Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas must be fully investigated just like Councilman Michael Kubosh. An investigation needs to be opened into Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas's "ILLEGAL" campaign donations totaling more than $27,000 in cash that she received between July 31, 2019, and December 16, 2019. For the record, back on November 25, 2019, Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas made an illegal “CASH DEPOSIT” into her campaign account for an astonishing $12,500 and she did not even bother to detail where she got the money came from, or disclose the name of the person (or persons) who gave her the money. And to make matters worse, no local news station has even bothered to investigate this 'alleged' criminal activity. IN OTHER NEWS...Councilman Michael Kubosh has been targeted for misreporting $600, while Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas has gotten away unscathed after illegally reporting more than $27,000 in illegal cash donations. What's wrong with this picture?

In-Person Vote Counters will be used at every "EARLY VOTING LOCATION" to count the number of voters casting ballots in Harris County, Texas, and catch potential "ELECTION FRAUD" in real-time in the upcoming Tuesday, November 7, 2023, City of Houston Mayoral Election. Why? Well, the type of "ELECTION FRAUD" that's occurring in Harris County, Texas must be isolated and captured in real-time during "EARLY VOTING" to dismantle the plan that has been hatched by the "ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL TRIBE" aimed at getting Sheila Jackson Lee elected as Houston's next Mayor, and Chris Hollis elected as Houston's next Controller, on Election Day.

Councilwoman Tiffany D. Thomas could be just as crooked as Mayor Sylvester Turner. First, she took an illegal campaign contribution from Darryl Carter, during a time when she should not have been talking to vendors. And on top of that, Darryl Carter hosted a fundraiser for her campaign and wrote her a check for $5,000 that she had to give back to him.
On July 5, 2022, Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas received a $5,000 check from attorney Darryl B. Carter, who also acts as a lobbyist.
On August 14, 2022, Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas gave the entire $5,000 back to attorney Darryl B. Carter that she had received from him at the illegal fundraiser he had hosted for her campaign.
Both of the transactions as mentioned earlier can be found on Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas’s “CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT” that’s dated 1/17/2023 and were filed under penalty of perjury.
On February 1, 2022, Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas received a check from Thomas Jones, a strong ally of Mayor Sylvester Turner’s, who was mentioned in “THE AFFIDAVIT” that was signed off on by Mayor Sylvester Turner’s wife at the time (Cheryl Gillum Turner), under penalty of perjury.
On August 14, 2022, Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas gave the entire $5,000 back to attorney Darryl B. Carter that she had received from him at the illegal fundraiser he had hosted for her campaign.
Both of the transactions as mentioned earlier can be found on Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas’s “CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT” that’s dated 1/17/2023 and were filed under penalty of perjury.
On February 1, 2022, Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas received a check from Thomas Jones, a strong ally of Mayor Sylvester Turner’s, who was mentioned in “THE AFFIDAVIT” that was signed off on by Mayor Sylvester Turner’s wife at the time (Cheryl Gillum Turner), under penalty of perjury.
An investigation has been opened into the more than $27,000 cash donations that were “IMPROPERLY REPORTED” on by Tiffany Thomas “CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTS” between July 31, 2019, and December 16, 2019, during the period in which she was running for the vacant Houston City Council District F seat against Jesus Zachary Zamora, G. “John” Nguyen, Richard Nguyen, Anthony Nelson, Van Huynh, and Adekunle “Kay” Elegbede, a write-in candidate back on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, in the general election.
Tiffany Thomas finished first in the Tuesday, November 8, 2019, general election, but since no candidate received a majority (50+1%) of the vote, she and the second-place finisher, Van Huynh, had to face off on a Saturday, December 14, 2019, runoff election, which Thomas won by garnering 4,519 votes, for 55.96% of the vote. Comparatively speaking, Van Huynh received 3,556 votes, for 44.04% of the vote.
An investigation has been opened into the more than $27,000 cash donations that were “IMPROPERLY REPORTED” on by Tiffany Thomas “CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTS” between July 31, 2019, and December 16, 2019, during the period in which she was running for the vacant Houston City Council District F seat against Jesus Zachary Zamora, G. “John” Nguyen, Richard Nguyen, Anthony Nelson, Van Huynh, and Adekunle “Kay” Elegbede, a write-in candidate back on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, in the general election.
Tiffany Thomas finished first in the Tuesday, November 8, 2019, general election, but since no candidate received a majority (50+1%) of the vote, she and the second-place finisher, Van Huynh, had to face off on a Saturday, December 14, 2019, runoff election, which Thomas won by garnering 4,519 votes, for 55.96% of the vote. Comparatively speaking, Van Huynh received 3,556 votes, for 44.04% of the vote.

On July 31, 2019, Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas made a substantial “CASH DEPOSIT” inter her campaign account for $3,775.00 and did not detail where she obtained the money.

On August 15, 2019, Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas made a substantial “CASH DEPOSIT” inter her campaign account for $2,575.00 and did not detail where she obtained the money.
On September 3, 2019, Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas made a substantial “CASH DEPOSIT” inter her campaign account for $3,270.00 and did not detail where she obtained the money.

On November 10, 2019, Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas made a small “CHECK DEPOSIT” into her campaign account for $200 and did not detail where she obtained the cash.
On November 12, 2019, Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas made a “CASH DEPOSIT” into her campaign account for $500 and did not detail where she obtained the cash.

