Vivian King's (left) phone records will show that she and Constable James "Smokie" Phillips regularly communicate via telephone. On a specific date, Vivian King called Constable James "Smokie" Phillips to her home and made a false allegation that her third ex-husband (Eric Carr) had physically assaulted her. Once (Eric Carr) produced video footage to rebuff Vivan King's alleged assault allegation. Constable James "Smokie" Phillips Precinct 7, Constable (allegedly) told Vivian King that she was wrong. On another occasion, a (alleged) conversation took place between Vivian King and Constable "Smokie" Phillips, where Vivian King (allegedly) stated that her colleague at the DA's Office (C.O. "Brad" Bradford) was the person responsible for the "BOGUS INDICTMENT," and charges brought in the case between Gerald Womack and me (Aubrey R. Taylor), which has since been dropped. GLORY TO GOD... Having an unbiased "REPUBLICAN JUDGE" name, Judge Aaron Burdette, presiding of the 486th Criminal District Court, is the only reason I'm a free man. If you remember, the incident between Gerald Womack occurred on Monday, October 23, 2023. Then Vivian King signed up on (12/7/2023) to position herself to become the judge to rule over the criminal case between (Aubrey R. Taylor and Gerald Womack) that she had already intervened in to have (me) wrongfully indicted. (CLICK HERE) Please take a moment to learn more about Vivian King's "PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT" to gain favor with Gerald Womack and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.

Based on the "OFFICIAL CANVASS REPORT" certified by Harris County Commissioners on Friday, November 15, 2024, Judge Aaron Burdette received 730,432 votes for 50.42% of the vote, and his challenger, Vivian King (Democrat), received 718,252 votes for 49.58%. That said, Judge Aaron Burdette defeated Vivian King by 12,180 votes. Vivian King signed up to run for this specific judicial bench to rule over the case between Gerald Womack, her business associate, and Aubrey R. Taylor, which she had already abused her power to intervene in, according to evidence.

Vivian King, the Democratic nominee for the 486th Criminal District Court, is an alleged "H-TOWN-DRUNK" and at one point allegedly tried to convince her ex-husband, who is a former prizefighter, to beat up Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis. She also, according to sources, reportedly tried to get her ex-husband wrongfully convicted of assaulting her. This lying, conniving low-life of a woman is also the person who intervened in the criminal matter where her real estate broker (Gerald Womack) assaulted Aubrey R. Taylor on Monday, October 23, 2023.

Gerald Womack and Vivian King, the chief of staff for Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, moved in unison on Saturday, December 7, 2023. Instead of turning over the security tapes, recordings, and surveillance tapes after being issued a subpoena, Gerald Womack appears to have decided to have Vivian King (his client) run for the 486th Criminal District Court, according to sources. According to this source, a look at the phone records of Gerald Womack and Vivian King would provide greater detail into how and why Vivian King decided to allegedly use her influence at the DA's Office to intervene in the criminal matter that occurred at 4412 Almeda Road on Monday, October 23, 2023.

Womack Development & Investment Realtor is the "LISTING BROKER" for Vivian King's home located at 2202 Alabama Street, in Houston, Texas 77004. Phone records could show that Gerald Womack and Vivian King, Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg's chief of staff, coordinated their activities on Saturday, December 7, 2023, when Womack was supposed to answer a subpoena to appear at the offices of Jared Woodfill located at 3 Riverway, Suite 750, in Houston, Texas 77056.

I’m Aubrey R. Taylor, the publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper, one of Texas's most formidable politically-focused publications. With the help of my chief investigator, Charles Marler, a former FBI Investigative Specialist, my investigative team is second to none. NOTE: My thoughts, opinions, and reports are published under my First Amendment-protected rights afforded to me under the “FREEDOM OF SPEECH” and “FREEDOM OF THE PRESS” clauses in the U.S. Constitution.
OP-ED: Vivian King Lied About C.O. Bradford to Constable Smokie Phillips; Bogus Cased Against Aubrey Taylor Was Dismissed
The Harris County Democratic Party (HCDP) has become entirely too top-heavy with African American candidates who won’t support the HCDP and won’t support anyone else either.
Suppose these candidates aren’t helping the HCDP and aren’t going to spend money to promote their candidacies. In that case, they must be challenged in the March 2026 Democratic Party Primary for the betterment of the HCDP, which is only fair, in my opinion.
While the Harris County Republican Party is formalizing their 2026 campaign to “MAKE HARRIS COUNTY GREAT AGAIN,” Democrats are still fooling around with Mike Doyle, who appears to be nothing more than a racist dictator who uses money from Black females to promote his preferred candidates from other ethnic groups.
And to make matters worse, rather than developing a real campaign, down-ballot Democrats aren’t doing anything but huddling up together at social events, hoarding campaign cash, playing around in group chats, and liking each other’s FACEBOOK POSTINGS to make each other feel good about their chances in the upcoming 2026 Midterm Election.
The selfishness of these 2026 Midterm Election Democrat candidates is going to come back to bite them in the A$$ when they get faced off against their Republican challengers.
It’s sickening how arrogant “ELECTED OFFICIALS” have become in Harris County, Texas. I mean, some of these folks are so full of themselves that they won’t even support “BLACK OWNED” media outlets, i.e., Radio Stations, newspapers, Websites – NADA, NOTHING, ZILCH!!!

