Tamika "Tami" Craft (Democrat) is not being accused of wrongdoing of any kind in "THE LAWSUIT" that was filed by her opponent Erin Elizabeth Lunceford (Republican) last week. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the (28-PAGE LAWSUIT) that was filed by Erin Lunceford in the 164th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas.
Fraudulent Election, Purging of Blacks from Court Benches, HCC Positions, and Houston City Council Positions Are All Real
Republicans are being blamed for a lot of things that they are not responsible for in the grand scheme of things when it comes to what’s playing out in Harris County, Texas right now.
Former Judge Erin Elizabeth Lunceford’s lawsuit isn’t about taking anything away from
Tamika “Tami” Craft, from what I can see. Tamika is only mentioned in the case because she was Erin’s opponent. Point (4) in Erin’s lawsuit clearly states, the Contestant (Erin Elizabeth Lunceford) does not accuse the Contestee (Tamika Craft) of any wrongdoing but is required under the Texas Election Code to name the Contestee (Tamika Craft) as the defendant in this particular election contest.
To be clear, I’ve read over the entire lawsuit that is being brought by Erin Elizabeth lawsuit seeking a new election for the 189th Judicial District Court of Harris County, Texas. And believe it or not, I agree with Erin’s position that the recently held November 8, 2022, General Election was botched and many races need to be done over.
In fact, I believe that every race that was decided by fewer than 30,000 votes should be redone in a “SPECIAL ELECTION” that’s conducted by the (DOJ) Department of Justice, or (SOS) Secretary of State as quickly as possible.
According to her lawsuit, Erin Elizabeth Lunceford claims, “The reason for filing this contest and requesting a new election is very simple: Harris County, under the flawed leadership of its Election Administrator, Clifford Tatum, totally botched the security, integrity, and reliability of the purported election outcomes arising out of the November 8, 2022, General Election.” And Erin is right.
She went on to state, “The purported outcome of the race for the 189" Judicial District Court of Harris County, Texas, as reported in the final canvass, shows Contestant (Erin Elizabeth Lunceford) with 530.967 votes (49.87%) and Contestee (Tamika Craft) with 533,710 votes (50.13%). Thus, the margin of purported defeat is a mere 0.26 of one percent. This purported 2,743 vote margin, as reported by the final canvass, is not the true outcome.” And I agree with Erin. At this point, nobody knows exactly what happened on Election Day, with all of the alleged
“VOTER SUPPRESSION” that occurred in Harris County, Texas.
Erin’s Lawsuit goes on to declare, “Indeed, as the evidence will demonstrate, this Court will ultimately be unable to declare the true winner, as it is not possible to ascertain the true outcome of this contested race, due to how poorly the election was conducted, coupled with the fact that illegal votes were accepted, while legal votes were rejected.” Once again, I believe that Erin Elizabeth Lunceford is correct in her contest of the poorly run election, and the fact that illegal votes were indeed accepted, and legal votes rejected, by turning registered voters away from the polls.
“Unless and until this Honorable Court reviews all of the evidence and determines that the true outcome cannot be determined, both the candidates and the public will be in limbo,” this statement is also true, and in my opinion, right on point.
And Erin is correct, in her assessment that, “It is therefore crucial to determine the merits of this Contest as soon as possible.” Why? Well, we have four major elections looming.
On Tuesday, November 7, 2023, this same, inept Harris County Elections Administrator will be in charge of our City of Houston General Election, (HISD) School Board Election, and (HCC) School Board Election. And then he (Clifford Tatum) will turn right back around and be in charge of our March 2024 Democratic and Republican primaries.
And speaking of Houston Community College, it’s high time for us to start electing people to public office who are duly qualified, courageous, endowed with intestinal fortitude, and committed to honoring their oath of office and treating
“MY PEOPLE” fairly and with the dignity that we deserve.
Listen, “MY PEOPLE” still face many struggles that other ethnic groups aren’t facing. And what just happened in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, General Election proves that we have a long way to go in America. However, it also shows proves that
“BLACK AND BROWN” communities are on a fast track to a race relations nightmare. How can I say this?
For starters, many folks in Democratic circles had been planning and pushing toward a purging of Blacks from local judicial benches since the 2018 Midterm Election, when all of those Black female judges first got elected in the historic 2018 Midterm Election sweep of Harris County, Texas by Democrats.
