State Senator Royce West (D), State Rep. Shawn Thierry (D), State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr. (D), State Rep. Tracy King, (D), State Rep. Eddie Morales, Jr. (D), State Rep. Richard Raymond Pena (D), State Rep. Sergio Munoz, Jr. (D), and State Rep. Ryan Guillen (D), all courageously crossed the political aisle to vote alongside their Republican colleagues “IN FAVOR” of SB-12, the bill that was written to ban “DRAG QUEEN SHOWS” in the state of Texas. IN OTHER NEWS... Attorney General Ken Paxton has hired attorney Tony Buzbee to represent him in his upcoming impeachment trial which is scheduled to be held before Monday, August 28, 2023, in the Texas Senate. You can "CLICK HERE" to identify some free "PUBLIC OFFICIALS" who value your vote.

Attorney Tony Buzbee has been retained to represent Attorney General Ken Paxton in his impeachment trial which is set to begin before Monday, August 28, 2023, in the Texas Senate.

Attorney Dick DeGuerin has been retained to serve as a lead prosecutor against Attorney General Ken Paxton in his impeachment trial which is set to begin before Monday, August 28, 2023, in the Texas Senate.

Attorney Rusty Hardin has been retained to serve as a lead prosecutor against Attorney General Ken Paxton in his impeachment trial which is set to begin before Monday, August 28, 2023, in the Texas Senate.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Please don't forget that on, Monday, July 31, 2023, beginning at 7:00a.m., a "PRAYER RALLY" will be held at the Harris County Civil Courthouse at 201 Caroline in downtown Houston, Texas 77002. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the current digital version of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© online. Please call (281)788-3033 for more information."
Democrat Lawmakers Crossing the Aisle on SB-12, Banning Drag Queen Shows Signifies A Political Paradigm Shift in Texas
The 88th Legislative Session was full of surprises, but the upcoming impeachment trial where attorney Tony Buzbee is set to defend Attorney General Ken Paxton and face down attorney/prosecutor Dick DeGuerin, and attorney/prosecutor Rusty Hardin, is about to be something for the ages.
What some folks don’t realize is that the bipartisan vote to impeach Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Saturday, May 27, 2023, by a 121 to 23 margin, is a clear signal that a paradigm shift of some sort is underway in Texas politics. But an even more revealing fact related to the unfolding “POLITICAL PARADIGM SHIFT” that's unfolding in Texas, can be found hidden deep inside the house vote in favor of Senate Bill 12 which took place two days after the impeachment of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton in the Texas House.
In case you don’t know, on Monday, May 29, 2023, the bipartisan vote to ban “DRAG QUEEN SHOWS” with 87 “Yeas” and only 54 “Nays” is sending shockwaves through Democratic regions of Texas.
But when you get right down to it, everybody already knows that “DRAG QUEEN SHOWS” are not appropriate for underaged children. Even still, Senate Bill 12, for some strange reason, put many Democratic lawmakers in a difficult position – especially the ones who represent solid blue areas.
It’s one thing to be pro LGBTQ+, but it’s something altogether different to allow people dressed up in “drag” to have “unfettered” access to underaged Texas children. What’s difficult to understand about this – huh??? And truth be told, most of the African Americans and Latinos my team and I spoke to about Senate Bill 12, were in total agreement that “DRAG QUEEN SHOWS” are nothing but events designed to groom and pique the interest of impressionable children, and lure them into transgenderism, which only means, “the quality or characteristic of being transgender.”
For the most part, the vast majority of Black Democratic lawmakers were afraid to make their true feelings known, as it relates to Senate Bill 12 when it came time to vote on this very sensitive piece of legislation. Why? Well, because many Black Democrats were afraid of the backlash a “Yea” vote would have caused for them, once they returned home to face some of their LGBTQ+ constituents. But what many of these cowardly Democrats don’t realize is that the majority of Blacks and Latinos in the Lone Star State agree with the Republican legislators and the (7) seven House Democrats who voted in favor of Senate Bill 12, back on Monday, May 29, 2023, when it passed out of the State House.
And if you don’t believe that the majority of “BLACK TEXANS” are against “DRAG QUEEN SHOWS” being performed in front of underaged children, try taking these sorts of performances into a predominantly Black Church, during the upcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Presidential Elections season. Anyways, I think you understand the point I’m trying to make.
When the vote on Senate Bill 12, was passed out of the Texas State Senate on Wednesday, April 5, 2023, State Senator Royce West was the only Democrat state senator who was braved enough to stand up and vote along with his Republican colleagues “IN FAVOR” of SB-12, the bill designed to ban “DRAG QUEEN SHOWS” in the state of Texas.
