Darryl Carter (second from right), is the man who knows Mayor Sylvester Turner's deep dark secrets, according to "THE AFFIDAVIT" signed by Cheryl Gillum Turner under penalty of perjury back on November 13, 1991. FAST FORWARD to 2022, this same Darryl Turner was lobbying for a company that stood to gain 20% of the Houston Intercontinental Airport Terminal D, and Terminal E food and beverage contracts that were estimated to bring in $116.4 million into the city’s revenue stream over the next decade. But also in 2022, Darryl Carter hosted an illegal fundraiser for Houston City Councilwoman Tiffany D. Thomas, and wrote her a $5,000 dollar check that she later had to give back to him. That being said, the Aubrey R. Taylor Communications investigative team has uncovered over $27,000 in illegal cash deposits made by councilwoman Tiffany D. Thomas into her campaign bank account. You can "CLICK HERE" to see the $12,500.00 illegal "CASH DEPOSIT" she made.

Councilwoman Tiffany D. Thomas could be just as crooked as Mayor Sylvester Turner. First, she took an illegal campaign contribution from Darryl Carter, during a time when she should not have been talking to vendors. And on top of that, Darryl Carter hosted a fundraiser for her campaign and wrote her a check for $5,000 that she had to give back to him.
On July 5, 2022, Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas received a $5,000 check from attorney Darryl B. Carter, who also acts as a lobbyist.
On August 14, 2022, Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas gave the entire $5,000 back to attorney Darryl B. Carter that she had received from him at the illegal fundraiser he had hosted for her campaign.
Both of the aforementioned transactions can be found on Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas’s “CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT” that’s dated 1/17/2023 and was filed under penalty of perjury.
On February 1, 2022, Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas received a check from Thomas Jones, a strong ally of Mayor Sylvester Turner’s, who was mentioned in “THE AFFIDAVIT” that was signed off on by Mayor Sylvester Turner’s wife at the time (Cheryl Gillum Turner), under penalty of perjury.
On August 14, 2022, Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas gave the entire $5,000 back to attorney Darryl B. Carter that she had received from him at the illegal fundraiser he had hosted for her campaign.
Both of the aforementioned transactions can be found on Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas’s “CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT” that’s dated 1/17/2023 and was filed under penalty of perjury.
On February 1, 2022, Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas received a check from Thomas Jones, a strong ally of Mayor Sylvester Turner’s, who was mentioned in “THE AFFIDAVIT” that was signed off on by Mayor Sylvester Turner’s wife at the time (Cheryl Gillum Turner), under penalty of perjury.
An investigation has been opened into the more than $27,000 cash donations that were “IMPROPERLY REPORTED” on by Tiffany Thomas “CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTS” between July 31, 2019, and December 16, 2019, during the period in which she was running for the vacant Houston City Council District F seat against Jesus Zachary Zamora, G. “John” Nguyen, Richard Nguyen, Anthony Nelson, Van Huynh, and Adekunle “Kay” Elegbede, a write-in candidate back on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, in the general election.
Tiffany Thomas, finished first in the Tuesday, November 8, 2019, general election, but since no candidate received a majority (50+1%) of the vote, she and the second-place finisher, Van Huynh, had to face off on a Saturday, December 14, 2019, runoff election, which Thomas won by garnering 4,519 votes, for 55.96% of the vote. Comparatively speaking, Van Huynh received 3,556 votes, for 44.04% of the vote.
An investigation has been opened into the more than $27,000 cash donations that were “IMPROPERLY REPORTED” on by Tiffany Thomas “CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTS” between July 31, 2019, and December 16, 2019, during the period in which she was running for the vacant Houston City Council District F seat against Jesus Zachary Zamora, G. “John” Nguyen, Richard Nguyen, Anthony Nelson, Van Huynh, and Adekunle “Kay” Elegbede, a write-in candidate back on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, in the general election.
Tiffany Thomas, finished first in the Tuesday, November 8, 2019, general election, but since no candidate received a majority (50+1%) of the vote, she and the second-place finisher, Van Huynh, had to face off on a Saturday, December 14, 2019, runoff election, which Thomas won by garnering 4,519 votes, for 55.96% of the vote. Comparatively speaking, Van Huynh received 3,556 votes, for 44.04% of the vote.

On July 31, 2019, Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas made a substantial “CASH DEPOSIT” inter her campaign account for $3,775.00 and did not detail where she obtained the money.

On August 15, 2019, Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas made a substantial “CASH DEPOSIT” inter her campaign account for $2,575.00 and did not detail where she obtained the money.
