Unfolding in Harris County, Texas, is a “HUSH MONEY” case with more twists and turns than the one involving former President Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels, playing out in Manhattan, New York.
On September 18, 2024, former President Donald J. Trump could get thrown in jail in the case where he got convicted on 34 Felony Counts for falsifying business records in connection with a $130,000 payment to a former porn star to keep her quiet about their alleged affair.
In the developing Harris County “HUSH MONEY” case that’s unfolding, there are tenants of potential bribes, extortion, and blackmail involved as Commissioner Rodney Ellis used the power of his elected office to intervene in a matter shushing “PREDATORY BEHAVIOR” by Bishop James Dixon, president of the Houston Branch of the NAACP, Chairman of the Board for the Harris County Sports & Convention Corporation, Pastor of the Community of Faith Church, and the co-founder and former Board Member of the “NO TRAFFICKING ZONE.”
Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis has been like a cat with nine lives for nearly four decades. Rumors have swirled for years about Ellis, his dirty backroom dealings, and his illegal activities.
From that story, about $500,000.00 vanishing into thin air out of his campaign bank account when he was a state Senator, to his forcing two corrupt elections administrators (Isabel Longoria and Clifford Tatum) upon the people of Harris County, Texas, until now, the “PUPPET MASTER” has avoided prosecution and public scrutiny.
Forcing Harris County Clerk Diane Trautman to step down because she would not mail out thousands of unsolicited absentee mail ballots to every registered Harris County voter over 65 – was one of Ellis’s most egregious acts against one of his fellow Democrats.
Ellis has been running an elaborate “CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE,” which is complex, confusing, and severely threatening our democracy.
Remember when Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg went after Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis for his misuse of taxpayer dollars in connection with storing all that allegedly stolen priceless African Artwork a few years ago?
“The taxpayers of Harris County deserve to have their taxpayer dollars spent wisely in a transparent manner,” said Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg. However, the grand jury declined to charge Commissioner Ellis in the African Art case – which, in hindsight, appears to be a massive miscarriage of justice.
No matter what you think about “DR” Candice Matthews, having the courage to walk into Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s home with a secret recording device takes a lot of nerve. That cowboy hat-wearing community activist isn’t afraid of anyone – not even Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis and members of his corrupt criminal enterprise.
The leverage that “DR” Candice Matthews appears to have held over the head of Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis for years is that he has (or had) some contracts with private prisons. This knowledge that “DR” Candice Matthews has about Commissioner Rodney Ellis and an alleged contract with private prisons seems to center around his alleged investments and hypocrisy.
I have a segment of audio where “DR” Candice Matthews discusses how she charged up Commissioner Rodney Ellis in a meeting a few years ago, which could explain why Commissioner Rodney Ellis and members of his “CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE” are afraid of “DR” Candice Matthews and her big mouth.
“DR” Candice Matthews threatened to expose Commissioner Rodney Ellis in the matter concerning his “BAIL REFORM INITIATIVES” that he was trying to force newly-elected “BLACK JUDGES” to go along with after the “BLACK GIRL MAGIC JUDGES” made history.
Remember, Commissioner Rodney Ellis (Democrat), County Judge Lina Hidalgo (Democrat), Commissioner Adrian Garcia (Democrat), Commissioner Lesley Briones (Democrat), and Commissioner Tom Ramsey (Democrat) oversee the entire Criminal Justice System (Courts, Sheriff’s Department, and Jail), which makes Commissioner Rodney Ellis one of the most powerful men in Texas.
A few years back, “DR” Candice Matthews co-hosted a top-rated internet talk show called “THE WARZONE” with the late Gerry Wayne Monroe, better known as “THE FIVE STAR GENERAL.”
After Commissioner Rodney Ellis welcomed “DR” Candice Matthews into the fold as a member of his “CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE,” he effectively destroyed the relationship between Gerry Wayne Monroe, “DR” Candice Matthews, and Elvonte Patton, who were the co-hosts of the extremely popular “WARZONE,” which Gerry Wayne Monroe continued to broadcast on his own, until his untimely death.
After “DR” Candice Matthews became a member of Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s “CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE,” my investigative team and I allied with Gerry Wayne Monroe and “THE WARZONE” to provide “FIVE STAR” with the investigative resources he needed to continue “THE WARZONE,” broadcasts without his former co-hosts.