A cult-like atmosphere and gang mentality have taken over certain factions of local Harris County, Texas politics, but unfortunately, so has racism, sexism, discrimination, and what appears to be Black supremacy. But what these Black candidates don’t realize is that there aren’t enough Black people voting in Harris County for Black candidates to win without the support of other ethnic groups.
In other words, these “HOUSE NEGROES” who have been allowed to experience a semblance of success over the last decade are smelling themselves and are out of control.
Yes, you heard me correctly. Some of these Negroes that we’ve allowed into positions of authority aren’t good for local politics. And if you think I’m wrong about my “BLACK SUPREMACY” statement, you don’t have to take my word for it.
The late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., said, “A doctrine of black supremacy is as dangerous as a doctrine of white supremacy. God is not interested merely in the freedom of black men or brown men or yellow men. God is interested in the freedom of the whole human race, the creation of a society where every man will respect the dignity and worth of personality.”
Just as it’s wrong for African Americans to get discriminated against, it’s equally bad for white males to get targeted by Black females in local judicial races like what’s been happening since the 2018 Midterm Election.
Remember, in the 2022 Democratic Party Primary, white Democratic judges were targeted and unseated. In total, one Asian and eleven white Democratic judges got targeted and lost their judicial benches to their Democratic challengers.

The Harris County Democratic Party is in a state where it must force a course correction in the upcoming March 2026 Democratic Party Primary for the HDCP to survive.
If you want to know the truth, a few of the African American female judges are going to be serious liabilities for Democrats. They will inevitably get defeated by their Republican challengers if they’re allowed to remain on the ballot as the Democratic nominee in 2026.
The turnout in a midterm election is much lower than in a presidential election. Therefore, there’s a lot less wiggle room for weak candidates. I won’t drop names just yet, but, like I said, a severe course correction will be needed.
I hope that the Democratic leadership is listening to me. Once again, Harris County has devolved into a state of racial upheaval, and a course correction is needed immediately. Unthinkingly casting votes for people as “SYMBOLIC GESTURES” in primary elections typically works. But, this strategy, if attempted during the 2026 Midterm cycle, is going to come back to bite Democrats in the butt.

In 2024, we came one stone’s throw away from Vivian King becoming the 486th Criminal District Court judge when everyone knew King was unfit to be a judge.
For my life, I cannot understand how Vivian King beat Gemayel Haynes and Roderick Rogers in the 2024 Democratic Party runoff and primary.
Gemayel Haynes and Roderick Rodgers were better choices than Vivian King, who was corrupt as an attorney, dirty as a prosecutor, and would have been filthy if she had been elected to the 486th Criminal District Court bench.
Vivian King is a low-down, dirty “SCOUNDREL” who must never under any circumstances be allowed to become a member of the judiciary. And Vivian King should not even be practicing law in Texas – that’s a fact.

