This guy who you see greeting Dr. Steven Hotze claimed to be a private investigator by the name of Mr. Kelly. This gentleman was outside working the parking lot at the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center "EARLY VOTING LOCATION" on the morning of Monday, October 31, 2022. Please call me at (281)788-3033 if you know who this guy is. Is Don Hooper (Republican), precinct chair for Precinct #0016 right? Was there some sort of agreement between the Harris County Republican Party and the Harris County Democratic Party in play?

Erica Johnson is the woman you see sitting in the chair. According to Cindy Siegel, Chairman of the Harris County Republican Party, this woman is a hard Republican and was acting as the Republican "ALTERNATE JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center on the morning of Monday, October 31, 2022, when the (6) six "VOTING MACHINES" were being moved from this predominantly Black "EARLY VOTING LOCATION" that didn't appear to have any Republican poll watchers. So, how much does Erica Johnson know about the two trips that involved voting machines being moved on the morning of October 31, 2022, at the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center?
Why did Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center "EARLY VOTING LOCATION" tell us that there were (3) three "VOTING MACHINES" being removed from this predominantly Black "EARLY VOTING LOCATION" when there was actually (6) six "VOTING MACHINES" on the cart?
Grace Taylor (Democrat), is the woman who was hired by the Harris County Elections Administrator and placed at the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center. And from what I can see, from her FACEBOOK postings, Grace Taylor (no relation), appears to hate former President Donald Trump and has a disdain for Republicans in general. So, why didn't the Harris County Republican Party place a poll watcher, alternate judge, or clerk inside the Hiram Clarke Mult-Service Center to make sure that someone was watching over this predominantly Black "EARLY VOTING LOCATION" between Monday, October 24, 2022, and Friday, November 4, 2022, to protect the integrity of the 2022 Midterm Election?

Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST about on July 17, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?
Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST about on July 13, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?
Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST about on July 11, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?
Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST about on July 8, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?
Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST about on July 7, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?
Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST about on July 7, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?
Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST about on July 7, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?
Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST about on July 25, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?
Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST about on July 23, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?
Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST about on July 22, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?
Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST about on July 22, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?
Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST about on July 22, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?
Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST about on July 21, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?
Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST about on July 21, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?
Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST about on July 21, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?
Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST about on July 20, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?
Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST about on July 17, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?
Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST about on July 17, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?
Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST about on July 17, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?
The time has come for Americans from all walks of life, ethnicities, political beliefs, and socio-economic stations to rise up and proclaim, "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH" and get politically active as God's plan for America continues to unfold during these last days.
Our Upcoming 2022 Year End Review Edition Will Feature Endorsed Candidates from Our November 8, 2022, Midterm Slate Card
I’m thankful to God for His goodness, mercy, and grace today! In case you don’t know, I wasn’t born into the greatest of situations. However, throughout it all, I’ve persevered through every challenge, and can proudly say that I’ve cleared every obstacle that’s been placed in front of me, with God’s help.
As I look back over the last election season, it pleases me greatly to inform you that my “2022 MIDTERM ENDORSEMENT CARD” outperformed every other non-partisan card in the entire state of Texas. And just for the record, three out of the four awesome “GOP JUDICIAL CANDIDATES” who won their races in Harris County, Texas were all endorsed on my “2022 MIDTERM ENDORSEMENT CARD” on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in Harris County, Texas.