Not only did members of my investigative team and I provide collateral investigative support, but we also provided financial support to “FIVE STAR” to assist him with making ends meet occasionally.
Jacquelyn Alutto was ordered or persuaded by an associate of Bishop James Dixon’s named Pastor Terry to keep her mouth shut and suck it up because they spent $30,000.00 to have Bishop James Dixon consecrated.
According to Aluotto, Pastor Terry told her the church would have Bishop James Dixon seek help. Still, according to Jacquelyn Aluotto, the church never got Bishop James Dixon the help he desperately needed for his “PREDATORY BEHAVIOR” related to his treatment and alleged abuses of women.
When Jacquelyn Aluotto went to “THE CHURCH,” she had been going to counseling and therapy. She told Commissioner Rodney Ellis that she was traumatized and could not handle everything that was going on. However, I understand that Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis failed to hold Bishop James Dixon accountable, just like the church.
Commissioner Rodney Ellis and members of his corrupt “CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE” have shielded and protected Bishop James Dixon and have allowed him to remain serving as the Chairman of the Board for the Harris County Sports & Convention Corporation even though Ellis was made fully aware of Bishop James Dixon putting a gun to his head while in Florida on official business for NRG in his capacity as Chairman of the Board.
Former FBI Investigative Specialist Charles “Chuck” Marler has confirmed what one of our sources told my investigative team about Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis having an older sister who may have helped him facilitate a $50,000.00 “HUSH MONEY” ransom payment.
According to the “COMPREHENSIVE REPORT” pulled by Former FBI Investigative Specialist Charles “Chuck” Marler, the Harris County Commissioner has a 72-year-old sister named Melody Genneane Ellis, who lives in Houston, Texas.
Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s 72-year-old sister Melody Genneane Ellis is the person Commissioner Rodney Ellis allegedly turned to intercept the “SECRET AUDIO TAPE” when he was made aware that the “SECRET AUDIO TAPE” of his private meeting with Jacquelyn Aluotto was recorded by “DR” Candice Matthews at his home located at 2102 Sunset Boulevard.
It is our understanding that the “SECRET AUDIO TAPE” was being shopped around with an asking price of $50,000.00 attached by a “CONVICTED FELON” named James Dunn, Jr., who had very close ties to “DR” Candice Matthew.
We believed that “DR” Candice Matthews surrendered a copy of her “SECRETLY AUDIO TAPE” from Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s home, capturing Ellis’s illegal activities, as part of a broader plot or scheme to commit “EXTORTION” and “BLACKMAIL potentially” as well gain a financial benefit and further increase her public persona, brand, and public status.
James Dunn, Jr. is a convicted felon who pleaded guilty to defrauding the Federal Government. James Dunn, Jr., a few years ago, was sentenced to nearly three years in prison for defrauding the Department of Education, according to court records.
According to a KPRC 2 NEWS REPORT, “Dunn knowingly and willfully abused his position of trust to steal funds that were supposed to be used to provide needed educational and vocational rehabilitation to disabled adults. That is unacceptable,” said Mary Mitchelson, acting Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Education, based on a Department of Justice (DOJ) report.
James Dunn Jr. pleaded guilty to one count of submitting fraudulent claims against the government totaling more than $300,000.00.
We believe that Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s 72-year-old sister by the name of Melody Genneane Ellis, was instructed, ordered, or sent by Commissioner Rodney Ellis to allegedly give James Dunn, Jr., the sum of $50,000.000 to purchase the “SECRETLY RECORDED AUDIO” that “DR” Candice Matthews boldly and courageously secured when “THE GOOD DOCTOR” went to Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s home for a private meeting between herself, Commissioner Rodney Ellis, and Jacquelyn Aluotta.
At the time all of this was unfolding, James Dunn, Jr., the convicted felon, was desperate for cash and needed the money to pay his attorney’s fees and fines related to his pending arrest in a case he had in Polk County, Florida, which he pleaded guilty to a few months ago,
The case in Polk County, Florida, involving James Dunn, Jr., was related to him texting lies about a School Board Member named Lisa Miller, who was running for reelection in a Polk County School Board race in 2022, but thank God his efforts failed.
