The Federal Lawsuit filed against Harris County Constable Alan Rosen (left) is interconnected with Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis's "HUSH MONEY PLOT," in which Ellis allegedly used his 72-year-old sister Melody Geneanne Ellis to facilitate an alleged $50,000.00 ransom payment to keep a "CONVICTED FELON" named James Dunn Jr. (top right) quiet about Ellis' secret meeting at his home, 2102 Sunset Boulevard, on 10/03/2023. DOUBLE-CROSS...After "DR" Candice Matthews secretly recorded Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis on Tuesday, October 3, 2023, the next day at 2:19p.m., she gave "QUANELL X" a copy of her secret recording. And then at 3:28p.m., on Wednesday, October 4, 2023, "DR" Candice Matthews gave "JAMES DUNN, JR," the convicted felon who defrauded the Department of Education out of more than $300,000.00, a copy of her secretly recorded audio which he allegedly used to extort Commissioner Rodney Ellis.

After “DR” Candice Matthew had safely infiltrated Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s home and secretly recorded him privately meeting with Jacquelyn Aluotto, a “WHISTLEBLOWER” in a federal lawsuit against Harris County, her alleged “EXTORTION PLOT” was born.
The private meeting between Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, Jacquelyn Aluotto, and “DR” Candice Matthews occurred on Tuesday, October 3, 2023.
On Wednesday, October 4, 2023, at 2:19 p.m., “DR” Candice Matthew emailed a copy of her “SECRETLY RECORDED AUDIO TAPE” she captured at Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis’ home located at 2102 Sunset Boulevard, in Houston, Texas to her buddy “QUANELL X” and labeled it, “Meeting with Rodney Ellis and Jackie Aluotto about James Dixon Part 1.”
At 3:28 p.m., on Wednesday, October 4, 2023, “DR” Candice Matthews emailed a copy of her “SECRETLY RECORDED AUDIO TAPE” to her buddy “JAMES DUNN JR” who is a convicted felon who defrauded the Department of Education out of $300,000.00, and served three years in prison after pleading guilty.

Under the supervision of Constable Alan Rosen at the Harris County Constable’s Office, Precinct One, young female deputies were handpicked for “undercover operations” under the guise of legitimate police work were molested and traumatized by their intoxicated male commanding officers for their own sexual gratification. What began as an idea for “bachelor party” prostitution stings soon grew into a booze-fueled playground for sexual exploitation in which young, untrained deputies were subject to disgusting abuse. Both Constable Rosen and the Harris County District Attorney’s Office have known about this abuse for months, but they refused to take any action and rebuffed anyone who complained. Constable Alan Rosen attended at least one of these ‘parties’ personally. Three of the young deputies spoke up about their abuse to their supervisors at the Constable’s Office, including Constable Rosen’s chief of staff, but they were ridiculed by their commanders, retaliated against by their abusers, and quietly reassigned to less prestigious duties. ***Ultimately, Constable Allen was dropped from the Federal Lawsuit.
You can (CLICK HERE) to view a copy of the "FEDERAL LAWSUIT" that was filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas Houston Division by Liz Gomez, Marissa Sanchez, Felecia McKinney, and Jacquelyn Aluotto against (HARRIS COUNTY), Alan Rosen, Chris Gore, and Shane Rigdon, in their individual capacities.

PUBLIC CORRUPTION – Jacquelyn Aluotto explains to Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis that her lawyers are Republicans and happen to be the same lawyers that Wayne Dolcefino employs, and that’s why she separated her case – to make sure Wayne Dolcefino didn’t find out what was unfolding.
Candice Matthews Sent Quanell X and James Dunn Jr a Copy of her Audio Tape; Lawsuit Against County Holds Clues
The ongoing “HUSH MONEY INVESTIGATION” swirling around Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis appears to have tentacles linking it to a “FEDERAL LAWSUIT” filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas – Houston Division against Harris County.
The plaintiffs in the case I’m referencing were three female deputies with the Harris County Precinct One Constable’s Office (Alan Rosen): Liz Gomez, Marissa Sanchez, and Felecia McKinney.
Jacquelyn Aluotto was the “WHISTLEBLOWER” on the case, who wanted to cut a side deal.
In the initial filing of the “FEDERAL LAWSUIT,” Liz Gomez, Marissa Sanchez, Felicia McKinney, and Jacquelyn Aluotto were suing Harris County, Texas, along with Alan Roson, in his capacity as an individual, Chris Gore, in his capacity as an individual, and Shane Rigdon, in his capacity as an individual.

Under the supervision of Constable Alan Rosen at the Harris County Constable’s Office, Precinct One, young female deputies were handpicked for “undercover operations” under the guise of legitimate police work were molested and traumatized by their intoxicated male commanding officers for their own sexual gratification.
What began as an idea for “bachelor party” prostitution stings soon grew into a booze-fueled playground for sexual exploitation in which young, untrained deputies were subject to disgusting abuse.
Both Constable Rosen and the Harris County District Attorney’s Office have known about this abuse for months, but they refused to take any action and rebuffed anyone who complained. Constable Alan Rosen attended at least one of these ‘parties’ personally. Three of the young deputies spoke up about their abuse to their supervisors at the Constable’s Office, including Constable Rosen’s chief of staff, but they were ridiculed by their commanders, retaliated against by their abusers, and quietly reassigned to less prestigious duties.

I respect Attorney Benjamin Hall, III, but I’m not sure what his end game will be since it is common knowledge that Bishop James Dixon has displayed “PREDATORY BEHAVIOR “ towards women for years.
If you remember, back when James Wallace Dixon was a member of the Metro Board from 2004 to 2009, he caught an assault charge for allegedly beating his wife up.
According to eyewitness testimony, during Bishop James Dixon’s fight with his wife, he allegedly threw his wife to the ground several times. He was arrested when police arrived and booked in jail on a $50,000 bond.
Now, as Chairman of the Board for the Harris County Sports & Convention Corporation, Bishop Dixon is accused of putting a gun to his head while threatening to kill himself while on official business in Florida along with Jacquelyn Aluotto, who was a whistleblower on a federal lawsuit against Harris County, Texas.

Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis is a straight-up fool. I can’t understand how Commissioner Ellis thought inviting a “WHISTLEBLOWER” who is suing Harris County and “DR” Candice Matthews into his home for a secret meeting was a good idea. But that’s neither here nor there at this point.
For the record, “DR” Candice Matthews entered Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s home at 2102 Sunset Boulevard with her “SECRET RECORDING DEVICE” already rolling. Once inside, “DR” Candice Matthews allowed Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis to confiscate her cellphone because her secret device was already recording everything inside Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s home.
So, after gaining Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s trust, “DR” Candice Matthews, the President of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats and National Minister of Politics for the New Black Panther Party, “DOUBLE-CROSSED” the man who has enriched himself by acting as head of a “CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE” that includes members at the highest level of city and county government.

After “DR” Candice Matthew had safely infiltrated Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s home and secretly recorded him privately meeting with Jacquelyn Aluotto, a “WHISTLEBLOWER” in a federal lawsuit against Harris County, her alleged “EXTORTION PLOT” was born.
The private meeting between Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, Jacquelyn Aluotto, and “DR” Candice Matthews occurred on Tuesday, October 3, 2023.
On Wednesday, October 4, 2023, at 2:19 p.m., “DR” Candice Matthew emailed a copy of her “SECRETLY RECORDED AUDIO TAPE” she captured at Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis’ home located at 2102 Sunset Boulevard, in Houston, Texas to her buddy “QUANELL X” and labeled it, “Meeting with Rodney Ellis and Jackie Aluotto about James Dixon Part 1.”
At 3:28 p.m., on Wednesday, October 4, 2023, “DR” Candice Matthews emailed a copy of her “SECRETLY RECORDED AUDIO TAPE” to her buddy “JAMES DUNN JR” who is a convicted felon who defrauded the Department of Education out of $300,000.00, and served three years in prison after pleading guilty.

Once Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis realized that he had been “DOUBLE-CROSSED” by “DR” Candice Matthews, his alleged “HUSH MONEY PLOT” was born. The alleged $50,000.00 transaction was facilitated by his 72-year-old sister, Melody Geneanne Ellis.
According to multiple sources, “JAMES DUNN JR” was hard up for cash and needed to pay some fines and attorneys fees concerning a case he had in Polk County, Florida, and a judgment he had here in Texas where he had not complied with a judge’s order for him to pay $21,293 to Community Temple Church of God in Christ Houston – which had sued Dunn in civil court and won.
“EXTORTION” means obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats. That said, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis was embarrassed and scared after getting caught on “SECRETLY RECORDED AUDIO” abusing his power as an elected official. However, Commissioner Ellis may also be the victim of an “EXTORTION PLOT,” hatched in the minds of “DR” Candice Matthews and “CONVICTED FELON” James Dunn, Jr., which could also involve blackmail.

Multiple sources have confirmed that “DR” Candice Matthews, who finagled her way into becoming the Chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats and the National Minister of Justice for Quanell X’s New Black Panther Party, allegedly went to Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s home located at 2102 Sunset Boulevard, in Houston, Texas, to capture Commissioner Rodney Ellis on the “SECRET AUDIO RECORDING” and then use the tape as leverage against Bishop James Dixon.
As a refresher, Bishop James Dixon is the Pastor of the Community of Faith Church, Chairman of the Board for the Harris County Sports & Convention Corporation, and the President of the local Branch of the (NAACP), National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
According to my sources, after secretly recording Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis at his home without his knowledge, “DR” Candice Matthews allegedly gave Bishop James Dixon a copy of her “SECRETLY RECORDED AUDIO” to force or coerce him to resign from his position as Chairman of the NAACP Houston Branch located at 2002 Wheeler Avenue in Houston, Texas.
After allegedly providing Bishop James Dixon, the president of the NAACP, with a copy of the damning “SECRETLY RECORDED AUDIO,” she secretly captured at Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s home, “DR” Candice Matthews then, according to multiple sources, began contacting members of the Board of the NAACP, and other community members to see if they would be willing to vote her into Bishop James Dixon’s position as President of the NAACP Houston Branch if he stepped aside.
What is blackmail?
By definition, “BLACKMAIL” is a crime. The crime of “BLACKMAIL” occurs when a perpetrator demands money or another benefit from (someone) in return for not revealing compromising or damaging information about them – which is what’s happening to Bishop James Dixon.
In the case of “DR” Candice Matthew providing Bishop James Dixon with a copy of her “SECRETLY RECORDED AUDIO” captured at Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s home without his knowledge and then using it in her “ALLEGED ATTEMPT” to coerce Bishop James Dixon to relinquish his position as President of the Houston Branch of the NAACP, “DR” Candice Matthews may have violated the blackmail statute.
It appears “DR” Candice Matthew was trying to use her “SECRETLY RECORDED AUDIO” captured at the home of Commissioner Rodney Ellis to elevate herself to the position of President of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People – Houston Branch.

Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis is one of the biggest fools I’ve seen. His “HUSH MONEY PLOT” will eventually be fully exposed and brought to the attention of the proper law enforcement authorities, which will lead to his undoing.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

ENTERING -- The segment above will substantiate the fact that "DR" Candice Matthews, the Chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats and National Minister of Politics for the New Black Panther Party, entered the home of Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis located at 2102 Sunset Boulevard, Houston, Texas, and bravely captured Commissioner Ellis "ABUSING HIS POWER" as the Harris County Commissioner for Precinct One.

ENTERING -- The segment above will substantiate that Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis entered a room in his home located at 2102 Sunset Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77005, and confiscated the cell phones of "DR" Candice Matthews and Jacquelyn Aluotto, but did not realize that "DR" Candice Matthews had bravely and courageously came to the meeting armed with a secret recording device to catch Commissioner Rodney Ellis red-handed abusing his power.