On September 3, 2019, Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas made a substantial “CASH DEPOSIT” inter her campaign account for $3,270.00 and did not detail where she obtained the money.

On November 10, 2019, Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas made a small “CHECK DEPOSIT” into her campaign account for $200 and did not detail where she obtained the cash.
On November 12, 2019, Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas made a “CASH DEPOSIT” into her campaign account for $500 and did not detail where she obtained the cash.

On November 25, 2019, Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas made a large “CASH DEPOSIT” into her campaign account for $12,500 and did not detail where the money came from, or disclose the name of the person who gave her the money.

On December 16, 2019, Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas made a substantial “CASH DEPOSIT” into her campaign account for $4,300 with no explanation of where she obtained the money, or who donated the money to her campaign.

Mayor Sylvester Turner (left), and Darryl Carter's relationship goes all the way back to the 1990s. It is believed that Darryl Carter is the man who knows Sylvester Turner's deepest darkest secrets. He's also a man who has benefitted tremendously from government contracts over the years. You can "CLICK HERE" to learn more about Sylvester Turner and his exploits.
Believe it or not, Mayor Sylvester Turner is a deeply disturbed human being, with deep dark secrets that he’s been protecting for decades. “I also am aware of certain unprofessional acts of Sylvester about approaching people and inviting them to sexual orgies,” explained Cheryl Gillum Turner, in her “SWORN AFFIDAVIT” of facts.
On (PAGE 5) of her “SWORN AFFIDAVIT” Cheryl went on to name names, stating, “Also, I have heard comments made about Don Aaron, Darryl Carter, Dwight Thomas and others relating to sexual involvement with Sylvester.
“In fact, there have been suggestions made to me personally by Carter that he had control of Sylvester because Carter knows Sylvester’s “deepest, darkest secrets,” she explained.
“Those allegations can be substantiated because Sylvester secured a loan from Bank Plus and paid cash for a 1991 Explorer for Darryl Carter,” according to Cheryl Gillum Turner. “Carter is also employed by Sylvester and I suspect that Sylvester is also paying part of Carter’s tuition, if not all, to attend the University of Houston Law School,” she said on (PAGE 5) of her “SWORN AFFIDAVIT” of facts.
Another powerful Black businessman who has turned his life around with the help of Sylvester Turner is Thomas Jones, who served as Sylvester Turner’s campaign manager back during the 1990s.
“Carter and Thomas Jones, who is Sylvester’s campaign manager, had a disagreement and Jones fired Carter,” explained Sylvester’s wife.
When Sylvester Turner confronted Jones about firing Darryl Carter, according to Cheryl Gillum Turner, her husband rehired Darryl Carter, and place him inside his law firm.
“Carter informed me that he has the receipt of Jones’ drug rehabilitation program and he has a copy of the police investigation into Jones transporting drugs,” she explained.
“I also have heard that Don Aaron is a photography buff and has implied that he has unbecoming photographs of Sylvester,” Cheryl Gillum Turner on (PAGE 6) of her “SWORN AFFIDAVIT” of facts.
On (PAGE 8) of her “SWORN AFFIDAVIT” Cheryl Gillum Turner expressed her fears about Sylvester Turner and how he might try to destroy her life. “I suspect that Sylvester has some type of master plan in which he plans to divorce me, gain custody of my daughter, and public destroy me,” she explained.
“As I have attempted to participate in this campaign, Sylvester has been instrumental in making sure that I am not publicly seen, nor actively participate in different activities concerning the campaign,” she said, speaking of his failed bid to become Mayor of Houston, back in November of 1991.
Believe it or not, Mayor Sylvester Turner is a deeply disturbed human being, with deep dark secrets that he’s been protecting for decades. “I also am aware of certain unprofessional acts of Sylvester about approaching people and inviting them to sexual orgies,” explained Cheryl Gillum Turner, in her “SWORN AFFIDAVIT” of facts.
On (PAGE 5) of her “SWORN AFFIDAVIT” Cheryl went on to name names, stating, “Also, I have heard comments made about Don Aaron, Darryl Carter, Dwight Thomas and others relating to sexual involvement with Sylvester.
“In fact, there have been suggestions made to me personally by Carter that he had control of Sylvester because Carter knows Sylvester’s “deepest, darkest secrets,” she explained.
“Those allegations can be substantiated because Sylvester secured a loan from Bank Plus and paid cash for a 1991 Explorer for Darryl Carter,” according to Cheryl Gillum Turner. “Carter is also employed by Sylvester and I suspect that Sylvester is also paying part of Carter’s tuition, if not all, to attend the University of Houston Law School,” she said on (PAGE 5) of her “SWORN AFFIDAVIT” of facts.