Most folks don’t realize that Vivian King, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and “SHE-JACK’S” campaign manager Gerald Womack conspired together in an attempt to have me wrongfully convicted and sent to prison for a crime that I did not commit.
Why did they conspire against me?
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee was involved in a bitter “2023 MAYORAL RACE” against John Whitmire, who was seeking to become the mayor of Houston, Texas. The race wasn’t going well for “SHE-JACK” because on Saturday, October 21, 2023, an “AUDIO RECORDING” had been released by “CURRENT REVOLT” and was being spread throughout America on local TV, Radio Stations, and throughout social media networks.
The vulgar “AUDIO RECORDING,” released to the world by “CURRENT REVOLT” on Saturday, October 21, 2023, revealed the mean, nasty, foul-mouthed side of Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and was threatening to kill her chances of becoming the Mayor of Houston.
So, on Monday, October 23, 2023, while I visited a couple of “EARLY VOTING LOCATIONS,” I noticed that Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s poll workers were getting on their telephones as soon as I walked up to deliver supplies to my poll workers.
That morning, I visited the Sunnyside Multi-Service Center to deliver “VOTE COUNTING DEVICES” to my poll workers. From there, I headed to the Metropolitan Mult-Service Center to provide “VOTE COUNTING DEVICES” to my workers there.
Remember, Monday, October 23, 2023, was the first day of “EARLY VOTING” for the 2023 City of Houston Mayoral Election, and the polls had Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee significantly trailing John Whitmire in the race for mayor.
So, when I arrived at 4412 Almeda around 10:00 a.m., it wasn’t a coincidence that Gerald Womack attacked me and then lied to the police about what had occurred. After all, it appears in hindsight that attacking me and then having me described as a “RIGHT-WING BLOGGER” was intended to help Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee somehow gain sympathy in voters’ minds – but it did not.
Making it appear as though Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee was somehow under siege was one of the most boneheaded ideas I’ve ever seen conjured up. Still, desperate people do desperate things when they’re under pressure.
So, with the help of his friend and business associate in the Harris County District Attorney’s Office (Vivian King), a plan was hatched to make it appear as though Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s campaign headquarters was attacked by a “RIGHT-WING BLOGGER,” with the help of local TV Stations, the Houston Chronicle, and other media outlets.
To make their scheme work, they had to keep my identity a secret, which is why Vivian King jumped into action after HPD, and a prosecutor declined to press charges against me and closed the case without bringing charges against me.
Court transcripts and sworn testimony from the 486th Criminal District Court from Monday, November 4, 2024, reveal that Vivian King committed “PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT” and abused her power as a First Assistant District Attorney in Kim Ogg’s Administration.
By her admission, under oath, and penalty of perjury, Vivian King revealed that she consulted with Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and Gerald Womack before having me wrongfully indicted.
While on the stand and under oath, Vivian King also through Kim Ogg under the bus by claiming that “HER BOSS” was also involved in one of the meetings before the “BOGUS CHARGES” of ‘Injury to the Elderly” was pushed by Vivian King, in her official capacity as the First Assistant District Attorney, in Kim Ogg’s Administration.
In a telephone conversation (allegedly) made by Vivian King to Constable James “Smokie” Phillips, she tried to point the finger at former Houston Police Chief C.O. “Brad” Bradford, who was working as a special prosecutor in the Harris County District Attorney’s Office.
Vivian King (allegedly) told Constable James “Smokie” Phillips that it wasn’t her who pushed the charges against me. Still, he was instead special prosecutor C.O. “Brad” Bradford, which appears to be a blatant lie if the sworn testimony from Monday, November 4, 2024, is accurate.

Attorney Terry Yates filed a “MOTION TO DISMISS” the indictment against me on January 6, 2025, at 2:51 p.m., with the Harris County District Clerk Marilyn Burgess. However, the motion was never heard and ruled upon by the judge because the state moved to dismiss the charges rather than have Eric Carr, the third ex-husband of Vivian King, take the stand and impeach her false testimony that she had given under oath on Monday, November 4, 2024, when she was ordered to take the stand in the 486th Criminal District Court.
“Prosecutorial misconduct occurs when a prosecutor breaks a law or a code of professional ethics in the course of their professional duties,” stated attorney Terry Yates in his filing.
Attorney Yates states, “Assistant District Attorney Vivian King, by persistently violating the legal, ethical, and professional constraints of her powerful position as First Assistant to the elected District Attorney of Harris County, Texas, has decimated the integrity of these proceedings.” He outlined how the “MOTION TO DISMISS” would reveal numerous ways ADA Vivian King committed prosecutorial misconduct.

