AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "When Kim Ogg charged Damien Thaddeus Jones and Richard Bonton, she said, "Those indicted today crossed the line from dirty politics to criminal activity and they will pay the price." She also stated, "Our democracy depends on keeping our elected officials safe from coercion and our elections free from illegal manipulation.” Hmmm??? Now, that being said, I wonder if Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg is going to do anything about the fact that the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats -- Harris County wasn't even supposed to be taking in any money at the time that she paid them $3,000.00 dollars back on 2/20/2020, prior to gaining their endorsement in her re-election bid over two duly-qualified Black women in the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Democratic Party Primary."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "So, back on 2/20/2020, Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg paid the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats -- Harris County Chapter the amount of $3,000.00 dollars for some sort of "VOTER CONTACT, GO TV PROGRAM" that they were supposedly running. However, at the time when District Attorney Ogg, paid the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats -- Harris County Chapter, this money from her campaign account, they were not even supposed to be accepting any money from any candidates. And as a matter of fact, this group should not have been excepting any money in late 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, or 2021."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Can I make myself any clearer? Look, every Democratic candidate who donated to the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats -- Harris County Chapter in late 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 donated their campaign funds to a defunct GPAC. And every member who paid dues and gave donations during the aforementioned years, paid their dues to an organization that was "NOT ELIGIBLE" to even be collecting dues, donations, issuing endorsements, or doing business in any way, shape, or form."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: “The document you are looking at above is the “OFFICIAL TREASURER REPORT” for the (TCBD) Texas Coalition of Black Democrat that was presented to their members at their Friday, September 10, 2021, Quarterly Meeting. Now, please pay special attention to the fact that the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats – Harris County Chapter is still collecting dues from its members, and is required to send those dues to the “STATE CHAPTER” of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats – even though the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats – Harris County Chapter is not supposed to be collecting any dues.”

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: “The Document you see above is the “OFFICIAL TREASURER REPORT” for the (TBD PAC) Texas Black Democrats PAC that was presented to their members at their Friday, September 10, 2021, Quarterly Meeting. Now, please notice that American Technology Consulting, a company that has told me that they do not know anything about the Texas Black Democrats PAC, or the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats was still listed on their “OFFICIAL TREASURER’S REPORT” as having provided “VOTER OUTREACH” services to the Texas Black Democrats PAC. But don’t take my word for it, all you have to do is (CLICK HERE) and look at the campaign finance report for the Texas Black Democrats PAC, and you will clearly see that the Washington D.C. address listed for American Technology Consulting is a bogus address – the zip code is for Massachusetts (not Washington D.C.) as sworn to under penalty of perjury by Antron D. Johnson.”
Did Dark-Money Flow into Texas Back in 2020 through the Texas Black Democrats PAC Categorized as Membership Donations?
For some time now, I’ve been talking about how people like Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg and countless other Democrats could possibly be getting tricked into supporting a
“BOGUS POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE” that goes by the name of Texas Black Democrats PAC. Now, in this report, I’m going to offer more compelling proof that
Carroll G. Robinson, the chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats, (owner of the Texas Black Democrats PAC), and his boy
Antron D. Johnson (who serves as the treasurer), are possibly filing what appears to be
“FRAUDULENT CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTS” with the Texas Ethics Commission. So, the report I’m going to cover today was filed by
Antron D. Johnson, the treasurer, under penalty of perjury back on
January 15, 2021. However, this particular campaign finance report covered the period of
10/25/2020 through
12/31/2020. Now, remember, the early voting period for the 2020 Presidential Election began on Monday, October 13, 2020, and ended on Friday, October 30, 2020.

