State Rep. Charles Cunningham (HD-127), and State Rep. Shawn Theirry (HD-146), are two strong and courageous "POLITICAL POWER PLAYERS" every warm-blooded American can be proud of during this pivotal moment in the history of our great nation. Cunningham happens to be a "STRONG REPUBLICAN" leader in the Texas House of Representatives, and Thierry happens to be a "STRONG DEMOCRAT" who serves in the Texas House of Representatives. You can "CLICK HERE" to discover the true meaning of "FREEDOM" as God's plan for America continues to unfold.

State Rep. Charles Cunningham (HD-127), is a free man whom Americans should be proud to celebrate for Juneteenth (Monday, June 19, 2023), and Independence Day (Tuesday, July 4, 2023). State Rep. Cunningham is a descendant of slaves for sure, but what I love about him most, is that he's walking in the freedom that he's been granted by our founding fathers. Cunningham is a Republican leader who happens to be African American. who doesn't appear to be allowing anyone to dissuade, discourage, or hinder him from courageously standing with God Almighty without fear or favor during these turbulent political times we're living in right now. You can "CLICK HERE" to discover the true meaning of "FREEDOM" as God's plan for America continues to unfold.

State Rep. Shawn Thierry (HD-127), is a free woman whom every warm-blooded American can be proud of during these turbulent political times. Thierry is a true queen, who possesses the type of courage and intestinal fortitude, that we haven’t seen in a Black female legislator in the “TEXAS STATE HOUSE” in a very long time. It’s no wonder that she was recently named as the, “2023 Barbara Jordan Impact Award Honoree for Community Service,” by the Barbara Jordan Houston Section of the National Council of Negro Women. This courageous Black female legislator should not only be celebrated for Juneteenth (Monday, June 19, 2023) but on Independence Day (Tuesday, July 4, 2023) as well. State Rep. Shawn Thierry is the kind of leader Americans will still be talking about 200 years from now. You can "CLICK HERE" to discover the true meaning of "FREEDOM" as God's plan for America continues to unfold.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "For America to remain the dominant "SUPER POWER' in the world, every warm-blooded American had better start 'PUTTING PEOPLE OVER POLITICS' at the ballot box by elevating duly-qualified God-fearing leaders into positions of authority."
What Juneteenth Reveals is that from 1865 to 2023, Many African Americans Are Still Being Held Hostage By Mental Chains
The freedoms we enjoy today as Americans were purchased by our forefathers, but with each passing Election cycle, the future of our great nation is being mortgaged away by selfish, egotistical career politicians and their cronies.
"The First Amendment (1791) prohibits Congress from obstructing the exercise of certain individual freedoms: freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and right to petition. Its Free Exercise Clause guarantees a person's right to hold whatever religious beliefs they want, and to freely exercise that belief, and its Establishment Clause prevents the federal government from creating an official national church or favoring one set of religious beliefs over another. The amendment guarantees an individual's right to express and to be exposed to a wide range of opinions and views. It was intended to ensure a free exchange of ideas, even unpopular ones. It also guarantees an individual's right to physically gather or associate with others in groups for economic, political, or religious purposes. Additionally, it guarantees an individual's right to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

I don’t have a problem with Americans from all walks of life coming together and celebrating the fact that my forefathers from Texas were set free two years after slaves from other parts of America. But as for me, that’s not something that I’m particularly proud of – if you want to know the truth.
Anyways, as the story goes, Union troops under the command of Major General Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas on June 19th, 1865, to deliver the message that my forefathers, from Texas, were henceforth free, and could begin living their lives as free men and women.
But from 1865 to 2023, many of my people haven’t done anything but trade one form of bondage for another, if you want to know the truth about it.
I guess you tell by now, I don’t take joy in celebrating the Juneteenth Holiday. Why not? Well, partly because, the whole reasoning behind “CELEBRATING JUNETEENTH” is more of another one of those symbolic gestures – meant to make my people feel as though the U.S. Government has given us something that addresses the atrocities that were enacted upon my ancestors during slavery.
Truth be told, African Americans, as a group of people, are continuing to lag farther and farther behind every other ethnic group in America, and we only have ourselves to blame. How can I say this? Well, when you get right down to it, many ill-informed African Americans continue to be kept in a state of “MENTAL SLAVERY” by corrupt career politicians who are enriching themselves, their families, and their cohorts, by selling African American communities all over America up the river, in a boat – without a paddle.

