Shawn, Molly, Angie, Jerry, Gemayel, Annette, Jerry Rodriguez, Kenneth, and Christian are the Best Choices on Election Day
As the temperature in “THE BAYOU CITY” continues to climb upwards, nearly 200,000 CenterPoint Energy customers remain without power after last week’s deadly storm. That said, let’s keep our fellow Houstonians lifted in prayer.
What’s going on with those “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS” recorded yesterday by the Harris County Clerk’s Office, which totaled 11,291, on the first day of Early Voting? Why are so many people sending in “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS” but so few people (2,404) physically going into early voting locations to cast their ballot?
It just doesn’t make sense that “THE ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT” count would increase exponentially from “SUPER TUESDAY,” when 6,218 absentee mail ballots came in on the first day of early voting, to over 11,291 yesterday, for these primary runoffs.
If I remember correctly, 13,626 people voted in person on February 20, 2024, the first day of early voting for the “SUPER TUESDAY” early voting period. Along with the 13,626 people who physically went to the polls to cast their votes, the Harris County Clerk reportedly received 6,218 absentee ballots. Comparatively speaking, only 2,404 voters turned out in person to vote yesterday, May 20, 2024, for the first day of early voting for the primary runoffs, but the Harris County Clerk reportedly received an astonishing 11,291 absentee mail ballots.
What am I trying to say?
The abysmal in-person voter flow of 2,404 yesterday shows that voters in Harris County, Texas, display very little interest in the upcoming Tuesday, May 28, 2024, primary runoffs. However, the astonishing absentee mail ballot flow shows that more “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT” voters in Harris County, Texas, are interested in the upcoming Tuesday, May 28, 2024, primary runoffs than were in the “SUPER TUESDAY” primary elections.
These “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT” totals are concerning. But more importantly, the lack of interest in local primary elections could be a precursor to more significant problems that could potentially lie ahead for Democrats running for countywide office in the fall, on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.
Remember, these low-voter turnout numbers in Harris County, Texas, tend to favor Republicans. That said, if Democrats hoped to retain power, they had better develop a new strategy. And Democratic candidates running countywide had better wake up and understand that nothing is a given.
With only four days of early voting left, be reminded that all Houston Business Connections Newspaper readers who did not vote back on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, are considered unaffiliated with either political party and are free to vote in the “PRIMARY RUNOFF ELECTION” of their choice.
That said, if you’re one of our conservative readers and you live inside the boundaries of Senate District 15, and you would like to help newly elected State Senator Molly Cook defeat Jarvis Johnson, you are allowed to vote for Molly Cook on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary race.
Also, State Rep. Shawn Thierry (HD-146) is in the fight for her political future in the upcoming Democratic Party Primary runoff for the House District 146. State Rep. Thierry is a lifelong Democrat, but her opponent runs radio commercials claiming that State Rep. Thierry has voted with Gov. Greg Abbott – even though Governor Abbott can’t even vote on legislation.
All the lies about State Rep. Shawn Thierry need to be clarified and cleared up for people who live within the boundaries of House District 146.
I’m not a saint, minister of the gospel, or anything like that, but I would like to remind the people of House District 146 of (1 Corinthians 14:33), which declares, “God is not the author of confusion, but of peace,” in the King James Version of the Holy Bible.
That said, I ran across a flyer about State Rep. Shawn Thierry. It features a robust collection of State Leaders, Local Leaders, Union Leaders, Community Leaders, and Faith Leaders and also shows that State Rep. Thierry has an “A+” DEMOCRAT RATING as it pertains to her voting record.
The flyer mentioned above also featured a power statement: “If your opponent’s campaign depends entirely on false accusations and negative attacks, First Lady Michelle Obama said it best: “When they go low…we go high.”
Listen, “Shawn has always stood with the community. That’s why we’re standing with Shawn,” said the caption above the pictures of one of the most potent groups of leaders I’ve seen assembled by a Democratic runoff candidate in decades. However, to beat Lauren Ashley Simmons on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, State Rep. Thierry needs the support of all of her constituents.
Suppose you are a registered voter who lives inside the boundaries of House District 146, and you did not vote in the “DEMOCRAT PRIMARY” or “REPUBLICAN PRIMARY” on Tuesday, March 5, 2024. In that case, you are considered unaffiliated with either local political party.
As an unaffiliated voter, you can vote for State Rep. Shawn Thierry in the Democratic Party Primary runoff on Tuesday, May 28, 2024.
Early voting started yesterday and will end on Friday, May 24, 2024, which means there are only four days left to vote early, including today. However, if you can’t vote between today and Friday, you can still vote for “OUR ENDORSED CANDIDATES” on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, in Harris County, Texas, and Fort Bend County, Texas.

Dear Texans, I am Kenneth Omoruyi, running for Congress in the 7th congressional district. I am a first-generation American by choice, a father of three, a CPA, and a college educator.
You see, I was raised by a single mother who single-handedly ensured her six children had a college education in a country without student loans. This humble beginning, combined with conservative values and the fear of GOD, built my resiliency, dedication, and hard work.
As a small business owner, I can relate to our community’s daily challenges, from the rapidly rising cost of living to the lack of access to quality health care and increased crime. There is currently a multitude of challenges facing our district.
I am not a career politician. I am one of you. That’s why I am running for Congress: to fight for you and your family. To expand your access to affordable health care, bring fresh perspectives on improving our educational systems, and restore integrity, accountability, and fiscal responsibility in Washington. I will always put you first. But I cannot do this alone. I need your help. Together, we can make a difference for our district and our country.
Only in America would an immigrant like me aspire to vie for a seat in Congress.
So please join me in this campaign: follow me on social media, and sign up to volunteer or donate.
Thank you, and God bless America.