As you read this particular report, please pay very close attention to the fact that supposedly, there were $26,500.28 dollars in contributions that were donated to the
Texas Black Democrats PAC between,
10/25/2020, and
12/31/2020. Now, that being said, many of the out-of-state
“ZIP CODES” for the addresses where the donations supposedly came from
“DO NOT MATCH” the cities where the donors supposedly resided in at the time their donations were supposedly made to the Texas Black Democrats PAC. Also, please note that nearly all of the supposed donations from out of state were reported in round figures “$100.00” dollars, “$250.00” dollars, “300.00” dollars “$500.00” dollars – so on, and so forth. But, the most glaring problem of them all, is the supposed donation on
(PAGE 22) where
Antron D. Johnson, claims that a woman named
Edna Warnecke from Houston, Texas donated $100.00 dollars to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on
10/27/2020. What’s the problem with this particular donation? Well, first of all, the address was redacted on the campaign finance report, so an
“OPEN RECORDS REQUEST” was filed. Now, once the “OPEN RECORDS REQUEST” was granted by the Texas Ethics Commission and the “FULL ADDRESS” was provided, we discovered that the address Antron D. Johnson claimed the donation came from – which was
107 Ardmore Rd in Houston, Texas, wasn’t even a real address for Houston, Texas.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: “The document you’re looking at above shows that the Texas Black Democrats PAC, supposedly received a $100.00 dollar donation from a lady named Edna Warnecke. However, the address of 107 Ardmore Rd, in Houston, Texas turns out to be a fake address – it’s not real. (CLICK HERE) for a closer inspection of this document.”
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: “Do you see the area above that I’ve circled in red on the “VOTER REGISTRATION SEARCH” for the woman named Edna Warnecke, who according to Antron D. Johnson, had donated $100.00 dollars to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 10/27/2020, under penalty of perjury? Do you see where it says, that my search for Edna Warnecke did not produce any results?”
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: “Do you see the area I’ve circled in red above for a “REAL PROPERTY SEARCH” for the woman named Edna Warnecke, who according to Antron D. Johnson, had donated $100.00 dollars to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 10/27/2020, under penalty of perjury? Do you see where it says, that my search for a property in Houston, Texas at 107 Ardmore Road did not produce any results?”
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "As I broadened my search for the woman named Edna Warnecke, I did find a woman by the name of Edna J. Wernecke who lived in Houston, Texas -- but she had passed away back in 1998. (CLICK HERE) for a closer inspection of this document."
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: “Now do you see the area that I’ve circled in red above that identifies a woman by the name of Edna Warnecke, who lives at 107 Ardmore Rd, in Kensington, California 94707 right now? Did Carroll G. Robinson’s boy Antron D. Johnson get sloppy, and not place the correct City and State or the campaign finance report? Now, if you think that Antron D. Johnson simply made an honest mistake, then, take a look at all of these other possible mistakes Antron D. Johnson made. Why would all of the donations for a “BLACK POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE” out of Texas be coming from out-of-state donors right before the 2020 Presidential Election?”

#11 -- AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "As you scroll through all of these supposed donations that were received between the period of 10/25/2020 through 12/31/2020, please note that only the donations from Democrat Mike Collier #16 and #17 below, and #33 are from the state of Texas. I haven't spoken with Mike Collier, a 2022 Democratic Party Primary candidate who is seeking the opportunity to face off against Lt. Governor Dan Patrick. However, I have spoken directly with Gilbert Garcia, and he knows absolutely nothing about the activities of Carroll G. Robinson, or Antron D. Johnson, and simply made his donation to the Texas Black Democrats PAC in good faith."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "I'm not sure how much Mike Collier (Democrat – Running for Lt. Governor in the upcoming 2022 Midterm Election in Texas), knows about the fact that a portion of the campaign money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 2/01/2021, 2/13/2021, 4/01/2021, 6/17/2021, and 6/21/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But don't take my word for it, all you have to do is call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. According to Shelly, they do not even have a Washington D.C. branch."

I’m sure you’ve heard the name Mike Collier before – right? Well if not, Mike Collier in my opinion, could be a victim of the “POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE” scheme that looks a lot like a “PONZI” or “PYRAMID” scheme being operated by Carroll G. Robinson, and his boy Antron D. Johnson. In case you don’t know him, Mike Collier is a well-known Democrat who is running for Lt. Governor in the upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary. If Collier wins the Democratic nomination he will then have to defeat current Lt. Governor Dan Patrick (Republican) to become Lt. Governor for the state of Texas. If his name sounds familiar, it could be because Mike Collier ran for, and lost his bid to become Lt. Governor for the state of Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, by a landslide against Lt. Governor Dan Patrick. Comparatively speaking, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R) received 4,260,990 votes for 51.3% of the vote, while Mike Collier (D) only received 3,860,865 votes for 46.5% of the vote. And some Libertarian candidate by the name of Kerry McKennon was also in the race; but only finished with 183,516 votes, for 22% of the vote.