The talks that were reverberating in back channels all centered around how to make room for more Hispanics to become judges in Harris County, Texas. And don’t forget, right around the same time, we all witnessed how Hispanic members of the HISD School Board mistreated Dr. Grenita Lathan (a Black woman), and forced her out of town.
The Hispanic (HISD Board Members) staged a coup, fired Dr. Grenita Lathan, and tried to replace her with former HISD Superintendent “Abe” Abelardo Saavedra (one of their own) until the Black community pushed back and foiled their plans.
Then don’t forget about Dr. Cesar Maldonaldo, and his antics, when he became Chancellor of (HCC) Houston Community College. According to Attorney Ben Hall’s $100 million lawsuit, Dr. Cesar Maldonado accepted his position back in 2014 with a Hispanic “preferential treatment” agenda.
For the record, the $100 million
“RACIAL DISCRIMINATION LAWSUIT” against HCC contained an email chain created shortly after Dr. Cesar Maldonado’s appointment stating “Now we [Hispanics] are going to receive preferential treatment.”
The $100 million
“RACIAL DISCRIMINATION LAWSUIT” against HCC also alleges that since Dr. Cesar Maldonado’s arrival 90% of the long-time Black professionals at HCC have either been terminated or demoted, while there has been a 50% increase in Hispanic hires and promotions. Did you hear me?
Shockingly, the $100 million
“RACIAL DISCRIMINATION LAWSUIT” against HCC also claims, while 90% of tenured and experienced Black employees have been displaced only 10% of similarly tenured Whites have been displaced.
Attorney Ben Hall’s $100 million
“RACIAL DISCRIMINATION LAWSUIT” against Houston Community College also contained a disturbing list of tactics used by Dr. Cesar Maldonado and others to get rid of Blacks, such as telling a Black male that a white woman’s word was more truthful than his word; that if a White person complains believe them, but if a Black person complains doubt them unless corroborated; “padding” Black employee personnel files with false complaints to be used later as pretexts for firing them; if a Black person is accused of sexual harassment, believe the complainant—but if the complaint is made by a Black person corroborate; using the term “transformation” as a cover for getting rid of Black employees, and forcing Black employees to take leaves of absence without cause to later use as grounds to terminate the Black employee."
Are you seeing the pattern?
Now, if you fast forward to the (LULAC) The League of United Latin American Citizens lawsuit that has been filed against the city of Houston, to gain “BETTER REPRESENTATION” it doesn’t take a Human Resources professional to ascertain, that what’s unfolding is a race-relations nightmare.
“It’s our time,” says a Hispanic Democrat Political Consultant by the name of Antonio Maldonado. “This is about our seat at the table,” Antonio Maldonado when on to explain. “We have earned it.”
Antonio Maldonado continued, “As for District J, Edward Pollard, give me a break!” He asked, “What has he done for the Latino Community I think he is a Republican ‘IDK THOUGH’ and his voters are the Black Church and White Liberals and the Arab and South Asian and Hindu and Indian communities.”
One of my good friends by the name of Oscar Gonzalez (a retired law enforcement officer) also weighed in on this topic via a text message that he’s permitted me to share. “Yes, many Hispanics are extremely frustrated,” he explained.
“They are very tired of the crime wave,” he explained. And I get it. We’re all tired of the crime wave. I think that’s something that people of all ethnicities can agree on right now.
Oscar Gonzalez said, “Domestic violence and killings are occurring too often.”
“The lower-income neighborhoods are suffering,” he explains. “The catalytic thefts hurt them tremendously because paying $500 to fix it, and they don’t have it.”
He went on to elaborate, “Food costs are going up by 200% to 300% on many items that hurts low-income people the most.”
“The problem Hispanics have is quality candidates,” says Oscar Gonzalez. “We need higher quality candidates, from all colors,” he declared.
Now I get where Antonio Maldonado and Oscar Gonzalez are both coming from, but this all sounds the same to me. What we’re looking at from my vantage point is a situation where “MY PEOPLE” have stood beside Latinos and are always pushing some so-called “BLACK/BROWN COALITION” and what Hispanics are talking about is “IT’S OUR TIME TO SHINE.”
