Cynthia M. Ginyard (left) was a horrible Fort Bend Democratic Party Chairman. According to several Fort Bend County leaders, she is trying to hand-pick her successor to save her hide. MISSING MONEY... There's a lot of money allegedly missing and not accounted for in Fort Bend County. Fred Taylor (center) plans to open up the books and provide transparency if elected as the new Fort Bend Democratic Party Chairman on Tuesday, May 28, 2024. However, if Jennifer Cantu is elected, it is unclear if the people of Fort Bend will get the transparency they deserve.

According to Cynthia Ginyard, "I am passing the torch to Jennifer! She has been here all along (since 2013), working in the Fort Bend County Democratic Party as Precinct Chair, SDEC Committeewoman, and Secretary. She did not show up on the day of filing. She knows and understands Democratic processes." Really??? Many people believe that Cynthia Ginyard is trying to save her hide by choosing a successor who will not open up the books and provide the transparency needed to restore confidence in the Fort Bend County Democratic Party.

Cynthia M. Ginyard spent whatever political capital she had left trying to earn a spot in Mayor John Whitmire's Administration. However, Mayor John Whitmire ain't no fool. As of today, Ginyard still hasn't received the coveted position she assumed she would get at Houston City Hall after she ran back and forth between Fort Bend County and Harris County, bragging about how she was going to be some sort of special advisor with a big office at 901 Bagby in Houston, Texas.

I'm Aubrey R. Taylor, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper publisher and investigative reporter. I have conducted investigations in Harris County, Texas, since the 1990s and plan to closely monitor the "ABSENTEE BALLOT FLOW" currently flooding into the Harris County Clerk's Office to protect my interests and the interests of my clients, advertisers, and readers.
Cynthia Ginyard Doubles Down on Stupid; Fred Taylor and Jennifer Cantu Are Locked in a Dead Heat for County Chair
Nothing surprises me these days in politics. However, the antics Fort Bend County Democratic Party Chairman Cynthia Ginyard is trying to use to intimidate me are very concerning. I’m beginning to understand better how this woman has fallen from grace in Fort Bend County after she and her friends have tried to intimidate me since I published an article about Ginyard a few days ago.
Cynthia Ginyard and many other folks don’t realize that I do my homework before writing articles about elected leaders. Beyond doing my homework, I have some working knowledge regarding how Fort Bend County Politics has played out since she took over the reins.
It’s been a while since I dabbled in Fort Bend County politics, but based on the way that Ginyard and her cronies are trying to handle me, I’m inclined to think that the people of Fort Bend are in desperate need of someone to come over there and handle this witch.
I’m very disappointed that Cynthia Ginyard must attack me publicly – when I’m only the messenger. Cynthia already knows that she’s got some serious issues – that’s part of the reason she didn’t run for re-election.
Cynthia Ginyard is not wanted or respected in Fort Bend County or Harris County. If so, she would be serving in Mayor Whitmire’s Administration. The fact that Ginyard, after spending a whole heap of political capital pushing John Whitmire against the honorable Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, still wasn’t chosen for a role in his administration speaks volumes.
As for public letters that Ginyard and her friends have chosen to write about me – I’m not easily intimidated. And I’m not afraid of a powerless, washed-up, wannabe, dirty politician.
Politicians must understand that their lives are fair game when entering the public sphere. And beyond that, people have been mumbling about Cynthia Ginyard for years.
Many Fort Bend leaders fear challenging Ginyard, but not me. Whether her endorsement of Jennifer Cantu works or not, the people of Fort Bend deserve answers, and Democrats deserve better.
I understand that Jennifer Cantu has publicly claimed she is a “Doctor,” but I don't believe she's licensed as a medical doctor. I have not looked into these allegations because, from what I understand, an active investigation is underway.
As it relates to Cynthia Ginyard and the alleged missing money? Candidates who run for office and pay into “COORDINATED CAMPAIGNS” deserve to see some accounting. And the candidates who ran for office in 2022 deserve to know what happened to the money they paid.
I’m not looking for trouble or a fight with Cynthia Ginyard or Jennifer Cantu, but there’s a time and place to resolve matters like this.
Cynthia M. Ginyard was trash as the Fort Bend County Chairwoman, and she will be trash when she leaves the position on Tuesday, May 28, 2024. That said, this Jennifer Cantu woman that Cynthia Ginyard has endorsed is even worse, from what I understand.
The First Amendment to the United States Constitution affords me certain protections, i.e., freedom of speech and freedom of the press; therefore, I can freely espouse my opinion without fear of anyone.
As I said in my previous report, there’s money allegedly missing from the Fort Bend County Democratic Party campaign coffers. From what I understand, if elected, Fred Taylor plans to open up the books and bring transparency to rank-and-file Democrats who care about the future of Fort Bend County if he’s elected to succeed Ginyard as the party chairman.
On Tuesday, May 28, 2024, whether Jennifer Cantu or Fred Taylor wins is beside the point. As a media member, I will not be intimidated, bullied, or frightened by Facebook postings, emails, or whisper campaigns.
Someone needs to tell Cynthia M. Ginyard to stop trying to bully and intimidate folks to get them to back off the issues related to her and all that money that leaders in Fort Bend claim is missing.