As it seems, Democrat Mike Collier appeared to be the perfect victim for Carroll G. Robinson, and Antron D. Johnson to lure into their web of bogus Political Action Committees. Why? Well prior to losing his run for Lt. Governor back in the 2018 Midterms by a landslide, Democrat Mike Collier had already lost a run for statewide public office against Glenn Hagar by almost 1 million votes. Comparative speaking, back in the 2014 Midterm race for Texas Comptroller, Glenn Hagar the Republican received 2,697,877 votes, and Mike Collier the Democrat only received 1,742,119 votes. So, just for the record, a Libertarian by the name of Ben Sanders, and a Green Party candidate by the name of Deb Shafto were also in the race.
When you look at it, Democratic candidates like Mike Collier tend to rock with the establishment. So, since he was more than likely already familiar with Carroll G. Robinson, the chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats, and his boy Antron D. Johnson, the treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC, TxMuniPAC, and ReformHISD, he more than likely felt pretty comfortable with these two characters. And for those of you who might not know, Mike Collier also served as the Senior Advisor for the Biden/Harris Presidential Campaign back during the 2020 Presidential Election.
Mike Collier was a Senior Partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers before leaving to join the Texas Democratic Party in 2013 and putting substantially all of his efforts into turning Texas blue. In 2014 he was the Democratic nominee for Texas Comptroller, building a statewide reputation for advancing policies that are compassionate, just, fiscally responsible and fair. He was the 2018 Democratic nominee for Texas Lt Governor making Texas history by coming within five percentage points of the Republican incumbent in what the Economist Magazine characterized as a surprisingly fierce challenge. In his professional life, Mike is a merger and acquisition consultant and a Managing Director at Duff & Phelps, a global financial advisory firm. Mike holds an MBA from The University of Texas at Austin and is a Texas Certified Public Accountant.
It is unclear right now how much Mike Collier knows about the
“POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE” scheme that looks a lot like a “PONZI SCHEME” or “PYRAMID SCHEME” that’s being run by Carroll G. Robinson, chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats and his boy Antron D. Johnson, the treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC, TxMuniPAC, and ReformHISD. However, we’ve discovered a bunch of small donations that have been donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC by Mike Collier between his loss back in 2020 and right now.
On 10/05/2020, Mike Collier donated $100.00 dollars to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, according to the campaign finance report that was signed off on by Andron D. Johnson and submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission on 10/26/2020, under penalty of perjury.
On 10/07/2020, Mike Collier donated $100.00 dollars to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, according to the campaign finance report that was signed off on by Andron D. Johnson and submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission on 10/26/2020, under penalty of perjury.
On 10/15/2020, Mike Collier donated $100.00 dollars to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, according to the campaign finance report that was signed off on by Andron D. Johnson and submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission on 10/26/2020, under penalty of perjury.
On 11/28/2020, Mike Collier donated $100.00 dollars to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, according to the campaign finance report that was signed off on by Andron D. Johnson and submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission on 1/15/2021, under penalty of perjury.
On 2/01/2021, Mike Collier donated $100.00 dollars to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, according to the campaign finance report that was signed off on by Andron D. Johnson and submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission on 7/15/2021, under penalty of perjury.
On 2/13/2021, Mike Collier donated $100.00 dollars to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, according to the campaign finance report that was signed off on by Andron D. Johnson and submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission on 7/15/2021, under penalty of perjury.
On 4/01/2021, Mike Collier donated $1,000.00 dollars to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, according to the campaign finance report that was signed off on by Andron D. Johnson and submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission on 7/15/2021, under penalty of perjury.
On 6/17/2021, Mike Collier donated $100.00 dollars to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, according to the campaign finance report that was signed off on by Andron D. Johnson and submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission on 7/15/2021, under penalty of perjury.
On 6/21/2021, Mike Collier donated $100.00 dollars to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, according to the campaign finance report that was signed off on by Andron D. Johnson and submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission on 7/15/2021, under penalty of perjury.
Our ongoing investigation into the
“POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE SCHEME” that appears to look a lot like a
“PONZI SCHEME” or “PYRAMID SCHEME” being operated by Carroll G. Robinson, chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats, and his boy Antron D. Johnson, the treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC, TxMuniPAC, and ReformHISD, has to lead us to what we believed to be “BOGUS CAMPAIGN EXPENDITURES” being reported to the Texas Ethics Commission by Antron D. Johnson, under penalty of perjury.