Nope! What the
“BLACK COMMUNITY” must do is have a
“COME-TO-JESUS MEETING” and determine a better course of action for our communities. We can’t afford to continue to blindly support people just because they have
“BLACK OR BROWN SKIN” and remain relevant in the political world.
And we must do something about Dr. Cesar Maldonado, the Chancellor of (HCC) Houston Community College, sooner rather than later. We can’t allow anyone with his mindset to be over an institution of higher learning in a city as vast as Houston, Texas.
In my opinion, HCC can do much better under new leadership. And I furthermore believe that Houston Community College should pay
“MY PEOPLE” for the wrongs, discrimination, and mistreatment they’ve been subject to under Dr. Cesar Maldonado’s little “preferential treatment” agenda that he established when he was hired and decided to terminate or demote 90% of the long-time Black professionals and increase Hispanic hires and promotions by 50% as part of his so-called “TRANSFORMATION” project.
EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

Zelia Brown (far left), was forced to take a leave of absence when she complained about missing grant money at Houston Community College. So, what's really been going on at HCC since Dr. Cesar Maldonado took over as Chancellor? And what are the Black female HCC Trustees doing to make things better? I mean, when Black folks cast their ballot for people Dr. Pretta VanDible Stallworth, Dr. Cynthia Lenton-Gary, and Dr. Reagan Flowers, it's with the notion that these people are going to look out for our best interests. But once these people are elected to office, they oftentimes end up missing in action when it comes to issues of importance to the Black Community. (CLICK HERE) to view the "Plaintiffs' Original Complaint, Request for Jury Trial and Request for Class Certification" for yourself.

According to this $100 million dollar lawsuit, when Dr. Cesar Maldonado was approved as the new Chancellor of HCC in 2014, he came armed with a racially discriminatory agenda. The lawsuit details how Chancellor Maldonado 'allegedly' used his position to adopt a "transformation" plan for (HCC) Houston Community College which disproportionately impacted Black employees and Black employment and advancement and/or hire at the college. (CLICK HERE) to view this document for yourself.
Blacks Are Getting Shortchanged by Continuing to Elect The Same Black People to Public Office Over and Over Again
By the year 2026, it's going to become much more difficult to elect Black people to public office in Harris County, Texas countywide. But you don't have to take my word for it. All you have to do is look at what's going on at (HCC) Houston Community College right now. Or better yet, look at what has already happened in the construction industry. When is the last time that you've seen a cluster of Black men working on a construction project?
The open border policies being implemented right now aren't going to end well for Black people. Why? Well, because many of the illegals that are being allowed to enter America illegally are already of voting age. And once they're registered to vote, many are not going to scroll down their ballots looking to vote for Black people. What they're going to do is scroll down their ballot and vote for "REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES" and "DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES" with Hispanic/Latino surnames. Thus, Black candidates vying for office as early as the 2026 Midterm Elections will find themselves with little to no support and unable to turn back the hands of time.
A $100 million dollar racial discrimination lawsuit was filed in Houston, Texas on behalf of hundreds of Black former and present employees of Houston Community College (“HCC”). The suit was filed back on Friday, June 19, 2020 – “Juneteenth — the anniversary date that Black slaves in Texas learned they had been freed from slavery two years earlier by President Abraham Lincoln. The lawsuit detailed a damning list of allegations about what was going on at Houston Community College under the leadership of Chancellor Cesar Maldonado and the Human Resources Director, Ms. Janet May. According to the lawsuit,
Dr. Cesar Maldonado accepted his position in 2014 with a Hispanic “preferential treatment” agenda. The suit contains an actual email chain created shortly after Maldonado’s appointment stating
“Now we [Hispanics] are going to receive preferential treatment.” The suit alleges that since Maldonado’s arrival
90% of the long-time Black professionals at HCC have either been terminated or demoted, while there has been a 50% increase in Hispanic hires and promotions. Shockingly, the suit claims, that while 90% of tenured and experienced Black employees have been displaced only 10% of similarly tenured Whites have been displaced.
The lawsuit continues with a disturbing list of tactics used by Maldonado and May to get rid of Blacks, such as telling a Black male that a white woman’s word was more truthful than his word; that if a White person complains believe them, but if a Black person complains doubt them unless corroborated; “padding” Black employee personnel files with false complaints to be used later as pretexts for firing them; if a Black person is accused of sexual harassment, believe the complainant—but if the complaint is made by a Black person corroborate; using the term “transformation” as a cover for getting rid of Black employees, and forcing Black employees to take leaves of absence without cause to later use as grounds to terminate the Black employee. If these allegations are proven in court, HCC is in for a bad day at the courthouse.
