Isabel Longoria and some of her cohorts appear to be mixing up a dirty batch of "FRAUDULENT MAIL BALLOTS" numbers. That being said, please pay close attention to the "ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT" count for the State Representative for HD-147 runoff on the Democratic side, which features State Rep. Elect, Jolanda Jones, and the handiwork of Dallas Jones, the owner of Elite Change, Inc., a company known for pulling off shenanigans with "ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS" over the years. Also, please pay close attention to the race for Harris County Commissioner for Precinct #4, on the Democratic side, where Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis has dispatched his top two consultants (Grant Martin and Dallas Jones) to help Lesley Briones and Jolanda Jones in their respective runoff races. How do I know? Well, as best I can tell, Jolanda Jones and Lesley Briones have spent a combined total of well over $800,000.00 dollars with Commissioner Rodney Ellis's top two consultants between 2/5/2018 and 3/20/2022.

Isabel Longoria, the Harris County Elections Administrator, appears to have totally screwed up the "ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT RETURNS" connected to the Tuesday, May 24, 2022, Democratic Party Primary Runoffs and Republican Party Primary Runoffs, in Harris County, Texas. For starters, this woman reported receiving a combined total of 41,090 absentee mail ballots on Monday night. Then on Tuesday night, she changed the combined total of absentee mail ballots she received (on Monday night), to 25,153 absentee mail ballots. Then on Wednesday night, she changed the combined total of absentee mail ballots she received (on Monday night) to 25,871 absentee mail ballots. But she wasn't done, on Wednesday night, she also changed the combined total of absentee ballots she received (on Tuesday night) from 1,763 absentee mail ballots, to 1,602 absentee mail ballots.

The combined total of early in-person votes cast in Harris County, Texas was unofficially recorded at 75,792, according to Isabel Longoria, the Harris County Elections Administrator. A total of 29,954 absentee mail ballots have supposedly been cast. You can "CLICK HERE" for a closer look at the early voting returns.
Fraudulent Mail Ballot Reports Sent Out by Isabel Longoria Raises Serious Questions About May 24th, Primary Runoffs
Do you still think that “ELECTION FRAUD” is a figment of my imagination? Well, after reading this report, I would like to see you explain to me how the “COMBINED ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT” count totals were changed by Isabel Longoria, the Harris County Elections Administrator (3) three different times in the column for Monday, May 16, 2022, and (2) two different times in the column for Tuesday, May 17, 2022, without nobody saying a word publicly about this fraudulent activity.
On Monday, May 16, 2022, at 7:36 PM a fraudulent “EARLY VOTING REPORT” was sent out by Harris County Elections Administrator (Isabel Longoria) to the media and the citizens of Harris County, Texas. At this time, the “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS RETURNED” count was stated as 41,090, by Isabel Longoria, the Harris County Elections Administrator, who has technically resigned; but was allowed to remain in office to oversee the Saturday, May 7, 2022, Local, Special Election, and Constitutional Amendment Election, and the Tuesday, May 24, 2022, Democratic Party Primary Runoffs, and Republican Party Primary Runoffs for some reason.

On Tuesday, May 17, 2022, at 10:00 AM, I (Aubrey R. Taylor), started calling local news reporters, the Harris County Republican Party Chairman (Cindy Siegel), and the Texas Secretary of State’s Office, to report what I believed to be a “FRAUDULENT ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT REPORT” that was sent out by Isabel Longoria, the Harris County Elections Administrator, the previous night.

On Tuesday, May 17, 2022, at 3:06 PM, I (Aubrey R. Taylor), received a call from the Texas Secretary of State’s Office to discuss my issue related to the fraudulent “EARLY VOTING REPORT” that was sent out by Isabel Longoria, the Harris County Elections Administrator. During this conversation, I was told that the “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS RETURNED” numbers that Isabel Longoria, the Harris County Elections Administrator had sent to the Secretary of State’s Office did not match the numbers that she reported on her “DAILY RECORD OF EARLY VOTING REPORT” the previous night in Harris County, Texas. According to the Texas Secretary of State’s Office, the combined “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT VOTE” count for Monday, May 16, 2022, in Harris County, Texas should have been 24,439, and not the 41,090, the was reported by Isabel Longoria, the Harris County Elections Administrator.

