AUBREY R. TAYLOR: “I’ve been studying election results for over 30-years. Now do you see that cat on the far left? That’s me! Do you see that cat above in the center? That’s a dude by the name of Dallas Jones who is a specialist in the game of producing lopsided results with “ABSENTEE MAIL-BALLOTS” in Harris County, Texas. And do you see that other dude above on the far right, looking all dapper and whatnot? Well, that cat right there is another Democratic consultant named Ron Jackson. Now, in my opinion, Ron Jackson is a better consultant than Dallas Jones, but he doesn’t play the “ABSENTEE BALLOT GAME” as well as Dallas Jones. Now, that being said, I need for you to understand, that the easiest way to steal an election is through the “HARVESTING OF ABSENTEE BALLOT” by crooked politicians and the consultants who run their campaign. So, please pay very close attention to the “ABSENTEE BALLOT COUNT” when all of the votes are tallied later tonight.”

Every Open-Minded Black Person Observing Tonight’s Election Results Should Pay Close Attention to the Absentee Ballot Returns
I’m not a perfect person – nobody’s perfect. Nor am I a preacher, profit, or pastor – I’ve been called to be a publisher. Now, that being said, I must admit that, I don’t always obey the word. But don’t judge me, and I won’t judge you! Now, as a child, I was taught the word of God. And it was written on the pages of my heart. So, listen up today!!! There’s a passage of scripture in the book of Proverbs in the 14th Chapter and 12th verse that states, “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.” There’s another passage of scripture in the book of Proverbs in the 18th Chapter and 17th verse that states, “The first to state his case seems right until another comes to cross-examines him.” Now, as a people who are yielded to God, we must stop allowing crooked and corrupt politicians and their allies in the mainstream media to feed us garbage. We must cross-examine the information their feeding us by doing our own research going forward. Why? Well, because they are lying to us, and not giving us all of the information we need – so that we can make quality decisions related to whom we should have governing over us on the local, state, and national levels.
When the election results start to flow in tonight, I want you to keep your eyes open. Especially when it comes to the “ABSENTEE BALLOT RETURNS” related to the HISD District I race, HISD District V race, HISD District VI race, HISD District VII race, and the particularly the HISD District IX race between political activist Gerry Wayne Monroe, and that woman named Myrna Guidry, who was appointed to the position early this year.
As you watch the “ABSENTEE BALLOT RETURNS” that flow in for the HISD District I race tonight, please measure them up against what happened in the HISD District I race back on Tuesday, November 7, 2017, the last time this Houston Independent School Board seat was up for re-election. Why? Well, back in 2017, there were only a total of 993 absentee mail-ballots cast in the race for HISD District I. Gretchen Himsl received 411 absentee mail-ballot votes, Elizabeth Santos received 366 absentee mail-ballot votes, and Monica Flores Richart received a total of 216 absentee mail-ballot votes back during the 2017 School Board race for District I, in the Uniformed Election.
As you watch the “ABSENTEE BALLOT RETURNS” that flow in for the HISD District V race tonight, please measure them up against what happened in the HISD District V race back on Tuesday, November 7, 2017, the last time this Houston Independent School Board seat was up for re-election. Why? Well, back in 2017, there were only a total of 1,027 absentee mail-ballots cast in the race for HISD District V. Sue Deigaard received 567 absentee mail-ballot votes, Susan Shafer received 184 absentee mail-ballot votes, Sean Cheben received 181 absentee mail-ballot votes, and Kara DeRocha received a total of 95 absentee mail-ballot votes back during the 2017 School Board race for District V, in the Uniformed Election.
As you watch the “ABSENTEE BALLOT RETURNS” that flow in for the HISD District VI race tonight, please measure them up against what happened in the HISD District VI race back on Tuesday, November 7, 2017, the last time this Houston Independent School Board seat was up for re-election. Why? Well, back in 2017, there were only a total of 854 absentee mail-ballots cast in the race for HISD District VI. Holly Flynn Vilaseca received 433 absentee mail-ballot votes, Robert Lundin received 311 absentee mail-ballot votes, and Daniel Albert received a total of 110 absentee mail-ballot votes back during the 2017 School Board race for District VI, in the Uniformed Election.
As you watch the “ABSENTEE BALLOT RETURNS” that flow in for the HISD District VI race tonight, please measure them up against what happened in the HISD District VII race back on Tuesday, November 7, 2017, the last time this Houston Independent School Board seat was up for re-election. Why? Well, back in 2017, there were only a total of 1,228 absentee mail-ballots cast in the race for HISD District VI. Anne Katherine Sung received 798 absentee mail-ballot votes, and John Luman received 430 absentee mail-ballot votes back during the 2017 School Board race for District VII, in the Uniformed Election.
As you watch the “ABSENTEE BALLOT RETURNS” that flow in for the HISD District IX race tonight, please measure them up against what happened in the HISD District IX race back on Tuesday, November 7, 2017, the last time this Houston Independent School Board seat was up for re-election. Why? Well, back in 2017, there were only a total of 1,202 absentee mail-ballots cast in the race for HISD District IX. Wanda Adams received 911 absentee mail-ballot votes, Karla Brown received 217 absentee mail-ballot votes, and Gerry W. Monroe received a total of 74 absentee mail-ballot votes back during the 2017 School Board race for District IX, in the Uniformed Election.

Anne Sung