LEAVING -- The segment above will substantiate the fact that "DR" Candice Matthews, the Chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats and National Minister of Politics for the New Black Panther Party, safely left the home of Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, located at 2102 Sunset Boulevard, Houston, Texas, after she successfully captured Commissioner Ellis "ABUSING HIS POWER" as the Harris County Commissioner for Precinct One.

SEGMENT 1 – Candice Matthews walks up to the door of Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s home at 2102 Sunset Boulevard, in Houston, Texas 77005, with a recording device already turned on as she approaches the front door.

SEGMENT 2 – Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis enters a room at his home at 2102 Sunset Boulevard, in Houston, Texas 77005, and greets “DR” Candice Matthews and Jacquelyn Aluotto. According to multiple sources, he confiscates their cell phones but does not know that Matthews has a recording device attached to her key chain.

SEGMENT 3 – Candice Matthews tells Jacquelyn Aluotto why Commissioner Rodney Ellis had them meet him at his home at 2102 Sunset Boulevard, in Houston, Texas 77005. According to “DR” Candice Matthews, she and Jacquelyn Aluotto were asked to meet Commissioner Ellis at his home because he had a meeting with Bishop James Dixon scheduled and did not want Bishop Dixon to know that he was meeting with the two of them.

SEGMENT 4 – Jacquelyn Aluotto explains to Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis and “DR” Candice Matthews that she fears for her life. As far as we know, Commissioner Rodney Ellis did not contact any law enforcement agency to alert them about what was happening between Jacquelyn Aluotto and her co-founder of the “NO TRAFFICKING ZONE,” Bishop James Dixon.

SEGMENT 5 – Jacquelyn Aluotto explains why she kept her mouth shut and did not tell her lawyers, 30-time Emmy Award-winning Reporter Wayne Dolcefino, or Republicans. She also told Harris Commissioner Rodney Ellis and “DR” Candice Matthews that her child was off limits.

SEGMENT 6 – Jacquelyn Aluotto explains how she brought “HUMAN TRAFFICKING VICTIMS” to Bishop James Dixon’s Church (Community of Faith) because she felt she was doing God’s work. Still, Bishop Dixon started sleeping with the women and then never calling them again. According to Aluotto, two professional women she brought to Bishop Dixon were from the Governor’s Office and the Harris County District Attorney’s Office, who fell into Bishop Dixon’s hands.

SEGMENT 7 – Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis asks to see the pictures and videos Jacquelyn Aloutto had of Bishop James Dixon with the “SEX TRAFFICKING VICTIMS” and the time he was in Florida representing NRG and threatened to kill himself. Matthews explains to Commissioner Ellis that Bishop Dixon needed to knock it off because she has Johnny Binder protecting Aluotto.

SEGMENT 8 – Jacquelyn Aluotto explains to Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis why she came to him for help. Commissioner Rodney Ellis agrees to intervene and call Bishop James Dixon, the Chairman of the Board for the Harris County Sports & Convention Corporation.

SEGMENT 9 – Jacquelyn Aluotto begins to cry and explains to Commissioner Ellis and Candice Matthews that she needs to pause for a moment. It is unclear if Commissioner Rodney Ellis contacted any local law enforcement agency after learning about Bishop James Dixon’s predatory behavior.

SEGMENT 10 – Jacquelyn Aluotto explains to Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis that her lawyers are Republicans and happen to be the same lawyers that Wayne Dolcefino employs, and that’s why she separated her case – to make sure Wayne Dolcefino didn’t find out what was unfolding.

SEGMENT 11 – Candice Matthews tells Commissioner Rodney Ellis to remove Bishop James Dixon from several things. However, it is unclear whether Commissioner Ellis went to any law enforcement agency about Jacquelyn Aluotto’s being afraid for her life.

SEGMENT 12 – Candice Matthews told Commissioner Rodney Ellis that Bishop James Dixon could be a liability. However, it is unclear if Commissioner Rodney Ellis has compelled Bishop James Dixon to seek professional help.

SEGMENT 13 – Commissioner Rodney Ellis talks about sex and money as Candice Matthews compels Ellis to go and talk to Bishop James Dixon about his alleged retaliatory behavior. It is unclear if Commissioner Ellis went to local law enforcement authorities or to the Harris County District Attorney’s Office to explain to them that Jacquelyn Aluotto came to him out of fear for her life.

SEGMENT 14 – Jacquelyn Aluotto explains to Commissioner Ellis that Bishop James Dixon had gotten into trouble. Candice Matthews compels Aluotto to tell Commissioner Ellis everything. Matthews appears to be trying to protect Commissioner Ellis and Aluotto in her quest to get Aluotto to tell Ellis every detail of her ordeal with Bishop Dixon in case the information becomes public. According to Jacquelyn Aluotto, she didn’t tell her lawyer everything about her traumatizing ordeal with Bishop Dixon.

SEGMENT 15 – Commissioner Rodney Ellis acknowledges that Bishop James Dixon’s “PREDATORY BEHAVIOR” could lead to people getting killed after Jacquelyn Aluotto told him that Bishop James Dixon was having sex with a few of the wives of some of his male friends. However, it is unclear whether Commissioner Ellis went to any local law enforcement agency or the District Attorney’s Office to report that Jacquelyn Aluotto was in fear for her life.

SEGMENT 16 – Jacquelyn Aluotto tells Commissioner Rodney Ellis that Bishop James Dixon’s sister and father are the only two people who have copies of the pictures of Bishop James Dixon and the “SEX TRAFFICKING” victims, to her knowledge.