In his “MOTION TO DISMISS,” attorney Terry Yates explained, “A conflict of interest occurs when a lawyer has competing interests that may prevent them from acting impartially or independently in a criminal matter.
“First Assistant District Attorney Vivian King abdicated her role as an independent state official and abused her position of public trust in order to obtain private benefits for herself and her political allies,” state attorney Terry Yates.
According to attorney Yates, “ADA Vivian King put her personal, financial, and political interests before not only her own professional integrity but, even more importantly, the due process rights of Aubrey R. Taylor and the integrity of the criminal justice system.”
“ADA King voluntarily intervened in this matter, using her elevated position at the Harris County District Attorney’s Office, to wrongfully and maliciously prosecute this Defendant by overruling the decision of the intake prosecutors who had declined to charge the Defendant. After getting her subordinates to accept charges, ADA King then had her henchman, ADA Jim Leitner, immediately indict him.”
Attorney Yates explained, “ADA King’s actions clearly violate Texas Disciplinary Rule of Professional Conduct 1.06 & 1.08, which prohibit transactions where a conflict of interest might arise from personal or financial interests.”
Texas Government Code Chapter 572 also proscribes standards of conduct for state officers, particularly regarding conflicts of interest, which Vivian King also violated.
According to attorney Yates, “Vivian King violated the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure provisions that implicitly and explicitly address conflicts of interest involving prosecutors. ADA King’s unethical conduct necessitates that the instant indictment be dismissed.

The “MOTION TO DISMISS” file by attorney Terry Yates explained, “The doctrine of vindictive prosecution, as established in cases like Blackledge v. Perry, 417 U.S. 21 (1974), prohibits prosecutors from retaliating against defendants for exercising their constitutional rights.”
“A prosecutor may not make a charging decision for the purpose of retaliating against a defendant for the exercise of a statutory or constitutional right,” says attorney Yates.
The prosecution of me was a direct response by ADA Vivian King to retaliate against me for exercising my First Amendment right to freedom of speech and freedom of the press.
“ADA King readily admitted that she collaborated with U.S. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and Lee’s campaign manager, the alleged victim, Gerald Womack, before telephoning the prosecutor at intake, who had declined to charge the Defendant,” explained attorney Yates.
According to attorney Terry Yates, “ADA King’s email contained links to news articles that the Defendant had published criticizing Lee and Womack.”
“It is no coincidence that ADA King then ordered that the Defendant be quickly indicted,” attorney Yates explained. “This occurred just five (5) days prior to the Houston City Mayoral Election in which Lee was a candidate.”
In his “MOTION TO DISMISS,” attorney Yates explained, “Ada King acted hastily in order to abridge Taylor’s right of free speech and undermine his credibility with potential voters.”
“ADA King did this as a political favor in order to ingratiate herself to Sheila Jackson Lee, who was at the time, a significant political figure in Houston and Harris County, Texas,” according to attorney Terry Yates.
In his “MOTION TO DISMISS,” he details how ADA Vivian King abused the power entrusted to her by the State of Texas for her own benefit. “These actions alone provide a sufficient basis for dismissing the instant indictment against the Defendant.”

As spelled out in attorney Terry Yates’s “MOTION TO DISMISS,” the alleged victim is guilty of destroying or hiding material evidence. “Gerald Womack has or had possession, custody, or control of crucial exculpatory evidence, specifically video footage of the incident and the object he used to assault the Defendant.”
“The evidence is central to Defendant’s claim of self-defense. Gerald Womack was under the legal duty to preserve this evidence as it was reasonably foreseeable that it would be relevant to this case,” explained attorney Terry Yates.
According to attorney Yates, “Prosecutors allowed Womack to fictitiously “invoke” his Fifth Amendment Right against self-incrimination in order to secrete this evidence.”
“Furthermore, the prosecutors did absolutely nothing to preserve it. Aubrey Taylor has been irreparably prejudiced by their conduct,” attorney Yates proclaimed.
In the landmark case of Brady V. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963), the United States Supreme Court held that prosecutors must disclose all known information favorable to the defense in order to protect the Defendant’s constitutional rights to due process and a fair trial.
In Arizona v. Youngblood, 488 U.S. 51 (1988), the Supreme Court expanded Brady to include situations in which the state fails to preserve exculpatory evidence.
Attorney Terry Yates explained, “In the instant case, the prosecutors and investigators permitted Womack to secrete and/or destroy not only exculpatory evidence but material evidence that would prove that the Defendant is innocent.”
“It would be fundamentally unfair for the prosecution to benefit from a scenario in which they allowed the complainant to destroy and secrete irreplaceable evidence that is both material and exculpatory,” he explained.
Attorney Terry Yates was prepared to tell Judge Aaron Burdette if the “MOTION TO DISMISS” had been heard, “After ADA King intervened into this matter, the intake prosecutors and police investigators acting recklessly and haphazardly.”
“As such, it was shown that false entries were made in the D.A. Intake Management (DIM) system in violation of Texas Penal Code Section 37.10, Tampering with Government Record,” the “MOTION TO DISMISS,” detailed.
ADA Jim Leitner immediately indicted this case without conducting any type of investigation. He testified that he did so because this case had become a “PROBLEM” in the District Attorney’s Office when he took the stand under oath.
Another Brady violation occurred when prosecutors withheld exculpatory evidence. HPD Detective Don told prosecutors that the complaining witness, Gerald Womack, was not a credible witness when she took the stand on Monday, November 4, 2025, in the 486th Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas.
Prosecutors failed to record or disclose this information to the Defendant. It was not until the hearing that this exculpatory information came to light.
“All of the foregoing violations were a result of First Assistant Vivian King’s unethical intervention into this matter,” explained attorney Terry Yates.
Attorney Yates closed his motion by stating, “Due to ADA Vivian King’s abhorrent unethical behavior and abuse of power, the indictment should be dismissed with prejudice by this Honorable Court.”
And if you ask me, I believe with all my heart that Judge Aaron Burdette, a Republican member of the local judiciary, would do just that – GRANT THE DISMISSAL.