Another powerful Black businessman who has turned his life around with the help of Sylvester Turner is Thomas Jones, who served as Sylvester Turner’s campaign manager back during the 1990s.
“Carter and Thomas Jones, who is Sylvester’s campaign manager, had a disagreement and Jones fired Carter,” explained Sylvester’s wife.
When Sylvester Turner confronted Jones about firing Darryl Carter, according to Cheryl Gillum Turner, her husband rehired Darryl Carter, and place him inside his law firm.
“Carter informed me that he has the receipt of Jones’ drug rehabilitation program and he has a copy of the police investigation into Jones transporting drugs,” she explained.
“I also have heard that Don Aaron is a photography buff and has implied that he has unbecoming photographs of Sylvester,” Cheryl Gillum Turner on (PAGE 6) of her “SWORN AFFIDAVIT” of facts.
On (PAGE 8) of her “SWORN AFFIDAVIT” Cheryl Gillum Turner expressed her fears about Sylvester Turner and how he might try to destroy her life. “I suspect that Sylvester has some type of master plan in which he plans to divorce me, gain custody of my daughter, and public destroy me,” she explained.
“As I have attempted to participate in this campaign, Sylvester has been instrumental in making sure that I am not publicly seen, nor actively participate in different activities concerning the campaign,” she said, speaking of his failed bid to become Mayor of Houston, back in November of 1991.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "I'm not sure if Mayor Sylvester Turner and attorney Michael Harris are still engaging in the sexual relationship that Cheryl Gillum Turner alleged that they were having in "THE AFFIDAVIT" she signed back during their divorce proceeding from the 1990s, at this time. However, the circumstances centered around the $470 million food and beverage contract have caused me to wonder, if there's a connection that my investigative team should be looking into."
I need you to understand that Mayor Sylvester Turner’s links to schemes didn’t just start when he became Mayor of the City of Houston, Texas. Back in 1991, when Sylvester Turner was a member of the Texas Legislature, and running against Bob Lanier for Mayor, he was linked to of “FAKED DEATH” AND INSURANCE FRAUD SCHEME, that came to light due to the investigative reporting of Wayne Dolcefino, who was a reporter for KTRK Television at the time.
“Turner’s client, who allegedly carried more than $6 million in life insurance, was reported by friends to have fallen off a sailboat in the Gulf of Mexico, but a Coast Guard search never turner up a body, and it was later discovered that the client was alive and serving time in a Spanish prison on drug charges,” according to a report published on “THE LEGAL HOTLINE,” Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press.
A lot of Houstonians over the age of 50, are very familiar with the fact that Mayor Sylvester Turner sued KTRK Television, for libel and defamation; but are not aware of the fact that, “The three-judge panel reversed the award for candidate Sylvester Turner, which had already been reduced by the trial judge from a $5.55 million jury award in 1996, due to lack of evidence of falsity or actual malice – knowledge of falsity or reckless disregard for the truth – required to support the award.”
For your information, “The appellate panel found that the station’s report on the facts concerning the client’s scheme was substantially true. The panel also held that on-air statements about the interesting timing regarding the signing of the client will only three days before his disappearance and alleged death were opinions protected under the First Amendment.”
What you have to remember about Sylvester Turner’s client faking his death is that Sylvester Turner is the attorney who drafted the will for the man who faked his death, three days after signing the will.
It’s also important to remember that, according to published reports, “Turner drafted the will, delivered the eulogy at the client’s funeral, and represented the estate in probate proceedings until suspicions that the death had been faked arose.
Now, doesn’t this all sound familiar?
If you fast forward to 2021, Mayor Sylvester Turner, this dirty dude was caught in the middle of another suspicious set of circumstances. “Mayor Turner pulls support from $15 million Houston affordable housing project,” read the headline on a Houston Public Media report.
The subhead of the aforementioned report read, “The move comes in direct response to allegations from the mayor’s former housing director, who called the selection process for federal Harvey relief funds a “charade” to steer millions to a favored developer.”
Remember? It was Mayor Turner’s housing director Tom McCasland himself who accused his boss (Mayor Turner) of rejecting four stronger projects that were selected by housing officials, according to the Houston Public Media report.
“In his testimony to the city council on Sept. 21, McCasland accused Turner of “bankrolling a certain developer to the detriment of working families who need affordable homes,” according to the report.