SEGMENT 17 – Candice Matthews explains to Jacquelyn Aluotto that she needs to tell Commissioner Rodney Ellis what she wants. It is unclear at this time whether Commissioner Rodney Ellis compelled Bishop James Dixon to stop his “RETALIATORY BEHAVIOR” or to discontinue his “PREDATORIAL BEHAVIOR” in his capacity as the Chairman of the Board for the Harris County Sports & Convention Corporation.


HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

THE BOARD - The Harris County Commissioners Court appoints the Board of Directors who serve on the Harris County Sports & Convention Corporation. Mark Lanier (top left) is the Director, Edwardo E. Edgardo E. Colón (center) is the Director, Carel Stith (top right) is the Secretary/Treasurer, James W.E. Dixon, II (bottom left) is the Chairman. John P. Hernandez (bottom right) is the Vice Chairman of the Harris County Sports & Convention Corporation. Bishop James Dixon is the alleged "SEXUAL PREDATOR" who must be removed from the HCSCC Board immediately.

Bishop James Dixon appears to be a deranged and out-of-control "SEXUAL PREDATOR" if you believe the "SECRETLY RECORDED" audio recording bravely and courageously captured by 'DR' Candice Matthews when she boldly entered the home of Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, located at 2102 Sunset Boulevard, in Houston, Texas.
Secret Audio Reveals Bishop James Dixon Could Be a Sexual Predator; Rodney Ellis Acknowledges People Could Get Killed
Search warrants were executed last week on “DEMOCRATIC OPERATIVES” in other parts of Texas, but make no mistake—the eyes of Texas have turned toward Harris County, Texas, and the forthcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024. According to a court filing I reviewed, Texas authorities raided the home of a 30-year “DEMOCRATIC OPERATIVE” and seized almost 65 cellphones and 41 computers.
What would one person need with 65 cell phones and 41 computers?
Governmental “ABUSE OF POWER” is a serious matter. It refers to instances where those in authority misuse their authority to violate the rights and liberties of individuals or organizations.
Abuse of power by an elected official or public servant can manifest itself in various ways and forms, such as corruption, excessive regulations, unfair practices, or unjustified interference in private affairs.
A better way of explaining “ABUSE OF POWER” is to say, “Abuse of power is when someone misuses their authority or higher position in a hierarchy to take advantage of, coerce, or harm others. It can lead to different types of Abuse, such as psychological, physical, financial, and sexual Abuse.

The secretly recorded audio that I’ve obtained reveals that Bishop James Dixon appears to have used his power, according to Jacquelyn Aluotto, to exploit and prey upon “SEX TRAFFICKING VICTIMS” by luring them into his web of deceit, having sex with them, and then discarding them like trash. Bishop James Dixon is an ordained member of the clergy. He also serves as Chairman of the Board for the Harris County Sports & Convention Corporation, where he appears to have used his power to facilitate his “PREDATORY” actions.
Commissioner Rodney Ellis used his power as the Commissioner for Precinct One to cover up Bishop James Dixon’s “PREDATORY BEHAVIOR” and shield him from public scrutiny.
This exclusive report is written to alert the general public and bring attention to Commissioner Rodney Ellis, the Precinct One Commissioner for Harris County, Texas, and Bishop James Dixon, the co-founder of the “NO TRAFFICKING ZONE” and Chairman of the Board for the Harris County Sports & Convention Corporation, for possibly abusing their power and betraying the public’s trust.

For those of you who haven’t been paying attention, you haven’t heard me say anything negative about “DR” Candice Matthews, the Chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats and the National Minister of Politics for the New Black Panther Nation and I’m not going to start now. However, I want to take this moment to share some “SECRETLY RECORDED AUDIO” I’ve obtained.
Crossing a man like Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis takes courage. However, from what I’ve been told by highly credible sources, “DR” Candice Matthews bravely took her recording device into Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s home at 2102 Sunset Boulevard and placed him in the room, agreeing to interfere in a matter that he should not have been involved in—which is something no investigative reporter such as 30-time Emmy Award-winning reporter Wayne Dolcefino or myself has been able to accomplish.
In other words, placing Commissioner Rodney Ellis in a room doing his dirty deeds has been impossible. However, “DR” Candice Matthews courageously gained Ellis’s trust and was allowed into his home, where she then, according to highly credible sources, “SECRETLY RECORDED” Commissioner Ellis, agreeing to privately intervene in a matter between Bishop James Dixon, who serves as Chairman of the Board for the Harris County Sports & Convention Corporation and also serves as President of the local Branch of the NAACP, which stands for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
As the “SECRETLY RECORDED AUDIO” reveals, Commissioner Rodney Ellis isn’t as bright as people believe him to be in many respects.
For the record, I think “DR” Candice Matthews did an excellent job for society and women across America when she recorded Commissioner Rodney Ellis at his home. However, I was a little disappointed that she did not go to local law enforcement authorities – but that’s another matter on behalf of the female victims of Bishop James Dixon, who is also the pastor of the Community of Faith Church, located at 1024 Pinemont Drive #100, in Houston, Texas.
I strongly encourage you to check out the “SECRETLY RECORDED SEGMENTS” to understand better why Commissioner Rodney Ellis and members of the “ELLIS/TURNER/LEE” regime must be identified and removed from Harris County politics immediately.