According to the conversation I (Aubrey R. Taylor) had with the Texas Secretary of State’s Office on Tuesday, May 17, 2022, at 3:06 PM, the “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT TOTAL” for the Harris County Republican Party should have been reported as 10,993, and not, the 20,733, absentee mail ballots that were reported by Isabel Longoria, the Harris County Elections Administrator, on the night of Monday, May 16, 2022, at 7:36 PM.

According to the conversation I (Aubrey R. Taylor) had with the Texas Secretary of State’s Office on Tuesday, May 17, 2022, at 3:06 PM, the “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT TOTAL” for the Harris County Democratic Party should have been reported as 13,446, and not, the 20,357, absentee mail ballots that were reported by Isabel Longoria, the Harris County Elections Administrator, on the night of Monday, May 16, 2022, at 7:36 PM.

On Tuesday, May 17, at 8:11 PM – I (Aubrey R. Taylor), received an email from Isabel Longoria, the Harris County Elections Administrator, where the combined “MAIL BALLOT RETURNS” for Monday, May 16, 2022, had been changed on her report, from 41,090 absentee mail ballots to 25,153 absentee mail ballots.

At 8:11 PM on Tuesday, May 17, 2022 – I (Aubrey R. Taylor), noticed that the Isabel Longoria, the Harris County Elections Administrator had changed the Harris County Democratic Party Runoff “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT” total from 20,357, she reported the previous night (Monday, May 16, 2022), to show reflect a total of 13,651 absentee mail ballots, which is 7,084 less absentee mail ballots, than the 20,357 absentee mail ballots she’d reported the previous night. Where did the 7,084 Democrat absentee mail ballots go?

At 8:25 PM on Tuesday, May 17, 2022 – I (Aubrey R. Taylor), noticed that the Isabel Longoria, the Harris County Elections Administrator had changed the Harris County Republican Party Runoff “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT” total from 20,733, she reported the previous night (Monday, May 16, 2022), to show reflect a total of 11,502 absentee mail ballots, which is 9,231 less absentee mail ballots, than the 20,733 absentee mail ballots she’d reported the previous night. Where did the 9,231 Republican absentee mail ballots go?

On Wednesday, May 18, 2022, at 8:15 PM – I (Aubrey R. Taylor), received an email from Isabel Longoria, the Harris County Elections Administrator, where the combined “MAIL BALLOT RETURNS” for Monday, May 16, 2022, had “BEEN CHANGED AGAIN” on her report, from a combined total of 25,153 absentee mail ballots to 25,871 absentee mail ballots. Now, please note that the combined absentee mail ballot count for Monday, May 16, 2022, was reported by Isabel Longoria, the Harris County Elections Administrator changed (3) three times between Monday, May 16, 2022, and Wednesday, May 18, 2022.

At about 8:15 PM on Wednesday, May 18, 2022 – I (Aubrey R. Taylor), also noticed that the combined “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT RETURN” total for Tuesday, May 17, 2022, had been changed from 1,763 absentee mail ballots received, to only 1,602 absentee mail ballots received.

So, just for the record, on Monday, May 16, 2022, at (7:36 PM) the combined absentee mail ballot total was reported as 41,090 by Isabel Longoria, the Harris County Elections Administrator. Then on Tuesday, May 17, 2022, at (8:11 PM), the combined absentee mail ballot total was reported as 25,153 by Isabel Longoria, the Harris County Elections Administrator. Then on Wednesday, May 18, 2022, at (8:15 PM), the combined absentee mail ballot total was reported as 25,871 by Isabel Longoria, the Harris County Elections Administrator.

On Thursday, May 19, 2022, at 8:03 PM – I (Aubrey R. Taylor), received an email from Isabel Longoria, the Harris County Elections Administrator, where the combined “MAIL BALLOT RETURNS” for Monday, May 16, 2022, remained the same as she’d reported the previous day.

