Vivian King is not Like the other Black Female Judicial Nominees Who Will Appear on the Upcoming November 5, 2024, Ballot
If you look closely at Vivian King’s campaign finance reports, you will quickly realize she is not respected or regarded by her fellow lawyers or law firms in Harris County, Texas.
Don’t be fooled by her recent success in the Democratic Party Primary and runoff. This witch is about to get fully exposed in the next few months. Vivian King has not proven a darn thing. Sure, she managed to get 23,948 votes and weasel her way past Gemayel Haynes, but her toughest test still lies ahead.
Yep. Vivian King somehow managed to fool 73,870 Democratic Party Primary voters into voting for her over Roderick Rogers and Gemayel Haynes on “SUPER TUESDAY” in the race for the 486th Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas – but that’s because she’s a master manipulator.
But there is a big difference between 73,870 votes and the 500,000, 600,000, 700,000, or possibly even 800,000 or 900,000 votes it will take to win a down-ballot judicial race in November.
Not one upstanding law firm or lawyer has donated any money to Vivian King’s bid to unseat Judge Aaron Burdette in the upcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024, race for the 486th Criminal District Court bench in Harris County, Texas.
The first donor to Vivian King’s judicial campaign was David Mitcham, the first assistant inside the Harris County District Attorney’s Office. In Harris County, David Mitcham decides who gets prosecuted and who does not.
I’ve always viewed David Mitcham as a straight shooter and held him in high regard. However, I don’t know these days. I never realized he was so tight with Vivian King, whom I despise.
Mitcham’s name was not listed correctly on Vivian King’s campaign finance report dated January 16, 2024, but on 11/06/2023, someone listed as David Mitchma donated $1,000.00 to Vivian King’s campaign.
On 1/29/2024, David Mitcham gave Vivian King’s campaign $1,000.00, and on 2/20/2024, someone named David Mitchma donated to Vivian King’s campaign. I’m assuming that David Micham and David Mitchma are the same person. Still, this time, the donor was listed as a lawyer residing in Harris County, Texas, and not as the first assistant employed by the Harris County District Attorney’s Office.
On 2/12/2024, C.O. Bradford donated $1,000.00 to Vivian King’s campaign. Still, Vivian’s campaign listed C.O. Bradford on her campaign finance report dated February 27, 2024, as a self-employed lawyer, not in his official capacity as a special prosecutor with the Harris County District Attorney’s Office.
On 4/03/2024, C.O. Bradford donated $500.00 to Vivian King’s campaign. He was listed as a self-employed lawyer, not as a Special Prosecutor and Law Enforcement Liaison with the Harris County District Attorney’s Office.
If you remember, on March 22, 2019, C.O. Bradford, the former HPD Police Chief, and Houston City Councilman, took the oath of office at the Harris County District Attorney’s Office as a Special Prosecutor and Law Enforcement Liaison. I understand that C.O. Bradford holds a sworn position with full prosecutorial authority. In short, (C.O. Bradford and Vivian King) have a lot of power right now in their official capacities with the Harris County District Attorney’s Office.
I can’t understand why C.O. Bradford and Vivian King would allegedly use their power for evil instead of for good. Vivian King reportedly informed a local law enforcement officer via telephone that C.O. Bradford was the person (not her) who intervened in the case involving Gerald Womack and myself.
Only time will tell whether my source is telling me the truth or not. But whatever the case, rather than picking up the phone and calling “SP,” her friend in law enforcement, as a sworn officer of the court, Vivian King should have been calling David Mitcham or her boss, Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, to let one of them know what was allegedly happening behind the scenes.
Whether David Mitcham, C.O. Bradford, or Vivian King likes me is beside the point. Prosecutors cannot bring criminal charges against citizens or political rivals in bad faith, and courts all over America frown upon these retaliatory actions.
Remember, David Mitcham is the supervising attorney over every prosecutor representing the State of Texas in every State Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. Mitcham, whom I respect, is also over the 16 Harris County Justice of the Peace Courts and the 16 Harris County Criminal Courts at Law.
