Businessman Gerald Womack appears to be the mastermind behind many of the blow-out victories we've seen Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee achieve over the last several decades in the 18th Congressional District of Texas. But how real are all those victories? And what role has "ABSENTEE BALLOT HARVESTING" played in helping "QUEEN SHEILA" win over and over again? You can "CLICK HERE" to learn more about how their scheme works.

As you can see in the photo above, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and Businessman Gerald Womack have been joined at the hip for several decades. And believe it or not, Womack has been hiring and deploying well-known "ABSENTEE BALLOT HARVESTERS" like Gloria Palmer, to secure mail ballots for Sheila Jackson for years and years and years. You can "CLICK HERE" to see how "QUEEN SHEILA" has been getting a headstart on her opponents for decades.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, the U.S. Representative for the 18th Congressional District appears to have been gaining an unfair advantage using "ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS" with the help of people like Gerald Womack, Gloria Palmer, Tomar Bishop, and Ray Charles Jones, Jr. In fact, the biggest hall of mail ballots she's ever received came back during the Tuesday, November 3, Presidential Election when she was being challenged by Wendell Champion, an African American Republican who was seeking to dethrone her. Anyways, back during the 2020 Presidential Election, "QUEEN SHEILA" received an unbelievable (21,461) absentee mail ballots. Prior to the 2020 Presidential Election, the largest number of mail ballots Sheila had ever received was the (12,631) absentee mail ballots she received back during the 2016 Presidential Election when she was being challenged by Lori Bartley, another African American Republican candidate.
Illegal Ballot Harvesting Schemes Have Been Used by Black Politicians Like Sheila Jackson Lee for Decades to Win Elections
For over 150 years, Americans have been voting by mail. In fact, Democrats opposed the practice when it was initiated back in 1864 when it was enacted by President Abraham Lincoln who wanted to let Union soldiers vote from the battlefield. Why didn’t Democrats want the Union soldiers to vote by absentee mail ballot way back then?
Well, go figure, Democrats feared that the “soldier vote” would favor Presiding Abraham Lincoln. Does that sound familiar? Why were Democrats afraid of allowing the Union soldiers to vote by absentee mail ballot? Well, Democrats, at the time, claimed that the practice of voting by absentee mail ballot way back in 1864 would propagate fraud.
According to the annals of history, “ELECTION LAWS” were enacted by states, to prevent President Lincoln from implementing absentee ballot voting for the Union soldiers; but he lobbied the state legislature to do so. And for the record, Republican-led states allowed the Union soldiers to vote; but most of the Democrat-controlled states did not allow the Union soldiers the right to vote.
At the end of the day, about 150,000 Union soldiers voted by absentee back in 1864, which, according to the history books was the first widespread use of the practice in American history.
3,319 “ABSENTEE MAIL-BALLOTS” were cast back on March 1, 2022, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2022 Democratic Party Primary. Sheila was running unopposed in this particular race.
3,319 “ABSENTEE MAIL-BALLOTS” were cast back on March 1, 2022, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2022 Democratic Party Primary. Sheila was running unopposed in this particular race.
21,461 “ABSENTEE MAIL-BALLOTS” were cast back on November 3, 2020, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2020 Presidential Election. Sheila was being challenged by Wendell Champion (REP), Luke Spencer (LIB), and Vince Duncan (IND) in this particular race.
21,461 “ABSENTEE MAIL-BALLOTS” were cast back on November 3, 2020, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2020 Presidential Election. Sheila was being challenged by Wendell Champion (REP), Luke Spencer (LIB), and Vince Duncan (IND) in this particular race.
6,202 “ABSENTEE MAIL-BALLOTS” were cast back on March 3, 2020, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2020 Democratic Party Primary. Sheila was being challenged by Jerry Ford Sr. (DEM), Donovan Boson (DEM), Marc Flores (DEM), Stevens Orozco (DEM), Michael Allen (DEM), and Bimal Patel (DEM) in this particular race.