For the record, State Senator Carol Alvarado (D), State Senator Cesar Blanco (D), State Senator Sarah Eckhardt (D), State Senator Roland Gutierrez (D), State Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa (D), State Senator Nathan Johnson (D), State Senator Morgan LaMantia (D), State Senator Jose Menendez (D), State Senator Borris Miles (D), State Senator John Whitmire (D), and State Senator Judith Zaffirini (D), all voted against Senate Bill 12, and believe that “DRAG QUEEN SHOWS” should be performed in front of underaged children in the Lone Star State, which is out of step, with what most Texans believe.
In the final vote on Senate Bill 12, in the Texas House of Representatives (7) seven Democratic lawmakers crossed the aisle to vote with their Republican colleagues to stop the practice of allowing “DRAG QUEEN SHOWS” from being performed in front of underaged children in the Lone Star State.
For the record, State Rep. Harold V. Dutton, Jr (D), State Rep. Ryan Guillen (D), State Rep. Tracy King (D), State Rep. Eddie Morales, Jr. (D), State Rep. Sergio Munoz, Jr. (D), State Rep. Richard Raymond Pena (D), and State Rep. Shawn Thierry (D) all voted “IN FAVOR” of SB-12, the bill designed to ban “DRAG QUEEN SHOWS” in the state of Texas.
The open borders policy of the Biden Administration is ultimately going to backfire on Democrats in states like Texas. How do I know? Well, all you have to do is look at the number of Latino lawmakers who crossed the aisle to vote with their Republican colleagues “IN FAVOR” of Senate Bill 12, back on Monday, May 29, 2023, to get a better idea of where many Latinos stand on social and moral issues like “DRAG QUEEN SHOWS” being performed in front of underaged children.
What you have to understand is that many Black and Latino voters are conservative on many of the social issues facing America today. And ultimately, the Democratic push to cram transgenderism, down the throats of middle America, could inevitably cause many Black and Latino voters to form alliances with social conservatives, or check out of politics altogether.
To drive home my point, all you have to do is look at the facts:
HD-31 - State Rep. Ryan Guillen (D)
HD-36 - State Rep. Sergio Munoz, Jr. (D)
HD-42 - State Rep. Richard Pena Raymond (D)
HD-74 - State Rep. Eddie Morales, Jr. (D)
HD-80 - State Rep. Tracy King (D)
HD-142 - State Rep. Harold V. Dutton, Jr (D)
HD-146 - State Rep. Shawn Thierry (D)
For the record, State Rep. Ryan Guillen is a “LATINO” Democrat, who courageously stood up and joined hands with his Republican colleagues to vote “IN FAVOR” of Senate Bill 12, to ban “DRAG QUEEN SHOWS” in the state of Texas. He represents House District 31 and will be up for reelection in the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election cycle.
For the record, State Rep. Sergio Munoz is a “LATINO” Democrat, who courageously stood up and joined hands with his Republican colleagues to vote “IN FAVOR” of Senate Bill 12, to ban “DRAG QUEEN SHOWS” in the state of Texas. He represents House District 36 and will be up for reelection in the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election cycle.
For the record, State Rep. Richard Pena Raymond is a “LATINO” Democrat, who courageously stood up and joined hands with his Republican colleagues to vote “IN FAVOR” of Senate Bill 12, to ban “DRAG QUEEN SHOWS” in the state of Texas. He represents House District 42 and will be up for reelection in the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election cycle.
For the record, State Rep. Eddie Morales, Jr. is a “LATINO” Democrat, who courageously stood up and joined hands with his Republican colleagues to vote “IN FAVOR” of Senate Bill 12, to ban “DRAG QUEEN SHOWS” in the state of Texas. He represents House District 74 and will be up for reelection in the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election cycle.
For the record, State Rep. Tracy King is a “WHITE” Democrat, who courageously stood up and joined hands with his Republican colleagues to vote “IN FAVOR” of Senate Bill 12, to ban “DRAG QUEEN SHOWS” in the state of Texas. He represents House District 80 and will be up for reelection in the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election cycle.
For the record, State Rep. Harold V. Dutton, Jr. is a “BLACK” Democrat out of Harris County, Texas who courageously stood up and joined hands with his Republican colleagues to vote “IN FAVOR” of Senate Bill 12, to ban “DRAG QUEEN SHOWS” in the state of Texas. He represents House District 142 and will be up for reelection in the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election cycle.
For the record, State Rep. Shawn Thierry is a “BLACK” Democrat out of Harris County, Texas who courageously stood up and joined hands with his Republican colleagues to vote “IN FAVOR” of Senate Bill 12, to ban “DRAG QUEEN SHOWS” in the state of Texas. He represents House District 146 and will be up for reelection in the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election cycle.
As the political tide in Texas turns toward a more “BIPARTISAN APPROACH” to dealing with issues like transgenderism, it’s not clear whether State Rep. Ryan Guillen, State Rep. Sergio Munoz, Jr., State Rep. Richard Pena Raymond, State Rep. Eddie Morales, Jr., State Rep. Tracy King, State Rep. Harold V. Dutton, Jr., and State Rep. Shawn Thierry will pay a price on “SUPER TUESDAY,” Tuesday, March 5, 2024, for crossing the political aisle and voting “IN FAVOR” of Senate Bill 12. However, if all (7) seven of these courageous Democratic lawmakers their bids for reelection, the 89th Texas Legislative Session is going to be something to behold.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

