Quanell X, the leader of the New Black Panther Nation, and many other Black leaders have stepped forward and informed Aubrey R. Taylor Communications that they stand with State Rep. Shawn Thierry. "I'm here for this sister if she needs me," said Quanell X. And other Black activists have made the same declaration, in regard to protecting Thierry, who represents House District 146, which happens to be 40.1% Black, 34.8% Hispanic, 19.8% White, 8.7% Asian, 1% Native American, and 0.1% Pacific Islander, with a $47,253, median household income. You can "CLICK HERE" to get a better understanding of why State Rep. Shawn Thierry voted in favor of SENATE BILL 14, earlier this week.

Quanell X, place a call to Aubrey R. Taylor Communications on Wednesday, May 17, 2023, at 7:38 a.m. proclaiming that he stands at the ready to assist State Rep. Shawn Thierry against the attacks being waged against her in the wake of her vote for Senate Bill 14, a piece of legislation that he also supports. "I'm here for this sister if she needs me," said Quanell X, the leader of the New Black Panther Nation. You can "CLICK HERE" to learn more about SENATE BILL 14, which will soon be written into Texas law.

Art Pronin, the president of the Meyerland Area Democrats Club has taken it upon themselves to censure State Rep. Shawn Theirry (HD-146) because she voted in favor of House Bill 900, and SENATE BILL 14, to protect the children of the great state of Texas. You can "CLICK HERE" to learn more about SENATE BILL 14, which will soon be written into Texas law.

State Representative Shawn Thierry (HD-146), is emerging as one of the strongest and most courageous legislators in the entire Texas House of Representatives. You can "CLICK HERE" to check out her letter explaining why she voted in favor of SENATE BILL 14, to protect underaged children of the great state of Texas.

State Rep. Shawn Thierry (HD-146), is being censured, attacked, and criticized by Democrats like Art Pronin, the president of the Meyerland Area Democrats Club for joining her Republican colleagues in the State House in a bipartisan (87-56) vote in favor of SENATE BILL 14, to protect underaged Texas children from being subjected to irreversible sex-change operations. However, these same Democrats haven't said a word about state Senator Royce West breaking ranks with his Democratic colleagues in the Texas Senate to vote (19-12) in favor of SENATE BILL 12, to do away with those Drag Queen Story Hour Shows and public performances.