On 4/05/2020, a payment in the amount of $5,000.00 dollars was supposedly paid to a company called American Technology Consulting, according to the sworn statement made on 7/19/2020, under penalty of perjury by Antron D. Johnson, to the Texas Ethics Commission, in his capacity acting as Treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC. Now, according to Antron D. Johnson’s sworn statement, American Technology Consulting, supposedly located at 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., DC 01929 was paid the $5,000.00 dollars as an “ADVERTISING EXPENSE” for “BLACK VOTER OUTREACH” of some sort. But there’s a problem! How did the Texas Black Democrats PAC pay American Technology Consulting in Washington D.C. at the zip code 01929, when that’s the zip code for Northeast Massachusetts?
On 4/06/2020, a payment in the amount of $1,500.00 dollars was supposedly paid to a company called American Technology Consulting, according to the sworn statement made on 10/26/2020, under penalty of perjury by Antron D. Johnson, to the Texas Ethics Commission, in his capacity acting as Treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC. Now, according to Antron D. Johnson’s sworn statement, American Technology Consulting, supposedly located at 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., DC 01929 was paid the $1,500.00 dollars as a “CONSULTING EXPENSE” for “STATEWIDE GOTV ROBODIALS AND TEXT MESSAGES” of some sort. But there’s a problem! How did the Texas Black Democrats PAC pay American Technology Consulting in Washington D.C. at the zip code 01929, when that’s the zip code for Northeast Massachusetts?
On 4/15/2020, a payment in the amount of $1,500.00 dollars was supposedly paid to a company called American Technology Consulting, according to the sworn statement made on 10/26/2020, under penalty of perjury by Antron D. Johnson, to the Texas Ethics Commission, in his capacity acting as Treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC. Now, according to Antron D. Johnson’s sworn statement, American Technology Consulting, supposedly located at 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., DC 01929 was paid the $1,500.00 dollars as a “CONSULTING EXPENSE” for “RURAL TEXAS ROBO CALLS AND TEXT MESSAGES” of some sort. But there’s a problem! How did the Texas Black Democrats PAC pay American Technology Consulting in Washington D.C. at the zip code 01929, when that’s the zip code for Northeast Massachusetts?

On 10/27/2020, a payment in the amount of $1,500.00 dollars was supposedly paid to a company called American Technology Consulting, according to the sworn statement made on 1/15/2021, under penalty of perjury by Antron D. Johnson, to the Texas Ethics Commission, in his capacity acting as Treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC. Now, according to Antron D. Johnson’s sworn statement, American Technology Consulting, supposedly located at 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., DC 01929 was paid the $1,500.00 dollars as an “ADVERTISING EXPENSE” for “BLACK VOTER OUTREACH” of some sort. But there’s a problem! How did the Texas Black Democrats PAC pay American Technology Consulting in Washington D.C. at the zip code 01929, when that’s the zip code for Northeast Massachusetts?

On 10/29/2020, a payment in the amount of $2,000.00 dollars was supposedly paid to a company called American Technology Consulting, according to the sworn statement made on 1/15/2021, under penalty of perjury by Antron D. Johnson, to the Texas Ethics Commission, in his capacity acting as Treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC. Now, according to Antron D. Johnson’s sworn statement, American Technology Consulting, supposedly located at 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., DC 01929 was paid the $2,000.00 dollars as an “ADVERTISING EXPENSE” for “ADVERTISING” of some sort. But there’s a problem! How did the Texas Black Democrats PAC pay American Technology Consulting in Washington D.C. at the zip code 01929, when that’s the zip code for Northeast Massachusetts?

On 10/29/2020, a payment in the amount of $4,000.00 dollars was supposedly paid to a company called American Technology Consulting, according to the sworn statement made on 1/15/2021, under penalty of perjury by Antron D. Johnson, to the Texas Ethics Commission, in his capacity acting as Treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC. Now, according to Antron D. Johnson’s sworn statement, American Technology Consulting, supposedly located at 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., DC 01929 was paid the $4,000.00 dollars as an “ADVERTISING EXPENSE” for “OUTREACH” of some sort. But there’s a problem! How did the Texas Black Democrats PAC pay American Technology Consulting in Washington D.C. at the zip code 01929, when that’s the zip code for Northeast Massachusetts?

