State Rep. Shawn Thierry earns the highly-coveted endorsement of Pastor James Nash, in her re-election bid. Pastor James Nash and other strong faith leaders are strongly encouraged to help State Rep. Thierry push back against the unfair "COORDINATED ATTACKS" she's being hit with by members of the LGBTQ+ Community as she prepares to face off against Lauren Ashley Simmons on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, in the race for State Representative for House District 146, in the Democratic Party Primary. You can "CLICK HERE" to see our special investigative report related to this matter.
The Coordinated Attacks Being Waged Against State Rep. Shawn Thierry, and other Black Women by Members of the LGBTQ+ Community Must Cease Immediately
In case you didn't notice, State Rep. Shawn Thierry faced repeated attacks from her opponent, and her allies back during the Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary. However, their lies, innuendoes, and mischaracterizations of State Rep. Thierry's voting record, didn't work. Why not? For all their efforts, State Rep. Shawn Thierry withstood their "COORDINATED ATTACKS" and battle strategy to live to fight another day.
In case you didn't notice, State Rep. Shawn Thierry faced repeated attacks from her opponent, and her allies back during the Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary. However, their lies, innuendoes, and mischaracterizations of State Rep. Thierry's voting record, didn't work. Why not? For all their efforts, State Rep. Shawn Thierry withstood their "COORDINATED ATTACKS" and battle strategy to live to fight another day.
What can you expect next from State Rep. Shawn Thierry? Well, I believe America is about to see, a mighty move of God, that propels State Rep. Thierry to a resounding victory on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, when she faces off against that Lauren Ashley Simmons woman, in the Democratic Party Primary race for House District 146, in Harris County, Texas.

It's beginning to look a lot like someone has given the "LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY" the green light to go after African American judges and other candidates in Harrris County, Texas. That said, I noticed that Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis has thrown his support behind Lauren Ashely Simmons, in the Democratic Party Primary race for House District 146.
Is Commissioner Ellis back up to his old tricks? Is he trying to play "PUPPET MASTER" again, by trying to influence Black voters?
Anyways, on another note, that LGBTQ+ Attorney (Ben L. Aderholt), has stronger ties to Judge Mike Engelhart, than what people may realize.
For the record, about 7 days before that LGBTQ+ Attorney (Ben L. Aderholt), sent Judge Erica Hughes a "DEMEANING LETTER" calling her an animal, he'd already made several donations to Judge Mike Engelhart's campaign.
As a matter of fact, that LGBTQ+ Attorney (Ben L. Aderholt), and the Coats Rose Law firm have both been making donations to Judge Mike Engelhart's campaign for years.
Oh, and before I forget, Ben L. Aderholt, that LGBTQ+ Attorney who called a "BLACK FEDERAL JUDGE" an animal recently filed for, and was granted a divorce from his "BLACK HUSBAND" according to court records.

On February 19, 2024, Ben Aderholt, the LGBTQ+ Attorney who sent Judge Erica Hughes that letter calling her an animal, donated some money to Judge Mike Engelhart's re-election campaign.
On February 6, 2024, Coats Rose, P.C. PAC donated some money to Judge Mike Engelhart, the presiding judge for the 151st Civil District Court, in Harris County, Texas.
On November 28, 2023, Ben Aderholt, the LGBTQ+ Attorney who sent Judge Erica Hughes that letter calling her an animal, donated some money to Judge Mike Engelhart's re-election campaign.
On October 7, 2022, Coats Rose, P.C. PAC donated some money to Judge Mike Engelhart, the presiding judge for the 151st Civil District Court, in Harris County, Texas.
On August 18, 2021, Coats Rose, P.C. PAC donated some money to Judge Mike Engelhart, the presiding judge for the 151st Civil District Court, in Harris County, Texas.
On May 21, 2015, Coats, Rose, Yale, Ryman & Lee, PC donated some money to Judge Mike Engelhart, the presiding judge for the 151st Civil District Court, in Harris County, Texas.
On November 18, 2008, Coats, Rose, Yale, Ryman & Lee, PC donated some money to Judge Mike Engelhart, the presiding judge for the 151st Civil District Court, in Harris County, Texas.

We must figure out which "BLACK ELECTED OFFICIALS" gave their LGBTQ+ buddies the green light to go after "BLACK FEMALE JUDGES" and other candidates. If Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis is the culprit, he needs to be held accountable by other Black leaders.