Clifford Tatum (left), the Harris County Elections Administrator recently released a "CUMULATIVE REPORT" where the numbers just don't add up. You can "CLICK HERE" Clifford Tatum's bogus report. On the other hand, Stan Stanart (right), the former Harris County Clerk, who happens to be Republican, released a "GOOD CUMULATIVE REPORT" back when he ran the 2018 Midterm Election, in Harris County, Texas. You can "CLICK HERE" to see what a good "CUMULATIVE REPORT" should look like.

Former Harris County Clerk Stan Stanart, a Republican, produced a "GOOD CUMULATIVE REPORT" back during the Tuesday, November 8, 2018, Midterm Election for Harris County, Texas. If you take a moment to review Stan Stanart's "OFFICIAL CUMULATIVE REPORT" you will see that his numbers all add up. When you combine the Absentee Ballot Returns, Early Voting Returns, Election Day Returns, Undervotes, and Overvotes for every (Tuesday, November 6, 2018), Midterm Election, countywide race for Harris County together, you will see that all of the totals are the same. You can "CLICK HERE" to review his report for yourself.

Why is this report labeled as good? Well, when you combine the Absentee Mail Ballot Returns, Early Voting Returns, and Election Day Returns, Ballots, Undervotes, and Overvotes together, for the countywide races the final number should be exactly the same. In this particular "OFFICIAL CUMULATIVE REPORT" that was released by Stan Stanart, his numbers add up perfectly. You can "CLICK HERE" to see for yourself.

Clifford Tatum released this "BOGUS CUMULATIVE REPORT" where the numbers don't add up, for the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election in Harris County, Texas. You can "CLICK HERE" to review Clifford Tatum's bogus report for yourself.