On 10/29/2020, a payment in the amount of $1,000.00 dollars was supposedly paid to a company called American Technology Consulting, according to the sworn statement made on 1/15/2021, under penalty of perjury by Antron D. Johnson, to the Texas Ethics Commission, in his capacity acting as Treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC. Now, according to Antron D. Johnson’s sworn statement, American Technology Consulting, located at 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., DC 01929 was paid the $1,000.00 dollars as an “ADVERTISING EXPENSE” for “OUTREACH” of some sort. But there’s a problem! How did the Texas Black Democrats PAC pay American Technology Consulting in Washington D.C. at the zip code 01929, when that’s the zip code for Northeast Massachusetts?

On 11/20/2020, a payment in the amount of $900.00 dollars was supposedly paid to a company called American Technology Consulting, according to the sworn statement made on 1/15/2021, under penalty of perjury by Antron D. Johnson, to the Texas Ethics Commission, in his capacity acting as Treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC. Now, according to Antron D. Johnson’s sworn statement, American Technology Consulting, located at 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., DC 01929 was paid the $900.00 dollars as an “ADVERTISING EXPENSE” for “BLACK VOTER OUTREACH” of some sort. But there’s a problem! How did the Texas Black Democrats PAC pay American Technology Consulting in Washington D.C. at the zip code 01929, when that’s the zip code for Northeast Massachusetts?

On 1/25/2021, a payment in the amount of $1,687.00 dollars was supposedly paid to a company called American Technology Consulting, according to the sworn statement made on 7/15/2021, under penalty of perjury by Antron D. Johnson, to the Texas Ethics Commission, in his capacity acting as Treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC. Now, according to Antron D. Johnson’s sworn statement, American Technology Consulting, located at 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C.,DC 01929 was paid the $1,687.00 dollars as a “CONSULTING EXPENSE” for consulting services rendered. But there’s a problem! How did the Texas Black Democrats PAC pay American Technology Consulting in Washington D.C. at the zip code 01929, when that’s the zip code for Northeast Massachusetts?

On 2/01/2021, a payment in the amount of $2,331.00 dollars was supposedly paid to a company called American Technology Consulting, according to the sworn statement made on 7/15/2021, under penalty of perjury by Antron D. Johnson, to the Texas Ethics Commission, in his capacity acting as Treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC. Now, according to Antron D. Johnson’s sworn statement, American Technology Consulting, located at 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C.,DC 01929 was paid the $2,331.00 dollars as a “CONSULTING EXPENSE” for consulting services rendered. But there’s a problem! How did the Texas Black Democrats PAC pay American Technology Consulting in Washington D.C. at the zip code 01929, when that’s the zip code for Northeast Massachusetts?

On 4/05/2021, a payment in the amount of $3,000.00 dollars was supposedly paid to a company called American Technology Consulting, according to the sworn statement made on 7/15/2021, under penalty of perjury by Antron D. Johnson, to the Texas Ethics Commission, in his capacity acting as Treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC. Now, according to Antron D. Johnson’s sworn statement, American Technology Consulting, located at 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C.,DC 01929 was paid the $3,000.00 dollars as a “CONSULTING EXPENSE” for consulting services rendered. But there’s a problem! How did the Texas Black Democrats PAC pay American Technology Consulting in Washington D.C. at the zip code 01929, when that’s the zip code for Northeast Massachusetts?

On 4/13/2021, a payment in the amount of $1,950.00 dollars was supposedly paid to a company called American Technology Consulting, according to the sworn statement made on 7/15/2021, under penalty of perjury by Antron D. Johnson, to the Texas Ethics Commission, in his capacity acting as Treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC. Now, according to Antron D. Johnson’s sworn statement, American Technology Consulting, located at 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C.,DC 01929 was paid the $1,950.00 dollars as a “CONSULTING EXPENSE” for consulting services rendered. But there’s a problem! How did the Texas Black Democrats PAC pay American Technology Consulting in Washington D.C. at the zip code 01929, when that’s the zip code for Northeast Massachusetts?

