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BULLETIN: Missouri City Texas Mayor Allen Owen has announced his plans to file for re-election for Mayor of Missouri City Texas.
Mayor Owen has made his home in Missouri City for nearly 40 years, and is passionately proud of his city. “I love this city. I have dedicated my life as a committed husband, father, business leader and civic volunteer to making Missouri City the best city imaginable.”
After recently retiring from the banking industry, he has become increasingly involved in improving the quality of life in Missouri City. “For the last 2 years, we have worked hard with our City Council, the economic development team and the local business community to attract over $500,000,000 in new business, leading to hundreds of new jobs.”
According to Forbes Magazine, Missouri City continues to be one of the safest, most affordable, and best places to live in the country. And according to a recent Rice University study, Missouri City was named “…the most ethnically diverse city in the region.”
“I am particularly pleased by the continuing emphasis by our City Council on improving our public safety. We recently opened our first Mini-Police Station, and started construction of Fire Station Number 5. We approved pay increases for our Police and Fire Forces, and hired 5 new Motorcycle Police Officers.” And in spite of struggling economic conditions in other areas, “Missouri City home values have continued to rise but still remain one of the best buys in the region, because of its proximity to Houston and the Texas Medical Center.”
Mayor Owen serves on numerous boards, committees and volunteer organizations, all focused on making Missouri City and the surrounding area a great place to live, work, open a business and raise a family.
Owen and his wife of 45 years are members of First United Methodist Church. Mayor Owen graduated from Stephen F. Austin State University, and Southern Methodist University – Graduate School of Finance and Banking.
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Wednesday, January 29, 2014 is the first day for candidates who wish to run for Mayor, City Council At-Large Position #1; or City Council At-Large Position #2 in Missouri City, Texas to file for a place on the ballot.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014 is also the first day to file your declaration on write-in candidacy for the 2014 Mayoral Election in Missouri City, Texas.
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Friday, February 28, 2014 is the last day for filing an application for a place on the 2014 City of Missouri City, Texas Mayoral Election ballot. Your application to appear on the ballot must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 28, 2014.
Friday, February 28, 2014 is also the last day for write-in candidates to declare candidacy in the General and Special Election to be held in Missouri City, Texas. Your declaration must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 28, 2014.
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Tuesday, March 11, 2014 is the first day to accept applications for voting by mail ballot in the 2014 Mayoral Election in Missouri City, Texas.
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Tuesday, April 1, 2014 is the last day to mail balloting materials for early voting by mail in the 2014 Mayoral Election in Missouri City, Texas.
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Monday, April 28, 2014 is the first day for early voting by personal appearance for the 2014 Mayoral Election in Missouri City, Texas. Please make a mental note that Mayor Allen Owen is asking for your vote and support during the early voting period.
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Tuesday, May 6, 2014 is the last day of early voting by personal appearance in the 2014 Mayoral Election in Missouri City, Texas.
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Saturday, May 10, 2014 is Election Day for the 2014 Mayoral Election in Missouri City, Texas. Please make a mental note that Mayor Allen Owen is asking for your vote and support.
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About the Houston Dallas Fort Worth Business Connections Magazine
Published for "People On The Move" by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, The Houston Dallas Fort Worth Business Connections Magazine is focused on empowering, inspiring, promoting, highlighting, and informing people striving to reach their full potential in their personal and professional endeavors. This statewide magazine is focused on Business, Politics, Education, Religion and Health with a targeted emphasis on the Houston, Dallas and Fort Worth regions of Texas. Contact: (832)212-8735 today!
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