Fred G. Taylor and Jennifer Cantu will be on the ballot on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, in the race for Fort Bend County Democratic Party Chairman. In the Fort Bend County Constable for Precinct 3 runoff, Nabil Shikeand Marion Glenn are the choices.
Jamie Kay Jordan and Oscar Telfair III are the candidates in the Democratic Party primary runoff for District Judge, 387th Judicial District Court.
Jerry Zimmerer and Velda Renita Faulkner are on the Democratic Party Primary runoff ballot in the race for Justice, 14th Court of Appeals District, Place 3.
Lea C.S. Simmons and Summara Kanwal are running for State Rep. District 76 in the Tuesday, May 28, 2024, Democratic Party Primary runoff in Fort Bend County.
On the Republican side, Kenneth Omoruyi and Caroline Kane are the candidates running for United States Congress for the 7th Congressional District of Texas on Tuesday, May 28, 2024.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

Houston Business Connections Newspaper endorses Fred Taylor on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary race for Fort Bend County Chair in Fort Bend County, Texas. You can "CLICK HERE" and share our "OFFICIAL ENDORSEMENT CARD" with your family and friends.

Houston Business Connections Newspaper endorses Senator Molly Cook in the upcoming Tuesday, May 28, 2024, Democratic Party Primary race for State Representative for House District 139 in Harris County, Texas. You can "CLICK HERE" and share our "OFFICIAL ENDORSEMENT CARD" with your family and friends.

Houston Business Connections Newspaper endorses Angie Thibodeaux in the upcoming Tuesday, May 28, 2024, Democratic Party Primary race for State Representative for House District 139 in Harris County, Texas. You can "CLICK HERE" and share our "OFFICIAL ENDORSEMENT CARD" with your family and friends.

State Rep. Shawn Thierry is endorsed by Houston Business Connections Newspaper in the upcoming Tuesday, May 28, 2024, Democratic Party Primary race for State Representative for House District 146 in Harris County, Texas. You can "CLICK HERE" and share our "OFFICIAL ENDORSEMENT CARD" with your family and friends.

State Rep. Shawn Thierry is the right choice for Democrats on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, in the race for Tuesday, May 28, 2024. However, you did not vote in either primary on Tuesday, March 5, 2024. In that case, you are considered a "UNAFILIATED VOTER" for "THE PRIMARY RUNOFFS" and eligible to help State Rep. Shawn Thierry defeat Lauren Ashley Simmons on May 28, 2024.

United States Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Businessman Kenneth Omoruyi, and United States Senator Tim Scott (R-South Carolina) are three strong conservatives who love America, and are committed to protecting the United States Constitution.
Dear Texans, I am Kenneth Omoruyi, running for Congress in the 7th congressional district. I am a first-generation American by choice, a father of three, a CPA, and a college educator.
You see, I was raised by a single mother who single-handedly ensured her six children had a college education in a country without student loans. This humble beginning, combined with conservative values and the fear of GOD, built my resiliency, dedication, and hard work.
As a small business owner, I can relate to our community’s daily challenges, from the rapidly rising cost of living to the lack of access to quality health care and increased crime. There is currently a multitude of challenges facing our district.
I am not a career politician. I am one of you. That’s why I am running for Congress: to fight for you and your family. To expand your access to affordable health care, bring fresh perspectives on improving our educational systems, and restore integrity, accountability, and fiscal responsibility in Washington. I will always put you first. But I cannot do this alone. I need your help. Together, we can make a difference for our district and our country.
Only in America would an immigrant like me aspire to vie for a seat in Congress.
So please join me in this campaign: follow me on social media, and sign up to volunteer or donate.
Thank you, and God bless America.
Dear Texans, I am Kenneth Omoruyi, running for Congress in the 7th congressional district. I am a first-generation American by choice, a father of three, a CPA, and a college educator.
You see, I was raised by a single mother who single-handedly ensured her six children had a college education in a country without student loans. This humble beginning, combined with conservative values and the fear of GOD, built my resiliency, dedication, and hard work.
As a small business owner, I can relate to our community’s daily challenges, from the rapidly rising cost of living to the lack of access to quality health care and increased crime. There is currently a multitude of challenges facing our district.
I am not a career politician. I am one of you. That’s why I am running for Congress: to fight for you and your family. To expand your access to affordable health care, bring fresh perspectives on improving our educational systems, and restore integrity, accountability, and fiscal responsibility in Washington. I will always put you first. But I cannot do this alone. I need your help. Together, we can make a difference for our district and our country.
Only in America would an immigrant like me aspire to vie for a seat in Congress.
So please join me in this campaign: follow me on social media, and sign up to volunteer or donate.
Thank you, and God bless America.
Candidate for United States Congress
District 7

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039