On 6/07/2021, a payment in the amount of $1,820.00 dollars was supposedly paid to a company called American Technology Consulting, according to the sworn statement made on 7/15/2021, under penalty of perjury by Antron D. Johnson, to the Texas Ethics Commission, in his capacity acting as Treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC. Now, according to Antron D. Johnson’s sworn statement, American Technology Consulting, located at 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C.,DC 01929 was paid the $1,820 dollars as a “CONSULTING EXPENSE” for consulting services rendered. But there’s a problem! How did the Texas Black Democrats PAC pay American Technology Consulting in Washington D.C. at the zip code 01929, when that’s the zip code for Northeast Massachusetts?
10/30/2020 -- The first thing that caught my eye with the “EXPENDITURE” that was supposedly paid out to a company called Woven Strategies back on 10/30/2020, is that the $1,000.00 dollar payment, according to Antron D. Johnson’s sworn statement to the Texas Ethics Commission on 1/17/2021, was paid to Woven Strategies in the form of an “ADVERTISING EXPENSE” for some sort of “PROJECT MANAGEMENT” or something. The next thing I noticed with this particular expenditure was that the address for Woven Strategies was the same addressed used by Antron D. Johnson on his voter registration card as his home address.

3/01/2021 -- The second thing that caught my eye with the “EXPENDITURE” that was supposedly paid out to a company called Woven Strategies back on 3/01/2021, is that the $300.00 dollar payment, according to Antron D. Johnson’s sworn statement to the Texas Ethics Commission on 7/15/2021, was paid to Woven Strategies in the form of an “CONSULTING EXPENSE” for some sort of “CONSULTING” or something. The next thing I noticed with this particular expenditure was that the address for Woven Strategies was the same addressed used by Antron D. Johnson on his voter registration card as his home address.

5/29/2021 -- The second thing that caught my eye with the “EXPENDITURE” that was supposedly paid out to a company called Woven Strategies back on 5/29/2021, is that the $1,720.00 dollar payment, according to Antron D. Johnson’s sworn statement to the Texas Ethics Commission on 7/15/2021, was paid to Woven Strategies in the form of an “CONSULTING EXPENSE” for some sort of “CONSULTING” or something. The next thing I noticed with this particular expenditure was that the address for Woven Strategies was the same addressed used by Antron D. Johnson on his voter registration card as his home address.
2/28/2020 – According to Antron D. Johnson’s sworn statement dated 7/19/2020, under penalty of perjury, and submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission, The Texas Black Democrats PAC paid the amount of $384.18 dollars on 2/28/2020 for what was categorized as an “ADVERTISING EXPENSE” to Hobby Lobby for “40th Anniversary Expenses”. That’s a major problem. Why? Well, the Texas Black Democrats PAC has only been around since the 2020 Presidential Election cycle.
2/28/2020 – According to Antron D. Johnson’s sworn statement dated 7/19/2020, under penalty of perjury, and submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission, The Texas Black Democrats PAC paid the amount of $108.00 dollars on 2/28/2020 for what was categorized as an “EVENT EXPENSE” to Hobby Lobby for “40th Anniversary Expenses”. That’s a major problem. Why? Well, the Texas Black Democrats PAC has only been around since the 2020 Presidential Election cycle.

2/29/2020 – According to Antron D. Johnson’s sworn statement dated 7/19/2020, under penalty of perjury, and submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission, The Texas Black Democrats PAC paid the amount of $452.32 dollars on 2/29/2020 for what was categorized as an “ADVERTISING EXPENSE” to Academy Sports & Outdoors for “Awards for TCBD 40th Anniversary Event”. Now, the big question that needs to be answered is whether or not the awards bought were purchased for the Texas Black Democrats PAC, or purchased for the (TCBD) Texas Coalition of Black Democrats.