State Senator Royce West (Senate District 23), has not been attacked by Democrats for his vote in favor of SENATE BILL 12, which will do away with those Drag Queen Story Hour Shows and public performances. State Senator West was the only Democratic state senator to break ranks and vote with his Republican colleagues in favor of banning the "DRAG QUEEN SHOWS" and Democrats like Art Pronin who are censuring, attacking, and ostracizing state Rep. Shawn Thierry, are saying a word about Senator Royce West, voting along with his Republican colleagues in the Texas Senate.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Please don't forget that on, Monday, July 31, 2023, beginning at 7:00a.m., a "PRAYER RALLY" will be held at the Harris County Civil Courthouse at 201 Caroline in downtown Houston, Texas 77002. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the current digital version of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© online for yourself. Please call (281)788-3033 for more information."
State Representative Shawn Thierry Has Become one of the Boldest Legislators in the State House; Quanell X Has Taken Notice
In case you haven’t heard, Senate Bill 12, one of the most contentious bills of the 88th Texas Legislative Session has been placed on the Major State Calendar for (tomorrow) Friday, May 19, 2023. That being said, State Senator Royce West (Senate District 23), a Democrat joined 19 of his Republican senate colleagues in voting in favor of SB-12, according to state records.
Now, I found it very interesting that the same Democrats who are publicly attacking State Rep. Shawn Thierry, haven’t said a word about state Senator Royce West voting in favor of Senate Bill 12.
SENATE Bill 12 is related to restricting certain sexually oriented performances on public property, on the premises of a commercial enterprise, or in the presence of a child; authorizing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense. In other words, “DRAG QUEEN STORY HOUR” is about to become a thing of the past in the Lone Star State.
SENATE BILL 14 is related to prohibitions on the provision to certain children of procedures and treatments for gender transitioning, gender reassignment, or gender dysphoria and the use of public money or public assistance to provide those procedures and treatments. In other words, “SEX-CHANGE OPERATIONS” on underaged minors are about to become a thing of the past in the Lone Star State.
SENATE BILL 15 is related to requiring public institutions of higher education students who compete in intercollegiate athletic competitions to compete based on biological sex. In other words, “BOYS COMPETING AGAINST GIRLS” is about to become a thing of the past in the Lone State.
State Rep. Shawn Thierry (HD-146), is charged with the duty of voting in favor of bills that are in the best interest of her diverse body of constituents. Remember House District 146 happens to be 47% Male and 53% Female the last time I checked. And if you look at the ethnic breakdown of HD-146, what you are going to discover is that HD-146 happens to be 40.1% Black, 34.8% Hispanic, 19.8% White, 8.7% Asian, 1% Native American, and 0.1% Pacific Islander, with a $47,253, median household income.
State Rep. Shawn Thierry did stand up for her constituents. When you get right down to it, all four Democratic lawmakers who voted in favor of Senate Bill 14, on Monday, May 15, 2023, had a right to do what they did and should be applauded. However, it’s kind of funny how only State Rep. Shawn Thierry was singled out and censured by the Meyerland Democrats.
Yes, you heard me right! The African American female lawmaker (State Rep. Shawn Thierry) is the only Democratic lawmaker who was censured by the Meyerland Democrats.
Black Community Activist Quanell X, says, “Tell State Rep. Shawn Thierry that I’m standing with her.” He went on to say, “This sister shouldn’t bend to the pressure.”
According to Quanell X, the entire Black community should be standing beside this brave sister, and protecting her from the Liberal attacks being lobbied at her.
“As a thoughtful legislator, mother, woman of faith and child advocate I am making a decision to place the safety and well-being of all young people over the comfort of political expediency,” said State Rep. Shawn Thierry from the Texas House floor.
And if you ask me, State Rep. Shawn Thierry has every right in the world to vote her conscience on the matter involving sex-change operations being performed on underaged children. She and the other three Democrats who broke ranks with their party to vote with their Republican colleagues in the State House should be commended and not vilified.
What you have to remember is that the House District that State Rep. Shawn Thierry represents is over 40% Black, and so, her duty is to vote in the best interests of the majority of her constituents. That being said, the bravery, intestinal fortitude, and courage displayed by State Rep. Abel Herrero (HD-34), State Rep. Tracy King (HD-80), State Rep. Harold Dutton (HD-142), and State Rep. Shawn Thierry (HD-146), is “awe-inspiring” and appears to be infusing a bipartisan breath of fresh air into Texas politics.
What Art Pronin, who serves as the president of the Meyerland Area Democrats and his members did the other night in terms of only censuring State Rep. Shawn Thierry, be of grave concern to African American Democrats in Harris County, Texas.
The 13-7 vote to censure state Rep. Thierry, for her voting record on House Bill 900 (HB-900), and Senate Bill 14 (SB-14), is the kind of thing that could have a drastic impact on the 2024 Presidential Election, in Harris County, Texas. Why? Well, race relations are already a serious problem in the Harris County Democratic Party, and singling out a strong Black leader like state Rep. Shawn Thierry isn’t helping matters.
Back during the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, the only Democrats who lost their countywide races just so happened to be Black judicial candidates. So, the African American community is already looking at the HDCP sideways.
Now, you have a predominantly white Democratic Club, attacking a Black female lawmaker for voting to raise the age to 18 when it relates to gender modification treatments and surgeries is extremely problematic.
“…I voted to race the age to 18 for children to receive GnRH-analogs, (i.e. “puberty blockers”), cross-sex hormones, and to undergo irreversible surgeries when experiencing gender dysphoria,” said State Rep. Shawn Thierry, in her written explanation.
State Representative Shawn Thierry went on to say, “After hearing from constituents, listening to stakeholders, and reviewing scientific data in this country and around the globe, I am assured that this position is rooted in sound policy which supports the health, development, and overall well-being of minors.”
State Representative Shawn Thierry went on to say, “After hearing from constituents, listening to stakeholders, and reviewing scientific data in this country and around the globe, I am assured that this position is rooted in sound policy which supports the health, development, and overall well-being of minors.”
“As a nation, most adults have been united in at least one basic premise – that children deserve special protections and exceptional treatment under the law,” she says.
According to Thierry, “As a legislative body in Texas, Democrats and Republicans alike, have routinely enacted legislation which shields children from acts which place them at an increased risk of harm.”
She went on to explain, “This principle is established in many areas of public health policy such as restricting the age to 18 for tattoo services, tanning bed treatments, and in raising the age to 21 to purchase tobacco cigarettes and e-cigarettes.”
The aforementioned policies, according to state Rep. Shawn Thierry are in place because it is widely recognized that children should be protected from actions and activities which have harmful health risks, or lifelong consequences. “This same logic must also apply when approaching the very complex issue of treating gender and body dysphoria in children."
In closing, it is imperative that the people of House District 146 rise and stand boldly beside state Rep. Shawn Thierry, and reassure her that she’s doing the right thing in regard to her ongoing effort to protect the children of the great state of Texas.
“As a nation, most adults have been united in at least one basic premise – that children deserve special protections and exceptional treatment under the law,” she says.
According to Thierry, “As a legislative body in Texas, Democrats and Republicans alike, have routinely enacted legislation which shields children from acts which place them at an increased risk of harm.”
She went on to explain, “This principle is established in many areas of public health policy such as restricting the age to 18 for tattoo services, tanning bed treatments, and in raising the age to 21 to purchase tobacco cigarettes and e-cigarettes.”
The aforementioned policies, according to state Rep. Shawn Thierry are in place because it is widely recognized that children should be protected from actions and activities which have harmful health risks, or lifelong consequences. “This same logic must also apply when approaching the very complex issue of treating gender and body dysphoria in children."
In closing, it is imperative that the people of House District 146 rise and stand boldly beside state Rep. Shawn Thierry, and reassure her that she’s doing the right thing in regard to her ongoing effort to protect the children of the great state of Texas.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
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