11,838 “ABSENTEE MAIL-BALLOTS” were cast back on November 6, 2018, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2018 Midterm Election. Sheila was being challenged by Ava Reynero Pate (REP), Luke Spencer (LIB), and Vince Duncan (IND) in this particular race.
5,651 “ABSENTEE MAIL-BALLOTS” were cast back on March 6, 2018, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2018 Democratic Party Primary. Sheila was challenged by Richard Johnson (DEM) in this particular race.
5,651 “ABSENTEE MAIL-BALLOTS” were cast back on March 6, 2018, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2018 Democratic Party Primary. Sheila was challenged by Richard Johnson (DEM) in this particular race.
12,631 “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS” were cast back on November 8, 2016, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2016 Presidential Election. Sheila was being challenged by Lori Bartley (REP), and Thomas Kleven (GRN) in this particular race.
12,631 “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS” were cast back on November 8, 2016, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2016 Presidential Election. Sheila was being challenged by Lori Bartley (REP), and Thomas Kleven (GRN) in this particular race.
4,189 “ABSENTEE MAIL-BALLOTS” were cast back on March 1, 2016, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2016 Democratic Party Primary. Sheila was running unopposed in this particular race.
4,189 “ABSENTEE MAIL-BALLOTS” were cast back on March 1, 2016, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2016 Democratic Party Primary. Sheila was running unopposed in this particular race.
9,548 “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS” were cast back on November 4, 2014, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2014 Midterm Election. Sheila was challenged by Sean Seibert (REP), Remington Alessi (GRN), and Vince Duncan (IND) in this particular race.
9,548 “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS” were cast back on November 4, 2014, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2014 Midterm Election. Sheila was challenged by Sean Seibert (REP), Remington Alessi (GRN), and Vince Duncan (IND) in this particular race.
3,198 “ABSENTEE MAIL-BALLOTS” were cast back on March 4, 2014, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2014 Democratic Party Primary. Sheila was running unopposed in this race.
3,198 “ABSENTEE MAIL-BALLOTS” were cast back on March 4, 2014, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2014 Democratic Party Primary. Sheila was running unopposed in this race.
8,113 “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS” were cast back on November 6, 2012, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2012 Presidential Election. Sheila was being challenged by Sean Seibert (REP), and Christopher Barber (LIB) in this particular race.
8,113 “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS” were cast back on November 6, 2012, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2012 Presidential Election. Sheila was being challenged by Sean Seibert (REP), and Christopher Barber (LIB) in this particular race.
2,747 “ABSENTEE MAIL-BALLOTS” were cast back on May 29, 2012, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2012 Democratic Party Primary. Sheila was running unopposed in this particular race.
2,747 “ABSENTEE MAIL-BALLOTS” were cast back on May 29, 2012, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2012 Democratic Party Primary. Sheila was running unopposed in this particular race.
4,933 “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS” were cast back on November 2, 2010, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2010 Midterm Election. Sheila was being challenged by John Faulk (REP), Mike Taylor (LIB), and Charles B. “Chuck M” Meyer who was running as a “WRITE-IN” candidate in this particular race.
4,933 “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS” were cast back on November 2, 2010, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2010 Midterm Election. Sheila was being challenged by John Faulk (REP), Mike Taylor (LIB), and Charles B. “Chuck M” Meyer who was running as a “WRITE-IN” candidate in this particular race.
2,329 “ABSENTEE MAIL-BALLOTS” were cast back on March 2, 2010, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2018 Democratic Party Primary. Sheila was being challenged by Jarvis Johnson (DEM), and Sean Roberts (Democrat) in this particular race.
2,329 “ABSENTEE MAIL-BALLOTS” were cast back on March 2, 2010, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2018 Democratic Party Primary. Sheila was being challenged by Jarvis Johnson (DEM), and Sean Roberts (Democrat) in this particular race.