On Friday, May 20, 2022, at 8:18 PM – I (Aubrey R. Taylor), received an email from Isabel Longoria, the Harris County Elections Administrator, where she stated that her office had received a total of 804 absentee mail ballots for Friday, May 20, 2022. However, when I crossed checked her numbers with other data, I discovered a discrepancy.

After reviewing the data that I obtained, only about 682 absentee mail ballots came into the Harris County Elections Administrator’s office on Friday, May 20, 2022. So, just for the record, the first “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT” that was reportedly received at (15:55 MILITARY TIME), which is (3:55 PM), on Friday, May 20, 2022, came from a “DEMOCRATIC” voter by the name of Barbara Rashell Smith, who lives in “PRECINCT 132” in Houston, Texas. That being said, the last “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT” was reportedly received by Isabel Longoria, the Harris County Elections Administrator. And the very last “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT” that came in on Friday, May 20, 2022, was cast by a “DEMOCRATIC” voter by the name of Brijendra Chawla who lives in “PRECINCT 362” in Katy, Texas.

Also on Friday, May 20, 2022, at around 9:00 PM, I (Aubrey R. Taylor) found inconsistencies in the number of Republican Party Primary Runoff “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS” reported by Isabel Longoria, the Harris County Elections Administrator. So, just for the record, Isabel Longoria said that her office had only received 177 absentee mail ballots in the mail on Friday, May 20, 2022. However, when I crossed checked her report with other data that I obtained, I discovered an “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT” total of 222, cast on Friday, May 20, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary Runoffs.

Finally, on Friday, May 20, 2022, at around 9:30 PM, I (Aubrey R. Taylor) found what appears to be a “SERIOUS ERROR” in the number of Democratic Party Primary Runoff “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS” reported by Isabel Longoria, the Harris County Elections Administrator. So, just for the record, Isabel Longoria said that her office had received 627 absentee mail ballots in the mail on Friday, May 20, 2022. However, when I crossed checked her report with other data that I obtained, I discovered an “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT” total of only 460, cast on Friday, May 20, 2022, in the Democratic Party Primary Runoffs.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis has a lot invested in Lesley Briones, who stepped down from her County Civil Court at Law #4 bench, to run for the Harris County Commissioner Precinct #4 seat, and has found herself in a Tuesday, May 24, 2022, Democratic Party Primary runoff race against Benjamin Chou, and must win her runoff race for Democrats to have any shot at unseating the (Republican) Harris County Commissioner for Precinct #4, by the name of R. Jack Cagle in the fall. That said, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis has dispatched one of "HIS TOP CONSULTANTS" by the name of Grant Martin, to help Lesley Briones win on Tuesday, May 24, 2022.

Back on 12/31/2021, Lesley Briones showed an unitemized unpaid incurred obligation related to Grant Martin Campaigns (Rodney Ellis’s Consultant for the amount of $36,245.59 dollars according to her campaign finance report.

Back on 1/07/2022, Lesley Briones wrote Grant Martin Campaigns (Rodney Ellis’s Consultant) a check in the amount of $36,245.59 dollars according to her campaign finance report. In this particular report, she listed the payment as an expenditure for Graphic Design, Printing, database, voter contact, website, research, and fees.

Back on 1/20/2022, Lesley Briones wrote Grant Martin Campaigns (Rodney Ellis’s Consultant) a check in the amount of $14,910.83 dollars according to her campaign finance report.

Back on 1/29/2022, Lesley Briones wrote Grant Martin Campaigns (Rodney Ellis’s Consultant) a check in the amount of $111,686.67 dollars according to her campaign finance report.

Back on 1/29/2022, Lesley Briones wrote Grant Martin Campaigns (Rodney Ellis’s Consultant) a check in the amount of $14,910.83 dollars according to her campaign finance report.

Back on 2/18/2022, Lesley Briones wrote Grant Martin Campaigns (Rodney Ellis’s Consultant) a check in the amount of $27,216.47 dollars according to her campaign finance report.

Back on 3/20/2022, Lesley Briones wrote Grant Martin Campaigns (Rodney Ellis’s Consultant) a check in the amount of $14,589.11 dollars according to her campaign finance report.

Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis appears to be the man behind the scenes pulling strings for Jolanda Jones and has dispatched his "TOP TWO CONSULTANTS" to help Jolanda Jones in her race for State Representative for House District #147, on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in Harris County, Texas.

Back on 4/27/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $8,528.10 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 4/21/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $3,350.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 4/14/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $6,930.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 4/14/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $308.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 4/08/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $7,000.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 4/08/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $7,170.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 4/01/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $10,436.12 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 3/25/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $5,290.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 3/14/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $1,500.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 3/14/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $15,695.64 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 3/14/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $385.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 3/04/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $1,699.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 3/01/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $1,303.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 3/01/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $1,694.85.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 2/25/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $250.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 2/24/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $1,002.44 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 2/19/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $5,500.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 2/17/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $13,963.37 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 2/17/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $3,476.19 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 2/17/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $300.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 2/17/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $7,000.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 2/12/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $2,240.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 2/11/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $300.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 2/08/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $2,398.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 2/07/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $11,500.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 1/31/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $5,380.37 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 1/25/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $7,000.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 1/21/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $6,400.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 1/14/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $6,468.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 1/13/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $443.92 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 1/03/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $5,360.37 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 12/31/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $5,360.37 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 12/23/2021, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $7,000.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 12/15/2021, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $2,300.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 4/29/2021, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $25,552.74 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 3/02/2020, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $3,940.45 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 2/25/2020, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $49,857.88 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 2/25/2020, Jolanda Jones for Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector wrote Elite Exchange, Inc., that’s owned by Dallas Jones a check in the amount of $4,219.04 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance report.

Back on 2/25/2020, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $5,000.00 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 2/22/2020, Jolanda Jones for Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $61,477.48 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 2/20/2020, Jolanda Jones for Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $23,312.33 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 2/19/2020, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $58,995.73 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 2/17/2020, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Elite Change, Inc., that’s owned by Dallas Jones a check in the amount of $2,100.00 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 2/10/2020, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Elite Change, Inc., that’s owned by Dallas Jones a check in the amount of $7,000.00 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 2/10/2020, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Grant Martin Campaigns two separate checks for the same amount. Both checks were written for $53,824.48 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 2/10/2020, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Elite Change, Inc., that’s owned by Dallas Jones a check in the amount of $1,500.00 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 2/07/2020, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $36,557.72 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 1/23/2020, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $36,557.72 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 1/23/2020, Jolanda Jones for Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $6,102.70 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 1/14/2020, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Elite Change, Inc., that’s owned by Dallas Jones a check in the amount of $7,000.00 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 12/31/2019, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $21,886.19 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 12/31/2019, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $10,000.00 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 7/05/2019, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $24,000.00 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 6/10/2019, based on Commissioner Rodney Ellis's campaign finance report, Grant Martin Campaigns gave Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis a $6,500.00 dollar (IN-KIND) Political Contribution that was described as polling research.

Back on 6/10/2019, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $24,000.00 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 2/16/2019, based on Commissioner Rodney Ellis's campaign finance report, Grant Martin Campaigns gave Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis a $13,826.53 dollar (IN-KIND) Political Contribution that was described as some type of contribution given to Ellis related to the design and distribution of Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s New Year’s Card.

Back on 4/30/2018, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $4,325.97 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.

Back on 2/05/2018, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $19,957.04 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.

ATTENTION ALL DEMOCRATS: Diana Martinez Alexander, Mike Collier, Rochelle Mercedes Garza, Janet T. Dudding, Sandragrace Martinez, Staci Childs, Danielle Keys Bess, Andrea Beall, Beverly Armstrong, Teresa J. Waldrop, and M.K. Monica Singh have all been endorsed by me as part of the "2022 Midterm Election Voter Education and Empowerment Initiative" published by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, the publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper. All Rights Reserved.

ATTENTION ALL DEMOCRATS: Diana Martinez Alexander, Mike Collier, Rochelle Mercedes Garza, Janet T. Dudding, Sandragrace Martinez, Staci Childs, Danielle Keys Bess, Andrea Beall, Kimberly McTorry, Teresa J. Waldrop, M.K. Monica Singh, and Lesley Briones have all been endorsed by Art and Koffey Smith as part of the "2022 Midterm Election Voter Education and Empowerment Initiative" published by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, the publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper. All Rights Reserved.