Electing people to judicial benches where they can decide life and death matters and make rulings on billion-dollar civil cases because of their gender, color of their skin, and/or political affiliation must cease.
Listen. We must elect judges like Judge Aaron Burdette to local Harris County judicial benches in the 2026 Midterm Election. Yes, you heard me right. More white male judges with character, intestinal fortitude, courage, a love for our Constitution, and the rule of law are needed to serve on local Harris County judicial benches.
Since the 2018 Midterms, white male judges from both sides of the political aisle have become victims of discrimination. Yes, I said that white male judges are being targeted and discriminated against in local Democratic Party Primaries and general elections – that’s a fact.
And to say that white men deserve the treatment they’ve been getting in local races because of the horrors inflicted on Black folks during slavery is the wrong approach.
Every struggle that we’ve overcome in America as “BLACK PEOPLE” has been achieved through the help and support of white males – that’s a fact.
Nope, I’m not talking out of both sides of my mouth. Since 2018, African American females have systematically targeted white males in local elections. And the systematic targeting of white males is what has led to many of the gains African Americans have achieved in local countywide judicial races since 2018, when “BLACK GIRL MAGIC” was born.
While many of the African American females who have risen to the judicial ranks were sincere before becoming judges, some have become so arrogant and egotistical, with their noses poked in the air, that they aren’t any earthly good.
The sad part about it all is that I played a significant role in helping many of these African American female judges to achieve their success, and many of them don’t even speak to me or acknowledge me in public, and I’m sick of it.
Some of these women have absolutely no class and, were not raised the right way and must be voted off judicial benches in the upcoming 2026 Midterm Election. A few must be challenged in the March 2026 Democratic Party Primary, and the Harris County Republican Party must make it a rule to recruit a diverse body of “JUDICIAL NOMINEES” to challenge every judicial bench in Harris County, Texas.
It’s one thing to have pride, but it’s something else altogether to have “BLACK ROBE SYNDROME” and a superiority complex. Some of these women’s success has gone to their heads and needs to be returned to earth in the 2026 Midterms.
In case you don’t know, “BLACK ROBE SYNDROME” is a syndrome that evolves when a person is elevated to a judicial position, becomes arrogant and displays disdain for others they feel are beneath them.
This is precisely what we have regarding many African American females sitting on local judicial benches in Harris County, Texas. However, amongst the prideful, egotistical, ego-maniacs are a handful of hardworking jurists doing fabulous jobs as judiciary members.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

Vivian King is a low-down dirty scoundrel who the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, which is the highest court in Texas for criminal law matters, called "NOT CREDIBLE." The high court found that Vivian King provided ineffective assistance to her client and that the quality of her work was "deficient" in a case where her client received a life sentence. (CLICK HERE) Take a moment to learn more about this "SKANK" who did not file the petition needed for her client, causing her client to get a life sentence in a Texas prison.

Vivian King is a low-dirty, slimy, sleazy skank who was rightfully rejected by the voters of Harris County, Texas, recently in the race for the 486th Criminal District Court. Take a moment to review the article that was written about this lying, conniving witch by "HOUSTON WATCH" in October 2022. You will realize that Vivian King should never be elected as a judge in Harris County, Texas, or anywhere else in America.

