AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "If you ask me, former City Council Member and HISD Trustee Jolanda Jones is the only one of the people you see pictured above who has any type of backbone. Where are all of these people? What are we going to do as a people on Saturday, December 11, 2021, whereas HISD Trustee Elizabeth Santos, HISD Trustee Sue Deigaard, HISD Trustee Holly Maria Flynn Vilaseca, and HISD Trustee Anne Sung are concerned? Listen!!! Faith without works is dead!!! But don't take my word for it, James 2:14, states 'For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.' Now, that being said, back on Tuesday, November 17, 2020, State Rep. Ron Reynolds, and other Black leaders held a press conference to denounce the racist ways of Santos, Deigaard, Vilaseca, and Anne Sung. However, when we fast forward to 2021, none of these so-called Black leaders, except for former HISD Trustee Jolanda Jones has stepped forward to denounce these four 'alleged' racist trustees as they seek re-election."
Praying, Marching, Protesting, and Grandstanding on Television Will Only Take Us So Far Going Forward into 2022 and 2024
We cannot continue to allow people to treat us any type of way and get away with it. At this point, some of our Black leaders have become toothless tigers. Right now the Black community is devoid of the type of leadership we need to continue the advancement of our initiatives, causes, concerns, and people. Where is the NAACP??? Why isn't Bishop James Dixon, and other Black leaders telling our people not to vote for HISD Trustee Elizabeth Santos, HISD Trustee Sue Deigaard, HISD Trustee Holly Maria Flynn Vilaseca, and HISD Trustee Anne Sung on Monday, November 29, 2021, when early voting begins for the HISD Runoff Election? Do you remember when Bishop James Dixon, president of the NAACP Houston Branch said, "We will not allow her to be discriminated against because she is Black," at that “COALITION PRESS CONFERENCE” that was held to bring attention to what appeared to be racist actions that prohibited Dr. Grenita Lathan (a Black woman) from being named the permanent superintendent for the Houston Independent School District? So, now is the time to put up, or shut up!!! TALK IS CHEAP!!! Now, is the time that our leaders are supposed to be banding together to throw Santos, Deigaard, Vilaseca, and Sung out of office. ***You can check out this Fox 26 Houston’s Greg Groogan report on this matter by (CLICKING HERE) and watching the video to better understand why you should not vote for these four HISD Trustees.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Make no mistake about it, every warm-blooded American patriot residing inside of HISD District I, HISD District V, HISD District VI, and HISD District VII, is strongly encouraged to cast your vote for Janette Garza Lindner in the runoff race for HISD District I, Caroline Walter in the runoff race for District V, Dr. Kendall Baker in the runoff race for District VI, and Bridget Wade in the runoff race for District VII, on Saturday, December 11, 2021. Now, that being said, I can't find any logical reason why any Democratic voter, Republican voter, Independent voter, Libertarian voter, or Green Party voter would want to cast their ballot for any of the four incumbent HISD Trustees who are in the fight of their political lives right now."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Under absolutely no circumstances should any American who values and respect the Black community be casting their ballot for the four 'alleged' racist HISD Board Trustees who you see with an "X" above their picture. HISD Trustee Elizabeth Santos (District I), must be voted out of office on Saturday, December 11, 2021, and replaced with Janette Garza Lindner. HISD Trustee Sue Deigaard (District V), must be voted out of office and replaced with Caroline Walter. HISD Trustee Holly Maria Vilaseca (District VI), must be voted out of office and replaced with Dr. Kendall Baker. and HISD Trustee Anne Sung (District VII), must be voted out of office and replaced with Bridget Wade. Now, that being said, please don't forget that the upcoming "HISD RUNOFF ELECTION" will take place on Saturday, December 11, 2021. But the early voting period will begin on Monday, November 29, 2021, and end on Tuesday, December 7, 2021."
Houston Business Connections Newspaper© Has Endorsed Garza Lindner, Walter, Baker, and Wade in the December 2021 HISD Runoffs