On November 25, 2019, Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas made a large “CASH DEPOSIT” into her campaign account for $12,500 and did not detail where the money came from, or disclose the name of the person who gave her the money.

On December 16, 2019, Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas made a substantial “CASH DEPOSIT” into her campaign account for $4,300 with no explanation of where she obtained the money, or who donated the money to her campaign.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "For America to remain the dominant "SUPER POWER' in the world, every warm-blooded American had better start 'PUTTING PEOPLE OVER POLITICS' at the ballot box by elevating duly-qualified God-fearing leaders into positions of authority."
Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas Illegally Reporting $27,000 in Cash Donations Is More Troubling than Kubosh Misreporting $600
What you have to remember is that there are some very powerful local leaders who did not want to see Councilman Michael Kubosh become the next City of Houston Controller. Why not? Well, if you remember, Michael Kubosh’s “KICK OFF RECEPTION” for his bid to become Houston’s next City Controller was hosted by Chris Pappas, the owner of Pappas Bros. Steakhouse back on Tuesday, April 18, 2023.
If you remember, Pappas Restaurants are embroiled in a bitter fight with the City of Houston, in regards to matters involving possible ‘bid-rigging’ as it relates to the 10-year, $470 million concessions contract that was snatched away from Pappas and handed over to a joint venture group led by Areas.
Now, as it relates to Councilman Kubosh, the last thing the “ELLIS/TURNER TRIBE” would want to see is for someone like Michael Kubosh to become the chief watchdog for the City of Houston. Now, if you watch closely, between Monday, August 21, 2023, through Tuesday, November 7, 2023, what you’re going to see, is an organized effort by the “ELLIS/TURNER TRIBE” to get what’s called “EARNED MEDIA” for their preferred candidates Chris Hollins, in the race for City Controller, and Sheila Jackson Lee, in the race for Mayor.
If you open your eyes, you will clearly see that we’re now dealing with two systems of justice in America. But what’s even worse than the two systems of justice, that we’re now dealing with, is the fact that nobody seems to care about how unbalanced things have come.
What am I talking about? Well, on the one hand, one former president is being prosecuted for crimes that the current president may never be prosecuted for in our lifetimes. But that’s a story for another day.
Closer to home, a Houston City Councilman by the name of Council Member Michael Kubosh who happens to be a Republican has had his “CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTS” combed through with a fine-tooth comb, by a local media outlet.
KHOU 11 reporter Jeremy Rogalski did a very good job piecing together a very detailed report that raises some serious questions about how Council Member Michael Kubosh has been spending his campaign cash, in my opinion. According to published reports, Rogalski cross-referenced social media posts and 1,700 pages of Councilman Kubosh’s campaign finance report and found over $600 miscategorized as “travel in district” expenses that appeared on his reports right around the same time as a family vacation he had in Wyoming – which could be a serious problem.
But according to a signed affidavit sent to the station by Randall Kubosh, the brother of Council Member Michael Kubosh, who also served as his treasurer – there’s nothing to see here. However, upon closer inspection of the reports, Randall Kubosh who serves as the campaign treasurer, could be wrong.
The types of errors in Councilman Michael Kubosh’s reports can’t be explained away by categorizing them as “inadvertently mischaracterized items” and trying to correct the problems after the fact. But anyways, whatever the case, ultimately Councilman Michael Kubosh is still responsible for making sure that his campaign finance reports are filled out correctly.
If a local news station were to dig into Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas’s “CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTS” they’re going to find a sordid tale of illegality. But why hasn’t anyone taken a ‘look-see’ as of yet? Well, that really doesn’t matter, because at some point, whether it’s FOX NEWS, or CNN, someone outside of local news stations like Channel 11, Channel 13, Channel 2, and Channel 26, is going to get wind of the story behind what’s happening with the slanted media coverage in the Bayou City.

The first day to officially apply for a place on the ballot is Saturday, July 22, 2023, if you plan on running for Mayor, Houston City Controller, or Houston City Council on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, in our beloved Bayou City.
The last day to file for a place on the ballot is Monday, August 21, 2023, by 5:00 p.m., for all those interested in playing an active role in the future of our great City.

All applicants can officially start filling for a place on the ballot at the Mayor’s Office, that’s located at 901 Bagby, 3rd Floor, Houston, Texas, 77002, after July 22, 2023. According to the City of Houston’s website, “Applications may also be submitted via e-mail to mayor@houstontx.gov. Please note that, for applications submitted via e-mail, the filing fee or petition instead of a filing fee must still be filed in person. Please also note that the first day of the filing period is set by state law and does not move; the hours of operation for the Mayor’s Office are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.”

The filing fee to run for Mayor of the city of Houston is only $1,250.00, the fee to run for Houston City Controller the filing fee is only $750.00, and the fee to run for one of the Houston City Council positions is only $500.00. However, the filing fee must be paid by cash, cashier’s check, or by certified check made payable to the City of Houston.
The City of Houston will not be accepting any personal checks or money orders from any candidates. And once you pay your filing fee, you can’t get your money back. Filing fees are non-refundable. (See City Charter, Art. V, Sec. 6.), for more information.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033