Eric Carr, the third ex-husband of Vivian King, was issued a "SUBPOENA" to show up in the 486th Criminal District Courtroom on Friday, February 14, 2025, and answer questions about Vivian King and the nature of her relationship with Gerald Womack. When Vivian King testified under oath in the 486th Criminal District Court, she claimed that she barely knew Gerald Womack and didn't have an ongoing business relationship with Womack Development & Investment Realtors, which was a lie. Vivian King also testified under oath that she did not know who Investigative Reporter Aubrey R. Taylor was until a few months before she took the stand, which was also a lie. Eric Carr was set to impeach the testimony of Vivian King if he had been allowed to take the stand on Friday, February 14, 2025. Still, the Harris County District Attorney's Office dropped the charges against Aubrey R. Taylor rather than running the risk of having to possibly charge Vivian King with perjury.

Attorney Jared Woodfill, Attorney Terry Yates, and Attorney "DOWNTOWN" Oliver Brown have been selected as Investigative Reporter Aubrey R. Taylor's legal team members. The detailed "MOTION TO DISMISS" for Prosecutorial Misconduct" will give you a better idea of how Vivian King, the former First Assistant District Attorney (ADA), abused her power and conspired with the late Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and her campaign manager Gerald Womack to violate the civil rights of Investigative Reporter Aubrey R. Taylor, in Harris County, Texas. (CLICK HERE) Take a moment to view the "MOTION TO DISMISS" filed with the court.

Former State Rep. Shawn Thierry and Governor Greg Abbott are both true "TEXAS TRAILBLAZERS" in their own right. Texas is freer because of Governor Greg Abbott's leadership and policies. For nearly 200 years, Texas has been self-reliant and religiously defended liberty and freedom. Governor Greg Abbott believes that every Texan has a right to freely speak their mind and stand on their beliefs and convictions. While "THE GOP" officially stands for the "GRAND OLD PARTY," more and more African Americans are beginning to view "THE GOP" as a bastion of opportunity and hope for a brighter future. Governor Greg Abbott proudly welcomed State Rep. Shawn Thierry into the Texas Republican Party after she was abandoned by the Democratic Party for standing up for the rights of Texas children. Governor Greg Abbott and other conservative leaders will need our support in the 2026 Midterm Election.

Judge Jeralynn Manor, the former presiding judge for the 80th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas, is honored and grateful to have served the people of Harris County, Texas, for four years. Please remember that the comments, views, opinions, and content published below are those of the publisher of this blog and do not necessarily reflect the view of former Judge Jeralynn Manor in any way, shape, manner, or form.

Judge DaSean Jones values the support of every voter eligible to vote in the 180th Criminal District Court race on Saturday, May 3, 2025. Early voting will begin on Tuesday, April 22, 2025, and end on Tuesday, April 29, 2025. Please remember that the comments, views, opinions, and content published below are those of the publisher of this blog and do not necessarily reflect the view of Judge DaSean Jones in any way, shape, manner, or form. Political advertising paid for by DaSean Jones for Judge, Suzette Roberts, Treasurer, in compliance with the voluntary limits of the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act.

State Rep. Ron E. Reynolds, the House District 27 (Fort Bend County) representative, values your vote support and is now a loyal supporter of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper publisher. State Rep. Reynolds will be up for reelection in the upcoming 2026 Midterm Election. Also, please be reminded the comments, views, opinions, and content published below are those of the publisher of this blog and do not necessarily reflect the view of State Rep. Ron E. Reynolds in any way, shape, manner, or form.

Judge Tracy D. Good values your vote support and is now a loyal supporter of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper publisher. Judge Good will not be up for reelection until the 2028 Presidential Election, but don't forget about the upcoming 2026 Midterm Election. Also, please be reminded the comments, views, opinions, and content published below are those of the publisher of this blog and do not necessarily reflect the view of Judge Tracy D. Good in any way, shape, manner, or form.

Attorney Jeralynn Manor is the former judge for the 80th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Attorney Manor has 24 years of combined legal experience as a litigator or Civil Court Judge. Attorney Jeralynn Manor is part of our family of supporters. Please remember that the comments, views, opinions, and content published below are those of the publisher of this blog and do not necessarily reflect the view of the Jeralynn Manor Law Firm. Call (346)776-2667 if you need results.

Did you know that nearly 60% of the people that the Innocence Project has helped to free or exonerate since 1992 are Black? If not, I bet you didn't know that research by the Innocence Project shows that over 50% of exonerees of color who were under 21 when they were arrested had at least one false implication by another youth.