3/20/2020 – According to Antron D. Johnson’s sworn statement dated 7/19/2020, under penalty of perjury, and submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission, The Texas Black Democrats PAC paid the amount of $1,580.45 dollars on 3/20/2020 for what was categorized as an “ADVERTISING EXPENSE” to Academy Sports & Outdoors for “Shirts for TCBD 40th Anniversary Event”. Now, the big question that needs to be answered is whether or not the shirts bought were purchased for the Texas Black Democrats PAC, or purchased for the (TCBD) Texas Coalition of Black Democrats.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "In case you don't know him, Antron D. Johnson, has been making some big moves recently in the state of Texas. He's pictured above with Carl Davis, and Judge Eric William Carter, the Justice of the Peace for Precinct 1, Place 1. Now, Judge Eric William Carter is one of the good guys. I'm more than certain that he would not have anything to do with a "POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE" like the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats -- Harris County Chapter if he knew that the "GPAC" was inactive -- per the Texas Ethics Commission's website. So, just for the record, the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats -- Harris County Chapter did not file a campaign finance report in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, or 2021. So, just for the record, Judge Eric William Carter is a highly-respected member of the judiciary, who will be running for re-election in the upcoming 2022 Midterm Election. As far as I can see, he has absolutely nothing to do with what's going on with all of these "GPACs" that Antron D. Johnson is running."
Are Unsuspecting Democrats Becoming Entangled in a Web Being Woven By Antron D. Johnson and Carroll G. Robinson?
As it stands right now, Antron D. Johnson is listed as the treasurer of the Texas Black Democrats PAC, the TxMuniPAC, and the Reform HISD PAC. Now, in case you don't know, people like Antron D. Johnson, who serves as the treasurer for political campaigns and "GPACs" must sign a sworn statement on the campaign finance reports before submitting them to the Texas Ethics Commission. According to his sworn statement made on Thursday, July 15, 2021, Antron D. Johnson swore to the Texas Ethics Commission under penalty of perjury that the items listed in the reports he signed off on were all true and correct for the Texas Black Democrat PAC, the TxMuniPAC, and the Reform HISD PAC. And he also swore under the penalty of perjury that all of the required accompanying information was reported in accordance with Title 15 of the Texas Election Code. Now, that being said, we’ve found several questionable expenditures on the report that was submitted and sworn to by Antron D. Johnson that covered the period of Friday, January 1, 2021, through Wednesday, June 30, 2021. However, in this particular report, I'm only going to break down what appears to be one of the most egregious matters I've run across on a campaign finance report in a very long time. Why? Well, there's a consulting company called American Technology Consulting that appears on the most recent campaign finance report for the Texas Black Democrats PAC, which I've spoken with several times over the last few weeks. According to Antron D. Johnson's sworn statement, on his Thursday, July 15, 2021, campaign finance report for the Texas Black Democrats PAC, he made five different payments to American Technology Consulting as a consulting expense.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "As far as I know, Judge Jerry Zimmerer (14th Cort of Appeals), may not even be aware of the fact that a portion of the campaign money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 2/20/2020, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But don't take my word for it, all you have to do is call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. According to Shelly, they do not even have a Washington D.C. branch."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "As far as I know, Attorney Ben Hall, may not even be aware of the fact that a portion of the money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 10/05/2020, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But don't take my word for it, all you have to do is call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. According to Shelly, they do not even have a Washington D.C. branch."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "As far as I know, Attorney Michael Harris, may not even be aware of the fact that a portion of the money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 10/05/2020, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But don't take my word for it, all you have to do is call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. According to Shelly, they do not even have a Washington D.C. branch."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "As far as I know, State Senator Borris L. Miles (State Senator for District 13), may not even be aware of the fact that a portion of the campaign money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 10/21/2020, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But don't take my word for it, all you have to do is call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. According to Shelly, they do not even have a Washington D.C. branch."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "As far as I know, Attorney Gilbert Garcia, may not even be aware of the fact that a portion of the money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 11/01/2020, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But don't take my word for it, all you have to do is call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. According to Shelly, they do not even have a Washington D.C. branch."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "For the record, Odus Evbagharu (Newly Elected Harris County Democratic Party Chairman), is pictured above with Judge Clinton "Chip" Wells, a judge I happen to respect. Now, Odus gave money to the Texas Black Democrat PAC, back on 3/23/2021. However, it is unclear at this particular time whether Odus Evbagharu was aware that a portion of the campaign money he gave to the Texas Black Democrats PAC was supposedly paid to several (what appears to be) defunct Political Action Committees. And on top of that, some of the money that was donated by Odus Evbagharu and other unsuspecting Democrats was supposedly paid to a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But don't take my word for it, all you have to do is call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. According to Shelly, they do not even have a Washington D.C. branch."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "As far as I know, County Attorney Christian Menefee (Democratic Harris County Attorney), may not even be aware of the fact that a portion of the campaign money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 2/24/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But don't take my word for it, all you have to do is call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. According to Shelly, they do not even have a Washington D.C. branch."