5,840 “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS” were cast back on November 4, 2008, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2008 Presidential Election. Sheila was being challenged by John Faulk (REP), and Mike Taylor (LIB) in this particular race.
5,840 “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS” were cast back on November 4, 2008, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2008 Presidential Election. Sheila was being challenged by John Faulk (REP), and Mike Taylor (LIB) in this particular race.
2,227 “ABSENTEE MAIL-BALLOTS” were cast back on March 4, 2008, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2008 Democratic Party Primary. Sheila was running unopposed in this particular race.
2,227 “ABSENTEE MAIL-BALLOTS” were cast back on March 4, 2008, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2008 Democratic Party Primary. Sheila was running unopposed in this particular race.
1,796 “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS” were cast back on November 7, 2006, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2006 Midterm Election. Sheila was being challenged by Ahmad Hassan (REP), and Patrick Warren (LIB), in this particular race.
1,796 “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS” were cast back on November 7, 2006, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2006 Midterm Election. Sheila was being challenged by Ahmad Hassan (REP), and Patrick Warren (LIB), in this particular race.
704 “ABSENTEE MAIL-BALLOTS” were cast back on March 7, 2006, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2006 Democratic Party Primary. Sheila was running unopposed in this particular race.
704 “ABSENTEE MAIL-BALLOTS” were cast back on March 7, 2006, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2006 Democratic Party Primary. Sheila was running unopposed in this particular race.
4,259 “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS” were cast back on November 2, 2004, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2004 Presidential Election. Sheila was being challenged by Brent Sullivan (LIB), and Ton Bazan (LIB), in this particular race.
4,259 “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS” were cast back on November 2, 2004, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2004 Presidential Election. Sheila was being challenged by Brent Sullivan (LIB), and Ton Bazan (LIB), in this particular race.
914 “ABSENTEE MAIL-BALLOTS” were cast back on March 9, 2004, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2004 Democratic Party Primary. Sheila was running unopposed in this particular race.
914 “ABSENTEE MAIL-BALLOTS” were cast back on March 9, 2004, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2004 Democratic Party Primary. Sheila was running unopposed in this particular race.
4,809 “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS” were cast back on November 5, 2002, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2002 Midterm Election. Sheila was being challenged by Phillip J. Abbott (REP), and Brent Sullivan (LIB), in this particular race.
4,809 “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS” were cast back on November 5, 2002, for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the 2002 Midterm Election. Sheila was being challenged by Phillip J. Abbott (REP), and Brent Sullivan (LIB), in this particular race.
I’m thoroughly convinced that “DEMOCRATIC OPERATIVES” on assignment for politicians such as Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee are already mobilized, organized, and compensated to go out and “HARVEST ABSENTEE MAIL-BALLOTS” and commit the same sort of fraudulent acts Democrats feared were going to happen way back in the1864 election.
Make no mistake about it, our democracy is under attack right now. And if you ask me, Tuesday, November 8, 2022, is more than another date on the calendar.
A fight for “THE SOUL OF OUR NATION” will be waged, on “ELECTION DAY” in states all across America on Tuesday, November 8, 2022. And in Texas, “GROUND-ZERO” will be Harris County. And with the stakes so high, I can't understand how more people don’t see what’s been happening in the 18th Congressional District of Texas for decades.
Operatives on assignment to secure reelection bids for politicians like Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and her cohorts have been gaining unfair advantages by nefarious means through elaborate schemes involving “ABSENTEE BALLOT HARVESTING” and in-person vote manipulation (manufacturing votes) during “EARLY VOTING” periods for decades.
But over the course of the last two years, my investigative team and I have been closely monitoring operatives closely tied to Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and several other local politicians. And we’ve found that a local businessman by the name of Gerald Womack, who serves as Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s campaign manager, and his team of hired absentee mail-ballot harvesters have been doing dirt work for “QUEEN SHEILA” for decades.
For instance, we all know that it is impossible for “DEAD PEOPLE” to request an absentee mail-ballot application – right?
