AUBREY R. TAYLOR: “Do you see those two Black people above smiling all big and whatnot by that American Flag? Well, in case you don’t know, that’s Vice President Kamala Harris, and Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis. Now, ask yourself, “What has V.P. Kamala Harris or Commissioner Rodney Ellis done specifically to help Black people?” Now, before you answer, please understand that Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis has $4,075,723.00 dollars sitting in the bank according to his most recently filed campaign finance report. And the bulk of Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s money is being used to gamble (I mean play) in the stock market as he enriches himself. Now, on the other hand, Harris County Commissioner Adrian Garcia only has $1,735,396.26 dollars in his campaign account according to his most recently filed campaign finance report. However, as I will show you below in this report, Harris County Commissioner Adrian Garcia, is using a portion of his campaign treasure to help his people win re-election on Tuesday, November 2, 2021.”

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "While Black voters continue to cast their ballot for people like Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, who hordes his campaign cash, and gambles (I mean invests) it in the stock-market, some of his constituents suffer as they struggle to pay their bills and live in conditions similar to those of poor people in third world countries. And Vice President Kamala Harris isn't any better if you ask me. As it stands right now, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis isn't doing anything with the $4,075,723.00 dollar fortune he's amassed but to further enrich himself, his family, his puppets, and other people from with the community who obey his every command. But don't take my word for it, you can (CLICK HERE) to view his most recent CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT that he submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission a couple months ago."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Do you see that dude pictured above on the far left in those biker-shorts? Well, the guy under that mask is none other than Harris County Commissioner Adrian Garcia. And in case you don't already know, Commissioner Garcia has a lot less money sitting inside of his campaign bank account, but he's using some of his newly found wealth to help his people get elected on Tuesday, November 2, 2021, in the HISD School Board, and HCC School Board Elections. In fact, Harris County Commissioner Adrian Garcia has no shame in his game either. What do I mean? Well, Commissioner Garcia did not include one Black person on his slate. And, even though Commissioner Garcia only has $1,735,396.26 dollars in his campaign bank account, and Commissioner Ellis has $4,075,723.00 dollars, it's not difficult to see that Harris County Commissioner Adrian Garcia actually loves his people and is using his time and treasure to help his people to get elected."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "One of the things I've always respected about Harris County County Commissioner Adrian Garcia is that he loves his people. Unlike, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, Commissioner Adrian Garcia understands the importance of giving back his time and treasure to help his people. Now, that being said, have you ever seen Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis do anything like this to only promote his people?"

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Over the weekend I ran across this "EDUCATION SLATE" that's being paid for by Harris County Commissioner Adrian Garcia to promote his people. Attached to the slate were comments from Commissioner Garcia that stated, "Today, we were joined by six local candidates who are running for education positions throughout Harris County. Volunteers and supporters stopped by the campaign HQ to pick up gear to prep them to go talk to voters. Now, that being said, have you ever seen Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis do anything like this to only promote his people?"

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "What you see above is a picture of unity. Do you see how Harris County Commissioner Adrian Garcia is getting down for his people? Now, I don't agree with this dude on a lot of different issues. But when you have $1,735,396.26 dollars sitting in your bank account, this is what you are supposed to do to help your people -- not just horde your cash and gamble it in the stock market like Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis does with his $4,075,723.00 dollar windfall. Do you see what I'm talking about? It shouldn't be that difficult to see that Harris County Commissioner Adrian Garcia actually loves his people and is using his time and treasure to help his people his people. And by contrast, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis isn't doing anything to help anyone, but himself and his cronies."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "In case you don't know, Harris County Commissioner Adrian Garcia will be up for re-election on "SUPER TUESDAY" in the Democratic Party Primary. So, please don't forget that the filing deadline for all Democratic candidates and Republican candidates who plan to appear on the ballot for their respective "POLITICAL PARTY" in the upcoming "2022 MIDTERM ELECTION" in Monday, December 13, 2021, at 6:00pm."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Do you see how these people are pulling together and supporting each other? Harris County Commissioner Adrian Garcia is endorsing Emmanuel Guerrero in the race for Aldine ISD Board Trustee for Position #5. He's also endorsing Connie Esparza in the race for Aldine ISD School Board for Position #4. And he's also thrown his support behind Rose Avalos in the race for Aldine ISD School Board for Position 3, on Tuesday, November 2, 2021."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "In case you don't know, Harris County Commissioner Adrian Garcia has also thrown his support behind HISD Trustee Elizabeth Santos in the race for District I, on Tuesday, November 2, 2021. Now, for the record, my "ENDORSEMENT BOARD" is recommending Janette Garza Lindner in the race for HISD Trustee for District I, on Tuesday, November 2, 2021."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Do you see those beautiful smiles? I love the way Latina women support one another. Now, I actually have a difference of opinion on the HCC School Board Election for Position #3. I actually like Brandon Cofield in that race. But do you see what I'm talking about? Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis isn't even trying to help Attorney Brandon Cofield (a Black man), like Harris County Commissioner Adrian Garcia is helping Dr. Adriana Tamez in her quest to win re-election on Tuesday, November 2, 2021. And with that said, I'm strongly encouraging everyone viewing this report to cast your vote for "BRANDON COFIELD" in the race for HCC District #3 on Tuesday, November 2, 2021."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "In case you don't know, Harris County Commissioner Adrian Garcia is doing everything in his power to help Dr. Adriana Tamez hold off Attorney Brandon Cofield in the race for HCC District III, on Tuesday, November 2, 2021. In fact, he even posted this statement on Facebook the other day, 'If you want to knock doors or make calls for Dr. Tamez or any of the other candidates I’m supporting throughout the county, be sure to sign up at www.adriangarcia.com/canvass or leave a comment so we can reach out to you.' Now, do you see that? Now, what is Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis doing to help his people? Is Commissioner Rodney Ellis going to do anything to help Attorney Brandon Cofield, between now and Tuesday, November 2, 2021, in his quest to unseat Dr. Tamez?"