Please let it be known that Houston Business Connections Newspaper© is officially endorsing Janette Garza Lindner, in the race for HISD District I, in the December 2021 runoff election. In the runoff race for HISD District V, we're sticking with our endorsement of Caroline Walter, in the December 2021 runoff election. In the race for HISD District VI, we're sticking with our endorsement of Dr. Kendall Baker in the December 2021 runoff election. And in the race for HISD District VII, we're sticking with our endorsement of Bridget Wade in the upcoming December runoff election. As I've stated previously, our position is that, all four of these particular candidates love America, "OUR UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION" and our kids.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

JANETTE GARZA LINDNER was endorsed by Houston Business Connections Newspaper© over Matias Kopinski and Elizabeth Santos in the race for HISD District I, on Tuesday, November 2, 2021. That being said, I am pleased to inform you that Janette Garza Lindner is our endorsed candidate in the Saturday, December 11, 2021, HISD School Board Election, in the race for District I. That being said, please cast you vote for Janette Garza Lindner if you live in District I, during the early voting period that will begin on Monday, November 29, 2021, and end on Tuesday, December 7, 2021."

CAROLINE WALTER was endorsed by Houston Business Connections Newspaper© over Maria Benzon and Sue Deigaard in the race for HISD District V, on Tuesday, November 2, 2021. That being said, I am pleased to inform you that Caroline Walter is our endorsed candidate in the Saturday, December 11, 2021, HISD School Board Election, in the race for District V. That being said, please cast you vote for Caroline Walter if you live in District V, during the early voting period that will begin on Monday, November 29, 2021, and end on Tuesday, December 7, 2021."

DR. KENDALL BAKER was endorsed by Houston Business Connections Newspaper© over Holly Flynn Vilaseca and Greg Degeyter in the race for HISD District VI, on Tuesday, November 2, 2021. That being said, I am pleased to inform you that Dr. Kendall Baker is our endorsed candidate in the Saturday, December 11, 2021, HISD School Board Election, in the race for District VI. That being said, please cast you vote for Dr. Kendall Baker if you live in District VI, during the early voting period that will begin on Monday, November 29, 2021, and end on Tuesday, December 7, 2021."

BRIDGET WADE was endorsed by Houston Business Connections Newspaper© over Lee Walker, Dwight Jefferson, and Ann Sung in the race for HISD District VII, on Tuesday, November 2, 2021. That being said, I am pleased to inform you that Bridget Wade is our endorsed candidate in the Saturday, December 11, 2021, HISD School Board Election, in the race for District VII. That being said, please cast you vote for Bridget Wade if you live in District VII, during the early voting period that will begin on Monday, November 29, 2021, and end on Tuesday, December 7, 2021."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: “Make no mistake about it, Jolanda "Jo" Jones is one of the most courageous leaders we have in the Black community right now. So, just for the record, I’ve always loved and admired Jolanda’s strength, courage, tenacity, and willingness to stand up for our people! Even though Jolanda 'Jo" Jones isn’t serving us from the position of an “ELECTED OFFICIAL” right now, she’s still perhaps one of the strongest voices we have in America. That being said, haven’t you notice the fact that Jolanda “Jo” Jones, a former HISD Trustee, and Houston City Council Member is currently, the only high-profile Black leader who has the courage and intestinal fortitude to implore our community not to vote for the four ‘alleged’ racist HISD School Board Trustees who will be on the Saturday, December 11, 2021, Runoff Election ballot? Why is this? Why are other Black leaders shrinking back in fear, and acting as if the cat has their tongue right now? Why are our so-called Black leaders sitting by, and about to allow our people to get tricked at the ballot box once again? You go girl. Thanks Jolanda!!!”