As a body of people, we are ‘unwittingly’ celebrating and idolizing corrupt ‘do-nothing’ politicians for symbolic reasons, and rejecting the leaders we should be supporting. And the truth be told, the 1960s brand of politics we’re continuing to play, isn’t getting us anywhere.
Yes, conversation rules the nation, but at some point, we (as a people) must wake up and face the stark reality that we deserve more than what’s being delivered to us by these crooked Black politicians. In reality, we don’t need any more of their fiery speeches, press conferences, and protests.
How long are we as a people going to keep falling for the same old tricks over and over again?
If America is at a crossroads, African Americans, as a group, are at a fork in the ‘proverbial road’ and must face the daunting reality, that we’ve been tricked, duped, and bamboozled for long enough.
We have the wrong leaders representing our interests.
There was a time in history when, my forefathers were brave, courageous, and free in their minds – even though they were ‘physically bound’ by chains and shackles. But some of these sorry (bleep) Negros we have in office today are an embarrassment to our people, and we need to get rid of them.
Today, especially in Texas, we’re devoid of “STRONG BLACK LEADERSHIP,” and we’ve resigned ourselves to accepting mediocrity, incompetence, and cowardice.
Most of these “COWARDLY BLACK LEGISLATORS” say one thing behind closed doors, and then ‘tuck tail’ when it comes time for them to stand up for themselves, and stand strong for our people.
And don’t let me get started on that worthless, no-good, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and Congressman Al Green, who are both standing in the way of our progress.

If I had to select two “STRONG BLACK LEADERS” who my forefathers would be extremely proud of right now, I would select State Representative Charles Cunningham (HD-127), a Republican, and State Representative Shawn Thierry (HD-146), a Democrat, as two of the strongest “BLACK TEXAS LEADERS” we have in office right now.
State Rep. Shawn Thierry, should be elevated to the United States Senate, or United States Congress, very shortly, in my opinion. Thierry has developed an uncanny ability to reach across the political aisle, which is an asset all “BLACK LAWMAKERS” should have if they expect to get anything done in the Republican-controlled legislature in Texas.
Thierry is a true queen, who possesses the type of courage and intestinal fortitude, that we haven’t seen in a Black female legislator in the “TEXAS STATE HOUSE” in a very long time.
It’s no wonder that she was recently named as the, “2023 Barbara Jordan Impact Award Honoree for Community Service,” by the Barbara Jordan Houston Section of the National Council of Negro Women.
As for State Rep. Charles Cunningham, he’s from ‘good stock’ so to speak. In case you don’t know, his great, great, grandfather Henry Phelps, served in the 13th Texas Legislature, as a Republican. And today, Cunningham, the lone African American currently serving as a Republican state rep in the 88th Texas Legislative Session is building upon the legacy of his great, great, grandfather.
Henry Phelps was born a slave in Virginia around 1829 and worked as a sharecropper. According to the Texas State Historical Association (TSHA), the great, great, grandfather of State Rep. Charles Cunningham could even read or write; but didn’t let that hold him back.
Back in 1872, Henry Phelps was elected to the Thirteenth Legislature by voters from Wharton, Austin, and Fort Bend counties right here in the Lone Star State.
And today, his great, great, grandson, State Rep. Charles Cunningham serves as the only African American, state Representative in the Texas House of Representatives – now that’s something we should all be celebrating today! Happy Juneteenth!!!!

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033