As far as I can tell, Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector Ann Harris Bennett is one of the "GOOD DEMOCRATS" in Harris County, Texas. Now, do you remember when Brandon Dudley, a Democrat, and protégé of Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis ran for Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector back during the 2016 Democratic Party Primary? Remember when Brandon faced off against Ann Harris Bennett and got his butt kicked? Well, guess who was this guy's mentor? You guessed it, Rodney Ellis, was the person behind the scenes pulling Brandon Dudley's strings back when he ran for Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector in the Democratic Party Primary, against Ann Harris Bennett, and I can prove it.

Do you see Brandon Dudley (second from left), in the photo above with Glen Austin, Shekira Dennis, and Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis? This photo was taken back in 2016. When Rodney Ellis posted this photo he said, "So proud to have mentored these leaders in the Texas Legislative Internship Program."

Commissioner Rodney Ellis is the Harris County Judge, not Lina Hidalgo. Commissioner Ellis has a stable of people who are loyal to him in every area of local government. People like Brandon Dudley, the current Chief of Staff for Rodney Ellis will do pretty much almost anything that Commissioner Ellis commands them to do without questioning.

See, I told you that Brandon Dudley has been one of Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis' puppets for a long time. Do you see Brandon Dudley listed as Ellis' chief of staff? And as I said, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis is the person who was behind the push for Brandon Dudley to try to become the Harris County Tax-Assessor Collector back during the 2016 Presidential Election.
Back on 3/17/2020, Rodney Ellis paid Brandon Dudley $10,000.00 dollars for what was categorized as salaries, wages, and contract labor according to Commissioner Ellis’ Campaign Finance Report.

Back on 3/17/2020, Rodney Ellis paid Brandon Dudley $10,000.00 dollars for what was categorized as consulting expense according to Commissioner Ellis’ Campaign Finance Report.

Back on 1/06/2020, Rodney Ellis paid Brandon Dudley $3,000.00 dollars for what was categorized as salaries, wages, and contract labor according to Commissioner Ellis’ Campaign Finance Report.

Back on 11/18/2019, Rodney Ellis paid Brandon Dudley $3,000.00 dollars for what was categorized as salaries, wages, and contract labor according to Commissioner Ellis’ Campaign Finance Report.

Back on 9/20/2019, Rodney Ellis paid Brandon Dudley $2,500.00 dollars for what was categorized as salaries, wages, and contract labor according to Commissioner Ellis’ Campaign Finance Report.

Back on 10/27/2016, Rodney Ellis paid Brandon Dudley $4,000.00 dollars for what was categorized as a consulting expense according to Commissioner Ellis’ Campaign Finance Report.

Back on 9/01/2016, Rodney Ellis paid Brandon Dudley $5,000.00 dollars for what was categorized as a consulting expense according to Commissioner Ellis’ Campaign Finance Report.

Back on 6/23/2016, Rodney Ellis paid Brandon Dudley $5,000.00 dollars for what was categorized as a consulting expense according to Commissioner Ellis’ Campaign Finance Report.

Back on 6/23/2016, Rodney Ellis paid Brandon Dudley another $500.00 dollars for what was categorized as a consulting expense according to Commissioner Ellis’ Campaign Finance Report.

Back on 5/25/2016, Rodney Ellis paid Brandon Dudley $5,000.00 dollars for what was categorized as a consulting expense according to Commissioner Ellis’ Campaign Finance Report.

Brandon Dudley got his butt kicked when he ran against Ann Harris Bennett back during the 2016 Democratic Party Primary. However, Rodney didn't really have his system down the way he has it down right now. So, every candidate running for office had better keep a close eye on the absentee ballots and place poll-watchers at every early voting location. Just in case you don’t remember, Ann Harris Bennett received 100,271 votes, for 61.48% of the vote. And as for poor Brandon Dudley, well, he could only muster 62,822 votes, for a measly 38.52% of the vote.
Rodney Has A Stable of Puppets in Local City, County Government He Can Run for Public Office Against Democrats and Republicans
Do you remember Brandon Dudley? If not, Brandon Dudley works as part of the Harris County Precinct One 'Senior Management Group' (SMG). The group consists of Brandon Dudley, who serves as the Chief of Staff, and a team of directors charged with the responsibility of making policy and procedural recommendations to Commissioner Rodney Ellis and carrying out the mission and goals of Precinct One through a variety of key leadership functions according to their website. Anyways, a few years back, Brand Dudley hatched the bright idea that he wanted to serve as the Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector – all on his own – right? Anyways he jumped into the race for Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector running against Ann Harris Bennett back on Tuesday, March 1, 2016, in the Democratic primary. But things didn’t turn out so well for him. If my memory serves me correctly, Ann Harris Bennett whipped the socks off that boy. Just in case you don’t remember, Ann Harris Bennett received 100,271 votes, for 61.48% of the vote. And as for poor Brandon Dudley, well, he could only muster 62,822 votes, for a measly 38.52% of the vote.

Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector Ann Harris Bennett won't be up for re-election until the 2024 Presidential Election. And in case you don't know, she's one of the "GOOD DEMOCRATS" who isn't afraid of Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis -- at least she wasn't back in 2016. As you will see below, Ann Harris Bennett made quick work of Brandon Dudley, back during the Tuesday, March 1, 2016, Democratic Party Primary.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

(CLICK HERE) to view this edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper©. Former Federal Prosecutor Vidal Martinez is a man who isn't afraid to stand up to Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis. So, on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, all Republicans must make it their business to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez over Alexandra Del Moral Mealer, in the race for Harris County Judge. That said after Vidal defeats Alexandra, we're going to need all hands on deck when he takes on lying Lina Hidalgo, another one of Rodney's puppets who should get indicted before their showdown on Tuesday, November 8, 2022.

Former Federal Prosecutor Vidal Martinez is the only candidate left standing who has what it takes to defeat Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo. In my opinion, Martina Dixon could have unseated Lina as well, if she had made garnered the Republican nomination. (CLICK HERE) if you would like to review this "CONSERVATIVES YOU SHOULD KNOW" edition that features our "RUNOFF SLATE" for the upcoming Tuesday, May 24, 2022, Republican Party Primary runoffs.

Randy Kubosh is asking for all 16,388 of the Republican Party Primary voters who cast their vote for him in the race for Harris County Judge back on Tuesday, March 1, 2022, to return back out to the polls on Tuesday, March 24, 2022, and cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Warren Howell is asking for all 13,346 of the Republican Party Primary voters who cast their vote for him in the race for Harris County Judge back on Tuesday, March 1, 2022, to return back out to the polls on Tuesday, March 24, 2022, and cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

H.Q. Blanos is asking for all 2,008 of the Republican Party Primary voters who cast their vote for him in the race for Harris County Judge back on Tuesday, March 1, 2022, to return back out to the polls on Tuesday, March 24, 2022, and cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Morgan Luttrell the Republican nominee for the 8th Congressional District of Texas, is asking for all of his supporters to cast their votes for Vidal Martinez, on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary race for Harris County Judge. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Carmen and Jim Crenshaw, the parents of United States Congressman Dan Crenshaw, have both endorsed former federal prosecutor Vidal Martinez in the runoff race for Harris County Judge. That being said, please don't forget that early voting will begin on Monday, May 16, 2022, and end on Friday, May 20, 2022. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Now is the time when our love for America must prevail. It is incumbent upon us to elect "PUBLIC SERVANTS" who understand that they work for us. We need "ELECTED OFFICIALS" in office who love "OUR CONSTITUTION" and the ideals that our nation was founded upon by our forefathers. We must make it our collective effort to "PUT PEOPLE OVER POLITICS" and do what's best for America during this crucial moment in time."
Favoritism and Party Politics Have No Place Inside Our Harris County Courtrooms
At the end of the day, the judicial races are the most important races on the ballot. That said, who we allow to put on that black robe and occupy judicial benches (especially in Harris County, Texas) matters a great deal. Over the years, through straight-ticket voting, and folks going into the polls playing "Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe" we've allowed a few bad folks to slip through the cracks. Now, I'm not trying to play party politics in any way, shape, or form, with my words. All I'm trying to say is that nobody is perfect, but if we make it our goal to elevate people who fear God and have a backbone into positions of authority, every one of us will be afforded the opportunity to live our best life.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033