ATTENTION ALL REPUBLICANS: Johnny Teague, Julio Garza, Ken Paxton, Dawn Buckingham, Wayne Christian, Shelley Torian Barineau, Vidal Martinez, and Jack Morman are the candidates endorsed by Art and Koffey Smith in the Tuesday, May 24, 2022, Republican Party Primary Runoff Election. You can "CLICK HERE" for a closer look at my "ENDORSEMENT LIST" to make a more informed voting decision.

ATTENTION ALL REPUBLICANS: Johnny Teague, Julio Garza, Ken Paxton, Dawn Buckingham, Wayne Christian, Shelley Torian Barineau, Vidal Martinez, and Jack Morman are the candidates endorsed by Art and Koffey Smith in the Tuesday, May 24, 2022, Republican Party Primary Runoff Election. You can "CLICK HERE" for a closer look at Art and Koffey Smith's "ENDORSEMENT LIST" to make a more informed voting decision.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Rev. Bill Lawson, Dr. Marcus D. Cosby, Rev. Reginald DeVaughn, Trae Tha Truth, Bun B., the Honorable Jew Don Boney, State Rep. Harold Dutton, Rev. Elom Johnson, Former Harris County Commissioner Gene Locke, Rev. James Nash, Houston City Councilman Robert Gallegos, and many other local leaders have all endorsed Danielle Keys Bess. You can "CLICK HERE" to see Danielle's full endorsement list.

"I am happy to announce my endorsement of Vidal Martinez for Harris County Judge. Over the last six months, I was able to get to know Vidal and the other candidates for County Judge quite well, and he is easily the most qualified candidate in the run-off election race and our best chance at beating Lina Hidalgo. As Republicans, we all know and agree on the major issues and shortcomings at Commissioners Court, and Vidal Martinez will be ready to execute change on day one. His experience as a federal prosecutor, time spent serving as Houston Port Commissioner and Greater Houston Partnership board member, as well as his tenure on the Methodist Hospital System Board means that he will not need any on-the-job training and can hit the ground running. Vidal Martinez is the leader we need to bring common sense back to Harris County, and he has my full support. I urge you to join me in voting for Vidal Martinez for Harris County Judge on May 24th."

Former U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison is asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Attorney Gary Polland is asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Dr. Steven F. Hotze, M.D. is asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Dr. Roderick Paige is asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Former Houston City Councilman Bert Keller is asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Former Miss Venezuela Carmen Maria Montiel is asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Former Harris County District Clerk Chris Daniel is asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Honorable Chase Untermeyer is asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Former Republican Party Chair Jared Woodfill is asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Mike Lindell is asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Former Harris County Treasurer Orlando Sanchez is asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller is asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Randy Kubosh is asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Warren Howell is asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

George Harry Zoes is asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

H.Q. Bolanos is asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Morgan Luttrell is asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Carmen and Jim Crenshaw, the parents of United States Congressman Dan Crenshaw, are asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Now is the time when our love for America must prevail. It is incumbent upon us to elect "PUBLIC SERVANTS" who understand that they work for us. We need "ELECTED OFFICIALS" in office who love "OUR CONSTITUTION" and the ideals that our nation was founded upon by our forefathers. We must make it our collective effort to "PUT PEOPLE OVER POLITICS" and do what's best for America during this crucial moment in time."
Favoritism and Party Politics Have No Place Inside Our Harris County Courtrooms
At the end of the day, the judicial races are the most important races on the ballot. That said, who we allow to put on that black robe and occupy judicial benches (especially in Harris County, Texas) matters a great deal. Over the years, through straight-ticket voting, and folks going into the polls playing "Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe" we've allowed a few bad folks to slip through the cracks. Now, I'm not trying to play party politics in any way, shape, or form, with my words. All I'm trying to say is that nobody is perfect, but if we make it our goal to elevate people who fear God and have a backbone into positions of authority, every one of us will be afforded the opportunity to live our best life.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033