of one daughter, Kennedi.


Investigative Reporter Aubrey R. Taylor will be keeping a close eye on the upcoming, November 7, 2023, City of Houston Mayoral Election, (HISD) Houston Independent School Board Election, and HCC Houston Community College School Board Elections, along with Dr. Steven Hotze, publisher of Conservative Republicans of Texas News, (also Founder of the Liberty Center for God & Country), and Weston Martinez, president of The Voter Fraud Bureau of Investigations. You "CLICK HERE" for important deadlines and filing requirements.