Commissioner Rodney Ellis and members of his inner circle have Harris County driven Harris County into the dirt and have Harris County, Texas, positioned one step away from a state take-over if you ask me.
I am taking this moment to thank Texas Secretary of State Jane Nelson for working to secure our forthcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Presidential Election in Harris County, Texas.
I also want to inform the general public that Harris County Clerk Teneshia Hudspeth has done a fabulous job since taking over the daunting task of administering elections in America's third-most populous county.
Harris County Clerk Teneshia Hudspeth is not a member of the “ELLIS/TURNER/LEE” regime and had nothing to do with anything that occurred in Harris County during the 2022 Midterm Election.
Isabel Longoria and Clifford Tatum were both brainwashed members of the “ELLIS/TURNER/LEE” regime, which operates at the discretion and marching orders of Precinct One Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis.
According to my sources, Longoria and Tatume were appointed to the office of Harris County Elections Administrator to administer local elections, which was in the direction and desire of Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis.
“The activities that occurred during the November 2022 elections in the now-defunct Elections Administrator’s Office do not reflect the integrity or operations of the Harris County Clerk’s Office,” stated Harris County Clerk Teneshia Hudspeth in a press release sent out last week.
She explained, “Since September 1, 2023, when the legislature returned the conduct of elections to the Harris County Clerk’s Office, we have conducted six successful, legal, and transparent elections in nine months.”
“With the support of the Secretary of State, the County Attorney’s Office, the Democratic and Republican parties, and all stakeholders, we are committed to continuing to afford all citizens of the county fair and accessible elections.”
County Clerk Teneshia Hudspeth also issued a statement addressing the audit.
“The Harris County Clerk’s Office is actively reviewing the Texas Secretary of State’s 2021-2022 Final Comprehensive Election Audit Report. The findings have been addressed since election operations returned to the Harris County Clerk’s Office through Senate Bill 1750. We will continue to ensure that the concerns that plagued the now-defunct Elections Administrator’s Office are not revisited,” stated Harris County Clerk Teneshia Hudspeth.
According to County Clerk Hudspeth, “The Harris County Clerk’s Office remains committed to upholding the highest standards of transparency, efficiency, and accuracy. We will continue to work diligently to maintain the public’s trust in the electoral process and work with the Secretary of State’s Office as we have been since September 1, 2023.”

“In defiance of state law, Harris County failed to estimate and issue the required amount of ballot paper resulting in interruptions in voting in at least 19 polling locations in the November 2022 Election,” Texas Secretary of State Jane Nelson said.
She stated, “Harris County failed to properly train its election workers to operate new voting equipment, resulting in widespread voting equipment failures in multiple elections.”
“Harris County did not follow state law establishing proper voter roll maintenance activities. Harris County failed to keep an accurate list of registered voters in their county records, which has since been addressed and corrected,” she said.
Secretary of State Jane Nelson states, “In numerous elections, required paperwork from polling locations was incomplete and failed to meet the requirements outlined in the law.”
“Although Harris County has since made changes to its election administration, the findings highlighted in this audit and the prior audit show that an enhanced presence by the Secretary’s office is necessary for the November 2024 election,” said Nelson.

Thanks to the shenanigans played by Isabel Longoria and Clifford Tatum, “The Secretary of State will assign state inspectors to Harris County to perform checks on election records, including tapes and chain-of-custody, and will observe the handling and counting of ballots and electronic media during the November 2024 election period.”
“Additionally, staff from the Secretary’s Elections Division will be present to assist Harris County for the duration of the election period from early voting to Election Day and through tabulation.”

Harris County Commissioners appointed an alleged “SEXUAL PREDATOR” to the Harris County Sports & Convention Corporation named Bishop James Dixon, who is a member of the “ELLIS/TURNER/LEE” political regime which has ruled Harris County, Texas politics for far too long.
Commissioner Rodney Ellis and other local “BLACK LEADERS” are fully aware of Bishop James Dixon’s “PREDATORY BEHAVIOR” and have not done anything to stop him from using his position as Chairman of the Board for the Harris County Sports & Convention Corporation as a platform to prey upon women.
Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, the publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper, recently obtained “SECRETLY RECORDED AUDIO” that (according to multiple sources) was recorded by “DR” Candice Matthews, a local political activist who is heard on the audio compelling Commissioner Rodney Ellis to intervene and stop Bishop James Dixon from retaliating against Jacquelyn Aluotto, who co-founded the “No Trafficking Zone,” along with Bishop James Dixon, several years ago.
According to Jacquelyn Aluotto, her co-founder, Bishop James Dixon is a troubled man and is suicidal.
In the “SECRETLY RECORDED AUDIO,” which was recorded by “DR” Candice Matthews from inside Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s home, you can hear the three talking about how to “KEEP HARRIS COUNTY BLUE” by having Jacquelyn Aluotto keep her mouth shut and not go to Wayne Dolcefino, a local 30-time Emmy Award Winning Investigative Reporter, and keeping the “SEX TRAFFICKING VICTIMS” from going to Republican leaders with their damning assertions against Bishop Dixon.
You can also hear Commissioner Rodney Ellis and “DR” Candice Matthews compelling Jacquelyn Aluotto to keep her mouth shut and not tell anyone outside of Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s home about Bishop James Dixon abusing his power over women as the Chairman of the Board for the Harris County Sports & Convention Corporation.