The man at the center of this suspicious set of circumstances was Mayor Sylvester Turner’s former law partner, Barry Barnes, who was listed as one of the co-developers on the project.
Now, if you ask me, the two 10-year contracts that came under scrutiny back in 2022, were the precursor to what we saw play out yesterday, with the $470 million food and beverage contract that was awarded to Areas USA, by Houston City Councilmembers in an 11 to 6 vote.
The contracts that came up back in 2022 for Terminal D, and Terminal E, at Houston Intercontinental Airport, were touted as projects that would infuse $116.4 million into the city’s revenue stream over the next decade, should be investigated, as should the $470 million food and beverage contract that was awarded to Areas USA on yesterday in that 11 to 6 vote by councilmembers.
Just so you know, I’ve been closely monitoring Mayor Sylvester Turner’s actions for more than three decades. And from what I can see, Sylvester Turner is as evil and vile as anyone that I’ve ever investigated over the last 32 years.
He’s worse than any of the convicts I’ve interviewed inside the Harris County Jail or State Penal Institutions throughout the Lone Star State. And trust me, I’ve interviewed murderers, rapists, drug dealers, and robbers. And Turner has the worst spirit of them all.
There’s something inherently foul about Mayor Sylvester Turner, and many of the men who are part of his regime. These men are the worst of the worst when it comes to homosexuals. Many are sleeping with men by day, and then going homes to their wives at night. And on top of that, these homosexuals are greedy, conniving, cunning, and charismatic – which makes them even more dangerous in their given professions. But of them all, make no mistake about it, Mayor Sylvester Turner is the absolute worst of the worst.
Chris Pappas is a hardworking local businessman who founded Pappas Restaurants, Inc., with his brother Harris many years ago. And even today, Chris Pappas, who has more than 30 years of operational management experience is actively involved in the general operations of all his restaurants.
Watching what happened to Chris Pappas, and his family, yesterday at the hands of Mayor Turner and his regime was sickening. But I need everyone reading this report to understand that what happened to Chris Pappas didn’t occur in a vacuum.
What we’re about to see unfold with Mayor Sylvester Turner and his ‘cult-like-cronies’ on Houston city council during the “lame-duck-months” of his administration shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. Yes, I said it! A cult-like atmosphere appears to have taken over the entire Harris County, Texas region. And if we’re not careful, the entire state could find itself under siege if Mayor Turner is allowed to run for higher office during the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election cycle.
Mayor Sylvester Turner has greased a lot of palms over the years. But attorney Darryl B. Carter, and attorney Michael Harris, who is Mayor Turner’s ‘alleged boyfriend’ dating back to the 1990s, have been handsomely rewarded for their loyalty.
Now, as for Michael Harris, he’s alleged to have been Mayor Turner’s lover back in the 1990s. However, he wasn’t the only one.
“Before the birth of our daughter and after Sylvester had laid down this set of demands, I became very uncomfortable with our lifestyle and how our marriage was going,” said Cheryl Gillum Turner, his wife who signed a “SWORN AFFIDAVIT” on November 13, 2021, under penalty of perjury, about Sylvester Turner and his sexual exploits with men and women.
“I also became suspicious that he was making remarks to other persons about our marital affairs,” she explained. “Therefore, I made the decision to tap record his telephone conversations.”
According to his wife at the time, it was from these recorded conversations that she learned Sylvester Turner was bisexual, as well as participating in orgies. “One of the conversations he had was with Loyd Gite, who is a Channel 26 news report,” she explained in her “SWORN AFFIDAVIT” of facts.
“During that conversation, Mr. Gite asked Sylvester if he wanted to have sex with him,” she said. “Sylvester responded that he would consider it.”
On (PAGE 2) of her “SWORN AFFIDAVIT” Cheryl Gillum Turner explained in detail how after Sylvester Turner told Lloyd Gite that he would consider having sex with him, Gite proceeded to tell Sylvester Turner about the specific sexual acts he would perform on him.
I don’t know too much about former state Rep. Helen Giddings or Multiplex Inc., the company she owns, and who as a 6 percent junior partner in a deal involving a London-based company called SSP Group. From what I understand, Giddings has owned her concessions company since 1989, and has very strong ties to Mayor Sylvester Turner, having served with Turner for decades in the Texas House of Representatives, before Turner became Mayor.
The lucrative 10-year contract that was handed out to Helen Giddings and attorney Darryl B. Carter, a local attorney, and lobbyist for a company called Paradies, desperately needs to be looked into by the FBI, or Texas Rangers. Carter’s client was a 20 percent partner in the aforementioned lucrative concessions contract handed out by Houston councilmember back in 2022.