The named plaintiff in
the lawsuit is a 55-year-old Black female, Zelia Brown, who was forced to take a leave of absence when she complained about missing grant money at the College. She reported to the federal government, the suit alleges, that the grant funds had been misused or taken. After the federal investigators notified HCC officials they were going to investigate Ms. Brown’s allegations, she was immediately told not to return to work and to stay on leave of absence. Her locked grant office is said to have been rummaged through while she was on a leave of absence. Although HCC is said to have later asked her back the return was conditioned on her accepting a false complaint that she had created a hostile work environment and presumably remain silent about the missing grant dollars. She refused to remain silent and brought the suit.
Ms. Brown is asking the court to approve a class action against HCC on behalf of all Black employees who have been terminated or demoted since Maldonado became chancellor in 2014. It is estimated the number of class members will be in the hundreds with each member seeking individual damages in the case. Ms. Brown is represented in the lawsuit by Benjamin L. Hall, III, the former Houston City Attorney under Mayor Bob Lanier and former mayoral candidate. Hall stated, “Ms. Brown is one of the more recent casualties of what appears to be a modern-day Jim Crow environment at Houston Community College for Black executives. She is a brave lady to stand up to power and speaks the truth. We feel confident there are more victims of HCC’s discriminatory policies that will come forward to tell their stories as well.”
EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033
Black folks are being discriminated against at Houston Community College, according to a $100 million dollar racial discrimination lawsuit that's working its way through the federal courts. For the record, the lawsuit detailed a damning list of allegations about what was going on at Houston Community College under the leadership of Chancellor Cesar Maldonado and the Human Resources Director, Ms. Janet May. You can "CLICK HERE" to read the lawsuit for yourself.

The $100 million racial discrimination lawsuit against HCC and HCC Chancellor Dr. Cesar Maldonado detailed a damning list of allegations about what was going on at Houston Community College under the leadership of Chancellor Cesar Maldonado and the Human Resources Director, Ms. Janet May. According to the lawsuit, Maldonado accepted his position in 2014 with a Hispanic “preferential treatment” agenda. The suit contains an actual email chain created shortly after Maldonado’s appointment stating “Now we [Hispanics] are going to receive preferential treatment.” The suit alleges that since Maldonado’s arrival 90% of the long-time Black professionals at HCC have either been terminated or demoted, while there has been a 50% increase in Hispanic hires and promotions. Shockingly, the suit claims, that while 90% of tenured and experienced Black employees have been displaced only 10% of similarly tenured Whites have been displaced. You can "CLICK HERE" to read the lawsuit for yourself.

Zelia Brown is one of the plaintiffs in the $100 million racial discrimination lawsuit. She was forced to take a leave of absence when she complained about missing grant money at the College. She reported to the federal government, the suit alleges, that the grant funds had been misused or taken. After the federal investigators notified HCC officials they were going to investigate Ms. Brown’s allegations, she was immediately told not to return to work and to stay on leave of absence. Her locked grant office is said to have been rummaged through while she was on a leave of absence. Although HCC is said to have later asked her back the return was conditioned on her accepting a false complaint that she had created a hostile work environment and presumably remain silent about the missing grant dollars. She refused to remain silent and brought the suit. You can "CLICK HERE" to read the lawsuit for yourself.

Dr. Pretta VanDible Stallworth, Ph.D., PMP, is one of my favorite "ELECTED OFFICIALS" in all of Harris County, Texas. I'm sure that her heart is in the right place. I don't believe that she would take part in any type of corruption, kickbacks, or schemes. You can "CLICK HERE" to read the lawsuit for yourself.
Dr. Reagan Flowers, Ph.D. is one of my favorite "
ELECTED OFFICIALS" in all of Harris County, Texas. I'm sure that her heart is in the right place. I don't believe that she would take part in any type of corruption, kickbacks, or schemes. But what good is she, if she's not going to publicly denounce what's going on at Houston Community College? She currently serves as the District IV Trustee. You can "CLICK HERE" to read the lawsuit for yourself.
EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033