Bishop James Dixon, the Senior Pastor of the Community of Faith Church, President of the NAACP Houston Branch, and Board Chairman of the Harris County Sports & Convention Corporation located at One NRG Park Houston, TX 77054, appears to be another local pastor who is a “SEXUAL PREDATOR” just like Pastor E.A. Deckard, Pastor Terrance Grant Malone, and Pastor Robert L. Carter.
Pastor E.A. Deckard had strong ties to the late Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, who was known for using her powerful position as a member of the United States Congress serving as the U.S. Representative for the 18th Congressional District to shield many of her “SEXUAL PREDATOR BUDDIES” from prosecution, and public scrutiny.
If you remember, Pastor E.A. Deckard was one of the last “SEXUAL PREDATORS” to be pictured with the late Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in a photo-op, along with Commissioner Rodney Ellis and his buddy Sylvester Turner, who maneuvered his way into claiming the “DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION” in the race for the 18th Congressional District of Texas.
Why am I calling Pastor E.A. Deckard a “SEXUAL PREDATOR” and connecting him to the late Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee?
Pastor E.A. Deckard, the senior pastor of Green House International Church, is the “BLACK PEDOPHILE PASTOR” who sexually assaulted a 14-year-old girl who was a student at the Charter School where he worked at the time. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee was fully aware of the fact that her buddy was a “SEXUAL PREDATOR” and didn’t do anything about it while she was alive.
Pastor Terrance Grant Malone, the senior pastor of St. John Missionary Baptist Church, located at 2702 Emancipation Avenue in Houston, Texas, has allegedly been groping, drugging, raping, and assaulting young Black men for years. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee used the shield of her office to protect this “ALLEGED SEXUAL PREDATOR” for years. His relationship with Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and other local elected officials opened the door for this “SEXUAL PREDATOR” to lead the Texas Clergy for President Biden back during his bid for the presidency during the 2020 Presidential Election.
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee also opened the door for Pastor Terrance Grant Malone to serve as an advisor for former United States Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton due to their extremely close relationship. Remember, several young Black men accused Pastor Terrance Grant Malone of allegedly groping, drugging, raping, and assaulting them.
Bishop Robert L. Carter is the worst “PREDATORY PASTORS” tied to the “ELLIS/TURNER/LEE” regime. Bishop Robert L. Carter stands accused of raping and “SEXUALLY ASSAULTING” a local girl more than 600 times, from the time she was seven years old, and impregnating her.
From what I uncovered, Bishop Robert L. Carter is/was a member of the Black Preaching Network, which, according to their website, has members worldwide. According to information my investigative team and I obtained in published reports, he also ministers in one of Houston’s most depreciated and economically disadvantaged communities, Sunnyside.

Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis owns elected officials at the city, statewide, and federal levels. He also owns several judges and other public officials, whom I won’t mention in this report.
Former Mayor Sylvester Turner, Bishop James Dixon, and Councilwoman Letitia Plummer are all owned by Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis and are three of his most loyal puppets.
Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis also owns Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s daughter, Erica Lee Carter, and will likely win the “SPECIAL ELECTION” to fill out the remainder of her late mother’s term, which expires on January 3, 2025.
Erica Lee Carter has worked as Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s “SENIOR POLICY ADVISOR” since 2020. On Tuesday, November 5, 2024, she will face off against Maria Dunn and Kevin O. Dural in the “SPECIAL ELECTION,” where she is the favorite to win the seat.
Look at the filing information she supplied to the Texas Secretary of State. You will see that she has set up her headquarters at the same “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT HARVESTING HEADQUARTERS” that her mother (Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee) used, which is a Gerald Womack’s (Womack Development & Investment Realtors), located at 4412 Ameda Road, in Houston, Texas 77004.

E-mail: info@ericaleecarter.com
FILING DATE: 08/19/2024

E-mail: mariafortexas18@yahoo.com
FILING DATE: 08/21/2024

E-mail: info@kevindural.com
FILING DATE: 08/07/2024
The primary concern I have about what the “ELLIS/TURNER/LEE” regime is about to do is related to the fact that Gerald Womack and the late Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee ran an illegal mail ballot operation out of 4412 Almeda Road for decades. Now, her daughter (Erica Lee Carter) and Gerald Womack could impact local “DOWN-BALLOT RACES” for other regime members.

I am very concerned about the Harris County District Attorney race unfolding between Dan Simons and Sean Teare, whom Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis endorsed in the forthcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Presidential Election race Harris County District Attorney.
During the 2020 Presidential Election cycle, an employee of Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis allegedly bragged that 700,000 illegal mail ballots could be harvested in Harris County, Texas.
Since former FBI Investigative Specialist Charles Marler signed a “SWORN AFFIDAVIT” on September 27, 2020, my investigative team and I have been keeping a watchful eye on Commissioner Rodney Ellis, Dallas Jones, Tyler James, Gerald Womack, and other corrupt individuals.
My investigative team has obtained 20 hours of “SECRET AUDIO ON ELLIS” and other dirty local officials and politicians, which we will later release to the general public.
As proof of my assertion and for my safety, I have released the "EIGHTEEN SEGMENTS" of “SECRETLY RECORDED AUDIO” that was recorded by “COMMUNITY ACTIVIST” Candice Matthews from inside Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis's home, located in an affluent area of Houston, Texas.
Candice Matthews also serves as Chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats and is the National Minister of Politics for the New Black Panther Nation.
On behalf of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, I want to thank "DR" Candice Matthews for her bravery and stellar investigative work. I would also like to applaud "DR" Candice Matthews for having the courage and intestinal fortitude to go into Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s home and “SECRETLY RECORD” him intervening in a matter of “PUBLIC CONCERN” related to his buddy Bishop James Dixon, who serves as the Chairman of the board of the Harris County Sports & Convention Corporation.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Early voting will begin on Monday, October 21, 2024, and end on Friday, November 1, 2024, for the upcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Presidential Election. It is incumbent upon us to make it our business to select the best candidate available in every down-ballot race."
Donors Have helped Harris/Walz raise $500 million, and Local Black Democrat Judicial Nominees Have Raised over $1.3 million
After a rocky start to the 2024 Presidential Election cycle, African American female Democratic judicial nominees have found their groove. They are beginning to hit their stride after being called unqualified and ill-prepared to preside over courtrooms. Remember, only a few months ago, Judge Erica Hughes was called an animal by a local “LGBTQ+ Community attorney named Ben L. Aderholt, who was immediately fired by (COATS/ROSE), the law firm he worked for.
I’m not going to harp on Attorney Ben L. Aderholt or anyone else who hates the advancements Black women are making in the area of politics. However, I suffice to say, “THESE WOMEN ARE HERE TO STAY,” and for the most part, are doing stellar jobs presiding over local courtrooms.

It wasn’t that long ago that women didn’t even have the right to vote. Remember, the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution, passed by Congress on June 4, 1919, and ratified on August 18, 1920, granted women of all ethnicities the right to vote.
Since then, Black women, White women, Latino women, Asian women, and others have made tremendous strides in the political, public, and private sectors, forming “A SISTERHOOD” unlike anything we’ve seen before.
Will Americans entrust “A BLACK WOMAN” with the humungous task of leading the free world? After raising over $500 million in under a month, Vice President Kamala Harris appears to be the antidote to former president Donald J. Trump in the minds of Democrats and Republicans in many regards.