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "A vote for Attorney Brandon Cofield Sr., is a vote to stop the racism that is 'alleged' to be going on right now at (HCC) Houston Community College in that $100 million dollar racial discrimination lawsuit that's working it's way through the federal courts at this very moment."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "In case you don't know, Attorney Brandon "BD" Cofield, Sr. has been out campaigning really hard since he announced that he was running for the (HCC) Houston Community College District III seat against incumbent HCC Trustee Adriana Tamez. Now, don't forget that Attorney Brandon "BD" Cofield, Sr. is endorsed by (HBAD) Houston Black American Democrats and a whole bunch of other organizations and community leaders on Tuesday, November 2, 2021."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "A vote for Attorney Brandon "BD" Cofield, Sr. is a vote to stop racism at HCC!!! A guy like Brandon is desperately needed to bring "INTEGRITY" to HCC. Brandon will listen to the people! So, we need for the people to elect Brandon on Tuesday, November 2, 2021, in the race for (HCC) Houston Community College Trustee for District III."
A Vote For Brandon Cofield is A Vote to Stop Racism and Bring Integrity to District III
Brandon is a native Houstonian with a long history of fighting for the common good and speaking for those who can’t speak for themselves. As the son of a pastor and a social worker, serving others has been one of his core values since childhood. As a new parent, Brandon is committed to ensuring that Houston is well positioned and equipped to embrace future generations.
Brandon earned his law degree from Texas A&M, where he fought against injustices along the Texas border and assisted entrepreneurs in securing intellectual property protection.
As an Attorney, Brandon helps his clients resolve complicated disputes by navigating the judicial system. When not working and parenting, Brandon has served his community as a member of the Houston Rotary Club; Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, American Heart Association Leader for Life; Big Brothers Big Sisters mentor; and as a volunteer at his Church.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Now is the time when our love for America must prevail. It is incumbent upon us to elected "PUBLIC SERVANTS" who understand that they work for the people. We need "ELECTED OFFICIALS" in office who love "OUR CONSTITUTION" and the ideals that our nation was founded upon by our forefathers. We must endeavor to "PUT PEOPLE OVER POLITICS" and do what's best for America during this crucial moment during the history of our great nation."
We Must Make it Our Business to Nominate the Right Democratic and Republican Candidates in the Upcoming 2022 Primary Elections
Make no mistake about it, who the people of Harris County, Texas choose to give another term to in 2022 must be about substance, job performance, judicial temperament, competence, and whether or not our members of the judiciary are following the law with their rulings. And that being said, in 2022, it is incumbent upon the voters of Harris County to evaluate the job performance of each and every sitting "ELECTED OFFICIAL" on a case-by-case basis and not as a group based on their political party affiliation, ethnicity, or gender.

If you are a candidate planning to run for office in 2022, you have to select the right candidate to run against. And the second most important thing to understand is that you have to select your race early, to avoid ending up in a crowded field of candidates on "SUPER TUESDAY" in Harris County, Texas. So, if you need assistance trying to determine which race to enter, please call (281)788-3033, and I will do my very best to answer any questions you may have.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033