David Mitcham also oversees the 23 State Criminal District Courts, making him one of the most powerful men in Harris County, Texas.
Over the past couple of years, I have been keeping a close eye on Vivian King, the chief of staff for Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg. And based on my observation, Vivian King is a rotten old lady who is very envious of many of the much younger and prettier sitting African American Judges.
On top of being envious of the members of “BLACK GIRL MAGIC” and other African American female judges elected to local benches since the 2018 Midterm Election, Vivian King is also a low-down dirty skank of a woman who appears to hate African American men as well.
Now classified as a senior citizen, Vivian King can’t keep a man. She hastily married former professional prizefighter turned businessman Eric Carr, nearly 20 years younger than her, and then (according to Carr) abused and mistreated Carr in drunken stupors and angry rants.
In short, Vivian King, the chief of staff for Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, is a lying, conniving snake in the grass. On top of being “A PATHOLOGICAL LIAR,” this mean, nasty, vindictive woman has managed to squirm her way into being positioned one step away from becoming the judge of the 486th Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas.
That said, this corrupt piece of crap-of-a-woman, should not be confused with the other Honorable “AFRICAN AMERICAN FEMALES” who will be present on the upcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Presidential Election ballot in Harris County, Texas.
I recently read a story on Houston Watch entitled, “Email Shows Ogg Chief Using County Resources to Aid Private Org Facing Audit.”
This article talks about how Vivian King, the chief of staff for Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, used her official email and signature symbol while on the taxpayer’s dime to help Crime Stoppers stonewall the investigation into its finances.
To make matters worse, on Friday, June 10, 2022, when Vivian King intervened in the “CRIME STOPPERS” matter, she was serving on the Board of Directors for Crime Stoppers while simultaneously working in the District Attorney’s Office as Kim Ogg’s chief of staff.
Talk about a severe conflict of interest.
Besides intervening in the Crime Stoppers matter, Vivian King’s ex-husband (Eric Carr) informed me that Gerald Womack called upon her (Vivian King) to intervene in issues officially as District Attorney Kim Ogg’s chief of staff during their marriage.
Carr also willingly allowed me to view video evidence of Vivian King verbally and physically abusing him inside their home. I was also allowed to listen to audio recordings of Vivian King acting in a manner that’s unbecoming of a member of the judiciary.
Remember, local African American female judges were under fierce attacks during the “2022 MIDTERM ELECTIONS,” and Vivian King was lurking behind the scenes as a Board Member of Crime Stoppers. The county audited this organization while all of this was going on behind the scenes.
So, as we press forward, it is incumbent upon Democrats to understand Vivian King is a rotten, “BAD APPLE” that will be a bad influence on young judges who are unfamiliar with her dirty, devious ways. Vivian King, a cancer rejected by Harris County, Texas voters twice, should be dismissed again on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.
Vivian King has always dreamed of becoming a judge. But she is not judicial material. Judges are supposed to be honest, upstanding individuals – not low-down, dirty, back-stabbling skanks.
As Vivian King sits by and watches other African American women achieve their dreams of becoming judiciary members at 66, she sees her window of opportunity closing. That said, Vivian King has grown envious and angry and is willing to do anything to anyone who would dare to stand in her way – even if it means using the power of her official position within the District Attorney’s Office to send an innocent man to jail for the rest of his life based on a lie from her friend Gerald Womack.
So, if Vivian King lied to her clients as a private attorney and illegally intervened in cases in her official capacity as the chief of staff for Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg – what type of judge do you think she will be if elected to the 486th Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas?
If she allegedly placed tracking devices on the vehicle of her ex-husband and verbally abused and reportedly assaulted him – how can she rule over such matters from the 486th Criminal District Court bench?
In closing, Vivian King must be kept from becoming a judge. This woman is a train wreck waiting to happen. And remember, I have viewed video evidence of Vivian King in full-blown action – and it’s not a pretty sight.