“OUTLOOK 2024.”
Law Firms, family, and friends of local “BLACK DEMOCRATIC JUDICIAL CANDIDATES” have positioned them with an impressive cash advantage over the Republican candidates they will face off against on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in Harris County, Texas.
With “EARLY VOTING,” beginning on Monday, October 21, 2024, “BLACK DEMOCRATIC JUDICIAL CANDIDATES” from Harris County, Texas (primarily women) have $1,391,006.14 cash on hand in the bank as a group. Their Republican counterparts only have $70,086.66 cash on hand when you subtract away the $607,012.48 that the Texas Alliance for Life PAC has associated with Texas Supreme Justice James “Jimmy” Blacklock, who Judge DaSean Jones challenged.

Republicans are encouraging Texas voters to “GO TO THE POLLS WITH INTENTION,” casting their ballots for “GOP CANDIDATES” up and down their ballot in 2024 to “Keep Texas – Texas.”
Their Democratic counterparts are encouraging Texas voters to “VOTE BLUE ALL THE WAY THROUGH” their ballots in Texas as they try to reclaim the Lone Star State where no “DEMOCRAT” has won a statewide race since 1994, which was three decades ago.
On top of dominating Democrats for three decades in statewide Texas races, Republicans are starting to make modest gains with Latino and Black voters in Texas. However, “BLACK DOWN-BALLOT JUDICIAL CANDIDATES” have begun making strides in fundraising, which could enable them to become surrogates for the Democratic Party, which desperately needs African Americans to turn out in historic numbers to have any shot at keeping control of Harris County, Texas.
The biggest mistake local Democratic candidates could make is to horde the campaign cash on hand they have, instead of using newly found wealth to mobilize, energize, and engage Texas voters in predominantly African American precincts to “VOTE BLUE ALL THE WAY THROUGH” their ballot on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

We haven’t seen any vast donations roll through, like the $30,000.00 the Buzbee Law Firm (Tony Buzbee) donated to Brittanye Morris shortly after she unseated her fellow Democrat, Judge Daryl Moore, to claim the 333rd Civil District Court bench on March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Party Primary.
We’re continuing to monitor the campaign finance reports.
While no local law firms have matched the $30,000.00 the Buzbee Law Firm gave Brittanye Morris, regional law firms are beginning to flex their muscle with smaller $5,000.00 donations being duplicated and distributed to multiple “DOWN-BALLOT” Democratic judicial nominees. This is a massive vote of confidence from the attorneys practicing before these honorable men and women.

In July 2024, after President Joe Biden dropped out of the Presidential race and endorsed his Vice President (Kamala Harris), she proved her worthiness by hitting the campaign trail running and raising $310 million, and she now has over $500 million cash on hand.
As a refresher, many “DEMOCRAT MEGADONORS” got spooked and soured on President Biden after his horrific televised debate performance against former President Donald Trump. But things have taken a dramatic turn for the better as Democrats are flexing their muscle with “HARRIS/WALZ” at the top of their ticket.
Believe it or not, the generosity shown to the “HARRIS/WALZ TICKET” over the last few weeks is starting to trickle down to local “DEMOCRATIC JUDICIAL NOMINEES” running in local races against “REPUBLICAN JUDICIAL NOMINEES” who are finding it challenging to keep pace with their “DOWN-BALLOT” Democratic rivals.
Based on their most recently filed campaign finance reports, “BLACK DEMOCRATIC JUDICIAL NOMINEES” are beginning to “FEEL THE LOVE” as local lawyers and their firms feel more confident and loosen their purse strings—if you know what I mean.

A couple of years ago, Judge Ravi K. Sandill, the presiding judge for the 127th Civil District Court, had $620,400.85 in his campaign bank account. However, after his hotly contested 2024 bid for re-election, all he has in his account right now is $107,862.07.
On March 5, 2024, Judge Ravi K. Sandill was defeated by his fellow Democrat Denise Brown, who had no money to spend but had a “GOOD BALLOT NAME” and a strong work ethic.

Good ballot names are essential in local politics. As was evident when Denise Brown received 103,848 votes for 67.8% of the vote, and Judge R.K. Sandill only received 49,359 votes, for 32.2%, on “SUPER TUESDAY” in the Democratic Party Primary race for the 127th Civil District Court – a good ballot name could be the difference between winning and losing.
As Judge R.K. Sandill learned, it doesn’t matter how much money you spend – if you spend it in the wrong places – you could still lose handily – significantly if your name doesn’t help you.

Overconfidence on the part of “DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES” heading into the forthcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024, election contests can come back to bite them, as it did for several local “BLACK DEMOCRAT NOMINEES” during the November 8, 2022, Midterm Elections.
Remember what happened to Gemayel L. Haynes (Democrat), who lost to Kristin M. Guiney in the race for District Judge, 183rd Judicial District Court?
The “ETHNIC SOUNDING NAME” of Gemayel didn’t help him much with voters scrolling down the most significant ballot in America. After the voting, Kristin M. Guiney received 534,707 votes for 50.13%, and Gemayel L. Haynes received 532,031 votes for 49.87%.
Gemayel lost his race to Kristin by the slim margin of 2,676 votes.
On Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Porsha Natasha Brown (Democrat) lost her bid to become a judge to Leslie Johnson (Republican), who won by 267 votes in the race for judge of County Criminal Court at Law No. 3.
As a refresher, Leslie Johnson received 529,649 votes or 50.1% of the vote, and Porscha Natasha Brown received 529,382 votes or 49.99%.
In the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No. 2 on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Judge Ronnisha Bowman (Democrat) was the only “SITTING DEMOCRAT JUDGE” running countywide who lost her bench. Judge Bowman received 529,909 votes, 49.77% of the vote, and Paula Goodhart received 531,798 votes, 50.23%.
Je’Rell A. Rogers (Democrat) lost to Jessica N. Padilla (Republican) in the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No 14, on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in Harris County, Texas.
According to the Harris County Clerk’s Office, Jessica N. Padilla received 533,823 votes for 50.68%, and Je’Rell A. Rogers received 519,533 for 49.32%.
In the race for District Judge in the 180th Judicial District Court, Tami C. Pierce (Republican) nearly defeated Judge DaSean Jones, sued him, and won a new election scheduled for May 2025.
As a refresher, Tami C. Pierce (Republican) received 534,011 votes, for 49.98% of the vote, and DaSean Jones received 534,460, for 50.02%, to win by 449 votes.