State Senator Borris Miles (SD-13), a Democrat, is one of only two Black Democratic senators in the State of Texas. Remember, there are 31 members in the Texas State Senate. Now unless State Senator Borris Miles and State Senator Royce West don't start working across the aisle with Republican lawmakers, Black communities all across Texas will continue to suffer.

State Senator Royce West (HD-22), a Democrat, is one of only two Black Democratic senators in the State of Texas. Remember, there are 31 members in the Texas State Senate. Now unless State Senator Royce West and State Senator Royce West don't start working across the aisle with Republican lawmakers, Black communities all across Texas will continue to suffer.

State Rep. Christian Manuel (HD-22), a Democrat, is one of only 16 Black Democratic lawmakers currently serving in the Texas House of Representatives. Remember, there are 150 members serving two-year terms in the Texas House of Representatives, so unless Black Democratic Representatives like State Rep. Christian Manuel start working across the aisle with Republican lawmakers, Black communities all across Texas will continue to suffer.

State Rep. Ron Reynolds (HD-27), a Democrat, is one of only 16 Black Democratic lawmakers currently serving in the Texas House of Representatives. Remember, there are 150 members serving two-year terms in the Texas House of Representatives, so unless Black Democratic Representatives like State Rep. Ron Reynolds start working across the aisle with Republican lawmakers, Black communities all across Texas will continue to suffer.

State Rep. Ryan Guillen (HD-31), a Democrat, has the right idea and a very good understanding of how bipartisanship works in Texas. Back on Monday, May 29, 2023, State Rep. Ryan Guillen crossed the aisle and voted along with his Republican colleagues to ban “DRAG QUEEN SHOWS” with 87 “Yeas” and only 54 “Nays” to pass Senate Bill 12, in the 88th Legislative Session.

State Rep. Sergio Munoz, Jr. (HD-36), a Democrat, has the right idea and a very good understanding of how bipartisanship works in Texas. Back on Monday, May 29, 2023, State Rep. Sergio Munoz, Jr. crossed the aisle and voted along with his Republican colleagues to ban “DRAG QUEEN SHOWS” with 87 “Yeas” and only 54 “Nays” to pass Senate Bill 12, in the 88th Legislative Session.

State Rep. Richard Pena Raymond (HD-42), a Democrat, has the right idea and a very good understanding of how bipartisanship works in Texas. Back on Monday, May 29, 2023, State Rep. Richard Pena Raymond crossed the aisle and voted along with his Republican colleagues to ban “DRAG QUEEN SHOWS” with 87 “Yeas” and only 54 “Nays” to pass Senate Bill 12, in the 88th Legislative Session.

State Rep. Sheryl Cole (HD-46), a Democrat, is one of only 16 Black Democratic lawmakers currently serving in the Texas House of Representatives. Remember, there are 150 members serving two-year terms in the Texas House of Representatives, so unless Black Democratic Representatives like State Rep. Sheryl Cole start working across the aisle with Republican lawmakers, Black communities all across Texas will continue to suffer.

State Rep. Eddie Morales (HD-36), a Democrat, has the right idea and a very good understanding of how bipartisanship works in Texas. Back on Monday, May 29, 2023, State Rep. Eddie Morales crossed the aisle and voted along with his Republican colleagues to ban “DRAG QUEEN SHOWS” with 87 “Yeas” and only 54 “Nays” to pass Senate Bill 12, in the 88th Legislative Session.

State Rep. Tracy King (HD-80), a Democrat, has the right idea and a very good understanding of how bipartisanship works in Texas. Back on Monday, May 29, 2023, State Rep. Tracy King crossed the aisle and voted along with his Republican colleagues to ban “DRAG QUEEN SHOWS” with 87 “Yeas” and only 54 “Nays” to pass Senate Bill 12, in the 88th Legislative Session.

State Rep. Nicole Collier (HD-95), a Democrat, is one of only 16 Black Democratic lawmakers currently serving in the Texas House of Representatives. Remember, there are 150 members serving two-year terms in the Texas House of Representatives, so unless Black Democratic Representatives like State Rep. Nicole Collier start working across the aisle with Republican lawmakers, Black communities all across Texas will continue to suffer.