According to published reports, State Attorney Brian Haas’s office, “Dunn orchestrated a smear campaign against incumbent School Board Member Lisa Miller by paying two companies to send anonymous text messages to thousands of Polk County Republican voters, which falsely claimed that Miller and her husband, Bob were ‘the subjects of a criminal investigation.’
James Dunn, Jr., was also desperate for cash because he had not complied with the 2021 Texas court order. Dunn was ordered to pay $21,293.00 to Community Temple Church of God and needed money fast – thus, the “HUSH MONEY” plot was born.
What is extortion?
“EXTORTION” means obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats. That said, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis was embarrassed and scared after getting caught on “SECRETLY RECORDED AUDIO” abusing his power as an elected official. However, Commissioner Ellis may also be the victim of an “EXTORTION PLOT,” hatched in the minds of “DR” Candice Matthews and “CONVICTED FELON” James Dunn, Jr., which could also involve blackmail.
Multiple sources have confirmed that “DR” Candice Matthews, who finagled her way into becoming the Chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats and the National Minister of Justice for Quanell X’s New Black Panther Party, allegedly went to Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s home located at 2102 Sunset Boulevard, in Houston, Texas, to capture Commissioner Rodney Ellis on the “SECRET AUDIO RECORDING” and then use the tape as leverage against Bishop James Dixon.
As a refresher, Bishop James Dixon is the Pastor of the Community of Faith Church, Chairman of the Board for the Harris County Sports & Convention Corporation, and the President of the local Branch of the (NAACP), National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
According to my sources, after secretly recording Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis at his home without his knowledge, “DR” Candice Matthews allegedly gave Bishop James Dixon a copy of her “SECRETLY RECORDED AUDIO” to force or coerce him to resign from his position as Chairman of the NAACP Houston Branch located at 2002 Wheeler Avenue in Houston, Texas.
After allegedly providing Bishop James Dixon, the president of the NAACP, with a copy of the damning “SECRETLY RECORDED AUDIO,” she secretly captured at Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s home, “DR” Candice Matthews then, according to multiple sources, began contacting members of the Board of the NAACP, and other community members to see if they would be willing to vote her into Bishop James Dixon’s position as President of the NAACP Houston Branch if he stepped aside.
What is blackmail?
By definition, “BLACKMAIL” is a crime. The crime of “BLACKMAIL” occurs when a perpetrator demands money or another benefit from (someone) in return for not revealing compromising or damaging information about them – which is what’s happening to Bishop James Dixon.
In the case of “DR” Candice Matthew providing Bishop James Dixon with a copy of her “SECRETLY RECORDED AUDIO” captured at Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s home without his knowledge and then using it in her “ALLEGED ATTEMPT” to coerce Bishop James Dixon to relinquish his position as President of the Houston Branch of the NAACP, “DR” Candice Matthews may have violated the blackmail statute.
It appears “DR” Candice Matthew was trying to use her “SECRETLY RECORDED AUDIO” captured at the home of Commissioner Rodney Ellis to elevate herself to the position of President of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People – Houston Branch.
Commissioner Rodney Ellis appears to have broken the law by abusing his power as an elected official and trusted public servant when he intervened in the matter involving Bishop James Dixon, who is a member of the “ELLIS/TURNER/LEE” regime, which appears to be nothing more than a criminal enterprise.
Bishop James Dixon’s “PREDATORY BEHAVIOR” that Commissioner Rodney Ellis used the power of his “ELECTED OFFICE” to keep hidden from the general public, the media, his fellow commissioners, County Judge Lina Hidalgo, and other local leaders does not justify him being potentially “EXTORTED” and Bishop James Dixon potentially being “BLACKMAILED” by the likes of “DR” Candice Matthews and “CONVICTED FELON” James Dunn, Jr., in any way, shape, or form.
As a side note, James Dunn, Jr. appears to have gone into hiding since he allegedly received his $50,000.00 ransom from Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s sister, Melody Genneane Ellis, at Commissioner Ellis’s alleged direction, urging, or demand.
Ransom, by definition for this report, refers to the $50,000,00 allegedly given to James Dunn, Jr. by Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s sister (Melody Genneane Ellis) in connection to the “HUSH MONEY” ordeal that’s unfolding under our noses.