For Democrats running countywide to sweep Harris County, Texas, the voter turnout on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, would have to be north of 800,000 votes. If individual “DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES” running countywide in Harris County, Texas, below 800,000, they could risk losing to their Republican rival on Election Day. That said, if the voter turnout for individual candidates is below 500,000 votes, “REPUBLICAN NOMINEES” will run the table in countywide races.
Democrat nominees in “DOWN-BALLOT” judicial races dominate “REPUBLICAN NOMINEES,” but many are sitting on their campaign war chests, which is difficult to understand.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

DaSean Jones (Democrat) has $35,162.42 in cash, and James “Jimmy” Blacklock has a political action committee affiliated with him called Texas Alliance for Life PAC, which has $607,012.48 cash on hand. These two nominees will square off in the Judge, Supreme Court, Place 2 race.

Chika A. Anyiam (Democrat) has $9,624.60 in cash, and Lee Finley (Republican) has a political action committee called Bastrop County Conservatives PAC affiliated with him that has $5,516.33 cash on hand. These two nominees will square off in the race for Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 8.

Amber Boyd-Cora (Democrat) has $2,850.00 in cash, and Susanna Dokupil (Republican) has $15,211.93. These two are running for Justice, 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 9.

Velda Renita Faulkner (Democrat) has $600.00 in cash, and Chad Bridges (Republican) has $15,441.09. These two are running for Justice, 14th Court of Appeals District, Place 3.

Fredericka Phillips (Democrat) has $169,821.36 in cash, and Lee Kathryn Shuchart (Republican) has $2,650.00. These two are running for District Judge in the 61st Judicial District Court.

Jeralynn Manor (Democrat) has $183,947.44 in cash, and Sonya Aston (Republican) has $1,250.00. These two are running for District Judge in the 80th Judicial District Court.

Erica Hughes (Democrat) has $190,100.00 in cash on hand. She has no Republican opponent running against her for District Judge in the 151st Judicial District Court.

TaKasha Francis (Democrat) has $125,352.82 in cash. She has no Republican opponent running against her for District Judge in the 152nd Judicial District Court.

Cheryl Elliott Thornton (Democrat) has $71,471.97 in cash, and Aaron Adams (Republican) has “ZERO” cash on hand. These two are running for District Judge in the 164th Judicial District Court.

Ursula A. Hall (Democrat) has $48,991.63 in cash, and Bruce Bain (Republican) has $6,982.69 cash on hand. These two are running for District Judge in the 165th Judicial District Court.

Hazel B. Jones (Democrat) has $2,005.70 in cash. She has no Republican opponent running against her in the race for District Judge, 174th Judicial District Court.

Nikita “Niki” Harmon (Democrat) has $13,596.04 in cash. She has no Republican opponent running against her in the race for District Judge, 176th Judicial District Court.

Robert Johnson (Democrat) has $53,337.16 in cash, and Emily Detoto Munoz (Republican) has $500.00 cash on hand. These two are running for District Judge in the 177th Judicial District Court.

Elaine Palmer (Democrat) has $70,053.19 in cash, and Nathan Milliron (Republican) has $1,404.20. These two are running for District Judge in the 215th Judicial District Court.

Tracy D. Good (Democrat) has $67,925.79 in cash, and Brian Staley (Republican) has $12,304.11 cash on hand. These two are running for District Judge in the 333rd Judicial District Court.

Dawn Rogers (Democrat) has $157,639.28 in cash. She has no Republican opponent running against her for District Judge in the 334th Judicial District Court.

Te’iva Bell (Democrat) has $8,114.92 in cash. She has no Republican opponent running against her for District Judge in the 339th Judicial District Court.

Vivian King (Democrat) has $413.00 in cash, and Aaron Burdette (Republican) has “ZERO” cash on hand. These two are running for District Judge in the 486th Judicial District Court.

Stacy Allen Barrow (Democrat) has $13,392.00 in cash, and Lori Deangelo (Republican) has $346.00. These two are running for District Judge in the 487th Judicial District Court.

Carvana Cloud (Democrat) has a political action committee associated with her, and she has $5,578.27 in cash on hand, while Matthew Peneguy (Republican) has $13,561.89 in cash on hand. These two are running for District Judge in the 488th Judicial District Court.

Lillian Henny Alexander (Democrat) has $92,300.10 in cash, and Daniel Lemkuil (Republican) has $218.90. These two are running for District Judge in the 507th Judicial District Court.

Ashley Mayes Guice (Democrat) has $1,979.59 in cash, and Linda Garcia (Republican) has $2,684.03 cash on hand. These two are running for Judge County Criminal Court at Law No. 16.

Fransheneka “Fran” Watson (Democrat) has $18,629.12 in cash, and Ray Black, Jr. (Republican) has $2,500.00 cash on hand. These two are running for Judge, County Probate Court No. 5.

Joe Stephens (Democrat) has “ZERO” cash on hand. He has no Republican opponent running against him in the Justice of the Peace race, Precinct 3, Place 1.

Wanda Adams (Democrat) has $300.25 cash on hand. She has no Republican opponent running against her in the Justice of the Peace race, Precinct 7, Place 1.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039