Well, in one batch of mail ballots that my investigative team and I obtained by filing an open-records request with the Harris County Clerk, we found compelling proof that “DEAD PEOPLE” are requesting “ABSENTEE MAIL-BALLOT APPLICATIONS” right here in Harris County, Texas.
Why haven’t local news stations mentioned our startling discoveries from the 2020 Presidential Election?
Are local news organizations complicit in all of this in some sort of way? I certainly hope not.
But, why haven’t the local news stations jumped all over this story?
Why no coverage? Why no investigative reports? Why isn’t anyone concerned?
Why hasn’t the Harris County Democratic Party gotten involved?
Where is the local branch of the (NAACP) National Association for the Advancement of Colored People? After all, it’s mostly deceased Black people who are having their identities stolen. Does anyone care?
What about the National Urban League? Why haven’t they said anything about the illegal activities being carried out by “OPERATIVES” working for people like Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, in Harris County, Texas.
Kathleen Hooey did not sign the “ABSENTEE MAIL-BALLOT APPLICATION” you see below. Kathleen could not have signed it because she died way back in 1991, which was 29 years before the 2020 Democratic Party Primary even took place.
So, who stole Kathleen Hooey’s identity and forged her signature on the document you see below? According to the findings of my investigative team, operatives hired by Gerald Womack, the campaign manager for “QUEEN SHEILA” are the culprits.
Tommie Bookman did not sign the “ABSENTEE MAIL-BALLOT APPLICATION” you see below. How do I know? Well, Tommie Bookman, a deceased US Army Veteran who served America in the Korean War died 4 years before the 2020 Democratic Party Primary – he died back in 2016.
So, who stole Tommie Bookman’s identity and forged his signature on the document you see below? Democratic operatives hired by Gerald Woman to help Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee secure her 2020 reelection bid are the culprits.
Jessie Burks could not have requested and signed the “ABSENTEE MAIL-BALLOT APPLICATION” you see below. How do I know? Well, according to our research, Jessie Burks passed away back in 2015, which was 5 years prior to the 2020 Democratic Party Primary.
So, how did Jessie Burks's signature get placed on the document you see below? Well, Gerald Womack, hired Gloria Palmer, and others to secure “ABSENTEE MAIL-BALLOTS” for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s reelection bid.
Gloria Chambers has to be rolling over in her grave right now. Shame on Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Gerald Womack, Gloria Palmer, Tomar Bishop, and other operatives who directly (and/or indirectly) played pivotal roles in stealing Gloria’s identity and signing the document you see below.
Gloria Chambers died back in 2010, which was 10 years prior to the 2020 Democratic Party Primary, and therefore, could not have requested the “ABSENTEE MAIL-BALLOT APPLICATION” you see below.
So, is “VOTER FRAUD” real in Harris County, Texas? Yes!
Are the identities of deceased voters being stolen and used to commit “ELECTION FRAUD” in Harris County, Texas? Yes!
Is anything ever going to be done about the “alleged” illegal “BALLOT HARVESTING SCHEME” that Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s campaign has been running for decades? Probably not!
Where there’s smoke – there’s fire! So, what should happen now?
Texas Secretary of State John B. Scott and Attorney General Ken Paxton must go back and inspect the “ABSENTEE MAIL-BALLOTS” that were cast for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee during the 2020 Democratic Party Primary, to let the world know that “VOTER FRAUD” is a clear and present threat to our democracy – immediately!
But they shouldn’t stop there.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

"Now is the time when our love for America must prevail. So, it is incumbent upon us to elect "PUBLIC SERVANTS" who understand that they work for us. We need "ELECTED OFFICIALS" in office who love "OUR CONSTITUTION" and the ideals that our nation was founded upon by our forefathers. That being said, we must make it our collective effort to "PUT PEOPLE OVER POLITICS" and do what's best for America during this pivotal moment in the history of our great nation."

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033