State Rep. Venton Jones (HD-109), a Democrat, is one of only 16 Black Democratic lawmakers currently serving in the Texas House of Representatives. Remember, there are 150 members serving two-year terms in the Texas House of Representatives, so unless Black Democratic Representatives like State Rep. Venton Jones start working across the aisle with Republican lawmakers, Black communities all across Texas will continue to suffer.

State Rep. Carl Sherman (HD-109) a Democrat, is one of only 16 Black Democratic lawmakers currently serving in the Texas House of Representatives. Remember, there are 150 members serving two-year terms in the Texas House of Representatives, so unless Black Democratic Representatives like State Rep. Carl Sherman start working across the aisle with Republican lawmakers, Black communities all across Texas will continue to suffer.

State Rep. Toni Rose (HD-110), a Democrat, is one of only 16 Black Democratic lawmakers currently serving in the Texas House of Representatives. Remember, there are 150 members serving two-year terms in the Texas House of Representatives, so unless Black Democratic Representatives like State Rep. Toni Rose start working across the aisle with Republican lawmakers, Black communities all across Texas will continue to suffer.

State Rep. Yvonne Davis (HD-111), a Democrat, is one of only 16 Black Democratic lawmakers currently serving in the Texas House of Representatives. Remember, there are 150 members serving two-year terms in the Texas House of Representatives, so unless Black Democratic Representatives like State Rep. Yvonne Davis start working across the aisle with Republican lawmakers, Black communities all across Texas will continue to suffer.

State Rep. Rhetta Andrews Bowers (HD-113), a Democrat, is one of only 16 Black Democratic lawmakers currently serving in the Texas House of Representatives. Remember, there are 150 members serving two-year terms in the Texas House of Representatives, so unless Black Democratic Representatives like State Rep. Rhetta Andrews Bowers start working across the aisle with Republican lawmakers, Black communities all across Texas will continue to suffer.

State Rep. Barbara Gervin-Hawkins (HD-120) a Democrat, is one of only 16 Black Democratic lawmakers currently serving in the Texas House of Representatives. Remember, there are 150 members serving two-year terms in the Texas House of Representatives, so unless Black Democratic Representatives like State Rep. Barbara Gervin-Hawkins start working across the aisle with Republican lawmakers, Black communities all across Texas will continue to suffer.

State Rep. Charles Cunningham (HD-127), a Republican, is the only African American lawmaker currently serving in the Texas House of Representatives. Remember, there are 150 members serving two-year terms in the Texas House of Representatives.

State Rep. Alma Allen (HD-131), a Democrat, is one of only 16 Black Democratic lawmakers currently serving in the Texas House of Representatives. Remember, there are 150 members serving two-year terms in the Texas House of Representatives, so unless Black Democratic Representatives like State Rep. Alma Allen start working across the aisle with Republican lawmakers, Black communities all across Texas will continue to suffer.

State Rep. Jarvis Johnson (HD-139), a Democrat, is one of only 16 Black Democratic lawmakers currently serving in the Texas House of Representatives. Remember, there are 150 members serving two-year terms in the Texas House of Representatives, so unless Black Democratic Representatives like State Rep. Jarvis Johnson start working across the aisle with Republican lawmakers, Black communities all across Texas will continue to suffer.

State Rep. Sefronia Thompson (HD-141), a Democrat, is one of only 16 Black Democratic lawmakers currently serving in the Texas House of Representatives. Remember, there are 150 members serving two-year terms in the Texas House of Representatives, so unless Black Democratic Representatives like State Rep. Senfronia Thompson start working across the aisle with Republican lawmakers, Black communities all across Texas will continue to suffer.

State Rep. Harold Dutton (HD-142), a Democrat, is one of only 16 Black Democratic lawmakers currently serving in the Texas House of Representatives. Remember, there are 150 members serving two-year terms in the Texas House of Representatives, so unless Black Democratic Representatives like State Rep. Harold Dutton start working across the aisle with Republican lawmakers, Black communities all across Texas will continue to suffer.

State Rep. Shawn Thierry (HD-146), a Democrat, is one of only 16 Black Democratic lawmakers currently serving in the Texas House of Representatives. Remember, there are 150 members serving two-year terms in the Texas House of Representatives, so unless Black Democratic Representatives like State Rep. Shawn Thierry start working across the aisle with Republican lawmakers, Black communities all across Texas will continue to suffer.

State Rep. Jolanda Jones (HD-147), a Democrat, is one of only 16 Black Democratic lawmakers currently serving in the Texas House of Representatives. Remember, there are 150 members serving two-year terms in the Texas House of Representatives, so unless Black Democratic Representatives like State Rep. Jolanda Jones start working across the aisle with Republican lawmakers, Black communities all across Texas will continue to suffer.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033