Why is this report labeled as bogus? Well, when you combine the Absentee Mail Ballot Returns, Early Voting Returns, Election Day Returns, Early Voting Provisional Ballots, Election Day Provisional Ballots, Undervotes, and Overvotes together, for the countywide races the final number should be exactly the same. In this particular "OFFICIAL CUMULATIVE REPORT" that was released by Clifford Tatum, the current Harris County Elections Administrator, the numbers don't add up correctly. You can "CLICK HERE" to see for yourself.
Troubling Discrepancies Found on Clifford Tatum’s Recently Released 2022 Cumulative Report for Harris County
Something just went desperately wrong in Harris County with this new “pricey” voting equipment that was supposed to make voting more secure. And if you ask me, the $54 million expenditure that was made to purchase 12,000 new voting machines doesn’t seem like such a good investment right now. Heck, we might be better off going back to paper ballots, at the rate we’re going.
For the record, I believe that these new $54 million voting machines are being used to manipulate votes. As it stands right now, Hart InterCivic Inc. and Election Systems & Software are the only two voting equipment companies certified by the Texas Secretary of State’s Office, and that may need to change.
Before purchasing these new voting machines, Harris County supposedly vetted both options and settled on purchasing the Hart InterCivic, Inc., machines. But why are we having so many problems? And why does it take so long for these new machines to count and tally up votes?
The Heart InterCivic, Inc., voting machines that were purchased at a price tag of $54 million were supposed to be different. These new voting machines were supposed to provide voters with a paper trail to verify their selections, but it seems like these machines have done a whole lot of smearing of the second pages, which may have caused (double-voting), and screwed up election results.
If you take a moment to review the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, “OFFICIAL CUMULATIVE REPORT” that was produced when Stan Stanart (Republican), was the Harris County Clerk, you will see a perfect example of what a clean/accurate “CUMULATIVE REPORT” is supposed to look like.
While reviewing this particular “OFFICIAL CUMULATIVE REPORT” please pay close attention to the true countywide races that started with the race for District Judge, 55th Civil District Court (PAGE-19), and ended with the race for Harris County Treasurer (PAGE-31), back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the midterms.
Now, when you combine the Absentee Ballot Returns, Early Voting Returns, Election Day Returns, Undervotes, and Overvotes for every (Tuesday, November 6, 2018), Midterm Election, countywide race for Harris County together, you will see that all of the totals are the same.
If you look closely at the totals, you will see that each race, from the race for District Judge, 55th Civil District Court, through Harris County Treasurer, on former Harris County Clerk Stan Stanart’s “OFFICIAL CUMULATIVE REPORT” has a combined total of 1,217,953 cast votes in each countywide race.
What you have to understand about the total number of votes cast in countywide races is that the “TABULATION COMPUTER” counts the spaces left blank or skipped over “UNDER VOTES” and the instances where a voter may have incorrectly selected multiple names “OVER VOTES” as votes cast.
Something just went desperately wrong in Harris County with this new “pricey” voting equipment that was supposed to make voting more secure. And if you ask me, the $54 million expenditure that was made to purchase 12,000 new voting machines doesn’t seem like such a good investment right now. Heck, we might be better off going back to paper ballots, at the rate we’re going.
For the record, I believe that these new $54 million voting machines are being used to manipulate votes. As it stands right now, Hart InterCivic Inc. and Election Systems & Software are the only two voting equipment companies certified by the Texas Secretary of State’s Office, and that may need to change.
Before purchasing these new voting machines, Harris County supposedly vetted both options and settled on purchasing the Hart InterCivic, Inc., machines. But why are we having so many problems? And why does it take so long for these new machines to count and tally up votes?
The Heart InterCivic, Inc., voting machines that were purchased at a price tag of $54 million were supposed to be different. These new voting machines were supposed to provide voters with a paper trail to verify their selections, but it seems like these machines have done a whole lot of smearing of the second pages, which may have caused (double-voting), and screwed up election results.
If you take a moment to review the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, “OFFICIAL CUMULATIVE REPORT” that was produced when Stan Stanart (Republican), was the Harris County Clerk, you will see a perfect example of what a clean/accurate “CUMULATIVE REPORT” is supposed to look like.
While reviewing this particular “OFFICIAL CUMULATIVE REPORT” please pay close attention to the true countywide races that started with the race for District Judge, 55th Civil District Court (PAGE-19), and ended with the race for Harris County Treasurer (PAGE-31), back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the midterms.
Now, when you combine the Absentee Ballot Returns, Early Voting Returns, Election Day Returns, Undervotes, and Overvotes for every (Tuesday, November 6, 2018), Midterm Election, countywide race for Harris County together, you will see that all of the totals are the same.
If you look closely at the totals, you will see that each race, from the race for District Judge, 55th Civil District Court, through Harris County Treasurer, on former Harris County Clerk Stan Stanart’s “OFFICIAL CUMULATIVE REPORT” has a combined total of 1,217,953 cast votes in each countywide race.
What you have to understand about the total number of votes cast in countywide races is that the “TABULATION COMPUTER” counts the spaces left blank or skipped over “UNDER VOTES” and the instances where a voter may have incorrectly selected multiple names “OVER VOTES” as votes cast.
So, please keep in mind that the countywide totals released on the “OFFICIAL CUMULATIVE REPORT” that were reported by Harris County Elections Administrator (Clifford Tatum), at 12:53 PM on November 19, 2022, should all be the same when the Absentee Ballot Returns, Early Voting Returns, Election Day Returns, Undervotes, Overvotes, Early Voting Provisional Ballots, and Election Day Provisional Ballots are combined. However, this isn’t the case when it comes to the “POTENTIALLY FRAUDULENT” report, that was released by Clifford Tatum, the Harris County Elections Administrator.
Harris County Republican Party Chairman Cindy Siegel (bottom left), initially voted along with the four Democrats to hire Clifford Tatum as the Harris County Elections Administrator. For the record, County Judge Lina Hidalgo (center), a Democrat, Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector Ann Harris Bennett (top left), a Democrat, Harris County Democratic Party Chairman Odus Evbagharu (top right), and Harris County Clerk Tenesha Hudspeth went ahead and hired Clifford Tatum over the objection of Siegel after she questioned the hire.
On Clifford Tatum’s “OFFICIAL CUMULATIVE REPORT” on (PAGE-20) through (PAGE-25), if you look at the race results for District Judge, 55th Civil District Court (PAGE-20), through District Judge, 234th Civil District Court (PAGE-25), you will see that all of the countywide judicial races have a (1,107,390) votes cast total when I combined the Absentee Ballot Returns, Early Voting Returns, Election Day Returns, Undervotes, Overvotes, Early Voting Provisional Ballots, and Election Day Provisional Ballots.
On (PAGE 26) of Clifford Tatum’s “OFFICIAL CUMULATIVE REPORT” if you look at the races for District Judge, 248th Criminal District Court, District Judge, 262nd Criminal District Court, and District Judge, 263rd Criminal District Court, what you will see is that “ABSENTEE BALLOT TOTALS” for these races don’t match the “ABSENTEE BALLOT TOTALS” that were reported on (PAGE 20-25) for the other countywide judicial races.
On (PAGE-27) of Clifford Tatum’s “OFFICIAL CUMULATIVE REPORT” if you look at the races for District Judge, 269th Civil District Court, District Judge, 270th Civil District Court, and District Judge, 263rd Criminal District Court, what you will see is that “ABSENTEE BALLOT TOTALS” for these races don’t match the “ABSENTEE BALLOT TOTALS” that were reported on (PAGE 20-25) for the other countywide judicial races.
On (PAGE-28) of Clifford Tatum’s “OFFICIAL CUMULATIVE REPORT” you will notice that the “ABSENTEE BALLOT TOTAL” of (61,001) that started with the race for District Judge, 270th Civil District Court is being duplicated and continues to be duplicated on (PAGE-29), (PAGE-30), (PAGE-31), (PAGE-32), (PAGE-33), (PAGE-34), (PAGE-35), (PAGE-36), (PAGE-37), and (PAGE 38), with the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No. 14, between Jessica N. Padilla (Republican), and Je’Rell A. Rogers (Democrat).
Also, pay close attention to the Absentee Ballot Returns, Early Voting Returns, Election Day Returns, Undervotes, Overvotes, Early Voting Provisional Ballots, and Election Day Provisional Ballots in the races for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No. 14, and Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No. 15, on (PAGE-39) of Clifford Tatum’s “OFFICIAL CUMULATIVE REPORT” that shows numbers that are inconsistent when compared to the race totals reported for the other County Court at Law races.
On (PAGE-40) of Clifford Tatum’s “OFFICIAL CUMULATIVE REPORT” you will notice that the combined totals for Judge, County Probate Court No. 1, are all over the place when compared to the races for Judge, County Probate Court No. 2, Judge, County Probate Court No. 3, and Judge, County Probate Court No. 4, on the next page.
If you have any questions related to “ELECTION FRAUD” or the “OFFICIAL CUMULATIVE REPORT” that was recently released by Clifford Tatum, please call (281)788-3033, today!

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

The Forensic Audit Division (FAD) for the state of Texas has found some serious problems with the way elections are run in Harris County, Texas. For starters, in 2021, the Texas Secretary of State launched a full forensic audit of the state's two largest Democratic and two largest Republican counties: Dallas, Harris, Collin, and Tarrant. So, just for the record, Harris County officials didn't even start cooperating with the auditors until October 2022. According to auditors, serious problems with voter registrations exist in Harris County, including the possibility that there are more than 11,000 potential non-citizens currently registered to vote. You can "CLICK HERE" to read the "FULL AUDIT" for yourself.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033