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "As for as I know, Treasurer Dylan Osbourne (Democratic – Harris County Treasurer), may not even be aware of the fact that a portion of the campaign money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 2/14/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But don't take my word for it, all you have to do is call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. According to Shelly, they do not even have a Washington D.C. branch."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "From what I can tell, Commissioner Adrian Garcia (Democratic -- Harris County Commissioner for Precinct 2), may not even be aware of the fact that a portion of the campaign money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 5/01/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But don't take my word for it, all you have to do is call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. According to Shelly, they do not even have a Washington D.C. branch."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "I don't know how much Mayor Sylvester Turner knows about what's going with these defunct Political Action Committees that are popping up all over the place. And it's still a little unclear as to whether Harris County Clerk Teneshia Hudspeth (Democratic – Harris County Clerk), is fully aware of the fact that a portion of the campaign money she donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 5/02/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But don't take my word for it, all you have to do is call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. According to Shelly, they do not even have a Washington D.C. branch."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "I really like Joe Jaworski (Democrat – Running for Attorney General in the upcoming 2022 Midterm Election in Texas), as a person. He's awesome and above board. I don't think Joe is even aware of the fact that a portion of the campaign money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 3/23/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But don't take my word for it, all you have to do is call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. According to Shelly, they do not even have a Washington D.C. branch."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "I've heard a lot of good things about Cecil Shaw over the years. Cecil is a really good guy. Now, as for Judge Scot “dolli” Dollinger (Democratic -- District Judge, 189th Civil District Court), he may not even be unaware of the fact that a portion of the campaign money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 3/12/2021 and 4/27/2021 was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But don't take my word for it, all you have to do is call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. According to Shelly, they do not even have a Washington D.C. branch."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "At this point, I don't really know how much Judge Jim Kovach (Democratic – County Civil Court at Law No. 2), knows about the fact that a portion of the campaign money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 3/23/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But don't take my word for it, all you have to do is call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. According to Shelly, they do not even have a Washington D.C. branch."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "I really like Judge Clinton Wells (District Judge, 312th Family District Court), in Harris County, Texas. I would be really surprised if Judge Wells knew anything about the fact that a portion of the campaign money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 2/14/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But don't take my word for it, all you have to do is call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. According to Shelly, they do not even have a Washington D.C. branch."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "I was really proud of Judge Sedrick Walker (Democratic – Harris County Criminal Court at Law No. 11) when he took the bench. Judge Walker may not even be unaware of the fact that a portion of the campaign money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 3/24/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But don't take my word for it, all you have to do is call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. According to Shelly, they do not even have a Washington D.C. branch."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Don't really know a lot about Judge Teana Watson (Democratic – Fort Bend County Court at Law No. 5) at this time. But I don't think that she's even aware of the fact that a portion of the campaign money she donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 2/13/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But don't take my word for it, all you have to do is call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. According to Shelly, they do not even have a Washington D.C. branch."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "At this time, it's unclear how much Gerald Womack, and Argentina James (Democratic – Public Relations Operative), know about these defunct Political Action Committees. But I would be highly surprised if Argentina James knew about the fact that a portion of the money she donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 3/20/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But don't take my word for it, all you have to do is call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. According to Shelly, they do not even have a Washington D.C. branch."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Here's Argentina James taking a selfie with the Honorable Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, the U.S. Representative for the 18th Congressional District of Texas.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "I'm not sure how much Pastor Max Miller, or Melanie Miles “*Flowers” (Former Republican who now serves as the Democratic Precinct Chair for Precinct #140), know about what's going on with all of these defunct Political Action Committees. As far as I know, Melanie may not even be unaware of the fact that a portion of the campaign money she donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 5/29/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But don't take my word for it, all you have to do is call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. According to Shelly, they do not even have a Washington D.C. branch."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "I don't think that Councilman Edward Pollard (Current District J Houston City Councilman) knows anything about all of these defunct Political Action Committees. And I certainly don't believe that he's even aware of the fact that a portion of the campaign money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 3/20/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But don't take my word for it, all you have to do is call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. According to Shelly, they do not even have a Washington D.C. branch."