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "The woman you see pictured above with the arrow pointing to her is Elizabeth Santos, and she's someone who hasn't in anyway been a friend of the African American community, or our students. Now, here's a message from former HISD Trustee JOLANDA "JO" JONES: “…Black people do NOT vote 4 Elizabeth SANTOS, Anne SUNG, Sue DIEGAARD, & Holly Vilaseca in the runoff election.” JANETTE GARZA LINDNER is endorsed by Houston Business Connections Newspaper© over Elizabeth Santos in the race for HISD District I, on Saturday, December 11, 2021. Early voting will begin on Monday, November 29, 2021, and end on Tuesday, December 7, 2021. So, please vote to end racism on the HISD School Board."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "The woman you see pictured above with the arrow pointing to her is Sue Deigaard, and she's someone who hasn't in anyway been a friend of the African American community, or our students. Now, here's a message from former HISD Trustee JOLANDA "JO" JONES: “…Black people do NOT vote 4 Elizabeth SANTOS, Anne SUNG, Sue DIEGAARD, & Holly Vilaseca in the runoff election.” CAROLINE WALTER is endorsed by Houston Business Connections Newspaper© over Sue Deigaard in the race for HISD District V, on Saturday, December 11, 2021. Early voting will begin on Monday, November 29, 2021, and end on Tuesday, December 7, 2021. So, please vote to end racism on the HISD School Board."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "The woman you see pictured above with the arrow pointing to her is Holly Maria Flynn Vilaseca, and she's someone who hasn't in anyway been a friend of the African American community, or our students. Now, here's a message from former HISD Trustee JOLANDA "JO" JONES: “…Black people do NOT vote 4 Elizabeth SANTOS, Anne SUNG, Sue DIEGAARD, & Holly Vilaseca in the runoff election.” DR. KENDALL BAKER is endorsed by Houston Business Connections Newspaper© over Holly Maria Flynn Vilaseca in the race for HISD District VI, on Saturday, December 11, 2021. Early voting will begin on Monday, November 29, 2021, and end on Tuesday, December 7, 2021. So, please vote to end racism on the HISD School Board."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "The woman you see pictured above with the arrow pointing to her is Anne Sung, and she's someone who hasn't in anyway been a friend of the African American community, or our students. Now, here's a message from former HISD Trustee JOLANDA "JO" JONES: “…Black people do NOT vote 4 Elizabeth SANTOS, Anne SUNG, Sue DIEGAARD, & Holly Vilaseca in the runoff election.” DR. KENDALL BAKER is endorsed by Houston Business Connections Newspaper© over Bridget Wade in the race for HISD District VII, on Saturday, December 11, 2021. Early voting will begin on Monday, November 29, 2021, and end on Tuesday, December 7, 2021. So, please vote to end racism on the HISD School Board."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Now is the time when our love for America must prevail. It is incumbent upon us to elect "PUBLIC SERVANTS" who understand that they work for the people. We need "ELECTED OFFICIALS" in office who love "OUR CONSTITUTION" and the ideals that our nation was founded upon by our forefathers. We must endeavor to "PUT PEOPLE OVER POLITICS" and do what's best for America during this crucial moment during the history of our great nation."
We Must Make it Our Business to Nominate the Right Democratic and Republican Candidates in the Upcoming 2022 Primary Elections
Make no mistake about it, who the people of Harris County, Texas choose to give another term to in 2022 must be about substance, job performance, judicial temperament, competence, and whether or not our members of the judiciary are following the law with their rulings. And that being said, in 2022, it is incumbent upon the voters of Harris County to evaluate the job performance of each and every sitting "ELECTED OFFICIAL" on a case-by-case basis and not as a group based on their political party affiliation, ethnicity, or gender.

If you are a candidate planning to run for office in 2022, you have to select the right candidate to run against. And the second most important thing to understand is that you have to select your race early, to avoid ending up in a crowded field of candidates on "SUPER TUESDAY" in Harris County, Texas. So, if you need assistance trying to determine which race to enter, please call (281)788-3033, and I will do my very best to answer any questions you may have.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033