Attorney Darryl Carter got into a little hot water back in 2022, for hosting a fundraiser for Houston City Council District F councilwoman Tiffany Thomas, right around the same time the two lucrative Houston Intercontinental food and beverage contracts for Terminal D, and Terminal E was before councilmembers. But, during the time Carter hosted the fundraiser for Thomas, bidders were not supposed to be even speaking to council members (elected officials) about their proposals.
In her defense, Councilwoman Thomas claimed that she wasn’t aware of attorney Darryl B. Carter’s involvement in the bidding process and that she did not discuss matters with the bid that was before the council with Carter. In fact, for good measure, she even returned the $5,000 check attorney Carter donated to her campaign at the fundraiser.
Mayor Sylvester Turner is term-limited and cannot run for reelection on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, in the race for Mayor of Houston, Texas. That being said, there’s not much we can do to punish Mayor Sylvester Turner for his mistreatment of Chris Pappas, and his family yesterday. However, this evil, vile, and corrupt politician should never be elected to another public office going forward.
And as for his cronies on Houston City Council who sided with him in that 11 to 6 vote, to oust Pappas Restaurants, Inc., from Hobby Airport, they should each have to pay a heavy price at the ballot box in the upcoming “2023 CITY OF HOUSTON MAYORAL ELECTION” by being ousted from office themselves.
Aubrey R. Taylor Communications is launching a coordinated campaign to oust Council Member Letitia Plummer (At-Large Position #1), Councilmember Carolyn Evans-Shabazz (District D), Councilmember Tiffany Thomas (District F), Councilmember Tarsha Jackson (District B), Councilmember Abbie Kamin (District C), Councilmember Ed Pollard (District J), and Councilmember Martha Castex-Tatum (District K) from their council seats, just like the ousted “THE PAPPAS FAMILY” from Hobby Airport.
Unless Mayor Sylvester Turner, Council Member Dave Martin (District E), Councilmember Karla Cisneros (District H), or Councilmember David Robinson (At-Large Position #2), decide to run for public office again in the future, I’m not sure what sort of repercussions they should face at this time.
As it relates to Councilman Michael Kubosh (At-Large Position #3), Councilwoman Sallie Alcorn (At-Large Position #5), Councilwoman Amy Peck (District A), Mary Nan Huffman ( District G), and Councilman Robert Gallegos, I wish all of them the best in their future endeavors.
Mayor Sylvester Turner is term-limited and cannot run for reelection on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, in the race for Mayor of Houston, Texas. That being said, there’s not much we can do to punish Mayor Sylvester Turner for his mistreatment of Chris Pappas, and his family yesterday. However, this evil, vile, and corrupt politician should never be elected to another public office going forward.
And as for his cronies on Houston City Council who sided with him in that 11 to 6 vote, to oust Pappas Restaurants, Inc., from Hobby Airport, they should each have to pay a heavy price at the ballot box in the upcoming “2023 CITY OF HOUSTON MAYORAL ELECTION” by being ousted from office themselves.
Aubrey R. Taylor Communications is launching a coordinated campaign to oust Council Member Letitia Plummer (At-Large Position #1), Councilmember Carolyn Evans-Shabazz (District D), Councilmember Tiffany Thomas (District F), Councilmember Tarsha Jackson (District B), Councilmember Abbie Kamin (District C), Councilmember Ed Pollard (District J), and Councilmember Martha Castex-Tatum (District K) from their council seats, just like the ousted “THE PAPPAS FAMILY” from Hobby Airport.
Unless Mayor Sylvester Turner, Council Member Dave Martin (District E), Councilmember Karla Cisneros (District H), or Councilmember David Robinson (At-Large Position #2), decide to run for public office again in the future, I’m not sure what sort of repercussions they should face at this time.
As it relates to Councilman Michael Kubosh (At-Large Position #3), Councilwoman Sallie Alcorn (At-Large Position #5), Councilwoman Amy Peck (District A), Mary Nan Huffman ( District G), and Councilman Robert Gallegos, I wish all of them the best in their future endeavors.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

On (PAGE 6) of this "AFFIDAVIT" from the 1990s Mayor Sylvester Turner's wife at the time (Cheryl Gillum Turner) revealed her suspicions Michael Harris, one of the players in the $470 million dollar food and beverage contract being voted on today (Wednesday, March 8, 2023) was having a "SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP" with Sylvester Turner. You can "CLICK HERE" to see for yourself.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033